Donald J Trump Legacy


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
How will History view the Presidency of Donald J Trump?


Restructured Tax Code and slashed Corporate and High end tax rates
Stocked the Courts with Conservatives and named three to SCOTUS
Negotiated Peace settlements between Israel and three of its neighbors
Space Force
Rebranded the Republican Party
Led to a Historically low unemployment rate and high Stock Market
Met with Kim Jong Un


Upon losing the election, led a campaign based on lies to overturn the results. Ultimately leading to the Jan 6 insurgency.
Provided inept leadership during COVID leading to 400,000 deaths
Destabilized NATO
Declining global respect for the US
Redefined Presidential decorum
Started a trade war with China and former economic allies
Replaced truth with a redefined reality
Escalated racial tensions
Withdrew from Paris Climate Accords, WHO and Iran Nuclear Deal
I could take a dump in my toilet later today and take a photo of it for you, if you want to see a good photo of Donald Trump's legacy?

Just lemme know
Trump's greatest legacy: Put America first.

But he didn't. He attacked whole groups of Americans, group by group with the exception of white straight males who were evangelicals, and destroyed our nation's friendships with other countries whom we count as allies. These attacks did absolutely nothing to put America first. Quite the opposite. For example, why did he attack the mayor of London? Our NATO allies? Why did he cuddle up to putin at the expense of his own people? Why did he call in the 82nd Airborne to the White House? Why did he clear Lafayette Park so that he could walk across it for a photo op of him desecrating St. John's Church and the entire Christian faith?
To me Trump's legacy will be this..............He walked through 5 years of libturd land mines preplanned to explode. 2 bogus impeachments and 1000 proved false bogus stories. They did beat him ONCE! But they had to muster all the dead voters and quintuple voters just to do it.
How will History view the Presidency of Donald J Trump?


Restructured Tax Code and slashed Corporate and High end tax rates
Stocked the Courts with Conservatives and named three to SCOTUS
Negotiated Peace settlements between Israel and three of its neighbors
Space Force
Rebranded the Republican Party
Led to a Historically low unemployment rate and high Stock Market
Met with Kim Jong Un


Upon losing the election, led a campaign based on lies to overturn the results. Ultimately leading to the Jan 6 insurgency.
Provided inept leadership during COVID leading to 400,000 deaths
Destabilized NATO
Declining global respect for the US
Redefined Presidential decorum
Started a trade war with China and former economic allies
Replaced truth with a redefined reality
Escalated racial tensions
Withdrew from Paris Climate Accords, WHO and Iran Nuclear Deal
The most amazing legacy Trump has done is making 50% of this board act like this...............Look at the black dude watching in
How will History view the Presidency of Donald J Trump?


Restructured Tax Code and slashed Corporate and High end tax rates
Stocked the Courts with Conservatives and named three to SCOTUS
Negotiated Peace settlements between Israel and three of its neighbors
Space Force
Rebranded the Republican Party
Led to a Historically low unemployment rate and high Stock Market
Met with Kim Jong Un


Upon losing the election, led a campaign based on lies to overturn the results. Ultimately leading to the Jan 6 insurgency.
Provided inept leadership during COVID leading to 400,000 deaths
Destabilized NATO
Declining global respect for the US
Redefined Presidential decorum
Started a trade war with China and former economic allies
Replaced truth with a redefined reality
Escalated racial tensions
Withdrew from Paris Climate Accords, WHO and Iran Nuclear Deal
" insurgency "


How will History view the Presidency of Donald J Trump?


Restructured Tax Code and slashed Corporate and High end tax rates
Stocked the Courts with Conservatives and named three to SCOTUS
Negotiated Peace settlements between Israel and three of its neighbors
Space Force
Rebranded the Republican Party
Led to a Historically low unemployment rate and high Stock Market
Met with Kim Jong Un


Upon losing the election, led a campaign based on lies to overturn the results. Ultimately leading to the Jan 6 insurgency.
Provided inept leadership during COVID leading to 400,000 deaths
Destabilized NATO
Declining global respect for the US
Redefined Presidential decorum
Started a trade war with China and former economic allies
Replaced truth with a redefined reality
Escalated racial tensions
Withdrew from Paris Climate Accords, WHO and Iran Nuclear Deal

Trump's greatest legacy was actually working to get things done.

Unlike previous do-nothing GOP'ers like Mitt Romney who refused to even fight Liberalism even when they were attacking him, Trump pushed back.

He set the bar high for those who succeed him in the Republican Party.
how will history view President Trump. If it continues and the left controls education they'll malign and contine to try to destroy this president but the American people KNOW better.

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