Dominion Voting Systems Has Fox News By The Throat

Democracy! bwhahaaa....The idiot dictators in office we see now is democracy. What a lie to give the impression of freedom.
Conservatives know the election wasn’t ‘stolen’ – the text messages and emails by Fox ‘news’ entertainers and executives are further proof of that; they knew Democrat Joe Biden won the 2020 election lawfully and Constitutionally reflecting the will of the voters.

But the dishonest right continues to spread election lies anyway, knowing they are lies – all in an effort to undermine the political process and destroy our democratic institutions.

The right’s war on democracy continues.
~ The attorneys will make some money. Nothing will come of this $hit-show . As usual the media will hype it up and people will be entertained — that's all . :icon_sjung:

"Stupid humans are doing politics again ... "
" Wake me up when it's over ."
Fox viewers were leaving the network because Trump demanded it as retaliation for calling the election for Biden

Entertaining stolen election lies was Fox’s way of winning back viewers
It was all about GREED on Fox corporation's part! The Hell with our Country, the Hell with being truthful to their viewers, the Hell with facts...!!! :(
If you are saying the liberal media is far better than Fox News than you are either as ostrich with your head buried in the sand or a hypocrite.

I have been saying for a long time that all the news is propaganda. You get to pick your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine. Neither of us knows the truth.

Journalism is DEAD in this nation. Freedom of the press is not relevant anymore because the press is told what to say and how to say it. When you mix politics and journalism you get yellow journalism.

Yellow journalism and yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.[2]
Believe it or not, not everyone is a hardcore partisan, willing to accept obvious propaganda from one end. Many of us are not.

And it really isn't all that difficult to get a broader look at a story, if a person is curious and honest and puts out a little effort.

If you're satisfied existing in a blatantly limited informational/ideological environment, that's your choice. As for me? No thanks.
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I don't watch Fox, sub-cretin.
Yeah, right.
I loved watching "Red Eye" on Fox a while back.
He really had some wild guests on that show....Miss it a lot.
Fox doesn't usually air programming that nobody wants to watch.
Don't believe your own lying eyes and ears...Deranged message board crackpots are here to gaslight inform you what all those confusing words that Tucker says really mean.
The only way Dominion will get a dime is if Fox decides to settle to avoid legal costs. In the end, robber baron Murdock will probably do just that, being the big neocon that he is. Murdock prefers politicians like the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, McCain and Biden. Those are the types that will allow him to rob with impunity. Trump, who is the working man's friend, is obviously Murdock's enemy.
It was all about GREED on Fox corporation's part! The Hell with our Country, the Hell with being truthful to their viewers, the Hell with facts...!!! :(

Fox is now officially on the record for admitting they are…..Fake News

Its viewers like it that way
The only way Dominion will get a dime is if Fox decides to settle to avoid legal costs. In the end, robber baron Murdock will probably do just that, being the big neocon that he is. Murdock prefers politicians like the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, McCain and Biden. Those are the types that will allow him to rob with impunity. Trump, who is the working man's friend, is obviously Murdock's enemy.

Defamation and slander suits rarely succeed. The burden of proof is too high.

In this case, Fox ignored normal legal and journalistic standards in pursuit of ratings

They will lose Big League
Some FOX News hosts say they didn't believe it was stolen so the case is closed.... right

I'm still waiting for someone to answer how they think a demented perv running a campaign in a dirty diaper in a basement won a record number of legit votes while:

badly losing 17/18 bellwether counties
winning less than 500 total counties (compared to Obama winning almost 900)
received more black votes than Obama

I'll start with those but I have many more questions that are still unanswered.

2020 was a fraud & so was 2022. No amount of gaslighting will change that fact

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It wasn`t the demented one who had you sipping bleach.
There is nothing absurd about the fact the liberal median lies as much if not MUCH more than Fox News.

I’m not saying Fox News doesn’t lie. It does. However, on many major stories it has lied less than the wonderful liberal main stream media.

Almost every day during the Trump Presidency it seemed a new Trump bombshell would drop and occupy the liberal media for 72 hours and then quietly disappear. Each bombshell was supposed to be the end of Trump.

Then after Trump leaves office the FBI raids Mar-a-Lago to get back classified information. Is it only karma that shortly after it was discovered that Joe Biden also had classified information and some of it he stole when he was a senator. Senators are only supposed to view classified info in a SCIF and not take it with them.


A Justice Department special counsel is investigating how classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president and senator came to wind up in his home and former office — and whether any mishandling involved criminal intent or was unintentional.Biden’s personal lawyers disclosed in January that a small batch of documents with classified markings had been found weeks earlier in his former Washington office, and they have since allowed FBI searches of multiple properties.…emphasis added
Why did you think that each bombshell would be the end of Trump? Nobody else did.

I guess it is a not inappropriate question to ask the Republicans and the MAGA's and the QAnon'rs on this forum -----well, how do you feel about these revelations about Fox?

Do you feel good about 'em?

Or if you don't....well why not?

I guess it is a not inappropriate question to ask the Republicans and the MAGA's and the QAnon'rs on this forum -----well, how do you feel about these revelations about Fox?

Do you feel good about 'em?

Or if you don't....well why not?
To no surprise, they don't care. As I've pointed out elsewhere, they're at war, and all is fair in love and war. Including being lied to.

And who convinced them that they're at war? FOX and its various media comrades, of course.

I call that a circular irony.

These people have no shame, no self respect. FOX has made FOOLS of them, and they're too far gone to care.
These people have no shame, no self respect. FOX has made FOOLS of them, and they're too far gone to care.

