Doing The Moral Christian Right Thing: Trump Plans To Let Adoption Agencies Reject Same-Sex Parents

Not so much as a speeding ticket here. We did a foreign adoption. Great experience.
Good for you!! Too bad everyone can't be as pure as the fresh driven snow like you . You can be " good people " without being spotless" Tell us about someone who you think is a spotless good person? Besides yourself.
And when/ where the fuck did I ever say that adoption is the only way for gays to get kids., That is really over the top stupid. Gay people are not sterile. They can conceive children in the same way as many straight people do who may need a little help ,But they should be allowed to adopt for the sake of the kids and because excluding them is discriminatory
And chickens can learn to play Jingle Bells on a small set of piano keys. But we both know it's terribly difficult and rarely successful. Put your straw man away. I never said gays shouldn't adopt children. Only that agencies should not be bullied into doing their bidding. Grow up and stop making these absurd circular endless arguments.
Some Christians ae making it difficult for gays to adopt kids but MORE IMPORTANTLY they are making it more difficult for kids to be matched with adoptive parents. And when/ where the fuck did I ever say that adoption is the only way for gays to get kids., That is really over the top stupid. Gay people are not sterile. They can conceive children in the same way as many straight people do who may need a little help ,But they should be allowed to adopt for the sake of the kids and because excluding them is discriminatory
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.
Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It flies in the face of all of the best science. And children who are available for adoption have neither a mother or a father -and many have been waiting for a very long time.
Every single one has exactly one mother and one father who for whatever reason are not able to raise them. This is why a semblance of that circumstance is natural and necessary.
So tell us O' wise one. Should kids grow up in foster care while they wait for "proper" hetero couple comes along to adopt? And while you're at it, enlighten us as to what your background in child welfare is, and what literature on the subject you have read,

Why don't you just admit that you hate gays and are willing to use children as pawns in your holy crusade- instead making up shit are parroting debunked theories ?
Most adoptions occur near birth. Foster kids should be given structured families. Hardship cases are anomalies and should not be treated as the norm. That’s political.
My expertise comes from experience dealing with communities dominated by lack of family structure. The evidence is empirical and overwhelming though not convenient for left wing agendas.

Most adoptions do NOT occur near birth. Many adoptions occur like mine: a child placed with family/friends during a difficult time for the mother/parents; the parents separate if they're together, the child remains with friends until the mother/parents sort themselves out; that doesn't happen and the foster parents are now attached to the child and want to keep him/her, and vice versa. I lived with my parents from the time I was 6 months of age. I was adopted at age 9. This didn't start out to be an adoption, but ended up as one. I have two sisters who were also adopted out, and both of them left the hospital with their adoptive parents.

Growing up, no unwed mother kept her baby, but many times family members surprised everyone by adopting a baby, after a female relative was "away" for a time. There are also children who are adopted because their parents are utterly unable to care for them, either through mental illness or drug abuse, or who become available for adoption through the death of parents, or through the severing of their parents' rights.

Of my fellow adopteees of my acquaintance, fully half were adopted through ways and reasons different from the classic story of "infertile couple adopts a baby", story.
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.
Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It flies in the face of all of the best science. And children who are available for adoption have neither a mother or a father -and many have been waiting for a very long time.
Every single one has exactly one mother and one father who for whatever reason are not able to raise them. This is why a semblance of that circumstance is natural and necessary.
So tell us O' wise one. Should kids grow up in foster care while they wait for "proper" hetero couple comes along to adopt? And while you're at it, enlighten us as to what your background in child welfare is, and what literature on the subject you have read,

Why don't you just admit that you hate gays and are willing to use children as pawns in your holy crusade- instead making up shit are parroting debunked theories ?
But they don't.
There is a line of couples waiting for a kid to adopt.
There are couples waiting to adopt healthy white infants. But as I have documented here, there is a serious backlog of children in the foster care system in need of a permanent home . You are another one who is to much of a coward to admit that you are just a bigot who does not want gays to adopt, so you just make up shit. Shame on yiu.
I admit that I see a problem with people who fuck each other in the ass being normal people. Or not wanting our kids to be brought up thinking they are normal.
He didn't make them. They chose to be gay.

