Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

The agents use cognitive distortions in the psyops to try and create emotional reasoning and promote juustifications for ignoring laws violated as they do.

I owe no child support.

I have no Constitutional rights and have not for 12 years because I used courts to try and create lawful performance in the record keeping of Santa Barbara county courts which would expose secrecy needed to conduct 9-11.

you are delusional. you owe over $30,000 in back child support. you have had your drivers license suspended. you appeared in court with about $450 in your pocket and the court even confiscated that!! (they left you $20 to get home. how nice)

you are a deadbeat dad. you abandoned your parental duty to support your child both legally and morally.

you then attempted to defraud the american people by not paying taxes by working under the table. as if that was not bad enough you then claimed you were disabled and could not work to social security while you still were working. that is FRAUD, sir. you are lucky you didnt go to jail for it. (perhaps someone should remind them to look into it)

you may be wondering how i know all this stuff. is it a huge government conspiracy? are secret agents looking into your person life? is the government watching everything you do and say and think?

no, jackass. its all stuff you uploaded onto your website. you are a complete idiot. :cuckoo:
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The agents use cognitive distortions in the psyops to try and create emotional reasoning and promote juustifications for ignoring laws violated as they do.

I owe no child support.

I have no Constitutional rights and have not for 12 years because I used courts to try and create lawful performance in the record keeping of Santa Barbara county courts which would expose secrecy needed to conduct 9-11.

you are delusional. you owe over $30,000 in back child support. you have had your drivers license suspended. you appeared in court with about $450 in your pocket and the court even confiscated that!!

And the commissioner accessed the court reporters transcripts then altered them because I tricked her into admitting she had violated my Constitutional rights in small claims court.

The hearing transcripts obtianed a year after the hearing. Completely re -written. The requests for judicial notice were brought in at the end where the judge admitted on the record, with the court reporter recording it that she had never seen the evidence I presented as plaintiff in small claims court, a check with "stop payment" on it.

SB.Superior Court case 209449, Transcripts of March 30, 2004 Debtors Examination Hearing

A letter from a witness in court testifying to the commissioner never having seen the check before.

CV06-2085, U.S. District Court, EXHIBIT ONE, proof of altered court transcripts

The check defrauding me out of $2040. Prima facie evidence of fraud. If the small claims court had seen this, I would have won the case and been able to pay child support I did not owe because of promissory estopple.


Government has made a promise to follow all laws.
wow, you are fucking stupid
thats not proof of fraud at all
what that is, is know as a STOP PAYMENT ORDER
you can do that on ANY check written but not paid
dude, you didnt pay child support SINCE 1993!!!!!!

you are a deadbeat!!

none of this "i would have won" shit justifies not supporting your children!! :cuckoo:
dude, you didnt pay child support SINCE 1993!!!!!!

you are a deadbeat!!

none of this "i would have won" shit justifies not supporting your children!! :cuckoo:
deadbeats are the lowest scum of the earth
the main thing an adult needs to do is take care of his/her children
wow, you are fucking stupid
thats not proof of fraud at all
what that is, is know as a STOP PAYMENT ORDER
you can do that on ANY check written but not paid

yeah, no shit it isnt evidence. the courts even denied his request to get the commisioner disqualified. basically, they said he is nuts. :cuckoo:

The motion to disqualify Commissioner Colleen K. Sterne is DENIED. (their emphasis, not mine)

dated march 3, 2008
wow, you are fucking stupid
thats not proof of fraud at all
what that is, is know as a STOP PAYMENT ORDER
you can do that on ANY check written but not paid

yeah, no shit it isnt evidence. the courts even denied his request to get the commisioner disqualified. basically, they said he is nuts. :cuckoo:

The motion to disqualify Commissioner Colleen K. Sterne is DENIED. (their emphasis, not mine)

dated march 3, 2008

The clerks refused to file a motion to strike the commissioners erroneous declaration


They would only stamp it received releiving the judge from the lawful duty of considering it, depriving me of due process again.

The same with a "Notice of Motion and Motion For Evidentiary Hearing"

SB.Superior Court case 209449, Respondents Motion for Evidentiary hear RE: Declaration, Februray 14, 2008

She erroneously declared that the "Notice of Motion and Motion to Quash Proceedings; O.S.C. RE: Contempt, Equitable and Promissory Estopple." had been herd and denied, there is no order in the record of any such hearing.

