Dollar Tree and Family Dollar will NOT require masks


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Good good, Dollar Tree HAD been requiring them so I stopped shopping there. I will start shopping there again. Especially for food. Dollar General is requiring it now as well,so is Wal Mart,Ingles,Kroger etc...wife went to Walmart today and it was MUCH emptier than usual. I find it hilarious. I won't shop at any store that requires a mask.
I'm shopping online, I'm done shopping in stores. You don't have a web site, then I won't shop there.

Good good, Dollar Tree HAD been requiring them so I stopped shopping there. I will start shopping there again. Especially for food. Dollar General is requiring it now as well,so is Wal Mart,Ingles,Kroger etc...wife went to Walmart today and it was MUCH emptier than usual. I find it hilarious. I won't shop at any store that requires a mask.
They will in my town at the moment, as it is not an option to skip it here right now, with cases up over a hundred percent in the last month and people dying at our local hospital about ever day now.

Good good, Dollar Tree HAD been requiring them so I stopped shopping there. I will start shopping there again. Especially for food. Dollar General is requiring it now as well,so is Wal Mart,Ingles,Kroger etc...wife went to Walmart today and it was MUCH emptier than usual. I find it hilarious. I won't shop at any store that requires a mask.
They will in my town at the moment, as it is not an option to skip it here right now, with cases up over a hundred percent in the last month and people dying at our local hospital about ever day now.
Ah. Here in Georgia fortunately cities and counties aren't allowed to require masks, only the state can do so.

Good good, Dollar Tree HAD been requiring them so I stopped shopping there. I will start shopping there again. Especially for food. Dollar General is requiring it now as well,so is Wal Mart,Ingles,Kroger etc...wife went to Walmart today and it was MUCH emptier than usual. I find it hilarious. I won't shop at any store that requires a mask.
They will in my town at the moment, as it is not an option to skip it here right now, with cases up over a hundred percent in the last month and people dying at our local hospital about ever day now.
Ah. Here in Georgia fortunately cities and counties aren't allowed to require masks, only the state can do so.
Your governor has no more business setting individual standard than trump would.
they are giving in to the lowest common denominator.
Typical math error, Moron. You mean Highest Common Factor. Idiots like you make that mistake all the time tripped up because it has the word "lowest" in it.

Lowest Common Denominator

A particular type of obnoxious person one encounters in extremely large groups, or where everybody is universally included. Because there are so many people, there is a significantly higher probability of idiotic people.
Urban Dictionary: Lowest Common Denominator


donny's MAGATroglodytes


the OP, & apparently ...


Good good, Dollar Tree HAD been requiring them so I stopped shopping there. I will start shopping there again. Especially for food. Dollar General is requiring it now as well,so is Wal Mart,Ingles,Kroger etc...wife went to Walmart today and it was MUCH emptier than usual. I find it hilarious. I won't shop at any store that requires a mask.
They will in my town at the moment, as it is not an option to skip it here right now, with cases up over a hundred percent in the last month and people dying at our local hospital about ever day now.
Ah. Here in Georgia fortunately cities and counties aren't allowed to require masks, only the state can do so.
Your governor has no more business setting individual standard than trump would.
Well I support what he did.

Good good, Dollar Tree HAD been requiring them so I stopped shopping there. I will start shopping there again. Especially for food. Dollar General is requiring it now as well,so is Wal Mart,Ingles,Kroger etc...wife went to Walmart today and it was MUCH emptier than usual. I find it hilarious. I won't shop at any store that requires a mask.
They will in my town at the moment, as it is not an option to skip it here right now, with cases up over a hundred percent in the last month and people dying at our local hospital about ever day now.
Ah. Here in Georgia fortunately cities and counties aren't allowed to require masks, only the state can do so.
Your governor has no more business setting individual standard than trump would.
Well I support what he did.
I assume you live in a county with a low covid count and people rarely dying, that being the case, support would be easily understandable, even if misguided. If you lived in a county where the covid case count had gone up 200% in the last month and had 4 times the number of covid deaths in just the last week and a half compared to the last 6 months of the epidemic, you would not. I'm in a deep red state, many cities have gone to masking in business as a requirement in the last two weeks. On the other hand, we bump against counties with as few as 35 total cases since the beginning and nobody dead from it in the whole county. They are not masking there. Nothing intelligent about a state mandate forbidding the requirement of a mask even in cities where it is serious and getting more so. There is just too much variance county to county, city to city. Your gov just doesn't give a shit, for politics sake. Good luck down there.

Like I said, wrongly used wide and far by ignorant, illiterate, uneducated jackasses like you to the point of becoming an illiterate "urban dictionary" term by hapless buffoons like you not realizing that a lowest common denominator actually results in a HIGHER number. You were actually COMPLIMENTING the Dollar Tree and Trump supporters (you were hoping to degenerate them), but too stupid to even know it.

But as usual, if your weren't already dumb as a wood stump, you'd know that, but no one can pound sense into you because you're way past learning. Idiots like you wouldn't embarrass themselves so putting their foot in their mouth if they were actually smart enough to realize they were doing it. Even after being given the facts and the correction, you still wallow in stupidity like a drunk, fat cow on a sheet of ice.

The tragedy of ignorance is ignorance of it.
They are probably doing it to protect their employees. The morons and shitty people who won’t wear a mask are the same redneck freaks who attack store employees who ask them to put on a mask.

It isn't the "rednecks" around here not wearing masks, its the young African American men standing on the street corners. I hollered at a few who weren't wearing masks, telling them that no one wants to see their ugly faces and they took umbrage.

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