Don Jr. cuts some of the hush money payments to women

We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.
We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.
Nothing you said from this post has any bearing on the OP. Get lost.
Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?
What crime? You have yet to elaborate on any crime in this thread.
Do you know how forums work? Holy shit
It's a campaign finance violation of the conspiracy nature where two individuals plotted a hush money scheme in front of a presidential election to keep porn stars quiet, in order to get elected. It's a federal crime for which Cohen is already going to jail for. Why and how can you support criminals like that who cheat millions out of a free and fair election?'s not a crime and it's done all the time by everyone in DC.....hell congress even has a slush fund for it.
You just don't like call your congressman and tell him to introduce a bill that will make it illegal....oh but then he might have to prosecute himself!

We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.

When this doesn't work it will be Trump's choice of underwear is unpatriotic next...when that doesn't work it will be that he looked at a staffer for more than three seconds one day....when that fails it will be his hair is a's really a wig and he lied to America about that so we have to impeach him! This is as predictable as the noise from a baby ward in the maternity section of a hospital.

We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.

When this doesn't work it will be Trump's choice of underwear is unpatriotic next...when that doesn't work it will be that he looked at a staffer for more than three seconds one day....when that fails it will be his hair is a's really a wig and he lied to America about that so we have to impeach him! This is as predictable as the noise from a baby ward in the maternity section of a hospital.

Your tired rhetoric says nothing. This was an illegal election. "Period!"
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.

When this doesn't work it will be Trump's choice of underwear is unpatriotic next...when that doesn't work it will be that he looked at a staffer for more than three seconds one day....when that fails it will be his hair is a's really a wig and he lied to America about that so we have to impeach him! This is as predictable as the noise from a baby ward in the maternity section of a hospital.

Your tired rhetoric says nothing. This was an illegal election. "Period!"

Highly won't make it past even the lowest level of the court system. All NDA's have records, lawyers and signatures....end of story. Stormy lost....because she agreed to it and took the money. In the final analysis it was all stupid because she spilled all the beans anyway and was lucky that Trump didn't go after her for repayment...instead she ended up stuck with a legal bill for Frivolous legal filing..... And NDA is a very integral part of American Politics today and I am positive that up to half of your elected officials use them all the time. For that reason YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS GO TOO FAR.....there are too many people up to and including the damn judges themselves who use them. None of this is a defense of Trump BTW.....I despise that kind of lifestyle.....but his poorly conducted sex life has nothing to do with my voting preferences....they weren't 13 year old kids from Epstein's Island. They were all consensual gold diggers most likely who had no problem laying down their signatures for the money.

Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.

Nope. It wasn't the blow job that got him impeached. It was the lying.

Do a little research before you embarrass yourself. LMAO
Trump got caught lying about the $130,000 dollar payment.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.
He wasn't impeached for it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.

When this doesn't work it will be Trump's choice of underwear is unpatriotic next...when that doesn't work it will be that he looked at a staffer for more than three seconds one day....when that fails it will be his hair is a's really a wig and he lied to America about that so we have to impeach him! This is as predictable as the noise from a baby ward in the maternity section of a hospital.

Your tired rhetoric says nothing. This was an illegal election. "Period!"

Highly won't make it past even the lowest level of the court system. All NDA's have records, lawyers and signatures....end of story. Stormy lost....because she agreed to it and took the money. In the final analysis it was all stupid because she spilled all the beans anyway and was lucky that Trump didn't go after her for repayment...instead she ended up stuck with a legal bill for Frivolous legal filing..... And NDA is a very integral part of American Politics today and I am positive that up to half of your elected officials use them all the time. For that reason YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS GO TOO FAR.....there are too many people up to and including the damn judges themselves who use them. None of this is a defense of Trump BTW.....I despise that kind of lifestyle.....but his poorly conducted sex life has nothing to do with my voting preferences....they weren't 13 year old kids from Epstein's Island. They were all consensual gold diggers most likely who had no problem laying down their signatures for the money.

And Trump wrote the check. That's all that is relevant.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
RWNJ rhetoric aside it wasn't illegal for Bill to get a blow job either but you kids still impeached him for it.

