Dog contracts Monkey Pox from gay owners

God's word is as relevant today as it was in the day that he inspired his prophets to write it down.
Romans 1:26-27
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
I've always been curious about the part ......'receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. I've thought...the due penalty might be Aids, other medical conditions that accompany the homosexual practice that i won't go into...... , ultimate destination for this particular sin which is the same for other sins too...eternal separation from God (hell) or something else i'm not grasping at this time.... and don't forget this takes a toll on society, the culture, the psychological and physical health of a nation, OUR CHILDREN, our Women, and men.

Specifically, Paul seems to have said that God removed some restraint within human beings about how we express our sexual desires with and to each other. Unchecked, we as the human race, have fully indulged our lusts by dishonoring our bodies together. This applies to all forms of sex outside of marriages between men and women.

God has also given us up to homosexual passions, leading women to have sexual relationships with other women (Romans 1:26) and, now, men to have sexual relationships with other men. This "giving over" by God resulted in men being consumed with passion for other men and indulging that passion without shame.

Paul adds a note that, in the case of male homosexuality, men have received some kind penalty for their actions "in themselves." It's not clear what this means. What is clear is that even though God has given humanity up to these desires and sexual actions of all kinds, He still holds us responsible for our choices to indulge in the corruption of sex as it was intended for us by Him. That, too, is part of the expression of His wrath. In large part, the consequences of those actions are natural—they are the expected result of such an unnatural practice.

As normalized as sexual sin is in our culture, it seems to have been even more normalized in Paul's day. It was built into the worship of all kinds of pagan gods and idols. Paul has not written Romans to condemn sinners as irrevocably lost—otherwise, all of us would be lost (Romans 3:23)! He has written to present the joyful gospel message that all can be forgiven and redeemed through faith in Christ, no matter our sinful choices, past and present (1 Corinthians 6:9–11).

Context Summary
Romans 1:18–32 describes why God rightfully condemns humanity and some of what He has done about it. Humanity's fall is pictured as a downward progression. It starts with rejecting God as creator, refusing to see what can be known about Him by what He has made. We also reject that He is our provider and stop giving Him thanks. We worship His creation instead of Him. Finally, God acts by giving us over to the unchecked expression of our corrupt sexual desires and all other kinds of sin. In part, He expresses His wrath by giving us what we want and condemning us to suffer the painful consequences.​

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Doc Fauci needs to speak out to the people about the monkey pox- and reminding people to use a rubber if they decide to screw the pooch.
Fauci is the Oh Golly Sadistic Bioweapon X rated version of Mr. Rogers. In this case you don't want to be his neighbor.
God's word is as relevant today as it was in the day that he inspired his prophets to write it down.
Romans 1:26-27
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
I've always been curious about the part ......'receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. I've thought...the due penalty might be Aids, other medical conditions that accompany the homosexual practice that i won't go into...... , ultimate destination for this particular sin which is the same for other sins too...eternal separation from God (hell) or something else i'm not grasping at this time.... and don't forget this takes a toll on society, the culture, the psychological and physical health of a nation, OUR CHILDREN, our Women, and men.

Specifically, Paul seems to have said that God removed some restraint within human beings about how we express our sexual desires with and to each other. Unchecked, we as the human race, have fully indulged our lusts by dishonoring our bodies together. This applies to all forms of sex outside of marriages between men and women.

God has also given us up to homosexual passions, leading women to have sexual relationships with other women (Romans 1:26) and, now, men to have sexual relationships with other men. This "giving over" by God resulted in men being consumed with passion for other men and indulging that passion without shame.

Paul adds a note that, in the case of male homosexuality, men have received some kind penalty for their actions "in themselves." It's not clear what this means. What is clear is that even though God has given humanity up to these desires and sexual actions of all kinds, He still holds us responsible for our choices to indulge in the corruption of sex as it was intended for us by Him. That, too, is part of the expression of His wrath. In large part, the consequences of those actions are natural—they are the expected result of such an unnatural practice.

As normalized as sexual sin is in our culture, it seems to have been even more normalized in Paul's day. It was built into the worship of all kinds of pagan gods and idols. Paul has not written Romans to condemn sinners as irrevocably lost—otherwise, all of us would be lost (Romans 3:23)! He has written to present the joyful gospel message that all can be forgiven and redeemed through faith in Christ, no matter our sinful choices, past and present (1 Corinthians 6:9–11).

Context Summary
Romans 1:18–32 describes why God rightfully condemns humanity and some of what He has done about it. Humanity's fall is pictured as a downward progression. It starts with rejecting God as creator, refusing to see what can be known about Him by what He has made. We also reject that He is our provider and stop giving Him thanks. We worship His creation instead of Him. Finally, God acts by giving us over to the unchecked expression of our corrupt sexual desires and all other kinds of sin. In part, He expresses His wrath by giving us what we want and condemning us to suffer the painful consequences.​

The inspiration came from their own desire to distance from the funky situation.
What a surprise….a disease almost exclusive to gay men has now spread to dogs. How could that possibly happen?

The same way it spread from monkeys to humans....
The anal lesions in the dog completes the oral-fecal route. Pox around his/her mouth, and the greyhound will now have trouble walking let alone running.

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