DONALD JOHN TRUMP: The Definitive Contemporary Guide to the Man - A LLR Special

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
There is much confusion over Donald Trump. I thought that perhaps if you see him through my eyes you may get another perspective on the man. I shall handle this in 3 parts: DJT, the man; DJT, the politician; and DJT, his future in politics. Letā€™s go.


I like Trump. He is a free-wheeling, whoowah banging playboy. Whatā€™s not to like? He clearly has quite a business acumen judging by his enormous success. Despite what the leftist creeps like to say about his business, DJT has never filed bankruptcy. The truth is that DJT has strategically utilize chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code to restructure debt and shed unnecessary obligations of a variety of sorts. In other words, he is a smart and shrewd business man. Remember, Trump is worth over a billion dollars, fucks smoking hot whoowahs, and makes deals. You, on the other hand, sit on the internet and whine about this and that, mainly out of envy of Trump and his success. ā€œOh, I hate Trump. He has millions and millions of dollars while I am broke and have an ugly slug of a wife. BOO HOO!!ā€™ It is sad and pathetic.

Trump is not perfect. But nobody expects him to be. We ALL knew what we were getting when we voted for him. After 8 fucking long years under the tyranny of the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama, we were tired of the bullshit. We wanted prosperity. We wanted manufacturing to come back. We wanted to see our energy sector flourish. We wanted a reinvigorated national defense. Trump promised these things and largely delivered. He could have done more if not for the chicken shit Democrats.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, the Politician:

I can pinpoint when things got fucked up. Early in Trumpā€™s presidency he had a deal essentially worked out with Pelosi and Schumer to get full funding for the border wall in return for amnesty for the illegals currently in our country. It was a done deal. They even had a little get together on the WH lawn to talk about it. Then, Trump went back into the WH and was subjected to a lot of bullshit from Steve Bannon about how amnesty will kill his support.

Now, to me this is a no-brainer to give them the amnesty

In exchange for taking a huge step to secure our southern border. You have to make compromises in our system. This was a good deal under the circumstances. All Trump has to do was go to the people and explain that even though he does not want to give amnesty to all these fucking illegal aliens, it beats leaving the border wide open. Going before the people and convincing them of a position is what leadership is about. In this instance Trump followed Bannon and chumped out in fear of alienating his supporters.

In addition to losing funding for the border wall, he fucked up his future credibility with Congress. He backed out of a deal, for fuckā€™s sake!! Those lowlifes Pelosi and Schumer were going to be total twats to deal with anyway. But pulling out of a deal that had pretty much been struck is bad. Trump could get very little done in Congress after that. It is not all Trumpā€™s fault. But he certainly did not help himself. Nor did he get a wall built along the entirety of the southern border.

See, I was kind of hoping that notwithstanding all the bravado with Trump that deep down inside he could be serious. He could Tweet all night, fuck with CNN, and say some funny shit. But when the doors to the Oval Office close it was all business. That was my hope.

I supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 primaries. However, I had no reservation about voting for Trump when he got the nomination because at some point Mr. Serious Trump would show up. I guess that to some degree serious Trump did, in fact, show up. Though, it was not quite what I expected. And in fairness to Trump, we have to remember that he and his administration were under CONSTANT ATTACK by the Democrats and media for all sorts of stupid and frivolous bullshit (e.g., the ā€œpee tapeā€).

Trumpā€™s first term was good, but it could have been much, much better. Who is to blame? Everyone. The aforementioned constant political attacks had a Lot to do with it. But Trumpā€™s unconventional leadership style kind of contributed.

Of course I voted for Trump again in 2020. I did so (1) because voting for a Democrat is never an option; and (2) I was hopeful that Trump could get the stuff done in his second term that he could not get done in his first term. This would be especially doing if the GOP would retake control in Congress in 2022.

It cannot be understated how harmful the constant attacks on Trump were to his presidency and our country. It involved everything from snarky journalists engaging in continuous hyperbolic word-gasms, to crooked deep state twats committing borderline sedition and treason. Yes, it was THAT bad.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, His Future in Politics:

The left finally got their way and voted Trump out of office, replacing him with a crooked, senile old pedophile. Way to go. Trump argues that the election was stolen. I have 2 points to make about this. First, the dubious practice of ballot harvesting is the closest thing to legalized electoral fraud we have. Does anyone, anywhere actually, believe that these ā€œballot harvestersā€ donā€™t fill in the ballots before they get the voters to sign? OK, all of them probably donā€™t do this. Many will follow the law. But letā€™s be real. They are ā€œharvestingā€ these ballots in low-income, ghettos in many instances. If you donā€™t think fraud is going on with this, then you are a fucking idiot. We just donā€™t know how much yet.

