Donald John Trump: LOSER

In 2020, Trump had 84 million people vote against him

The most by any sitting President by over 20 million
84 million ballots against him.
Many in this nation still doubt it was 84 million people.

The more disturbing is that either way suggests the Nation has plunged dangerous deep to the Left.
84 million ballots against him.
Many in this nation still doubt it was 84 million people.

The more disturbing is that either way suggests the Nation has plunged dangerous deep to the Left.

What specifically is dangerous deep left?
“Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election.

He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover.

He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York.

All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind.

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing.

He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it.

And by it, I mean him.

We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. Many people say so. The best people.

Believe me.”

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- posted by @JoJoFromJerz on X

Wow, that sure is a lot of losing! What do you think?
What specifically is dangerous deep left?
Socialism to the extreme it is close to Communism, and slipping closer daily.
Rejection of Free Enterprise Capitalism.
Thinking that the Government has boundless wealth and money to finance all the bong dreams of the Leftist.
Belief that our nation's enemies, like Russia, CCP China, Iran, drug cartels, Islamic Jihad and others really aren't enemies.
An attitude that "the Rich" so pay for everything so the Left won't have to work and earn their living.
The idea that while all other nations can have borders and control who goes in or out of their country, the USA can't do so, must have no border, let anyone come in and then give them welfare.
Just a start on the list.
Because unlike Joe BiDumbshit and the rest of you far Left Communists, Trump loves America.
The American Communist Party was never a factor in American politics. Now it is restricted to several thousand members, nationwide. I have known and liked card carrying members of the American Communist Party. I think Karl Marx had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else.

Calling someone a "Communist" is as lame as calling someone a "racist." I have been called both.

Trump loves himself first, the members of his family second, and his rich friends third. It breaks down pretty quickly after that.
Geez, Harry. You been here since 2008. I doubt you are just noticing. This election year hardly your first rodeo. I've only been here since 2019 and this is my first time in a presidential election year in Mod chair. It is more venomous here than ever from my perspective. Am I wrong, or is it just perspective?
am i wrong?....
“Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election.

He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover.

He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York.

All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind.

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing.

He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it.

And by it, I mean him.

We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. Many people say so. The best people.

Believe me.”

May be an image of 1 person

- posted by @JoJoFromJerz on X

Wow, that sure is a lot of losing! What do you think?
“Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election.

He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover.

He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York.

All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind.

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing.

He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it.

And by it, I mean him.

We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. Many people say so. The best people.

Believe me.”

May be an image of 1 person

- posted by @JoJoFromJerz on X

Wow, that sure is a lot of losing! What do you think?

  • He lost on the border
  • He lost on Healthcare
  • He lost the battle to Covid
  • He lost infrastructure
  • He lost jobs
  • He lost GDP
  • He lost 6 senior officials to felony convictions
  • He lost his own midterms
  • He lost his debates to Joe Biden
  • He lost his election to Joe Biden
  • He lost the GA special election on both Senators
  • He lost 81 court cases on election accuracy
  • He lost Biden’s midterm with historically bad under performance
  • He lost his sexual assault case
  • He lost all his appeals on the Florida documents case
“Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election.

He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover.

He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York.

All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind.

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing.

He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it.

And by it, I mean him.

We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. Many people say so. The best people.

Believe me.”

May be an image of 1 person

- posted by @JoJoFromJerz on X

Wow, that sure is a lot of losing! What do you think?
Yet he’s still going to beat Biden come November…hmmmmm…
That says more about the demented Stalinist Democrats than it does of Trump. Of course you terminal TDS retarded ASSHOLES have absolutely NO SELF-AWARENESS to recognize that FACT.
I think this is an example of true TDS.

The Trump cult denies the economic metrics that show he sucked, they deny the dozens of people he appointed and later come out and tell stories or write books of how much he sucked and then they have the audacity to point a finger and say you're not self aware.

I heard a reporter saying that they had over 20 sources for the story about Trump calling the dead US soldiers losers but Trump supporters just say fake news.

You would have to think that down deep they know they're wrong but they can't come to terms with it so they just lash out what cursing and name calling.

I hope it makes them feel better.
“Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election.

He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover.

He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York.

All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind.

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing.

He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it.

And by it, I mean him.

We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. Many people say so. The best people.

Believe me.”

May be an image of 1 person

- posted by @JoJoFromJerz on X

Wow, that sure is a lot of losing! What do you think?

Your TDS has become a pathology.
I think this is an example of true TDS.

The Trump cult denies the economic metrics that show he sucked, they deny the dozens of people he appointed and later come out and tell stories or write books of how much he sucked and then they have the audacity to point a finger and say you're not self aware.

I heard a reporter saying that they had over 20 sources for the story about Trump calling the dead US soldiers losers but Trump supporters just say fake news.

You would have to think that down deep they know they're wrong but they can't come to terms with it so they just lash out what cursing and name calling.

I hope it makes them feel better.
So? We don’t elect people on the popular vote.
FYI, We elect all of our representatives, governors, Legislators, and Senators etc, in the states and federal gov't, by popular vote.

ONLY president and vice president are elected by the Electoral College vote.

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