Dominion Voting Systems Has Fox News By The Throat

The First Amendment is not a defense of Slander and Libel

Fox could have claimed they were just letting guests voice their free opinions. But their hosts voiced the same lies

Fox could have run a disclaimer…….The opinions voiced on this program do not reflect the views of this network

But they didn’t.
I don't know exactly where the line will be drawn. Is it "news analysis" (cough) or slander?

Yeah, I think it was malicious, dishonest, propagandistic and purely ratings-driven. But where that line is, I don't know.

I hate seeing the First Amendment twisted and used against the country like this.
I don't know exactly where the line will be drawn. Is it "news analysis" (cough) or slander?

Yeah, I think it was malicious, dishonest, propagandistic and purely ratings-driven. But where that line is, I don't know.

I hate seeing the First Amendment twisted and used against the country like this.

There is a line and Fox saw no reason to honor it

Every news organization understands that you can allow witnesses or guests to spout whatever nonsense they want.

Responsible journalists will challenge and point out the truth.

Journalists with an agenda will allow wild statements to go unchallenged.

Fox journalists joined in on the lies about Dominion
I wonder how this decrepit old fart passes a cognitive and is still fit for duty? Because it's rigged.

Just like this sock puppet. I mean seriously, what the fuck is this clown smoking?

~ Make sure your daughter has her breasts removed and your son takes his hormone blockers. You can go non-binary and "be right with the world " as part of the Moron Minority ...:itsok:
Typical right-wing retard. Always focusing on kids and their private parts. Fucking perverts.
Rudy used to be somewhat viable but went nuts sometime after his stint as mayor. Sydney with the Kraken stuff was always a loon, but the biggest one was that Lin Wood. Honest to Pete, seeing him speak in person was mind-blowing. Recognizably a nutjob.

What was uncanny was watching obscure people on Twitter cite all this "4D chess" BS. Like, oh yeah, Trump has all these people lined up and they are failing but it only LOOKS like they're failing because TrUmp Is pLaYinG 4d cHeSs or

Make no mistake: there was cheating in that election. But these cast of characters was never going to get to the bottom of it.
Your first three paragraphs show’s that you’re waking up.

Your last shows you ain’t there yet. Maybe never will be
There is a line and Fox saw no reason to honor it

Every news organization understands that you can allow witnesses or guests to spout whatever nonsense they want.

Responsible journalists will challenge and point out the truth.

Journalists with an agenda will allow wild statements to go unchallenged.

Fox journalists joined in on the lies about Dominion

Fox ‘journalists’ are at liberty to lie about a ‘stolen’ election and lie about nonexistent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ – all protected by the First Amendment.
false facts that harm others are not protected under the 1st amendment.

see here...


Fox ‘journalists’ are at liberty to lie about a ‘stolen’ election and lie about nonexistent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ – all protected by the First Amendment.
Can you excuse those on the NBC alphabet channels and all the other left wing clowns spewing Trump hate, which, in the end, turned out to be American Media Bullshit, not Russian...... :highfive:
Your first three paragraphs show’s that you’re waking up.

Your last shows you ain’t there yet. Maybe never will be

Oh honey no. I said that at the time. I told people at the time that Lin Wood was nuts as they come, Sidney Powell was at best questionable and it was too bad about Rudy

Now, point me to YOUR posts where you say that same about, say, Michael Avanatti or whatever his name was, or even Adam Schiff, won't you? hahahaha no, you can't, I'm sure.

Fox ‘journalists’ are at liberty to lie about a ‘stolen’ election and lie about nonexistent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ – all protected by the First Amendment.

There are two choices about you as a poster. You're either a bot or worse. So I'm not really addressing you.

To others:

There is such a thing as nuance, which I know Leftists don't understand at all. This is why Bill Maher remains solidly liberal, is calling out Leftists on all their recent crap that is destroying them, but is at the same time being canceled for it. Because you all think nuance destroys.

It does not.

I watch Tucker every day. I don't agree with all his segments and opinions and I know that breaks your brains, because if you watch YOU MUST AGREE AND OBEY...anyway. He asserts to this day that the elections weren't on the up and up. He made the assertion just the other day that there's no way Joe Biden got millions more votes than Barack Obama. Right.

But there is a big difference between that and, say, believing the unhinged rantings of Lin Wood on Dominion or Sidney Powell on the "Kraken", which never got released. It's possible to believe Democrats are serial cheaters without believing grifters. I KNOW. It's earth-shattering.
Fox is all about dividing this nation and causing civil war. I believe countries that hate America have majority control of the network like Saudi Arabia, china and Russia. Sadly, we must defeat it or die trying.
Fox is all about dividing this nation and causing civil war. I believe countries that hate America have majority control of the network like Saudi Arabia, china and Russia. Sadly, we must defeat it or die trying.

Young, aren't you? Oh well

Fox ‘journalists’ are at liberty to lie about a ‘stolen’ election and lie about nonexistent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ – all protected by the First Amendment.

Not really. In fact. Not at all. The protection they enjoy is based upon a Supreme Court Decision. The phrase is absence of malice. If the reporter says something that they believed was true based upon the evidence. Even if that mistake harms someone, they can’t be sued for Slander or Libel because they did so in the honest belief they were telling the truth.

The First Amendment doesn’t give them license to lie. And Fox knew it was a lie. So the defense under the Sullivan decision is out the window. They can’t claim absence of malice because they knowingly out out false information.
There is a line and Fox saw no reason to honor it
Every news organization understands that you can allow witnesses or guests to spout whatever nonsense they want.
Responsible journalists will challenge and point out the truth.
Journalists with an agenda will allow wild statements to go unchallenged.
Fox journalists joined in on the lies about Dominion
And that's just part of the enabling they have been doing for decades. They've been at the center of this core of pundits, politicos and politicians who have sold us out for their own gain. They fully sold their soul in 2016, and this is the fallout.
Trump lost. Lake lost.

Deal with it and move on.
Seriously, are these two meatballs really the standard bearers of your belief system?
Most know both lost, most were never in the position of having to move on from anywhere and get over it, but Lefties keep tarring all Right-wingers with the same brush on this point.
The only way Dominion will get a dime is if Fox decides to settle to avoid legal costs. In the end, robber baron Murdock will probably do just that, being the big neocon that he is. Murdock prefers politicians like the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, McCain and Biden. Those are the types that will allow him to rob with impunity. Trump, who is the working man's friend, is obviously Murdock's enemy.
"Rob with impunity"? Which of the politicians you named have been fined for ROBBING their own charity? :auiqs.jpg:
When you find info like the following and then look at who runs a particular country, and who is a WEF Global Youth Leader graduate, makes you wonder about the dodgy marriage between all parties and their agendas.

Shocking History of Dominion Voting

Too easy to work this one out that there was fraud involved.

Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.

Niccolò Machiavelli
Oh honey no. I said that at the time. I told people at the time that Lin Wood was nuts as they come, Sidney Powell was at best questionable and it was too bad about Rudy
No. You didn't "honey". I'd have noticed
I watch Tucker every day.
There's your problem
He made the assertion just the other day that there's no way Joe Biden got millions more votes than Barack Obama.
He says all kinds of shit. He's nothing but the Kraken lady in another wrapper
But there is a big difference between that and, say, believing the unhinged rantings of Lin Wood on Dominion or Sidney Powell on the "Kraken", which never got released. It's possible to believe Democrats are serial cheaters without believing grifters. I KNOW. It's earth-shattering.
All ya need is proof.

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