DOMA ruled unconstitutional

If you had followed the conversation you would have seen this bit started with "If SCOTUS...".

So the discussion was what happens IF SCOTUS rules that banning gay marriages is unconstitutional, it would immediately give the benefits to gay married people on a federal level.

It might take a bit longer to get them the state benefits in NC, but its coming.

Here again let me help you out

The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston
Is not the supreme court

No one said it was. I simply pointed out the origin of the thread you were replying to.

Here's what you said you dishonest bitch
Actually, it does something in those 32 states that banned gay marriage. A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level

Nope no gay marriages are recognized here,

Let me help you with your reading comprehension.

What was said was: "A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level"

Understand now?

Right now until or unless the Supreme court rules they cannot
Here again let me help you out

Is not the supreme court

No one said it was. I simply pointed out the origin of the thread you were replying to.

Here's what you said you dishonest bitch
Nope no gay marriages are recognized here,

Let me help you with your reading comprehension.

What was said was: "A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level"

Understand now?

Right now until or unless the Supreme court rules they cannot

The entire conversation was"

Even IF the SCOTUS upholds this all it does is allow the 8 States that legalized gay marriage to have those couples get the tax breaks at the Federal Level.

It does nothing to the 32 States that banned Gay Marriage.

That's correct.
North Carolina said NO to gay marriage in 2012

Actually, it does something in those 32 states that banned gay marriage. A gay couple can go to NY, get married, return to NC and have their marriage recognized at the federal level
It’s important to understand that although the ruling both addresses and attempts to balance the two often incompatible doctrines, that of ‘Federalism’ and Equal Erotection, the Equal Protection component of the decision is dominant and should not be construed by the states as license to violate same-sex couples’ right to equal access to the law.

From today’s ruling, Massachusetts v. Health and Human Services Department:

As for burden, the combined effect of DOMA's restrictions on federal benefits will not prevent same-sex marriage where permitted under state law; but it will penalize those couples by limiting tax and social security benefits to opposite-sex couples in their own and all other states. For those married same-sex couples of which one partner is in federal service, the other cannot take advantage of medical care and other benefits available to opposite-sex partners in Massachusetts and everywhere else in the country.

These burdens are comparable to those the Court found substantial in Moreno, City of Cleburne, and Romer. Moreno, like this case, involved meaningful economic benefits; City of Cleburne involved the opportunity to secure housing; Romer, the chance to secure equal protection of the laws on the same terms as other groups. Loss of survivor's social security, spouse-based medical care and tax benefits are major detriments on any reckoning; provision for retirement and medical care are, in practice, the main components of the social safety net for vast numbers of Americans.

USCA1 Opinion

Consequently, although the states are allowed to configure their marriage laws as they see fit free from Federal interference, they are nonetheless prohibited by the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause from deeming a class of persons strangers to those laws. Disallowing same-sex couples access to such laws, however written by a given state, is clearly un-Constitutional.
This is one of bigrebnc's finer epic melt downs: ass wipe, ass clown, and ass hat all in one thread.
Dude do you think those dogs in the movies and breeding stock don't have contracts?

That you are trying to go from this statement to the "are they mentioned in a contract" shows your inability to admit you were wrong and that you are an idiot.

You're a dishonest fuck do you understand that?

Dishonest? Are you going there again?

First you said animals have contracts. Then you went to the "Are they entered into a contract?".

The animals do not have contracts. The owners may have contracts, but that is not at all the same.

The fact that you try and make it the same shows you to be dishonest and ignorant.
Next time there's a tragedy, Michele Bachmann will say it happened because of this decision.
"Your honor, the defendent, one Fido T. Bone, reneged on his contract to perform in three movies. We therefore demand he forfeit 86,000 dog biscuits and his pissing rights on all fire hydrants in a 20 mile radius around Paramount Studios."

They're still going with the "Because incest!" and "Because bestiality!"


This is beyond willful stupidity.
This is one of bigrebnc's finer epic melt downs: ass wipe, ass clown, and ass hat all in one thread.

About that 9th and 10th amendment question you keep dodging
Read my signature.

You are a piddle ass, not a bad ass. Epic melt down. :lol:

I have been in a lot of debates on a lot of forums. But bigreb may take the cake as far as stretching a stupid argument beyond all reasonable recognition.

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