Dominion Voting Systems Has Fox News By The Throat

Fox News Washington, D.C., Managing Editor Bill Sammon to Fox Political Editor Chris Stirewalt on the networkā€™s coverage of ā€œsupposed election fraudā€: ā€œItā€™s remarkable how weak ratings make[] good journalists do bad things.ā€ [12/2/20]

Fox News in a nutshell
Why did you think that each bombshell would be the end of Trump? Nobody else did.
I never believed in the bombshells but other people did.

Now most deny they did because it makes them look like fools.

I thought the biggest bombshell that wasnā€™t was Trumpā€™s tax returns.

The biggest names at Fox News are a pack of liars. Itā€™s not new information, but there is new information to support that point, thanks to a filing in the defamation lawsuit against Fox News brought by Dominion Voting Systems. Winning a defamation lawsuit against a news network requires meeting an extremely high standard of proof, but this is about as strong a case as you can imagine: Dominion has pages of internal communications between top Fox News personalities and executives showing that they knew what they were doing. Dominionā€™s case is so strong, in fact, that the new filing is a motion for summary judgment on liability in its $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News. (A summary judgment on liability would not settle the question of damages.)

Looks like those numbers are going up significantly.
Tucker trying to get the reporter showed the election claims being false is particularly damning.
Fox was doing everything they could to discredit the voting machine company. I suspect the voting machine company wants to return the sentiment. The major difference is fox was lying to accomplish their goal, and that voting machine company is using provable facts.
They will settle when Fox news publicly admits guilt and pays them about$800mm plus lawsuit costs.
Believe it or not, not everyone is a hardcore partisan, willing to accept obvious propaganda from one end. Many of us are not.

And it really isn't all that difficult to get a broader look at a story, if a person is curious and honest and puts out a little effort.

If you're satisfied existing in a blatantly limited informational/ideological environment, that's your choice. As for me? No thanks.
I read news from many sources to attempt to find the truth. It would be nice to find a trusted source and perhaps one day one will emerge.
They will settle when Fox news publicly admits guilt and pays them about$800mm plus lawsuit costs.

That will be the key to any settlement

Typically, out of court settlements have non disclosure agreements and no admitting of guilt

I think Dominion will insist on a public admission of guilt and admission to the integrity of their company
It was all about GREED on Fox corporation's part! The Hell with our Country, the Hell with being truthful to their viewers, the Hell with facts...!!! :(

Thatā€™s ^ been the unspoken motto of our main-stream left-wing DNC aparatchik media for many decades.
Some FOX News hosts say they didn't believe it was stolen so the case is closed.... right

I'm still waiting for someone to answer how they think a demented perv running a campaign in a dirty diaper in a basement won a record number of legit votes while:

badly losing 17/18 bellwether counties
winning less than 500 total counties (compared to Obama winning almost 900)
received more black votes than Obama

I'll start with those but I have many more questions that are still unanswered.

2020 was a fraud & so was 2022. No amount of gaslighting will change that fact

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I think Dominion will insist on a public admission of guilt and admission to the integrity of their company

I'm getting a tad uncomfortable here, RW.
Am agreeing too much with your stuff.
My efforts here are merely redundant behind yours.
May have to switch to a shotgun forum, or a fishing-kayak forum.

Anyway, I quite agree that --given what we've seen with these court released docs ---Fox may very well initiate a settlement conference to keep this from going to court and getting even wider exposure with perhaps even more damning emails and private correspondence between Fox execs. Meaning, the PR could get even worse.

But, I certainly can see the incentive for Dominion to demand an acknowledgment of culpability and an apology. THAT would go a long way to resuscitate the reputation t
hat Fox so recklessly damaged.

Personally, as a mere tourist....a non-equity player in either FOX or Dominion .....I wanna see a knockdowndragout donnybrook. Let's go to court and have a Thunderdome moment: Dr. Dealgood as magistrate. "Two men enter. One man leaves."


I'm getting a tad uncomfortable here, RW.
Am agreeing too much with your stuff.
My efforts here are merely redundant behind yours.
May have to switch to a shotgun forum, or a fishing-kayak forum.

Anyway, I quite agree that --given what we've seen with these court released docs ---Fox may very well initiate a settlement conference to keep this from going to court and getting even wider exposure with perhaps even more damning emails and private correspondence between Fox execs. Meaning, the PR could get even worse.

But, I certainly can see the incentive for Dominion to demand an acknowledgment of culpability and an apology. THAT would go a long way to resuscitate the reputation t
hat Fox so recklessly damaged.

Personally, as a mere tourist....a non-equity player in either FOX or Dominion .....I wanna see a knockdowndragout donnybrook. Let's go to court and have a Thunderdome moment: Dr. Dealgood as magistrate. "Two men enter. One man leaves."

From what I have seen, Foxā€™s defense of First Amendment is pretty lame.
To claim they have a First Amendment right to wrongly defame another company will not get them very far

The charges of malice are irrefutable
We would be better served if we cut our TV viewing of news on any station, for a while.
Most keep people agitated & angry.
And anger cuts off the blood supply of common sense.
That is definitely a good point.

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