DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable

We will see who has the last laugh. It is not going away until it is proven although it has been to half the country already.
We will see, we will see… been hearing that one for a while. Time expired on that sometime last year. Sorry
More kindling

I've been posting online for decades now. There was a time when we could all, especially around the Holidays, democrats and Republicans, hang out together, go to a pub and have a good time. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the last time that happened, getting together with a social media political group was pre-Obama. My leftists friends seemed to lose all interest once they "took power"

Today we live in a sad state of affairs where those currently in power are now in full Cultural Revolution mode and have absolutely no interest in going along, getting along, or being civil. They are currently actively fundamentally transforming America and want to crush all who stand in the way of the Progressive Utopia - a nation of mindless bovines following orders, permanently masked and socially distanced. All hail St. Fauxi, Lord and Savior!

Those who fell victim to Nancy's Reichstag Fire on Jan 6th are still political prisoners; President Trump remains locked out of most social media.

Day after day new offense is piled on new offense. NY State is in a "State of Emergency" -- for the seasonal flu

We are told our very whiteness is offensive. We see the unvaccinated treated as Untermenschen, the cause of all societal ills

There is a vast, nationwide rage and anger slowly building up. Unlike the programmed Marxists Revolutionaries, we do not take to the street and burn down cities at an offense. We wait, we pray. Our greatest hope is that sanity is restored during the normal course of business. Perhaps political leaders will be visited by the Three Spirits this Christmas, but some days, like today, I've become as pessimistic as PoliticalChic

I look at all these seemingly isolated event, the ongoing offensives of the American Marxist Cultural Revolution, and I call them kindling. A smoldering rage throughout this once great nation to which all this new kindling is added.

Not offenses, kindling.

You are the ones who are clueless. It is Republicans who are trying to seize power in this country. You are the ones launching a culture war against this country. You are the ones banning books and trying to change history. It is Republicans who want to use North Korean style teaching by ignoring the many black eyes this country has. Racism is alive and well in this country thanks to Republicans. Sexism is alive and well thanks to Republicans.

The attack on Jan 6 was a terrorist attack on our capitol. By your trying to softsoap it, it shows you are a terrorist who is attacking our country. What happened on Jan 6 was reprehensible.

The Reichstag is Republican attempt to suppress voting rights in this country. There was no fraud in 2020 and Republican officials are using fake reports of voter fraud to seize the voting apparatus in this country. In Spaulding County Georgia, there were 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats on the board of elections. A tie was broken by a coin toss.
Republicans seized control of the board and the first thing they did was end Sunday voting. This clearly is aimed at black voters because they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. A 94 year old veteran in Texas has voted in every election but may not be able to because of Texas' Jim Crow laws.

I don't socialize with Nazis like you. You are a enemy of this country.

The DOJ is going to ignore this? Americans won't. The DOJ hates Americans.

The DOJ is not the personal Gestapo of Nazi Republicans.
It almost seems the liberals in our nation are determined to cause it to break apart. They hate our nation so much they are willing to weaken it so much that the Chinese will rule the world.

Best teach your kids how to speak Mandarin Chinese.

Republican Nazis like you are the ones attacking our country. You are the ones who hate our nation and attack our freedoms. You are no different than the Chinese.
Like we have heard how many times Trump is going to jail, like that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Exactly like that… that was nothing I ever said but the way you laugh and mock those that did and do say that about Trump is exactly what others are doing to you with this joke of an agenda. Two peas in the same pod
So the court legalized cheating.
No they ruled that the new law allowing no excuse mail in voting was constitutional, two years ago.
There is just far too much evidence showing the 2020 election had no integrity whatsoever.
Except the Trumpyteam of stupid lawyers couldn't get them into the courts properly so no evidence was accepted by the courts. Maybe ol Trumpybear should sue his lawyers for being incompetent?

You are enabling the destruction of this country. Just so you know what you are doing.
You're lying. Just so you know we see you for what you are.
I wasn't talking to you, asshole. Shut the fuck up.

Awwww look what they done to you Trigger!

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