Second, the fatal flaw in the stolen election thing is that Trump and his people underestimated how much people hate him. The ONLY person in American history to ever get more votes than Trumpā€™s 70-plus million is ā€¦ Biden, in 2020. With the media, colleges, and online bullshit, combined with all the dumb kids out there, yeah, I can see Biden getting more votes, even though Biden spent most of the campaign sitting in his basement trying to figure out how to play Solitaire on his computer. All 80-plus million of Bidenā€™s votes were not votes for him at all. They were voted against Trump.

Was the election stolen from Trump? The fact is, nobody knows. All we know is that we lack evidence of it, which does not necessarily mean it did not happen. And with the shady practice of ballot harvestingā€¦ who know for sure?

Here is what I would like to see. I would like to see Trump drop out and stay silent until there is a nominee, at which time he rallies his supporters to get out and vote for the nominee. He can throw his weight around and make demands for things in order to get his support and the support of his voters. Thatā€™s politics.

Trump does not need this bullshit. Thank God for him and what he has done for our nation. But for fuckā€™s sake, he is nearly 80 years old and the left is trying to put him in prison. Does he really want to go through all this? Moreover, do we, the public, want to go through all this?

I love Trump. I went to 2 of his MAGA rallies in 2020. But there are younger and better conservative leaders out there. Trump can do the best for the nation by leveraging his 70 million voters to get certain concessions out of candidates trying to win the nomination.

Can Trump beat Biden a second time around. I think the answer is a resounding YES. I base this on the fact that, unlike 2020, Biden now has a disastrous record as president. People now know what it looks like to have an incontinent zombie in the WH. It is not pretty.

If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him. But I would really like to see him step aside. He may not win re-election, but another GOP candidate can. Trump can hold the nominee accountable my making them make certain concessions and policy commitments in exchange for getting the support of his voters. I think that is a much better use of Trumpā€™s power than having a geriatric rematch of 2020.
Yeah but Trump ain't the president and he doesn't have his trembling thumb on the nuclear button. The doddering old dude still has two more years and lefties worry about Trump? WTF
There is much confusion over Donald Trump. I thought that perhaps if you see him through my eyes you may get another perspective on the man. I shall handle this in 3 parts: DJT, the man; DJT, the politician; and DJT, his future in politics. Letā€™s go.


I like Trump. He is a free-wheeling, whoowah banging playboy. Whatā€™s not to like? He clearly has quite a business acumen judging by his enormous success. Despite what the leftist creeps like to say about his business, DJT has never filed bankruptcy. The truth is that DJT has strategically utilize chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code to restructure debt and shed unnecessary obligations of a variety of sorts. In other words, he is a smart and shrewd business man. Remember, Trump is worth over a billion dollars, fucks smoking hot whoowahs, and makes deals. You, on the other hand, sit on the internet and whine about this and that, mainly out of envy of Trump and his success. ā€œOh, I hate Trump. He has millions and millions of dollars while I am broke and have an ugly slug of a wife. BOO HOO!!ā€™ It is sad and pathetic.

Trump is not perfect. But nobody expects him to be. We ALL knew what we were getting when we voted for him. After 8 fucking long years under the tyranny of the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama, we were tired of the bullshit. We wanted prosperity. We wanted manufacturing to come back. We wanted to see our energy sector flourish. We wanted a reinvigorated national defense. Trump promised these things and largely delivered. He could have done more if not for the chicken shit Democrats.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, the Politician:

I can pinpoint when things got fucked up. Early in Trumpā€™s presidency he had a deal essentially worked out with Pelosi and Schumer to get full funding for the border wall in return for amnesty for the illegals currently in our country. It was a done deal. They even had a little get together on the WH lawn to talk about it. Then, Trump went back into the WH and was subjected to a lot of bullshit from Steve Bannon about how amnesty will kill his support.

Now, to me this is a no-brainer to give them the amnesty

In exchange for taking a huge step to secure our southern border. You have to make compromises in our system. This was a good deal under the circumstances. All Trump has to do was go to the people and explain that even though he does not want to give amnesty to all these fucking illegal aliens, it beats leaving the border wide open. Going before the people and convincing them of a position is what leadership is about. In this instance Trump followed Bannon and chumped out in fear of alienating his supporters.

