Don Jr. cuts some of the hush money payments to women

Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

There is nothing illegal about paying a woman to remain silent about an actual or imaginary episode. It is a legal contract, with consideration passing on both sides.

When this Cohen character talks about these payments being "illegal" or "campaign expenses," he is doing nothing more than proposing a conclusion of law, and it is nothing more than his self-serving legal opinion, having no more weight by virtue of the fact that he was the instrument of payment. The fact that he is behaving so badly at this time gives credence to the suspicion that his entire line of argument has been choreographed by the New York prosecutors with whom he made his deplorable plea bargain.

Those who take the time to read the details of his conduct, both related and unrelated to these episodes, will quickly conclude that he is a low-life scumbag. He grotesquely inflated his charges to the Trump organization, repeatedly lied to his clients, and in most things personified the worst public perceptions of a sleazy lawyer. Even if every word he says publicly is true (excluding self-serving opinion on the law), he is still a scumbag.

And of course, this entire Leftist-Congressional kabuki dance is a sham. It has nothing to do with the Constitutional business of Congress, and the hearings should be shut down immediately.
Pinning the tail on Cohen isn't going to work. Paying a woman for her silence before a presidential election to benefit your campaign is a federal crime. Cohen is going to prison for it.
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
:aargh: OMG, you folks are so stupid. Trump paid for it. They are his checks. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
So were they trumps checks or campaign funds?
Make up your fucking mind already. Good gried
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
"Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths?" - another appropriate motto for the new GOP
Is this thread about Donald Jr. helping to pay hush money for his dad or some stuff that happened with Bill Clinton three decades ago?
Off topic is all they have. They couldn't be more obvious of their surrender to this thread.
The clinton shit was started by a leftist, you goofy fuck
Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Off topic! Another coward!

How is that off topic? You're the one who seems like a coward here, dodging honest questions like that.
The thread has nothing to do with Clinton coward. Try again or create your own thread. Are you that much of a pussy that you can't discuss the illegal hush money payments, where some of the checks were signed by Don Jr.? Of course not. You have to retreat to Clinton. What a loser. Clinton has zero to do with Trump and his schemes, and this thread. You're a loser, so get lost.

Wow dude. Your abusive nature shows just how you people are coming apart at the seams. You're probably going to really lose your shit when this big "scandal" fizzles out like the Mueller investigation.

The truth is, there were no "illegal hush money payments". You're basing everything you believe on the John Edwards case, where he actually did use campaign funds to pay off some bimbo. That is illegal but even so, he wasn't convicted.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
You have yet to make an argument
Before a presidential campaign it is, because it involves campaign finance crimes. Any thing else?

Curious, why is it ok for the Clinton campaign to pay to dig up dirt on their opponents but not ok for the Trump campaign to pay to defend itself from allegations?
Off topic! Another coward!

How is that off topic? You're the one who seems like a coward here, dodging honest questions like that.
The thread has nothing to do with Clinton coward. Try again or create your own thread. Are you that much of a pussy that you can't discuss the illegal hush money payments, where some of the checks were signed by Don Jr.? Of course not. You have to retreat to Clinton. What a loser. Clinton has zero to do with Trump and his schemes, and this thread. You're a loser, so get lost.

Wow dude. Your abusive nature shows just how you people are coming apart at the seams. You're probably going to really lose your shit when this big "scandal" fizzles out like the Mueller investigation.

The truth is, there were no "illegal hush money payments". You're basing everything you believe on the John Edwards case, where he actually did use campaign funds to pay off some bimbo. That is illegal but even so, he wasn't convicted.
Who needs the Mueller investigation when an illegal election has been proven?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
You have yet to make an argument
And you're an idiot.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.

If it's been proven that he was elected illegally, why has he been President for over the last two years?

Pinning the tail on Cohen isn't going to work. Paying a woman for her silence before a presidential election to benefit your campaign is a federal crime. Cohen is going to prison for it.

No it isnt and no, he's not. Did you read the charges against him?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
View attachment 247953
No counter arguments coming from losers like you. That's good.
You have yet to make an argument
And you're an idiot.
Thats not an argument. Thats desperation.
We have him now #4657 or is it #4755 I can never keep all of the crazy things straight. I have no doubt one of our local crazies with make the "Mexico paid for it" comment.

If liberals acctually spent half as much time being Americans and trying to help America as they do on trying to ruin America we would have a glorious country.
We start with illegal elections to help America. The country admits to itself that we went through an illegal election, and that millions were deprived the right to a free and fair election. That's how we help America, not "ruin" it.
Just because you feel upset that your candidate did not win even while cheating does not make the election illegal.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

You didn't vote for were not cheated out of anything except the idea that you are entitled to
have your way regardless of what anyone else wants to do or's called progressive-ism..

It's called the law, not "my way." Like you, I am entitled to a free and fair election. But that didn't happen, because no one knew of the illegal hush money payments to porn stars. You are a loser, because you can't even invent a truthful legitimate argument.

Fuck you.....big just don't like losing. I'm guessing that extends to every part of your life.
Oh and btw I am not a loser....I voted for the guy who won.

He was illegally elected. That has been proven. You are the loser who knows that better than any one. You can't get around the law and what it says. Only a "big baby" like you can't see that. But reality will send you a bill.
Was he voted in by germany or something? How was it illegal?
Seriously bro, just how retarded are you?
Retarded enough to understand the law and that Cohen is going to jail for the same crime. What does that make you, a vegetable?

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