Dominion Voting Systems Has Fox News By The Throat

The biggest names at Fox News are a pack of liars. It’s not new information, but there is new information to support that point, thanks to a filing in the defamation lawsuit against Fox News brought by Dominion Voting Systems. Winning a defamation lawsuit against a news network requires meeting an extremely high standard of proof, but this is about as strong a case as you can imagine: Dominion has pages of internal communications between top Fox News personalities and executives showing that they knew what they were doing. Dominion’s case is so strong, in fact, that the new filing is a motion for summary judgment on liability in its $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News. (A summary judgment on liability would not settle the question of damages.)

Looks like those numbers are going up significantly.
Don't count your chickens just yet.

Nah. My guy is in the WH and all is right with the world. For you losers on the other hand… :itsok:'
~ Make sure your daughter has her breasts removed and your son takes his hormone blockers. You can go non-binary and "be right with the world " as part of the Moron Minority ...:itsok:
That’s ^ been the unspoken motto of our main-stream left-wing DNC aparatchik media for many decades.
FOX FAUX NEWS is 26 years old, so the right wing mainstream media has been pulling the wool over your eyes for nearly three decades, for money, money, money! Y'all licked lies up.... like ice cream... while pointing your fingers elsewhere at liberals, to deflect.... FOX prepped y'all for the never ending internet alternative, right wing conspiratorial fake media lies that y'all so easily suck up today... Maybe not you personally, but sadly, by most Trumpers on this board imo.
FOX FAUX NEWS is 26 years old, so the right wing mainstream media has been pulling the wool over your eyes for nearly three decades, for money, money, money! Y'all licked lies up.... like ice cream... while pointing your fingers elsewhere at liberals, to deflect.... FOX prepped y'all for the never ending internet alternative, right wing conspiratorial fake media lies that y'all so easily suck up today... Maybe not you personally, but sadly, by most Trumpers on this board imo.
The libtard msm is far older and has been spewing its propaganda for far longer.
The libtard msm is far older and has been spewing its propaganda for far longer.

And when the MSM is caught putting out fake news, like the Bush National Guard Memo story. Then the MSM suffers.

Networks who ignore the truth suffer viewership, and credibility.

Except for Fox who sees an increase in viewers and the resulting ad revenue when they continuing covering a story they know to be false. Even now when the truth is out there. The Fox management and personalities knew the story was false but were more afraid of losing viewers than telling lies.

And the filing from Dominion shows that Fox knew the election wasn’t stolen.
And when the MSM is caught putting out fake news, like the Bush National Guard Memo story. Then the MSM suffers.

Networks who ignore the truth suffer viewership, and credibility.

Except for Fox who sees an increase in viewers and the resulting ad revenue when they continuing covering a story they know to be false. Even now when the truth is out there. The Fox management and personalities knew the story was false but were more afraid of losing viewers than telling lies.

And the filing from Dominion shows that Fox knew the election wasn’t stolen.
^ nonsense.
^ nonsense.

Indeed. So there was no fallout from the Bush National Guard Memo story?

The controversy had long-reaching personal, political and legal consequences. In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, Rather's report was ranked No. 3 on a list of TV's ten biggest "blunders".[115]

CBS personnel and programming changesEdit

CBS terminated Mary Mapes and demanded the resignations of 60 Minutes Wednesday Executive Producer Josh Howard and Howard's top deputy, Senior Broadcast Producer Mary Murphy, as well as Senior Vice President Betsy West, who had been in charge of all prime time newscasts. Murphy and West resigned on February 25, 2005,[116] and after settling a legal dispute regarding his level of responsibility for the segment, Josh Howard resigned on March 25, 2005.[117]

Dan Rather announced on November 23, 2004, that he would step down in early 2005 and on March 9, his 24th anniversary as anchor, he left the network. It is unclear whether or not Rather's retirement was directly caused by this incident. Les Moonves, CEO of CBS, stated "Dan Rather has already apologized for the segment and taken responsibility for his part in the broadcast. He voluntarily moved to set a date to step down from the CBS Evening News in March of 2005." He added, "We believe any further action would not be appropriate."[118]

CBS was originally planning to show a 60 Minutesreport critical of the Bush administration justification for going to war in Iraq. This segment was replaced with the Killian documents segment. CBS further postponed airing the Iraq segment until after the election due to the controversy over the Killian documents. "We now believe it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the presidential election", CBS spokesman Kelli Edwards said in a statement.[119]

After the Killian documents controversy, the show was renamed 60 Minutes Wednesday to differentiate it from the original 60 MinutesSunday edition, and reverted to its original title on July 8, 2005, when it was moved to the 8 p.m. Friday timeslot. It was cancelled in 2005 due to low ratings.

