DOJ forbids verification of ID and ages of illegals enrolling in US schools


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
No age verification? Adults going to school with children..Crazy:eusa_eh:

Despite claims by the Obama administration that the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the US are minors, evidence continues to prove otherwise. The latest proof of this comes from Massachusetts. During a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy told reporters, “They are not all children.”

According to a report yesterday on, the mayor of Lynn, Mass. says that some of the illegal aliens from Guatemala who are enrolled in her city’s public schools are adults with graying hair and “more wrinkles than I have.”


“One of the things that we did notice when we were processing some of these students coming in was that they were adults,” she said.

No kidding, and this is occurring in many other states as well, although it is being largely ignored by the mainstream media. A source with the Horry Co., SC Department of Education who asked to remain anonymous, told the Myrtle Beach Independent Examiner this morning that so far there have been no reports of adults enrolling in schools there, but that hundreds of the so-called refugees have been relocated to South Carolina, and were attending public schools in several districts.

The ages of the illegals enrolling in public schools is not at all easy to verify. Most have no legitimate identification and their ages and identities are difficult to confirm. One reason for that is the federal government has forbidden verification of that information. Kennedy told CNS News that the federal government will not allow school officials to verify their ages, even though one of the students who enrolled there turned out to be 35 years old.

DOJ forbids verification of ID and ages of illegals enrolling in US schools - Columbia Independent
Change is coming..just not the kind of change the "progressives" hoped for.

Let them go...They'll collapse the country and that will hasten the rebuilding...and won't they be surprised when their pet "protected class" turns on them?
Not sure why the OP has a problem with illegal immigration, its not like REAL laws are being broken or anything.

Obviously the OP and others on the right are incapable of being truthful, and you must have a very low opinion of USMB members to believe they're so stupid as to believe your lies:

"The Justice and Education Departments jointly issued an update of guidelines they published three years ago, reminding districts that they “may be in violation of federal law” if they turn students away because the children or their parents do not have immigration papers. The guidelines clarify what documents schools can and cannot require to prove that students live in their districts.

Mr. Holder said the policy guidelines were based primarily on a 1982 Supreme Court decision, Plyler V. Doe, which found that schools cannot deny access to public education through the 12th grade on the basis of a student’s immigration status. That mandate and civil rights laws also require schools to make sure students are not rejected because of their parents’ legal status, Mr. Holder said.

Schools can request documents proving that families are residents of their district, including phone or utility bills and leases. But in new language, the guidelines clarify that schools cannot require proof of legal immigration status or state-issued identity documents, including driver’s licenses. Schools cannot require students to present original birth certificates to prove their age, or deny them if they offer foreign ones, and schools cannot require students or parents to provide Social Security numbers."

Local school districts may not deny access to undocumented immigrant children because they lack any sort of identification, as they are entitled to due process in determining their immigration status – that one is undocumented does not necessarily mean he's 'illegal.'
Change is coming..just not the kind of change the "progressives" hoped for.

Let them go...They'll collapse the country and that will hasten the rebuilding...and won't they be surprised when their pet "protected class" turns on them?

That's why 400 years of Roman emperors fed the mob. By the early/mid Imperial period, there were some 175,000 people in Rome "on the dole". Only males with Roman citizenship were allowed to be on the dole. They were fed, their rent was subsidized, and they were kept amused with chariot races, gladiatorial matches, and many other distractions.

They didn't work because they didn't need to work. They were welfare bums by any other name. Yet to deny them their dole could incite riots and cost the emperor his life, which happened more than a few times in Roman history. They became an entrenched class of welfare bums, a multigenerational class of people none of whom had ever worked a day in their lives, to whom the government tossed a bone now and then, to keep them docile and beholden. Sound familiar?

"The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance.” -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC
Change is coming..just not the kind of change the "progressives" hoped for.

Let them go...They'll collapse the country and that will hasten the rebuilding...and won't they be surprised when their pet "protected class" turns on them?

That's why 400 years of Roman emperors fed the mob. By the early/mid Imperial period, there were some 175,000 people in Rome "on the dole". Only males with Roman citizenship were allowed to be on the dole. They were fed, their rent was subsidized, and they were kept amused with chariot races, gladiatorial matches, and many other distractions.

They didn't work because they didn't need to work. They were welfare bums by any other name. Yet to deny them their dole could incite riots and cost the emperor his life, which happened more than a few times in Roman history. They became an entrenched class of welfare bums, a multigenerational class of people none of whom had ever worked a day in their lives, to whom the government tossed a bone now and then, to keep them docile and beholden. Sound familiar?

