DOMA ruled unconstitutional

DOMA was like a flag burning law. Everyone knew it was an unconstutional farce when it was passed. It was purely "Let's look like we are doing something about an issue people are emotional about".

You do realize allowing gays to marry will give more reason for Muslims to attack America?

/falls over laughing

//we're talking hysterics

//zomg! I think I sprained a dimple!

///.................... bWAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!

Really? How are gays treated in Muslim countries?

Is that how you want them treated here? Why? Because you're a chickenshit who's afraid if we don't, some religious nuts are going to attack us?
Even IF the SCOTUS upholds this all it does is allow the 8 States that legalized gay marriage to have those couples get the tax breaks at the Federal Level.

It does nothing to the 32 States that banned Gay Marriage.

That's correct.
North Carolina said NO to gay marriage in 2012

Actually, it does something in those 32 states that banned gay marriage. A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level
Even IF the SCOTUS upholds this all it does is allow the 8 States that legalized gay marriage to have those couples get the tax breaks at the Federal Level.

It does nothing to the 32 States that banned Gay Marriage.

8 Currently. How many were there 10 years ago?

Once again this case will do nothing to force the 32 that made it illegal to change their minds. And that leaves 10 undecided.

No, it won't.

BUt it will render what the others have done meaningless, eventually.

Full Faith and Credit Clause. Pretty darned explicit.
Even IF the SCOTUS upholds this all it does is allow the 8 States that legalized gay marriage to have those couples get the tax breaks at the Federal Level.

It does nothing to the 32 States that banned Gay Marriage.

That's correct.
North Carolina said NO to gay marriage in 2012

Actually, it does something in those 32 states that banned gay marriage. A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level

Nope no gay marriages are recognized here,
Yes. The government can restrict the exercise of rights subject to certain constraints.

that is correct. And if the law regarding those restrictions is altered, it does no good to ignore the foot in the door that the reasoning behind the loosening will open.

It is a trmendous detriment to the pro homo marriage crowds objectives that they stick their heads in the sand about such issues, and merely say "Of all the heretofore excluded relationships, we are the only one that should be admitted into the fold".

They used to say that abour interracial marriages.
When will you dumbfucks learn what a slipperly slope fallacy is?

Why, yes. yes they did. ANd many of the same moral and legal arguments used to fight interracial marriage bans are used to justify homo marriage. See how it works, numbskull?
God Fuckin damn you are dense!

I mean seriously. How goddamn stupid does one have to be to argue against the "slippery slope fallacy" right after providing an example of it!

Whats really frustrating is that YOU AND I ARE BASICALLY ON THE SAME SIDE OF THIS ISSUE! But you are so goddamn arrogant and sure that the other side are just narrow-minded bigots that I am left embarrassed to be associated in any way with you.

in turns of intelligence on this matter you are right up there with that Bigreb dope, or Truthmatters and Bocedea. Be ashamed.
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That's correct.
North Carolina said NO to gay marriage in 2012

Actually, it does something in those 32 states that banned gay marriage. A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level

Nope no gay marriages are recognized here,

Let me help you with your reading comprehension.

What was said was: "A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level"

Understand now?
that is correct. And if the law regarding those restrictions is altered, it does no good to ignore the foot in the door that the reasoning behind the loosening will open.

It is a trmendous detriment to the pro homo marriage crowds objectives that they stick their heads in the sand about such issues, and merely say "Of all the heretofore excluded relationships, we are the only one that should be admitted into the fold".

They used to say that abour interracial marriages.
When will you dumbfucks learn what a slipperly slope fallacy is?

Why, yes. yes they did. ANd many of the same moral and legal arguments are being used to fight interracial marriage are used to justify homo marriage. See how it works, numbskull?
God Fuckin damn you are dense!

I mean seriously. How goddamn stupid does one have to be to argue against the "slippery slope fallacy" right after providing an example of it!

