DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs; and by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only 300 to 400 will be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime. Fertility can drop as a woman ages due to decreasing number and quality of the remaining eggs.

Guess we should stop women from wasting eggs, eh? We can always force them to become preggars in order to make God happy.
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During a woman's cycle, if her egg is not fertilized - It goes up to heaven so that Jesus can send them back at some later junction - or it ends up in the circular file - whatever. It's just an egg - it's not a future president or anything else ... unless it becomes fertilized.
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

Once again, the only way the pro-abortion types can justify it is by insisting it's not killing a baby because it isn't a baby. In other words, it's a temporal distinction. That's a maybe, but if you don't fiddle with it it'll become a baby so it's not really a legitimate defense. In the case of birth control methods preventing implantation, that I actually agree with. I believe life begins with the first cellular division of a fertilized egg. But if you prevent fertilization you're not abortion or killing a baby because a baby hasn't yet come about. Once the fertilized egg divides for the first time though, it's a human being if ya leave it alone.
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

Hobby Lobby shouldn't be making decisions about women's healthcare.

Neither, by the way, should the government.

And RELIGION, with respect to the law, should only be a factor when protecting the freedom to worship.

That's it.
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

for you to say this is a baby means you will have to kill men for spilling seed where it can not become a baby.

is that the next move?
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

for you to say this is a baby means you will have to kill men for spilling seed where it can not become a baby.

is that the next move?

I've done a very bad thing; three times a day for forty years....

The idiot who wrote that article, and the OP pushing it are too stupid to understand in the rare, one in 100 million, if it happens, fertilized egg that may be prevented from implanting -- would be a zygote or blastocyst. Not an embryo.

Plan B isn't abortion, language abusing zealots.
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!
During a woman's cycle, if her egg is not fertilized - It goes up to heaven so that Jesus can send them back at some later junction - or it ends up in the circular file - whatever. It's just an egg - it's not a future president or anything else ... unless it becomes fertilized.

I was wondering how to express how little I give a crap. That made my day lol.
It is tissue inside a womans body until it can survive on its own.

that tissue his hers not yours
It is tissue inside a womans body until it can survive on its own.

that tissue his hers not yours

It's a shame your tissue was allowed to propagate...your statement is one of the many stupid statements of the pro death crowd!

That tissue, is a separate being! Ask your mother if you are a separate being!:badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

Once again, the only way the pro-abortion types can justify it is by insisting it's not killing a baby because it isn't a baby. In other words, it's a temporal distinction. That's a maybe, but if you don't fiddle with it it'll become a baby so it's not really a legitimate defense. In the case of birth control methods preventing implantation, that I actually agree with. I believe life begins with the first cellular division of a fertilized egg. But if you prevent fertilization you're not abortion or killing a baby because a baby hasn't yet come about. Once the fertilized egg divides for the first time though, it's a human being if ya leave it alone.

Nope! The fertilized egg must make it through the fallopian tube before it becomes too big. If it doesn't then it becomes an ectopic pregnancy which is seldom viable but can be a major threat to the health of the woman concerned.

Once the fertilized egg reaches the uterus it must successfully implant itself into the wall. Failure to do will result in a natural abortion. Even those that implant can still fail to develop properly and spontaneously abort.

Then there are those that still have problems but will die immediately after birth because of issues like anencephaly. This too poses a risk to the life of the woman concerned.

So no, it is not necessarily a "human being if ya leave it alone"!
It is tissue inside a womans body until it can survive on its own.

that tissue his hers not yours

It's a shame your tissue was allowed to propagate...your statement is one of the many stupid statements of the pro death crowd!

That tissue, is a separate being! Ask your mother if you are a separate being!:badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:

so you suggest its YOUR tissue inside her?

you get to say what happens to it?
It is NOT a separate being.

Its cant do anything.

The women who surrounds that tissue is a full living breathing human being with rights.

the sperm was given to her as a gift.

she can do with it what she pleases
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

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