DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion

The idiot who wrote that article, and the OP pushing it are too stupid to understand in the rare, one in 100 million, if it happens, fertilized egg that may be prevented from implanting -- would be a zygote or blastocyst. Not an embryo.

Plan B isn't abortion, language abusing zealots.

Thanks for posting this FACT but don't expect it to change anyone's mind.
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

DOJ is saying that when a corporation engages in the public market that public law supersedes religious beliefs of the owners.

This will be up to SCOTUS and 50% of the country will be unhappy with the ruling.

I don't know which amendment would supersede religious freedom when a corporation does it! Have a # of that one, so I can read about it?
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

You're such a moralist that YOU wish death on others.

How nice for you. :)
telling a person they can not do something with their body is not right.

You want women put in prison for it
You side with tissue over human beings.

You already wished I did not exsist along woith many other humans your talking to .
YOU are not moral

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