DOJ - Trump Can Be Sued Jan. 6 Riot Injuries.

Enjoy your mediocrity. :itsok:


'Oh, its you again. I thought you were someone worth responding to. I was wrong.'

I would like to see that as well. But we gave him 4 years to try and he failed. He had his chance.
You know why he failed, but you try to spew your bull shite here in hopes to convince the rubes that Trump was bad for America. America in it's current form was bad for Trump and his family. Fact.

Anyone living in denial about the current condition of this NATION are liars and the truth isn't found in them. Fact.
Hey I know let's wait and see what Smith has. The evidence at the 6th January attempted coup hearings was undeniable proof Trump incited his thugs to overthrow the elected US government. We all heard the evidence, you'd have to be deep in Trump cult to be in denial.

"attempted coup"

These thugs attacked the unarmed members of the US Senate and House, because they wanted to install your Russian compromised guy as president.
Who are these thug's ?? That's right only a few out of thousands's had bad intent on that day of J-6th, but the 2020 riot's and mayhem had incorporated thousands's with bad intent, who had a notion that they could overthrow local government's, the police, the judicial system, the white people (still on going in some circles), the historic statue's, government system's, the president, and on and on it all went. Then there was the coordinated coup that took place from before 2016, and ran all the way to 2020 basically fueling the J-6th event with patriot's, rebel rousers, and citizen's who had seen and heard enough. Yeah Trump was president through a lot of turbulence, but the war has been cultural, and spiritual within the American body.
I totally agree. All these MAGA MAGGOTS calling my original post fake news, hey guess what....the Associated Press is a highly respect news agency.

The video of the Traitor's address on 01-06 was broadcast not only in this country, but around the world Such video would be very hard to legally suppress, it is in the public domain and as such was easily viewed and recorded.

Incitement to Insurrection is NOT covered by Executive Privilege. It is however Unconstitutional and violates all kinds of Federal Law.
Leftism violates all kinds of federal law's, but of course it did until those law's were silently removed from the book's in order to protect and fuel open leftism without restrictions. This country has been asleep at the wheel for a long time. Satan used some powerful weapons to undermine and weaken this nation from within over time, and therefore history has proved once again what kind of evil thing's Satan and his minion's truly are.
The latest failed 'We've got him this time' attempt ended with Trump being acquitted, Garland and Democrats failing to even come close to proving Trump had anything to do with J6.

You know what happens next, right...what happens every time a 'We've got him this time' attempt fails?!

View attachment 762320
Snowflake lemmings run out into the street and scream at the sky..

That right there is the face of evil that backed a coup to overthrow a president and government, and has done so by way of supporting anyone or anything that could get Trump.... It was all due to a false fear that Trump was intent on targeting them and their group's during his stay in office. Trump only wanted good for the nation, but the nasty anti-American extremist within, otherwise who had these extreme agenda's with bad intent, had falsely decided that he was out to get them, even though to this very day they can't prove it to be so.
You know why he failed, but you try to spew your bull shite here in hopes to convince the rubes that Trump was bad for America. America in it's current form was bad for Trump and his family. Fact.

Anyone living in denial about the current condition of this NATION are liars and the truth isn't found in them. Fact.

Yes, I do know why he failed, because he was not up to the job, he put himself and his ego before the country.
He's a loser.

He's a failure. He failed to win the electoral college vote. He failed to win the vote of the people.

That's right leftist, ignore everything that led up to what you love to yell from the roof tops about, but normal people if only had a 1% rational mind understands the circumstances that were purposely created around Trump in order to overthrow him.
That's right leftist, ignore everything that led up to what you love to yell from the roof tops about, but normal people if only had a 1% rational mind understands the circumstances that were purposely created around Trump in order to overthrow him.
Beagle, that's politics!

What do you think YOU ALL are doing right now with your right wing media to Joe Biden?

The Biden Crime Family, Hunter Biden Lap top bull shit 24/7

Biden dementia bull crud...

Biden in bed with China lies...