So people were fired. Rather retired early in disgrace. The entire show was later canceled. Low ratings? And the idea of consequences is “nonsense” according to you.

Ok. What consequences would you like to see?
Indeed. So there was no fallout from the Bush National Guard Memo story?

The controversy had long-reaching personal, political and legal consequences. In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, Rather's report was ranked No. 3 on a list of TV's ten biggest "blunders".[115]

CBS personnel and programming changesEdit

CBS terminated Mary Mapes and demanded the resignations of 60 Minutes Wednesday Executive Producer Josh Howard and Howard's top deputy, Senior Broadcast Producer Mary Murphy, as well as Senior Vice President Betsy West, who had been in charge of all prime time newscasts. Murphy and West resigned on February 25, 2005,[116] and after settling a legal dispute regarding his level of responsibility for the segment, Josh Howard resigned on March 25, 2005.[117]

Dan Rather announced on November 23, 2004, that he would step down in early 2005 and on March 9, his 24th anniversary as anchor, he left the network. It is unclear whether or not Rather's retirement was directly caused by this incident. Les Moonves, CEO of CBS, stated "Dan Rather has already apologized for the segment and taken responsibility for his part in the broadcast. He voluntarily moved to set a date to step down from the CBS Evening News in March of 2005." He added, "We believe any further action would not be appropriate."[118]

CBS was originally planning to show a 60 Minutesreport critical of the Bush administration justification for going to war in Iraq. This segment was replaced with the Killian documents segment. CBS further postponed airing the Iraq segment until after the election due to the controversy over the Killian documents. "We now believe it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the presidential election", CBS spokesman Kelli Edwards said in a statement.[119]

After the Killian documents controversy, the show was renamed 60 Minutes Wednesday to differentiate it from the original 60 MinutesSunday edition, and reverted to its original title on July 8, 2005, when it was moved to the 8 p.m. Friday timeslot. It was cancelled in 2005 due to low ratings.

So people were fired. Rather retired early in disgrace. The entire show was later canceled. Low ratings? And the idea of consequences is “nonsense” according to you.

Ok. What consequences would you like to see?
The one you had ignorantly claimed. Actual negative ratings impacts on the networks and income damage to the dishonest leftwing MSM.
Indeed. So there was no fallout from the Bush National Guard Memo story?

The controversy had long-reaching personal, political and legal consequences. In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, Rather's report was ranked No. 3 on a list of TV's ten biggest "blunders".[115]

CBS personnel and programming changesEdit

CBS terminated Mary Mapes and demanded the resignations of 60 Minutes Wednesday Executive Producer Josh Howard and Howard's top deputy, Senior Broadcast Producer Mary Murphy, as well as Senior Vice President Betsy West, who had been in charge of all prime time newscasts. Murphy and West resigned on February 25, 2005,[116] and after settling a legal dispute regarding his level of responsibility for the segment, Josh Howard resigned on March 25, 2005.[117]

Dan Rather announced on November 23, 2004, that he would step down in early 2005 and on March 9, his 24th anniversary as anchor, he left the network. It is unclear whether or not Rather's retirement was directly caused by this incident. Les Moonves, CEO of CBS, stated "Dan Rather has already apologized for the segment and taken responsibility for his part in the broadcast. He voluntarily moved to set a date to step down from the CBS Evening News in March of 2005." He added, "We believe any further action would not be appropriate."[118]

CBS was originally planning to show a 60 Minutesreport critical of the Bush administration justification for going to war in Iraq. This segment was replaced with the Killian documents segment. CBS further postponed airing the Iraq segment until after the election due to the controversy over the Killian documents. "We now believe it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the presidential election", CBS spokesman Kelli Edwards said in a statement.[119]

After the Killian documents controversy, the show was renamed 60 Minutes Wednesday to differentiate it from the original 60 MinutesSunday edition, and reverted to its original title on July 8, 2005, when it was moved to the 8 p.m. Friday timeslot. It was cancelled in 2005 due to low ratings.

