DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion

I don't think he cares about science.

he just wants to control womens lives

some men don't really like women
It is NOT a separate being.

Its cant do anything.

The women who surrounds that tissue is a full living breathing human being with rights.

the sperm was given to her as a gift.

she can do with it what she pleases

Up to the extent the law allows under RvW.
It is tissue inside a womans body until it can survive on its own.

that tissue his hers not yours

It's a shame your tissue was allowed to propagate...your statement is one of the many stupid statements of the pro death crowd!

That tissue, is a separate being! Ask your mother if you are a separate being!:badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:

so you suggest its YOUR tissue inside her?

you get to say what happens to it?

No, dimwit, it is it's OWN tissue!
for a guy who claims to be all morally perfect he sure like the idea of making people not exist
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

What is done NATURALLY is one thing, what man destroys is another!
It is NOT a separate being.

Its cant do anything.

The women who surrounds that tissue is a full living breathing human being with rights.

the sperm was given to her as a gift.

she can do with it what she pleases

Of course it can do something, it can GROW!

What, now sperm comes in gift packages with fancy ribbon? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

not if the petrie dish its in has any right of its own.

You see you cant go digging in other people organs for your religious beliefs.

this country already decided this one.
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

What is done NATURALLY is one thing, what man destroys is another!

So God's abortions aren't a problem for someone who claims to have "morals, ethics, and principles"?
I don't think he cares about science.

he just wants to control womens lives

some men don't really like women

I don't want to control anyone's life, I just have ethics enough to realize that a separate being, no matter what stage it is in, has a NATURAL right to live!

Pre viability it only has whatever rights the woman carrying it wishes to grant it.
It is NOT a separate being.

Its cant do anything.

The women who surrounds that tissue is a full living breathing human being with rights.

the sperm was given to her as a gift.

she can do with it what she pleases

Up to the extent the law allows under RvW.

Bad law, here's a better one BUT it exempts abortions because of RvW

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004
sperm somehow never enters the equation for some.

Only women can be held hostage to reproductive tissue issues

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