Fox viewers would rather be treated as fools than have their fantasies and conspiracy theories challenged

They do not want to hear the truth
Fox delivers
Fox viewers would rather be treated as fools than have their fantasies and conspiracy theories challenged

They do not want to hear the truth
Fox delivers
They have all the information they need to admit what has been done to them now. There's no more excuses.

Including Bannon's description of the PLANNED Big Lie:

  • Fox star Tucker Carlson to his producer Alex Pfeiffer about Sidney Powell, one of Trump's campaign lawyers: “Powell is lying.” [11/16/20]

  • Host Laura Ingraham to Carlson and fellow host Sean Hannity: “Sidney Powell is a bit nuts. Sorry but she is.” [11/15/20]

  • Carlson to Ingraham: “Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane.” Ingraham replied: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.” Carlson replied: “It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it.” [11/19/20]

  • Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch: “Really crazy stuff.” [11/19/20]

  • Murdoch after watching Giuliani and Powell on November 19, 2020: “Terrible stuff damaging everybody, I fear.” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott replied, “Yes Sean [Hannity] and even [Jeanine] Pirro agrees.” [11/19/20]

  • Fox reporter Lucas Tomlinson to anchor Bret Baier: “It’s dangerously insane these conspiracy theories.” [12/1/2020]

  • Fox Politics Editor Chris Stirewalt on whether the allegation that Dominion rigged the election was true: “No reasonable person would have thought that.”

  • Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott responded “Yes, I believe that,” to the question “You believe, since at least the time that Fox News called the election on November 7th, that Joe Biden was legitimately elected the President of the United States, correct?”

  • As the filing outlined, Carlson texted a redacted name “that it was ‘shockingly reckless’ to claim that Dominion rigged the election ‘f there’s no one inside the company willing to talk, or internal Dominion documents or copies of the software showing that they did it’ and ‘as you know there isn’t.’” [11/21/20]

  • Fox’s internal “fact checks” about Dominion allegations reported they were “incorrect” and “not evidence of widespread fraud.” [11/13/20; 11/20/20]

  • After canceling Pirro’s November 7 show, Fox executive David Clark told Executive Vice President of Primetime Programming Meade Cooper: “Her guests are all going to say the election is being stolen and if she pushes back at all it will just be token.”

  • Ingraham’s producer Tommy Firth texted Fox executive Ron Mitchell: “This dominion shit is going to give me a fucking aneurysm—as many times as I’ve told Laura it’s bs, she sees shit posters and trump tweeting about it.” [11/8/20]

  • Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott to Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch: “Viewers going through the 5 stages of grief. It’s a question of trust—the AZ [call] was damaging but we will highlight our stars and plant flags letting the viewers know we hear them and respect them.” Murdoch replied: “Yes. But needs constant rebuilding without any missteps.” Scott responded: “Yes today is day one and it’s a process.” [11/9/20]

  • Fox News Washington, D.C., Managing Editor Bill Sammon to Fox Political Editor Chris Stirewalt on the network’s coverage of “supposed election fraud”: “It’s remarkable how weak ratings make[] good journalists do bad things.” [12/2/20]

  • Carlson to Ingraham: Powell’s “a nut, as you said at the outset. It totally wrecked my weekend. Wow... I had to try to make the WH disavow her, which they obviously should have done long before.” Ingraham responded to Carlson: “No serious lawyer could believe what they were saying.” [11/22/20]

  • Rupert Murdoch told Scott to read a Wall Street Journal piece about Newsmax, telling her: “These people should be watched, if skeptically. Trump will concede eventually and we should concentrate on Georgia, helping any way we can. We don’t want to antagonize Trump further, but Giuliani taken with a large grain of salt. Everything at stake here.” [11/16/20]

Since when is pacifying a maniac more important than reporting the TRUTH!?!?

  • Scott: “Privately, I had a number of conversations with Sean where he wanted the President to accept the results.”

  • After White House correspondent Kristen Fisher fact-checked Giuliani and Powell’s press conference, she received a call from her boss, Bryan Boughton, in which he “emphasized that higher-ups at Fox News were also unhappy with it,” and said that Fisher “needed to do a better job of…—this is a quote—‘respecting our audience.’” [11/19/20]

  • Fox Corp. Senior Vice President Raj Shah wrote: “shit is so crazy right now. so many people openly denying the obvious that Powell is clearly full of it.” Carlson’s producer Alex Pfeiffer replied: “She is a fucking nutcase.” [11/22/20]

  • Rupert Murdoch told Suzanne Scott, “It’s been suggested our prime time three should independently or together say something like ‘the election is over and Joe Biden won,’” and that such a statement “would go a long way to stop the Trump myth that the election [was] stolen.” [1/5/21]

This next one will win Dominion's case all by itself:
  • Carlson complained to Hannity about Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich, who “was ‘fact checking’ a tweet by Trump that mentioned Dominion—and specifically mentioned Hannity’s and Dobbs’ broadcasts that evening discussing Dominion” Carlson reportedly wrote: “Please get her fired. Seriously....What the fuck? I’m actually shocked...It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.” [11/12/20]

  • According to the filing, “Ingraham herself testified that she has no basis to believe Dominion committed election fraud by rigging the 2020 Presidential Election or that it is owned by a company founded in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chavez (and agreed its ownership is ‘readily ascertainable’).”

  • Anchor Dana Perino also called the voter fraud allegations “total bs,” “insane,” and “nonsense.”

  • Powell sent an email to Bartiromo about voter fraud claims that “Powell had received from a ‘source’ which the author herself describes as ‘pretty wackadoodle.’” According to the filing, “Bartiromo agreed at her deposition that this email was ‘nonsense’ … and inherently unreliable.”

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