Dolly Parton

All I feel is sympathy and regret for the old days when I see 73 year old Dolly who has had so much work done that she looks like the late Joan Rivers on a bad day.
All I feel is sympathy and regret for the old days when I see 73 year old Dolly who has had so much work done that she looks like the late Joan Rivers on a bad day.
I don't think anyone who has that much plastic done ever looks all that good, but for some reason, most of the older ones have it done over and over again. I think it's the pressure that is put on them to compete with the younger ones and the surgeons take advantage of it.
^^^ Why would God want someone to go against his rules by staying within their own gender which in my opinion may be the worst form of prejudice on the face of this planet? Also if homosexuality was his intention, what was his reason for creating two genders and not just one and having the sexual interaction between them two genders be the only way that reproduction can ever take place?

God bless you always!!!

Gender is not the same thing as being gay. Women who love other women are still women, and men who love other men are still men.
But to stay within their own in my opinion is like saying that the other gender isn't worth having sex with and if that right there is not the worst form of prejudice that is out there, then I don't know what is.

God bless you always!!!

Holly, I'm afraid biology has nothing to do with "prejudices".

I believe that the Lord will have the final word on everything that some people think that science contradicts.

God bless you always!!!


You don't know what the Lord will or won't judge and for anyone to think they do is arrogant and offensive. As I said before supposedly God doesn't make mistakes, so he made these people as they are and that was the way it was intended.
Think about it, maybe even Jesus might have been gay. I mean, after all, he went around with men and even kissed one of them on the mouth. He never married and never had a relationship with a woman.That theory has been around for many, many years.
And don't go quoting the bible where the parts that go along with ones beliefs are nitpicked and presented as proof of such. I frankly don't believe in the bible because it was written about 300 years after the death of Jesus and was written by men who still believed that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.
It's been documented that homosexuality was around during the Roman Empire and probably even during the time of Cleopatra. It's as natural for them as being a heterosexual is for me or you.
And finally, what someone does in their bedroom is not yours or my business. There are also plenty of heteros that are sexual perverts, if you want to go there.
^^^ Why would God want someone to go against his rules by staying within their own gender which in my opinion may be the worst form of prejudice on the face of this planet? Also if homosexuality was his intention, what was his reason for creating two genders and not just one and having the sexual interaction between them two genders be the only way that reproduction can ever take place?

God bless you always!!!

Gender is not the same thing as being gay. Women who love other women are still women, and men who love other men are still men.
But to stay within their own in my opinion is like saying that the other gender isn't worth having sex with and if that right there is not the worst form of prejudice that is out there, then I don't know what is.

God bless you always!!!

Holly, I'm afraid biology has nothing to do with "prejudices".

I believe that the Lord will have the final word on everything that some people think that science contradicts.

God bless you always!!!


You don't know what the Lord will or won't judge and for anyone to think they do is arrogant and offensive. As I said before supposedly God doesn't make mistakes, so he made these people as they are and that was the way it was intended.
Think about it, maybe even Jesus might have been gay. I mean, after all, he went around with men and even kissed one of them on the mouth. He never married and never had a relationship with a woman.That theory has been around for many, many years.
And don't go quoting the bible where the parts that go along with ones beliefs are nitpicked and presented as proof of such. I frankly don't believe in the bible because it was written about 300 years after the death of Jesus and was written by men who still believed that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.
It's been documented that homosexuality was around during the Roman Empire and probably even during the time of Cleopatra. It's as natural for them as being a heterosexual is for me or you.
And finally, what someone does in their bedroom is not yours or my business. There are also plenty of heteros that are sexual perverts, if you want to go there.
I don't disagree with what you say here about those who are straight. Sadly there have been plenty of bad apples. However what you say about the Lord, I highly doubt. If God created two genders and had them two together be the only way to reproduce, why would he have his son go and walk a different road?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Also, if what goes on in another person's bedroom is their business and no one else's, why are certain people so quick to put their private life out there in public anyway? Because of them, the rest of us don't even have a choice anymore if we ever did in the first place whether we want to know about other people's private life or not.
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Gender is not the same thing as being gay. Women who love other women are still women, and men who love other men are still men.
But to stay within their own in my opinion is like saying that the other gender isn't worth having sex with and if that right there is not the worst form of prejudice that is out there, then I don't know what is.