SB.Superior Court case 209449, Child Support, Motion to Quash Contempt

I made a motion to the court to protect my rights with "Notice of Motion and Motion For Evidentiary Hearing"

SB.Superior Court case 209449, Declaration of Colleen Sterne, January 17, 2008

The judges decision ignored the motion to strike taking advantage of the clerks deprival of due process when not stamping "filed" and denied the motion for evidentiary hearing.

This commissioner is proven to have altered and falsified court transcripts,

The transcripts
SB.Superior Court case 209449, Transcripts of March 30, 2004 Debtors Examination Hearing

The letter of a witness in court at the hearing of the altered the transcripts
CV06-2085, U.S. District Court, EXHIBIT ONE, proof of altered court transcripts
its because you are a psycho. :cuckoo:

a court told you that you need to pay child support. you didnt do it SINCE 1993!!!

you are a jerkoff.
its because you are a psycho. :cuckoo:

a court told you that you need to pay child support. you didnt do it SINCE 1993!!!

you are a jerkoff.

The county of santa barbara failed to appear on subpoena duces tecum,


See the federal caomplaint against the commissioner for falsifying the transcripts, among other things.

CV06-2085, U.S. District Court, Central division California

Which is where I learned about the supreme court district court rules of the 9th circut designed to be abrogated destroying consitutional rights for pro se plaintiffs.




dude, you are psychotic. you are wasting taxpayer money by having the sheriff's department appear in court for records for 1876 to 1879!!! :cuckoo:

you are completely whacko.....
dude, you are psychotic. you are wasting taxpayer money by having the sheriff's department appear in court for records for 1876 to 1879!!! :cuckoo:

you are completely whacko.....
and THAT has been completely demonstrated

dude, you are psychotic. you are wasting taxpayer money by having the sheriff's department appear in court for records for 1876 to 1879!!! :cuckoo:

you are completely whacko.....
and THAT has been completely demonstrated

The county counsel interfered with the appearance of the witness on subpoena, a violation of title 42 § 1983. Again, you fail to recognize official violations of law because those violations empower the infiltrators by disempowering a citizen from having public information.

Mike Skuse saw the very records in the jail library about a year earlier and signed this witness (signed) declaration.

Mike Skuse saw the very records in the jail library about a year earlier and signed this witness (signed) declaration.

was this your boyfriend while you were in jail for not paying your child support? :lol:

He was a friend I'd provided a job for operating one of these,


Very good operator. Part Lakota Soiux, he taught me how to work on steep slopes with an excavator.

Unfortunately he had a drug problem and was arrested, time served, rehab cycle. He called from the jail excited, because I'd told him of the missing insanity actions from the US district court in santa barbara and he found confirmation. He found the arrest and booking records in the jails law library as an after thought to searching defenses for his drug charges and signed not only this but another letter.


This is the civil index for the old district court that was in santa barbara in 1876, "The Insanity Papers"

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its too bad we don't still incarcerate the insane for their own protection
you NEED it
Null post agent.

Off topic, this is your psyops agent ad hominum strategy.

Wheres your evidence?

I do produce evidence that FEMA deceived NIST.

This was the core on 9-11,


Not this, like FEMA states,


its a shame you didnt spend as much time providing for your children as you do making up these wild conspiracies.

its a shame you didnt spend as much time providing for your children as you do making up these wild conspiracies.

Your cognitive distortions of "generalizations" labeling utilized in an effort to create emotional reasoning is noted traitor, as you work to induce ignorance of violations of law and evidence supporting deceptions invaldating the cause in mass murder.

At least you got the right thread. Psyops, right on topic with your demo.

its a shame you didnt spend as much time providing for your children as you do making up these wild conspiracies.

Your cognitive distortions of "generalizations" labeling utilized in an effort to create emotional reasoning is noted traitor, as you work to induce ignorance of violations of law and evidence supporting deceptions invaldating the cause in mass murder.

At least you got the right thread. Psyops, right on topic with your demo.

be nice or i will blink in your general direction.....

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