Domestic Terrorists try to storm Trump Rally in NM

IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.
This is going to end up in a Trump landslide. Everytime there's a Mexican flag, the people think build the wall.
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.
This is going to end up in a Trump landslide. Everytime there's a Mexican flag, the people think build the wall.
Which is likely why Trump is not having charges pressed against these morons; it is huge free publicity for him, generating huge sympathy among the general public.
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.
This is going to end up in a Trump landslide. Everytime there's a Mexican flag, the people think build the wall.

"the people" huh? Or the right wing people?
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

So, my car work at the Jiffy Lube did not go so well.

Therefore my boat repairs at Dahlgren will fail as well.

IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

It worked just fine to get Nixon elected in a landslide.
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

It worked just fine to get Nixon elected in a landslide.

Yeah, play on people's fears, then when elected, do nothing about those fears but increase them so you can play in them more.
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.
This is going to end up in a Trump landslide. Everytime there's a Mexican flag, the people think build the wall.
Yeah. I'm offended every time I see a Mexican flag. When people immigrate here, they're supposed to embrace America not cling to their home country and its values. You never see British, French, Irish, Japanese , etc. flags waved in protest against our Country. I hope Trump keeps his promise to evict the illegals and build a wall. Then we need a 50 year moratorium on all immigration,
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

It worked just fine to get Nixon elected in a landslide.

Yeah, play on people's fears, then when elected, do nothing about those fears but increase them so you can play in them more.

Yeah because when you play on people's fears, they might finally break and riot in the streets.
Keep in mind this is in NM. Most of these fuckers probably aren't even registered to vote.
Perfect way to deport the invaders....have Trump hold rally in big cities with illegal populations when they come out to protest enclose them with fencing use fire hoses to spray them push them into cattle trailers :)
The Albuquerque police should have dealt with the rioters like was seen in Soylent Green.

This is how you get it done!
New: Riot officers try to contain angry Trump protest Downtown

Destruction of property,assaulting cops,this country badly needs a man like Trump to smack some responsibility back into it. These shit stains should be out breaking rocks with sledge hammers for their crimes.

Let's get rid of freedom, let's get rid of protesting, let's scrap the constitution, vote Trump....
Leftist protesting seems to only consist of rioting or preventing others free speech. Show us where that is permitted in the Constitution.
More to show why Trump is it. This country needs a major reboot to rid the Obama virus

IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

Kicking illegals out of America and keeping them out will go a long way to solve problems. I hope he makes the Nixon pronouncement. It might keep American voters from making another big fucking mistake by electing Crooked Hillary like we have electing that MF occupying our White House today.

Hillary for Prison 2016
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

It worked just fine to get Nixon elected in a landslide.

Yeah, play on people's fears, then when elected, do nothing about those fears but increase them so you can play in them more.

He's showing America what these people are really up to...that in and of itself is doing something about it.
New: Riot officers try to contain angry Trump protest Downtown

Destruction of property,assaulting cops,this country badly needs a man like Trump to smack some responsibility back into it. These shit stains should be out breaking rocks with sledge hammers for their crimes.

Let's get rid of freedom, let's get rid of protesting, let's scrap the constitution, vote Trump....
Leftist protesting seems to only consist of rioting or preventing others free speech. Show us where that is permitted in the Constitution.

Seems? You mean it seems to you? Maybe because this is another case of people not looking for what they don't want to see.
IN 1968 the Leftists rioted like that in Chicago and shocked a Nation. Richard Nixon said he would bring law and order to society and ended up winning in a landslide.

Keep it up anti-Trump assholes. Keep it up.

And did it work? Did Nixon solve all the problems in the nation?


So will Trump solve anything?

Kicking illegals out of America and keeping them out will go a long way to solve problems. I hope he makes the Nixon pronouncement. It might keep American voters from making another big fucking mistake by electing Crooked Hillary like we have electing that MF occupying our White House today.

Hillary for Prison 2016

Are you sure it will solve all the problems? I would doubt it. It might solve one problem, then only 1 million to go. The main problem are the politicians and Trump isn't any different, just another part of the problem.
No Mercy says the Nomenclature
New: Riot officers try to contain angry Trump protest Downtown

Destruction of property,assaulting cops,this country badly needs a man like Trump to smack some responsibility back into it. These shit stains should be out breaking rocks with sledge hammers for their crimes.

Let's get rid of freedom, let's get rid of protesting, let's scrap the constitution, vote Trump....
Obviously you don't understand protesting vs criminal actions.
Leftist protesting seems to only consist of rioting or preventing others free speech. Show us where that is permitted in the Constitution.
Nah, that is only the part the corporate owned media covers. In New Mexico, there were thousands of law abiding peaceful protesters, but when they left, a few hundred rioters pulled their stupid crap, smearing the work the previous people had accomplished.

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