God bless you always!!!

Holly, I'm afraid biology has nothing to do with "prejudices".

I believe that the Lord will have the final word on everything that some people think that science contradicts.

God bless you always!!!


You don't know what the Lord will or won't judge and for anyone to think they do is arrogant and offensive. As I said before supposedly God doesn't make mistakes, so he made these people as they are and that was the way it was intended.
Think about it, maybe even Jesus might have been gay. I mean, after all, he went around with men and even kissed one of them on the mouth. He never married and never had a relationship with a woman.That theory has been around for many, many years.
And don't go quoting the bible where the parts that go along with ones beliefs are nitpicked and presented as proof of such. I frankly don't believe in the bible because it was written about 300 years after the death of Jesus and was written by men who still believed that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.
It's been documented that homosexuality was around during the Roman Empire and probably even during the time of Cleopatra. It's as natural for them as being a heterosexual is for me or you.
And finally, what someone does in their bedroom is not yours or my business. There are also plenty of heteros that are sexual perverts, if you want to go there.
I don't disagree with what you say here about those who are straight. Sadly there have been plenty of bad apples. However what you say about the Lord, I highly doubt. If God created two genders and had them two together be the only way to reproduce, why would he have his son go and walk a different road?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Also, if what goes on in another person's bedroom is their business and no one else's, why are certain people so quick to put their private life out there in public anyway? Because of them, the rest of us don't even have a choice anymore if we ever did in the first place whether we want to know about other people's private life or not.

Once again, gender is not the same as being a homosexual. Gender determines what sex you are and two men who are homosexual are still men and two women who are homosexual are still women. Please either Google it or look it up in a medical book.

I only used the bedroom example because those who are against gays are always trying to get into their bedrooms. Straight men in particular, seem to be obsessed with gay men sex. They're not concerned at all about what goes on between a man and a woman, even though some really kinky sex can go on with them too. Many hetero couples are into threesomes, or sadomasochism. Do you know what that is? Or, some like to go to group sex parties where everyone has sex with everyone else.
I have several gay friends, two married men, two married women, a single man and a single woman. Absolutely none of them would even think of doing anything like I just listed. Also, these people are some of the kindest, most generous and loving people I've ever met and I'm proud to call them my friends. I have been out with them to dinner, and I was the only hetero person at the table. They don't show open affection like many hetero couples do. I have also been to restaurants where a couple practically screws right there at the table. None of these classy friends would ever do that.
Say what you like, but I'll take my gay friends over judgmental asses any day.
^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.
All I feel is sympathy and regret for the old days when I see 73 year old Dolly who has had so much work done that she looks like the late Joan Rivers on a bad day.
That is what Melania will look like
^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.

Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
All I feel is sympathy and regret for the old days when I see 73 year old Dolly who has had so much work done that she looks like the late Joan Rivers on a bad day.
That is what Melania will look like

She kind of does now. Her eyes are slits ad her facial skin is pulled really tight. Oh, and her kidney surgery she had back in October looks really good on her chest. who knew kidneys were that big?
^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.

Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
I don't believe that you know how God will judge either and for a fact that I have, before my parents got divorced, their marriage counselor is a man who used to live the homosexual lifestyle. If he says that it is a choice and he did, who would know better than him that its a choice when he actually lived the homosexual life before straightening up no pun intended?

God bless you and him always!!!

^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.

Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
I don't believe that you know how God will judge either and for a fact that I have, before my parents got divorced, their marriage counselor is a man who used to live the homosexual lifestyle. If he says that it is a choice and he did, who would know better than him that its a choice when he actually lived the homosexual life before straightening up no pun intended?

God bless you and him always!!!

He was either lying or in denial. It is NOT a choice, no matter what he said. There are many men and women who go into a hetero relationship thinking that is what society wants them to do and then many years later, after living the lie, finally face the reality of who they are and come out. One of my friends who is married to a wonderful man had that lifestyle. He did have a daughter who has two daughters of her own and he and his husband are grandparents to these girls. They treat them better than a lot of hetero grandparent do and the girls and his daughter love him and his husband.
Look, it's obvious that you will never accept facts that have been scientific proven, so I'm through with this. No one chooses to be gay, and that's a fact and when your friend finally accepts this about himself, then get back to me. It will happen, or he will self destruct because he's so miserable living a lie. That also happens a lot, sad to say.
Look, it's obvious that you will never accept facts that have been scientific proven, so I'm through with this.
There are absolutely Zero scientific "facts" proving that people can be born a homosexual. Science has Not found a gay gene or homo DNA.

It's clear that homosexuality is just a mental disorder. .... :cool:
^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.

Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
I don't believe that you know how God will judge either and for a fact that I have, before my parents got divorced, their marriage counselor is a man who used to live the homosexual lifestyle. If he says that it is a choice and he did, who would know better than him that its a choice when he actually lived the homosexual life before straightening up no pun intended?

God bless you and him always!!!

He was either lying or in denial. It is NOT a choice, no matter what he said. There are many men and women who go into a hetero relationship thinking that is what society wants them to do and then many years later, after living the lie, finally face the reality of who they are and come out. One of my friends who is married to a wonderful man had that lifestyle. He did have a daughter who has two daughters of her own and he and his husband are grandparents to these girls. They treat them better than a lot of hetero grandparent do and the girls and his daughter love him and his husband.
Look, it's obvious that you will never accept facts that have been scientific proven, so I'm through with this. No one chooses to be gay, and that's a fact and when your friend finally accepts this about himself, then get back to me. It will happen, or he will self destruct because he's so miserable living a lie. That also happens a lot, sad to say.

Apparently "God will judge" is code for "I have no answer, I'm outta here". Oh well, whatever.. :dunno:
^^^ Which is exactly what will happen. Every last one of us will be judged.

^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.
Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
I don't believe that you know how God will judge either and for a fact that I have, before my parents got divorced, their marriage counselor is a man who used to live the homosexual lifestyle. If he says that it is a choice and he did, who would know better than him that its a choice when he actually lived the homosexual life before straightening up no pun intended?

God bless you and him always!!!

He was either lying or in denial. It is NOT a choice, no matter what he said. There are many men and women who go into a hetero relationship thinking that is what society wants them to do and then many years later, after living the lie, finally face the reality of who they are and come out. One of my friends who is married to a wonderful man had that lifestyle. He did have a daughter who has two daughters of her own and he and his husband are grandparents to these girls. They treat them better than a lot of hetero grandparent do and the girls and his daughter love him and his husband.
Look, it's obvious that you will never accept facts that have been scientific proven, so I'm through with this. No one chooses to be gay, and that's a fact and when your friend finally accepts this about himself, then get back to me. It will happen, or he will self destruct because he's so miserable living a lie. That also happens a lot, sad to say.
Well if one person can be lying or in denial, so can another like your former friend as you chose to label them for example. By the way, do they know that a former friend is how you look at them now?

God bless you and them and Pogo always!!!


P.S. I guess its obvious that you will never accept that the Lord over rules everything that you think science proves to be something else and so I guess that I am done too. Good luck on your day of going before the Lord.
^^^ Which is exactly what will happen. Every last one of us will be judged.

^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.
Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
I don't believe that you know how God will judge either and for a fact that I have, before my parents got divorced, their marriage counselor is a man who used to live the homosexual lifestyle. If he says that it is a choice and he did, who would know better than him that its a choice when he actually lived the homosexual life before straightening up no pun intended?