Whats really frustrating is that YOU AND I ARE BASICALLY ON THE SAME SIDE OF THIS ISSUE! But you are so goddamn arrogant and sure that the other side are just narrow-minded bigots that I am left embarrassed to be associated in any way with you.

in turns of intelligence on this matter you are right up there with that Bigreb dope, or Truthmatters and Bocedea. Be ashamed.

Arencha gonna call him cupcake? ;)
Marriage is a bond between a man and woman. Are you saying brother and sisters are not law abiding citizens and should afford the same rights as gay couples?
In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Some contracts can result in bad outcomes. That's why each and every contract is not protected by law. If you contract me to spray your orchard with DDT, we would enter into a contract which would have bad results for more than both you and I. If, on the other hand, you contract me to spray your orchard with a safe and effective pesticide and I follow all the manufacturer's instructions and all state and federal laws concerning pesticides, our contract would then have the protection of law.

If a contract is beneficial to those parties in the contract and the greater society, there is no problem. What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect the greater society? What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect you personally? What harm is wrought to you?

In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Talk about double standards. So marriage is not a right or is it?

You really ought to learn what "equal protection" means. If gay marriage, a legal contract, is allowed in any of the states, all other states must recognize it. Some states will recognize marriage of first cousins. Other states may not allow first cousin marriage. But all states must accept a legal marriage of first cousins that occurred legally.
They used to say that abour interracial marriages.
When will you dumbfucks learn what a slipperly slope fallacy is?

Why, yes. yes they did. ANd many of the same moral and legal arguments are being used to fight interracial marriage are used to justify homo marriage. See how it works, numbskull?
God Fuckin damn you are dense!

I mean seriously. How goddamn stupid does one have to be to argue against the "slippery slope fallacy" right after providing an example of it!

Whats really frustrating is that YOU AND I ARE BASICALLY ON THE SAME SIDE OF THIS ISSUE! But you are so goddamn arrogant and sure that the other side are just narrow-minded bigots that I am left embarrassed to be associated in any way with you.

in turns of intelligence on this matter you are right up there with that Bigreb dope, or Truthmatters and Bocedea. Be ashamed.

Arencha gonna call him cupcake? ;)

S'up baby?
In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Some contracts can result in bad outcomes. That's why each and every contract is not protected by law. If you contract me to spray your orchard with DDT, we would enter into a contract which would have bad results for more than both you and I. If, on the other hand, you contract me to spray your orchard with a safe and effective pesticide and I follow all the manufacturer's instructions and all state and federal laws concerning pesticides, our contract would then have the protection of law.

If a contract is beneficial to those parties in the contract and the greater society, there is no problem. What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect the greater society? What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect you personally? What harm is wrought to you?

In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Talk about double standards. So marriage is not a right or is it?

You really ought to learn what "equal protection" means. If gay marriage, a legal contract, is allowed in any of the states, all other states must recognize it. Some states will recognize marriage of first cousins. Other states may not allow first cousin marriage. But all states must accept a legal marriage of first cousins that occurred legally.

So Brothers and sisters can get married?
Actually, it does something in those 32 states that banned gay marriage. A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level

Nope no gay marriages are recognized here,

Let me help you with your reading comprehension.

What was said was: "A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level"

Understand now?

Let me help you out Supreme court.
It seems some that are promoting a federal court decision as a victory were also the ones saying wait for the supreme court to rule when it came to obamacare I wonder why?
No one knows how many brothers and sisters have had sex and love each other beyond brotherly and sisterly love. But once you open the door you will find out.

As for the percentage of the population who actually wants to have sex with their siblings as an adult, I'll tell you right now it's extremely small and insignificant. And for the incestuous siblings who actually want to publicly get married... well that percentage is even smaller...

Same goes for the Polygamists and the Animal-Loving folks...

All just a waste of time to even talk about....

So then it should be allowed?

Animals are allowed to enter a legally binding contract that requires informed consent??????

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