Yes they did. They’re not born gay that choose to be that way.

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Yeah, right. A person is just going to wake up one day and say to himself that hey, maybe I should go suck a dick.

Happens in prisons
Prison has nothing to do with the outside world where people actually have choices idiot!

Shut up Perverted Parrot. I don't take a damn thing you say serious. You're a fraud and we all know it.
vinegar, honey, bees. you get the drift.
Nope. Just want an ideal situation. No skeletons in the closet unlike all of our elected officials.
Everyone has skeletons, nobody is perfect. Trying to find the perfect candidate is why we get garbage running for office. The ones who could do the job successfully don't measure up to perfection.
How many have you adopted? How many do you feed each week? How much do you donate personally to organizations dedicated to actually helping the poor better themselves by getting educations, housing, childcare while they accomplish that? How many calls have you gotten at midnight asking to take a child in until the next day because of an arrest, domestic violence or drugs?

We can compare notes anytime, hag. Anytime

Have you done any of these things?
nuts deleted his post while I was in the middle of replying to it.
The right is more inclusive than the left.
How many have you adopted? How many do you feed each week? How much do you donate personally to organizations dedicated to actually helping the poor better themselves by getting educations, housing, childcare while they accomplish that? How many calls have you gotten at midnight asking to take a child in until the next day because of an arrest, domestic violence or drugs?

We can compare notes anytime, hag. Anytime

Have you done any of these things?

Each and every one of them.

It's called talking the talk and walking the walk.
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.
Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It flies in the face of all of the best science. And children who are available for adoption have neither a mother or a father -and many have been waiting for a very long time.
Every single one has exactly one mother and one father who for whatever reason are not able to raise them. This is why a semblance of that circumstance is natural and necessary.
So tell us O' wise one. Should kids grow up in foster care while they wait for "proper" hetero couple comes along to adopt? And while you're at it, enlighten us as to what your background in child welfare is, and what literature on the subject you have read,

Why don't you just admit that you hate gays and are willing to use children as pawns in your holy crusade- instead making up shit are parroting debunked theories ?
Most adoptions occur near birth. Foster kids should be given structured families. Hardship cases are anomalies and should not be treated as the norm. That’s political.
My expertise comes from experience dealing with communities dominated by lack of family structure. The evidence is empirical and overwhelming though not convenient for left wing agendas.
Your first sentence confirms that you don't know shit about children and adoption:

Surprising Adoption Statistics You May Not Know About
Adoption is all around us, even if we don't see it. Every day, there are children being adopted into loving families all across the country. Here are some interesting adoption statistics you may not know about.

How long does the average child spend in the foster care system?
More than 60% of children in foster care spend two to five years in the system before being adopted. Almost 20% spend five or more years in foster care before being adopted. Some never get adopted.1 Adoption Statistics | Adoption Network

Your second sentence tells how fucking stupid you are. Same sex couple do indeed provide structure.

Beyond that , comparing children of same sex couple to " communities dominated by lack of family structure" is a classic tool of you bigots and pedelers to lies about gay parenting
The simple reality is that kids need mom and dad. The rest of your anomalous circumstances do not justify the intentional creation of unstructured families.
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.
Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It flies in the face of all of the best science. And children who are available for adoption have neither a mother or a father -and many have been waiting for a very long time.
Every single one has exactly one mother and one father who for whatever reason are not able to raise them. This is why a semblance of that circumstance is natural and necessary.

A semblance of that might be desirable, but not always possible. Would you prefer a child grow up without a parent at all? Many do, you know. Why would you want a child to grow up alone?
You’re wagging the dog. Anomalies are anomalies and not justification for upsetting the norm.
Man up and admit that you just hate gays and that your willing to use children as pawns against them All of this horseshit about animalities' and norms is just a smoke screen to disguise your bigotry because you are too much of a coward to admit what you really believe .
I don’t hate homos. I hate homofascism.
Be homo all you want. Leave me out of it and stop trying to force everyone to accept it as normal and stop trying to force people to allow children to be intentionally put into a detrimental circumstance, that being an unstructured (non-mom-and-dad) family.

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