Don Jr. cuts some of the hush money payments to women

All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
The only counter for TDS is available through a psychiatrist.
A classic sour grape answer from a loser. Thanks!
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The truth is a powerful anecdote that Trump toddlers can't deal with.
Theres nothing to deal with. I don't care who he fucked and I don't care about him paying them.
I care about his performance as president.

Get a life tard
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
The only counter for TDS is available through a psychiatrist.
A classic sour grape answer from a loser. Thanks!
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The truth is a powerful anecdote that Trump toddlers can't deal with.
Theres nothing to deal with. I don't care who he fucked and I don't care about him paying them.
I care about his performance as president.

Get a life tard
He's an illegal president who violated my freedoms to a free and fair election. I do care about it, and so does law enforcement. You are a traitor to the U.S. and the rule of law. Thanks for the heads up.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.
He lied about it...if he was honest about it, the pillars of our constitutional democracy would have been able to withstand it....

But he lied.....thus nearly bringing down our entire way of life because of it.....

or not....what was Whitewater about again?
Corroborating physical evidence of documentation paying porn stars is concrete evidence of federal campaign finance violations that was not reported. That is a federal crime by Trump. The paralysis of Republicans is stunning. All they can do is try and go after Cohen instead of pursuing the truth. They keep attacking his credibility when in fact, if Cohen lies more, he may get more time. Cohen is definitely not lying today, and he has the documentation to prove it. Let that sink in.
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Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

The fact that Trump Jr. made the payment by check to Mr. Cohen is proof that Cohen told Trump Jr. that the payment was legal.

And BTW, it was.

No one pays for a crime with a check, except for maybe Jussie Smollett.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
BWK, how were you cheated out of a fair sand free election? Are you really going vote accordin g to what a candidates does for his sex life as opposed to what he can do for his country?
Having sex with a porn star decaDES AGO DID NOT INTERFERE WITH HIS JOB AS PRESIDENT. You dwell on the minutia instead of items of importance.

Be you love Housewives of Satan City, too.
Corroborating physical evidence of documentation paying porn stars is concrete evidence of federal campaign finance violations that was not reported. That is a federal crime by Trump.
What's more important...peace around the world, low unemployment numbers, a strong stock market, consumer optimism. or Trumps paying a prostitute for sex decades ago?

SCREW the prostitute, I think higher than that.
We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.
Nothing you said from this post has any bearing on the OP. Get lost.
Has everything to do with it but you have no counter.
All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.

Mr. Cohen didn't allege 1 illegal act by President Trump.
All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.

Mr. Cohen didn't allege 1 illegal act by President Trump.
I don't believe that is correct. Most of the acts were those of ethics and acts cxpected from a leader.

My take, however, there was no indication that Trump colluded with Russia, which was the point of the investigation before the witch hunt started.
He taped clients and gave those tapes to LE. That was breaking the Confidentiality between attorney and client.
All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.

Mr. Cohen didn't allege 1 illegal act by President Trump.
I don't believe that is correct. Most of the acts were those of ethics and acts cxpected from a leader.

My take, however, there was no indication that Trump colluded with Russia, which was the point of the investigation before the witch hunt started.
We have documented evidence of campaign finance violations that Trump used and did not report, to sway the election. That has been proven.
He taped clients and gave those tapes to LE. That was breaking the Confidentiality between attorney and client.
Nothing illegal there, and is irrelevant to federal campaign finance violations Trump committed.
All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.

Mr. Cohen didn't allege 1 illegal act by President Trump.
I don't believe that is correct. Most of the acts were those of ethics and acts cxpected from a leader.

My take, however, there was no indication that Trump colluded with Russia, which was the point of the investigation before the witch hunt started.
We have documented evidence of campaign finance violations that Trump used and did not report, to sway the election. That has been proven.
for what?
All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.

Mr. Cohen didn't allege 1 illegal act by President Trump.
I don't believe that is correct. Most of the acts were those of ethics and acts cxpected from a leader.

My take, however, there was no indication that Trump colluded with Russia, which was the point of the investigation before the witch hunt started.
We have documented evidence of campaign finance violations that Trump used and did not report, to sway the election. That has been proven.
for what?
The signed checks were not reported, paid to Cohen as reimbursement. That's illegal.
All Republicans on the committee are obsessed with book deals. What a bunch of losers. They aren't looking for the truth about Trump's crimes. They are traitors.

Mr. Cohen didn't allege 1 illegal act by President Trump.
I don't believe that is correct. Most of the acts were those of ethics and acts cxpected from a leader.

My take, however, there was no indication that Trump colluded with Russia, which was the point of the investigation before the witch hunt started.
We have documented evidence of campaign finance violations that Trump used and did not report, to sway the election. That has been proven.
for what?
The signed checks were not reported, paid to Cohen as reimbursement. That's illegal.
The checks were personal, not associated to Trump until Cohen said so. Believe him or not. He's a known liar, so...
He taped clients and gave those tapes to LE. That was breaking the Confidentiality between attorney and client.
Nothing illegal there, and is irrelevant to federal campaign finance violations Trump committed.
I thought the payments to women were made by Cohen and paid him back in installments.
The money was reimbursed to Cohen by Trumps other fixers. Weisselburg and Don Jr. were in on the con.

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