Don Jr. cuts some of the hush money payments to women

These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
:aargh: OMG, you folks are so stupid. Trump paid for it. They are his checks. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
So were they trumps checks or campaign funds?
Make up your fucking mind already. Good gried

Bwaaaaaaaaah! Bwaaaaaaaaaah! Trump won...I was cheated .... Bwahhhhhhhhhh! Bwahhhhhhhhhh! Sniffle, sniffle!!

What a panty waisted little melted litle snowflake fuck. The kind that never takes responsibility for anything. You can just smell it. Whines like Queebo what had is genitals ate by a dog.

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?

Cohen is going to jail for the very same crime that Bernie Sander's wife is not going to jail for.
Add it up's all political now. There's no semblance of justice left in the system.
Cohen is also his own worst enemy...Try as he might he will not be able to blame Trump for all of the mistakes he made..including his infidelity. OOOOOOOH.......I wouldn't want to be Mikey Cohen going to the Federal Pen with his Dad in law giving the green light....heh heh heh.

democracy hijacked.png
We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
Pinning the tail on Cohen isn't going to work. Paying a woman for her silence before a presidential election to benefit your campaign is a federal crime. Cohen is going to prison for it.

No it isnt and no, he's not. Did you read the charges against him?

"But....but....Cohen is speaking to the House Oversight Committee today. He's going to tell them that Trump a racist, a con-man, and a cheat..."

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?

Cohen is going to jail for the very same crime that Bernie Sander's wife is not going to jail for.
Add it up's all political now. There's no semblance of justice left in the system.
Cohen is also his own worst enemy...Try as he might he will not be able to blame Trump for all of the mistakes he made..including his infidelity. OOOOOOOH.......I wouldn't want to be Mikey Cohen going to the Federal Pen with his Dad in law giving the green light....heh heh heh.

Trump blamed himself through documentation by way of check receipts. That's on Trump. If Cohen is going to jail for that crime,Trump is just as liable..He is the spear head vof that crime. How stupid are you not to see that?
It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?
Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?
So this op is about hush money being paid with campaign finance money correct?
Proof? Your asshole doesnt count.
Pinning the tail on Cohen isn't going to work. Paying a woman for her silence before a presidential election to benefit your campaign is a federal crime. Cohen is going to prison for it.

No it isnt and no, he's not. Did you read the charges against him?

"But....but....Cohen is speaking to the House Oversight Committee today. He's going to tell them that Trump a racist, a con-man, and a cheat..."

And that's what he is. You must be proud?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.

Nope. It wasn't the blow job that got him impeached. It was the lying.

Do a little research before you embarrass yourself. LMAO
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?

When was paying off porn stars made illegal?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
Lol what? Because he gave a female money?? Haha
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?
So this op is about hush money being paid with campaign finance money correct?
Proof? Your asshole doesnt count.
When was I part of the investigation? Lol! Presented check receipts is the proof retard.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?
So this op is about hush money being paid with campaign finance money correct?
Proof? Your asshole doesnt count.
When was I part of the investigation? Lol! Presented check receipts is the proof retard.

Where on the check does it say the money came from campaign donations?
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?
So this op is about hush money being paid with campaign finance money correct?
Proof? Your asshole doesnt count.
When was I part of the investigation? Lol! Presented check receipts is the proof retard.
I see nothing presented except for your hysterics
We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.

Hush money is not the same as an NDA and all of them had the right to refuse it. Your vote meant all that it needed to mean. You made your choice and that choice still stands for something. Nobody has a guarantee when they vote that it's for the winner otherwise it would not be called a vote dude..... I'm watching you melt down into a totalitarian tantrum right in front of my eyes. Your not upset about your choice .... your upset that anyone else has a choice. This is who you are....this is who the left IS.


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