"The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance.” -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt"

Not many people today seem to grasp history. They all think they're special, unique little snowflakes and they're so much "smarter" and more "progressive" than anyone else. EVER..


All good..Let it collapse. We'll punish the traitors, rebuild a smaller nation and add safeguards to prevent some of the problems we have now..
Obviously the OP and others on the right are incapable of being truthful, and you must have a very low opinion of USMB members to believe they're so stupid as to believe your lies:

"The Justice and Education Departments jointly issued an update of guidelines they published three years ago, reminding districts that they “may be in violation of federal law” if they turn students away because the children or their parents do not have immigration papers. The guidelines clarify what documents schools can and cannot require to prove that students live in their districts.

Mr. Holder said the policy guidelines were based primarily on a 1982 Supreme Court decision, Plyler V. Doe, which found that schools cannot deny access to public education through the 12th grade on the basis of a student’s immigration status. That mandate and civil rights laws also require schools to make sure students are not rejected because of their parents’ legal status, Mr. Holder said.

Schools can request documents proving that families are residents of their district, including phone or utility bills and leases. But in new language, the guidelines clarify that schools cannot require proof of legal immigration status or state-issued identity documents, including driver’s licenses. Schools cannot require students to present original birth certificates to prove their age, or deny them if they offer foreign ones, and schools cannot require students or parents to provide Social Security numbers."

Local school districts may not deny access to undocumented immigrant children because they lack any sort of identification, as they are entitled to due process in determining their immigration status – that one is undocumented does not necessarily mean he's 'illegal.'

Why is the letter of the law here more important than all the others Obama has thumbed his nose at only for him to be ruled Un-Constitutional repeatedly?

I say the schools should deny them and let the court sort it out. You know, just what Obama does

Obviously the OP and others on the right are incapable of being truthful, and you must have a very low opinion of USMB members to believe they're so stupid as to believe your lies:

"The Justice and Education Departments jointly issued an update of guidelines they published three years ago, reminding districts that they “may be in violation of federal law” if they turn students away because the children or their parents do not have immigration papers. The guidelines clarify what documents schools can and cannot require to prove that students live in their districts.

Mr. Holder said the policy guidelines were based primarily on a 1982 Supreme Court decision, Plyler V. Doe, which found that schools cannot deny access to public education through the 12th grade on the basis of a student’s immigration status. That mandate and civil rights laws also require schools to make sure students are not rejected because of their parents’ legal status, Mr. Holder said.

Schools can request documents proving that families are residents of their district, including phone or utility bills and leases. But in new language, the guidelines clarify that schools cannot require proof of legal immigration status or state-issued identity documents, including driver’s licenses. Schools cannot require students to present original birth certificates to prove their age, or deny them if they offer foreign ones, and schools cannot require students or parents to provide Social Security numbers."

Local school districts may not deny access to undocumented immigrant children because they lack any sort of identification, as they are entitled to due process in determining their immigration status – that one is undocumented does not necessarily mean he's 'illegal.'

and the sycophants nodded wisely and clapped and cheered and patted themselves on the back. ID required..and when these school districts go over budget trying to accommodate illegals in the system no one should wonder why...pity the parents that send their children to these indoctrination centers.
No worries, the gvmt can just print some more money to cover any shortfalls..
holder and obama are purposely using the cloward-pivens strategy to overwhelm and collapse the system of gvmt they have hated their entire lives. It's a "black" thing.
Obviously the OP and others on the right are incapable of being truthful, and you must have a very low opinion of USMB members to believe they're so stupid as to believe your lies:

"The Justice and Education Departments jointly issued an update of guidelines they published three years ago, reminding districts that they “may be in violation of federal law” if they turn students away because the children or their parents do not have immigration papers. The guidelines clarify what documents schools can and cannot require to prove that students live in their districts.

Mr. Holder said the policy guidelines were based primarily on a 1982 Supreme Court decision, Plyler V. Doe, which found that schools cannot deny access to public education through the 12th grade on the basis of a student’s immigration status. That mandate and civil rights laws also require schools to make sure students are not rejected because of their parents’ legal status, Mr. Holder said.

Schools can request documents proving that families are residents of their district, including phone or utility bills and leases. But in new language, the guidelines clarify that schools cannot require proof of legal immigration status or state-issued identity documents, including driver’s licenses. Schools cannot require students to present original birth certificates to prove their age, or deny them if they offer foreign ones, and schools cannot require students or parents to provide Social Security numbers."

Local school districts may not deny access to undocumented immigrant children because they lack any sort of identification, as they are entitled to due process in determining their immigration status – that one is undocumented does not necessarily mean he's 'illegal.'