God bless you and him always!!!

He was either lying or in denial. It is NOT a choice, no matter what he said. There are many men and women who go into a hetero relationship thinking that is what society wants them to do and then many years later, after living the lie, finally face the reality of who they are and come out. One of my friends who is married to a wonderful man had that lifestyle. He did have a daughter who has two daughters of her own and he and his husband are grandparents to these girls. They treat them better than a lot of hetero grandparent do and the girls and his daughter love him and his husband.
Look, it's obvious that you will never accept facts that have been scientific proven, so I'm through with this. No one chooses to be gay, and that's a fact and when your friend finally accepts this about himself, then get back to me. It will happen, or he will self destruct because he's so miserable living a lie. That also happens a lot, sad to say.
Well if one person can be lying or in denial, so can another like your former friend as you chose to label them for example. By the way, do they know that a former friend is how you look at them now?

God bless you and them and Pogo always!!!


P.S. I guess its obvious that you will never accept that the Lord over rules everything that you think science proves to be something else and so I guess that I am done too. Good luck on your day of going before the Lord.

She is a former friend because she moved and I lost touch with her, but I have several friends as I said before who are gay and they're current friends.

Do me a favor and leave this thread. I started it as a fun way to break the political ones going on and now you have hijacked it with your self righteous religious crap. Start your own hate thread because from what you've been saying, there's no love in your heart, only judgmental hate for everyone who doesn't fit into your narrow mold. So please leave my post.
^^^ Wow, if that last statement of yours was really true, this conversation between the two of us wouldn't even be taking place. Thank you for the soft spot that you seem to have for me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already knew what the meaning of gender and homosexual is.

Great that you know the difference, but being a man doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to a woman and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be attracted to a man. And, it's not a choice. My friends didn't choose to be gay anymore than I choose to be straight. We were born that way.
In fact, a former friend who is a lesbian said the fiction that saying gays chose to be that way was absolutely wrong. She said, who would voluntarily choose to be ridiculed, ostracized, persecuted, discriminated against and possibly beaten and murdered for being gay. Not anyone I know, that's for sure. Not any sane person. How about you? Oh wait, you'll probably say it's a mental disease. The disease is those who judge and persecute these people for being who they can't help being.
Accept people for who they are if they're not harming anyone else. Don't judge them and please don't presume to think you know how God will judge them because you don't know.
I don't believe that you know how God will judge either and for a fact that I have, before my parents got divorced, their marriage counselor is a man who used to live the homosexual lifestyle. If he says that it is a choice and he did, who would know better than him that its a choice when he actually lived the homosexual life before straightening up no pun intended?

God bless you and him always!!!

He was either lying or in denial. It is NOT a choice, no matter what he said. There are many men and women who go into a hetero relationship thinking that is what society wants them to do and then many years later, after living the lie, finally face the reality of who they are and come out. One of my friends who is married to a wonderful man had that lifestyle. He did have a daughter who has two daughters of her own and he and his husband are grandparents to these girls. They treat them better than a lot of hetero grandparent do and the girls and his daughter love him and his husband.
Look, it's obvious that you will never accept facts that have been scientific proven, so I'm through with this. No one chooses to be gay, and that's a fact and when your friend finally accepts this about himself, then get back to me. It will happen, or he will self destruct because he's so miserable living a lie. That also happens a lot, sad to say.

Apparently "God will judge" is code for "I have no answer, I'm outta here". Oh well, whatever.. :dunno:


You're right. I just want her gone from my thread. This was supposed to be a fun posting but there's always those who want to come in and preach their agenda and ruin it for everyone

I always liked her a as a full figured woman, although I respect her reduction for health reasons. I'm glad it contributed to her being around so long.

Video clip from when she had a move about - ah - working in Texas. One of my favorite classics.


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