COME ON MAN! :rofl:

Open your eyes and ears, to see and hear...
You're in Trump's cult pal, no amount of effort or evidence will get you out.
/----/ Here's some evidence for ya, Spanky.
Donald J. Trump

Jan 6, 2021

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

Retweets 211K

Hearts 702.8K

Donald J. Trump

Jan 6, 2021

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

Retweets 131.6K

Hearts 538K
Beagle, that's politics!

What do you think YOU ALL are doing right now with your right wing media to Joe Biden?

The Biden Crime Family, Hunter Biden Lap top bull shit 24/7

Biden dementia bull crud...

Biden in bed with China lies...

COME ON MAN! :rofl:

Open your eyes and ears, to see and hear...
Not the same or no where near the same, because Biden is being looked at for serious crime's that are of national security importance, and are crime's that have possibly placed this NATION into a serious situation that could possibly bring about world war three. Nice try Lefty but do try harder next time.
Yes, I do know why he failed, because he was not up to the job, he put himself and his ego before the country.

He underestimatedem the depth and breadth of the corruption, criminal self-serving, sick, fascist authoritarians who covet / fight for / protect their money, power, and CONTROL.

Look at Feinstein - hete is an old, white self-serving politician who sold her soul snd tis nationto the Chinese decades ago to become wealthy and powerful. She litetally would and did do anytjibg to hold onto that money, power, and control.

The greedy, me/party-1st, corrupt, treasonous bitch has more money than she could ever spend but still refused to let go / step down ... umtil its too late. Her fellow Democrats have been trying to get her to retire for the last few yrars because she is more cognitively impaied than Biden.

The Clintons, Pelosis, Feinsteins, Bernie Sanders, Schumer, Nadler, Biden McConnell, and many more - all rich, old, money/power/control-hungry, self/party-serving f*s who love their millions, multiple houses, perks, 2-tietrd justice system, etc.....

And they have literally done the unimaginable 'anything' to protect it and to destroy anyone who treatens it.

The most historic criminal political scandals in US history, violations of both Costutution and Rule of Law, defrauding the FISA Court, and violzting tbe Patriot Act for DECADES to illegally spy on US citizens...

Failed coup attempts by a President abd his treasonous Cabinet & weaponized US Govt agencies, ... faed criminal Impeachment attempts -' admitted _ exposed illegal, criminal attempts to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President...

These traiors have literally stopped at nothing in an attempt to destroy the outsider who threatened to expose and eliminate the criminal system they created for themselves that keeps them in power, keeps them rich, keeps them above US law, and that continues to give them power and control to govern as RULERS instead of REPRESENTATIVES.

God bless Trump for trying, but he was naive and stupid. He waded i to Washington intent on 'burning it down', waded into a snake pit without realizing he was surrounded by snakes he sought to take down and who wanted to take him down.

He was way in over his head, had no idea who to trust, trusted DC advisors (more snakes who counted themselves among those he intended to destroy), was , of course - betrayed, and still somehow managed to survive the thousands of 'bites' he got every single day.

EVERY DAY was a fight against all the snakes whose hole he had climbed into with the intent of draining the swamp and getting rid of.

Trump successfully exposed a lot of crime, corruption, sedition, treason, etc... in government and the media; however, exposing it and getting rid of it are 2 very different things.

Again, he was naive, DC politically inexperienced, and overmatched / outnumbered before he ever took office. They tried to destroy him before he ever took office and have been continuing to try to do so for 6 and a half years to do so because he is still a threat.

He still, it seems, does not realize that even if he does win the Presidency he still faces the same thing, the same enemies, and he does not stand a chance of success unless he can get all the partisan traitors out of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, and other agencies, have the GOP control Congress, and find / appoint his own trustworthy people in all those positions currently filled by self / party-serving criminals and traitors.

Thst's a helluva lot to get done just so Trump can have a chance of getting in office again and to complete what he set out to do.

Personaly I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell.

Our government is too f*ed up, too far gone - we are politically, judicially, governmentally too far down the road to solidifying our position as a corrupt, authoritarian 3rd World Nation ... IMHO.

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