So people were fired. Rather retired early in disgrace. The entire show was later canceled. Low ratings? And the idea of consequences is “nonsense” according to you.

Ok. What consequences would you like to see?
That's the way it rolls when Conservative News does a breaking story. More misinformation from the right.....:auiqs.jpg:

Within hours after the segment aired, participants in online conservative forums like Free Republic, Powerline, and Little Green Footballs had raised questions about the documents, which CBS had made available on its website. Initial doubts focused on typographic anachronisms, including curved apostrophes, superscripted abbreviations (such as “th”) that appeared throughout the memos, and the use of proportionally-spaced fonts, all of which were uncommon for typewriters at the time. Other conservative online news sources such as the Drudge Report quickly followed suit, and mainstream news outlets such as ABC, Fox News, and the Associated Press mentioned the controversy in their own coverage on September 9.

That will be the key to any settlement
Typically, out of court settlements have non disclosure agreements and no admitting of guilt
I think Dominion will insist on a public admission of guilt and admission to the integrity of their company
Fox will hug the First Amendment, and it will probably work.

It's not illegal to spit in the face of the First Amendment, to mock it and pervert it, for financial gain.

The Founders, as brilliant as they were, didn't foresee this. They couldn't have anticipated an entirely separate, isolated and insulated informational ecosystem that manipulated this many people.

Yet, there it is.
When you find info like the following and then look at who runs a particular country, and who is a WEF Global Youth Leader graduate, makes you wonder about the dodgy marriage between all parties and their agendas.

Technical Vulnerabilities of EVS Systems

The voting software developers can easily insert code, changing numbers in favor of or against one candidate. No hacking is necessary. The malicious code can be designed to pass tests and to be triggered only at the time of a real election, automatically or manually. Both case are possible even the the machine is disconnected from the internet and has no ordinary I/O devices. The malicious code can be activated manually in real time by inserting a ballot or another paper with a pre-defined QR or image code. An audit of the source code is necessary, but not sufficient. Dominion software runs on Windows, and the malicious code can be hidden in any part of the operating system. Malicious code can be hidden in the firmware, too.

If a state wants to take risks and to rely on testing and the source code audit, they should be conducted with the participation of technically competent representatives of both parties. If the system passes testing and auditing, the machine image must be securely stored. All supplied machines must have exactly the same hardware and the software as the audited system.

As far as I know, thorough tests and source code audits are conducted very rarely, if at all. Further, the vendors are not required to use only the audited image, and are allowed to update the software almost at will. That means that election commissions are forced to blindly trust the vendors. Blind trust is always wrong and invites abuse. But even “trust but verify” is applicable only to trustworthy vendors. Dominion Voting is the opposite of trustworthy.

The only real solution to the vulnerability of EVS is not to use them at all. Manual ballot counting has no software vulnerabilities, and is much cheaper. Virginia appears to be the only state that decided to use only manual ballots.

Shocking History of Dominion Voting

Too easy to work this one out that there was fraud involved.
Fox will hug the First Amendment, and it will probably work.

It's not illegal to spit in the face of the First Amendment, to mock it and pervert it, for financial gain.

The Founders, as brilliant as they were, didn't foresee this. They couldn't have anticipated an entirely separate, isolated and insulated informational ecosystem that manipulated this many people.

Yet, there it is.

The First Amendment is not a defense of Slander and Libel

Fox could have claimed they were just letting guests voice their free opinions. But their hosts voiced the same lies

Fox could have run a disclaimer…….The opinions voiced on this program do not reflect the views of this network

But they didn’t.
The First Amendment is not a defense of Slander and Libel

Fox could have claimed they were just letting guests voice their free opinions. But their hosts voiced the same lies

Fox could have run a disclaimer…….The opinions voiced on this program do not reflect the views of this network

But they didn’t.
You should read the counter, they cite Maddow and a few others.

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