Nope. It wasn't the blow job that got him impeached. It was the lying.

Do a little research before you embarrass yourself. LMAO
Trump got caught lying about the $130,000 dollar payment.

Gonna be a really tough one to prove....nowadays the bar has been tweaked to the point where a misspelled word is considered a lie. No matter.....they will do whatever they can legally do to him with all the resources they have to do it with. In the end he will still be in office until 2020. He may not be reelected....if not then he has only himself to blame...there are a lot of things he could have done better and could still do better if he is truly interested in reelection. It is terribly funny to see the Dems cry about the Emergency Declaration as an end run when all they have been trying to do for the past two years is an end run around the election.

We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.

Hush money is not the same as an NDA and all of them had the right to refuse it. Your vote meant all that it needed to mean. You made your choice and that choice still stands for something. Nobody has a guarantee when they vote that it's for the winner otherwise it would not be called a vote dude..... I'm watching you melt down into a totalitarian tantrum right in front of my eyes. Your not upset about your choice .... your upset that anyone else has a choice. This is who you are....this is who the left IS.

Illegal is illegal. Cutting corners is not an option for you or Trump or me. There is only one direction, the right direction.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
How so? If a man pays off porn stars to hide his infidelity to get elected by conducting a conspiracy with hush money payments, what makes you think my vote would not have meant something had that illegal hush payment been revealed? You don't. That is why this is election is illegal, and not free and fair.
So now you are going with payments instead of Russia? Ok so it is not illegal to make a payment, it is illegal to request one. The simple fact that Stormy Daniels or what ever her name is lost her court case and has to pay Trump me get be a clue even to you.

We have evidence that the FBI covered for Hillary and her illegal server. We have evidence that she received the debate questions before the debate.
We have evidence that the Steele dossier was used illegally to obtain FISA warrants.

You and a number of others like you would have voted for Hillary and against Trump even if she had been thrown in jail for handing nuclear secrets to China. Most of those who voted for Trump voted for him because they were tired of the abuses and terrible actions they had seen from the last fellow in the White House.

When this doesn't work it will be Trump's choice of underwear is unpatriotic next...when that doesn't work it will be that he looked at a staffer for more than three seconds one day....when that fails it will be his hair is a's really a wig and he lied to America about that so we have to impeach him! This is as predictable as the noise from a baby ward in the maternity section of a hospital.

Your tired rhetoric says nothing. This was an illegal election. "Period!"

Highly won't make it past even the lowest level of the court system. All NDA's have records, lawyers and signatures....end of story. Stormy lost....because she agreed to it and took the money. In the final analysis it was all stupid because she spilled all the beans anyway and was lucky that Trump didn't go after her for repayment...instead she ended up stuck with a legal bill for Frivolous legal filing..... And NDA is a very integral part of American Politics today and I am positive that up to half of your elected officials use them all the time. For that reason YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS GO TOO FAR.....there are too many people up to and including the damn judges themselves who use them. None of this is a defense of Trump BTW.....I despise that kind of lifestyle.....but his poorly conducted sex life has nothing to do with my voting preferences....they weren't 13 year old kids from Epstein's Island. They were all consensual gold diggers most likely who had no problem laying down their signatures for the money.

Trump check receipts is hard evidence. Nothing unlikely about that.
LOl! What's happening boys and girls? Watching the Cohen hearing? It's a barn burner huh? Trump is a scum bag and an illegally elected criminal. Old bone spurs had no bone spurs.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
The only counter for TDS is available through a psychiatrist.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
The only counter for TDS is available through a psychiatrist.
A classic sour grape answer from a loser. Thanks!
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
The only counter for TDS is available through a psychiatrist.
A classic sour grape answer from a loser. Thanks!
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Counter argument to what? Your hysterical emotional outburst ?
The facts. The documentation has been presented. Anything to counter?
The only counter for TDS is available through a psychiatrist.
A classic sour grape answer from a loser. Thanks!
View attachment 248000
The truth is a powerful anecdote that Trump toddlers can't deal with.
LOl! I'm listening to Republicans on the committee, and all they can talk about is book details. Is that it?

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