Don Jr. cuts some of the hush money payments to women

Well, today's testimony in the House by Trump's longtime lawyer and co-conspirator should help clear things up.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.

Bill Clinton lied about it, and the reason he lied about it was to avoid paying the money he owed to Paula Corbin Jones for Sexual Harassment. That's why Clinton got disbarred.

Further, this happened in the workplace on government time. A friend of mine worked as a night security guard and his girlfriend visited him on the job. They had relations in the security shack, the employer found out and he was fired on the spot.

Why should Minimal Wage Security Guards be held to a Higher Standard than the president?
Fuck Bill Clinton Troll. You're off topic garbage is useless on here. Grow a pair and discuss the thread. What a loser.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Someone should release the names of congressional members who paid out $17 million in hush money to their staffers. At least Trump paid his blackmailers out of his own pocket, not mine.
Make a thread coward. Look at these losers run from the thread.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Off topic! Another coward!
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Off topic! Another coward!

How is that off topic? You're the one who seems like a coward here, dodging honest questions like that.
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Did CNN Stack the Audience Against Bernie Sanders at His Town Hall?[/QUOTE]
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
Then I guess you will understand how the millions of Bernie supporters feel about HRC literally stealing the nomination from Bernie........right?
Looks like CNN is at it again.
Did CNN Stack the Audience Against Bernie Sanders at His Town Hall?

Nothing was stole from Bernie. Did you back him?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.
He didnt get impeached for getting his dick sucked.
Yeah, you kids keep repeating that as if it will change the truth......
That is the truth. The dumbfuck lied about it.
That was his own stupidity. Not the republican hacks that were in congress who were raising hell about him catching a nut.
It was a lame excuse. Probably motivated by jealousy. After all, when was the last time a republican got a consensual blow job?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.

They didn't impeach him for getting a blowjob. Hell, I was glad to have had a president that could still get it up.

He was impeached for lying about it.

As for Trump Jr paying women to keep quiet, the only way there are legal issues is the source of the money. Campaign money, for example.
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.
He didnt get impeached for getting his dick sucked.
Yeah, you kids keep repeating that as if it will change the truth......
That is the truth. The dumbfuck lied about it.
That was his own stupidity. Not the republican hacks that were in congress who were raising hell about him catching a nut.
It was a lame excuse. Probably motivated by jealousy. After all, when was the last time a republican got a consensual blow job?
Maybe so. Who knows.
The fact remains, he got impeached for lying. Not getting his dick sucked
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Off topic! Another coward!

How is that off topic? You're the one who seems like a coward here, dodging honest questions like that.
The thread has nothing to do with Clinton coward. Try again or create your own thread. Are you that much of a pussy that you can't discuss the illegal hush money payments, where some of the checks were signed by Don Jr.? Of course not. You have to retreat to Clinton. What a loser. Clinton has zero to do with Trump and his schemes, and this thread. You're a loser, so get lost.
Is this thread about Donald Jr. helping to pay hush money for his dad or some stuff that happened with Bill Clinton three decades ago?
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These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
:aargh: OMG, you folks are so stupid. Trump paid for it. They are his checks. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

Is this thread about Donald Jr. helping to pay hush money for his dad or some stuff that happened with Bill Clinton three decades ago?
Off topic is all they have. They couldn't be more obvious of their surrender to this thread.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

NO....that is the ultimate stretch of the law and is not likely to hold up in any real court. Good luck with that one...because if that's the case nearly half of the house and the Senate are guilty.

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Off topic! Another coward!

How is that off topic? You're the one who seems like a coward here, dodging honest questions like that.
The thread has nothing to do with Clinton coward. Try again or create your own thread. Are you that much of a pussy that you can't discuss the illegal hush money payments, where some of the checks were signed by Don Jr.? Of course not. You have to retreat to Clinton. What a loser. Clinton has zero to do with Trump and his schemes, and this thread. You're a loser, so get lost.

Sorry for asking questions but I just don't understand why paying to damage a campaign is legal and no big deal but paying to protect a campaign is "the greatest scandal in American history"
There is nothing illegal about paying a woman to remain silent about an actual or imaginary episode. It is a legal contract, with consideration passing on both sides.

When this Cohen character talks about these payments being "illegal" or "campaign expenses," he is doing nothing more than proposing a conclusion of law, and it is nothing more than his self-serving legal opinion, having no more weight by virtue of the fact that he was the instrument of payment. The fact that he is behaving so badly at this time gives credence to the suspicion that his entire line of argument has been choreographed by the New York prosecutors with whom he made his deplorable plea bargain.

Those who take the time to read the details of his conduct, both related and unrelated to these episodes, will quickly conclude that he is a low-life scumbag. He grotesquely inflated his charges to the Trump organization, repeatedly lied to his clients, and in most things personified the worst public perceptions of a sleazy lawyer. Even if every word he says publicly is true (excluding self-serving opinion on the law), he is still a scumbag.

And of course, this entire Leftist-Congressional kabuki dance is a sham. It has nothing to do with the Constitutional business of Congress, and the hearings should be shut down immediately.

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