Why is the letter of the law here more important than all the others Obama has thumbed his nose at only for him to be ruled Un-Constitutional repeatedly?

I say the schools should deny them and let the court sort it out. You know, just what Obama does


No ID? No shot record from the doctor?
Come back when you have them.

No visa or green card?
Get in the truck.
Obviously the OP and others on the right are incapable of being truthful, and you must have a very low opinion of USMB members to believe they're so stupid as to believe your lies:

"The Justice and Education Departments jointly issued an update of guidelines they published three years ago, reminding districts that they “may be in violation of federal law” if they turn students away because the children or their parents do not have immigration papers. The guidelines clarify what documents schools can and cannot require to prove that students live in their districts.

Mr. Holder said the policy guidelines were based primarily on a 1982 Supreme Court decision, Plyler V. Doe, which found that schools cannot deny access to public education through the 12th grade on the basis of a student’s immigration status. That mandate and civil rights laws also require schools to make sure students are not rejected because of their parents’ legal status, Mr. Holder said.

Schools can request documents proving that families are residents of their district, including phone or utility bills and leases. But in new language, the guidelines clarify that schools cannot require proof of legal immigration status or state-issued identity documents, including driver’s licenses. Schools cannot require students to present original birth certificates to prove their age, or deny them if they offer foreign ones, and schools cannot require students or parents to provide Social Security numbers."

Local school districts may not deny access to undocumented immigrant children because they lack any sort of identification, as they are entitled to due process in determining their immigration status – that one is undocumented does not necessarily mean he's 'illegal.'

and the sycophants nodded wisely and clapped and cheered and patted themselves on the back. ID required..and when these school districts go over budget trying to accommodate illegals in the system no one should wonder why...pity the parents that send their children to these indoctrination centers.
No worries, the gvmt can just print some more money to cover any shortfalls..
holder and obama are purposely using the cloward-pivens strategy to overwhelm and collapse the system of gvmt they have hated their entire lives. It's a "black" thing.

The libs should thank Obama that the brakes have to be put on our education system so illegals can catch up. Only 8 hours in a school day you know

Rome was overrun by the VisiGoths.

America was overrun by Mexicans.

All great civilizations eventually fall.
Rome was overrun by the VisiGoths.

America was overrun by Mexicans.

All great civilizations eventually fall.

It's not just mexicans that work to collapse the country. Don't forget the perpetually aggrieved negro. They hate the system that white people built more than the mexicans do.

Let it go. It's beyond saving at this point. Just stand by for the collapse and be ready to help rebuild a smaller nation out of the ruins.

Let the mexicans and negroes have the southwest for themselves....and white people will take the rest and make a new nation.
Rome was overrun by the VisiGoths.

America was overrun by Mexicans.

All great civilizations eventually fall.

It's not just mexicans that work to collapse the country. Don't forget the perpetually aggrieved negro. They hate the system that white people built more than the mexicans do.

Let it go. It's beyond saving at this point. Just stand by for the collapse and be ready to help rebuild a smaller nation out of the ruins.

Let the mexicans and negroes have the southwest for themselves....and white people will take the rest and make a new nation.
You guys should move to Canada, it's too cold for most beaners and nignags, and the ones that are there are pacified house *******.
Rome was overrun by the VisiGoths.

America was overrun by Mexicans.

All great civilizations eventually fall.

It's not just mexicans that work to collapse the country. Don't forget the perpetually aggrieved negro. They hate the system that white people built more than the mexicans do.

Let it go. It's beyond saving at this point. Just stand by for the collapse and be ready to help rebuild a smaller nation out of the ruins.

Let the mexicans and negroes have the southwest for themselves....and white people will take the rest and make a new nation.
You guys should move to Canada, it's too cold for most beaners and nignags, and the ones that are there are pacified house *******.
Thanks for the mature and well thought out reply.
I knew I could count on you.
Rome was overrun by the VisiGoths.

America was overrun by Mexicans.

All great civilizations eventually fall.

It's not just mexicans that work to collapse the country. Don't forget the perpetually aggrieved negro. They hate the system that white people built more than the mexicans do.

Let it go. It's beyond saving at this point. Just stand by for the collapse and be ready to help rebuild a smaller nation out of the ruins.

Let the mexicans and negroes have the southwest for themselves....and white people will take the rest and make a new nation.

What the fuck makes you think a loser like you would be welcome in any "new nation"? You've repeated your whiny, hysterical, "game over, man!" bullshit about a hundred times now. Everyone knows how brilliantly insightful you think you are with your pissy little end-of-times routine. You can shut the fuck up and visit the shrink now.


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