DOJ's Anti-White Agenda Claims Another Victim


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"On Tuesday, the Department of Justice announced the arrest of Charles Allen Barnes of Lewiston, Maine. Barnes was charged with one count of violating the federal interstate threats statute after being accused of using an interstate communications service to transmit a voice message to his Black neighbor, identified only as “K.T.,” in which he claimed he was parked outside a Black neighbor’s house and ready to kill any Black person who stepped outside.

“I’ve been parked outside [K.T.’s] apartment since early this f—ing morning, sis,” the recorded message says, according to the indictment. “Waiting for someone to step outside, and the first who does is gonna die. Just like that. I don’t care if it’s her kid, or her, or her boyfriend. I don’t care, I don’t care. I’m killing me a n—r.” The indictment also alleges that Barnes “intentionally selected K.T. as the object of the offense because of the actual and perceived race and color of K.T. and her son.”

But Barnes, apparently, does not appreciate being treated like a violent racist who hates and wishes to kill Black people for simply existing in close proximity to him— he posted his complaints on Facebook: “Ever since the story put out by Maine’s Attorney General came out about me, my life has been hell. Between consistent tampering with my car, harassment from a few customers, eviction, death threats … ect,” he wrote, according to Law & Crime. Imagine publicly crying about being harassed and receiving death threats for allegedly harassing and sending death threats to someone else."

First thing's first, why was this man even arrested? Is he not allowed to voice his opinions and thoughts? Obviously he wasn't serious about killing anyone because nobody was killed. And what about the fact blacks make up for 93% of murders and assaults committed against Whites? Why aren't we arresting all of them? I think this man is rightfully frustrated; he lives in a part of the country that is supposed to be relatively free of darkies, but ever since Biden has been elected -- more and more darkies have been moving into once pure neighborhoods; because now they feel embolden to just go anywhere they like....this is crazy. The Biden admin is basically arrested law-abiding white Americans for literally speaking their minds; how is this not an attack on their very existence?
First thing's first, why was this man even arrested? Is he not allowed to voice his opinions and thoughts?

Actions of Americans speak louder than words.

Wait for it, it appears to be coming soon.

Socially responsible solutions are needed now in order to hold back a turn to violent solutions with the guns!
Actions of Americans speak louder than words.

Wait for it, it appears to be coming soon.

Socially responsible solutions are needed now in order to hold back a turn to violent solutions with the guns!
How soon and why haven't you got things started?

"On Tuesday, the Department of Justice announced the arrest of Charles Allen Barnes of Lewiston, Maine. Barnes was charged with one count of violating the federal interstate threats statute after being accused of using an interstate communications service to transmit a voice message to his Black neighbor, identified only as “K.T.,” in which he claimed he was parked outside a Black neighbor’s house and ready to kill any Black person who stepped outside.

“I’ve been parked outside [K.T.’s] apartment since early this f—ing morning, sis,” the recorded message says, according to the indictment. “Waiting for someone to step outside, and the first who does is gonna die. Just like that. I don’t care if it’s her kid, or her, or her boyfriend. I don’t care, I don’t care. I’m killing me a n—r.” The indictment also alleges that Barnes “intentionally selected K.T. as the object of the offense because of the actual and perceived race and color of K.T. and her son.”

But Barnes, apparently, does not appreciate being treated like a violent racist who hates and wishes to kill Black people for simply existing in close proximity to him— he posted his complaints on Facebook: “Ever since the story put out by Maine’s Attorney General came out about me, my life has been hell. Between consistent tampering with my car, harassment from a few customers, eviction, death threats … ect,” he wrote, according to Law & Crime. Imagine publicly crying about being harassed and receiving death threats for allegedly harassing and sending death threats to someone else."

First thing's first, why was this man even arrested? Is he not allowed to voice his opinions and thoughts? Obviously he wasn't serious about killing anyone because nobody was killed. And what about the fact blacks make up for 93% of murders and assaults committed against Whites? Why aren't we arresting all of them? I think this man is rightfully frustrated; he lives in a part of the country that is supposed to be relatively free of darkies, but ever since Biden has been elected -- more and more darkies have been moving into once pure neighborhoods; because now they feel embolden to just go anywhere they like....this is crazy. The Biden admin is basically arrested law-abiding white Americans for literally speaking their minds; how is this not an attack on their very existence?
Maybe the radical lil sh#t should have kept his mouth shut, done nothing or done whatever he was going to do, without making felonious threats. Why do these assholes always have to broadcast their intents. Haven't they ever heard the value of being self-contained and maintaining their own counsel and a low profile until forced to act? I started my officer career as a scout platoon leader after being an enlisted Armored Reconnaissance Scout. The whole idea, is not to be seen or heard until making your move, and certainly not broadcasting your plans or intent. Screw this moron. He screwed himself.
Maybe the radical lil sh#t should have kept his mouth shut, done nothing or done whatever he was going to do, without making felonious threats. Why do these assholes always have to broadcast their intents. Haven't they ever heard the value of being self-contained and maintaining their own counsel and a low profile until forced to act? I started my officer career as a scout platoon leader after being an enlisted Armored Reconnaissance Scout. The whole idea, is not to be seen or heard until making your move, and certainly not broadcasting your plans or intent. Screw this moron. He screwed himself.
Stay here with us as a moderator. There are plenty of threats being hurled on this board to keep moderators busy. And too fwiw, bad behaviour of all sorts seems to be ignored lately. See post #3.
I have some proposed remedies in mind for any moderators who may be interested.
Actions of Americans speak louder than words.

Wait for it, it appears to be coming soon.

Socially responsible solutions are needed now in order to hold back a turn to violent solutions with the guns!

Reeled in the first one, Biff_Poindexter! What a surprise, it's another dumb DemoKKKrat.


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