In addition to losing funding for the border wall, he fucked up his future credibility with Congress. He backed out of a deal, for fuckā€™s sake!! Those lowlifes Pelosi and Schumer were going to be total twats to deal with anyway. But pulling out of a deal that had pretty much been struck is bad. Trump could get very little done in Congress after that. It is not all Trumpā€™s fault. But he certainly did not help himself. Nor did he get a wall built along the entirety of the southern border.

See, I was kind of hoping that notwithstanding all the bravado with Trump that deep down inside he could be serious. He could Tweet all night, fuck with CNN, and say some funny shit. But when the doors to the Oval Office close it was all business. That was my hope.

I supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 primaries. However, I had no reservation about voting for Trump when he got the nomination because at some point Mr. Serious Trump would show up. I guess that to some degree serious Trump did, in fact, show up. Though, it was not quite what I expected. And in fairness to Trump, we have to remember that he and his administration were under CONSTANT ATTACK by the Democrats and media for all sorts of stupid and frivolous bullshit (e.g., the ā€œpee tapeā€).

Trumpā€™s first term was good, but it could have been much, much better. Who is to blame? Everyone. The aforementioned constant political attacks had a Lot to do with it. But Trumpā€™s unconventional leadership style kind of contributed.

Of course I voted for Trump again in 2020. I did so (1) because voting for a Democrat is never an option; and (2) I was hopeful that Trump could get the stuff done in his second term that he could not get done in his first term. This would be especially doing if the GOP would retake control in Congress in 2022.

It cannot be understated how harmful the constant attacks on Trump were to his presidency and our country. It involved everything from snarky journalists engaging in continuous hyperbolic word-gasms, to crooked deep state twats committing borderline sedition and treason. Yes, it was THAT bad.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, His Future in Politics:

The left finally got their way and voted Trump out of office, replacing him with a crooked, senile old pedophile. Way to go. Trump argues that the election was stolen. I have 2 points to make about this. First, the dubious practice of ballot harvesting is the closest thing to legalized electoral fraud we have. Does anyone, anywhere actually, believe that these ā€œballot harvestersā€ donā€™t fill in the ballots before they get the voters to sign? OK, all of them probably donā€™t do this. Many will follow the law. But letā€™s be real. They are ā€œharvestingā€ these ballots in low-income, ghettos in many instances. If you donā€™t think fraud is going on with this, then you are a fucking idiot. We just donā€™t know how much yet.

Second, the fatal flaw in the stolen election thing is that Trump and his people underestimated how much people hate him. The ONLY person in American history to ever get more votes than Trumpā€™s 70-plus million is ā€¦ Biden, in 2020. With the media, colleges, and online bullshit, combined with all the dumb kids out there, yeah, I can see Biden getting more votes, even though Biden spent most of the campaign sitting in his basement trying to figure out how to play Solitaire on his computer. All 80-plus million of Bidenā€™s votes were not votes for him at all. They were voted against Trump.

Was the election stolen from Trump? The fact is, nobody knows. All we know is that we lack evidence of it, which does not necessarily mean it did not happen. And with the shady practice of ballot harvestingā€¦ who know for sure?

Here is what I would like to see. I would like to see Trump drop out and stay silent until there is a nominee, at which time he rallies his supporters to get out and vote for the nominee. He can throw his weight around and make demands for things in order to get his support and the support of his voters. Thatā€™s politics.

Trump does not need this bullshit. Thank God for him and what he has done for our nation. But for fuckā€™s sake, he is nearly 80 years old and the left is trying to put him in prison. Does he really want to go through all this? Moreover, do we, the public, want to go through all this?

I love Trump. I went to 2 of his MAGA rallies in 2020. But there are younger and better conservative leaders out there. Trump can do the best for the nation by leveraging his 70 million voters to get certain concessions out of candidates trying to win the nomination.

Can Trump beat Biden a second time around. I think the answer is a resounding YES. I base this on the fact that, unlike 2020, Biden now has a disastrous record as president. People now know what it looks like to have an incontinent zombie in the WH. It is not pretty.

If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him. But I would really like to see him step aside. He may not win re-election, but another GOP candidate can. Trump can hold the nominee accountable my making them make certain concessions and policy commitments in exchange for getting the support of his voters. I think that is a much better use of Trumpā€™s power than having a geriatric rematch of 2020.
There is a reason the people who know him best, New Yorkers, didnā€™t vote for him.
There is a reason the people who know him best, New Yorkers, didnā€™t vote for him.
They are leftists. Plus, NY has a huge population. He has many supporters there even if that does not translate to a electoral majority. Moreover, look at the names in the NYC phone book. You would think you are looking at the UN directory. WE know that most of those people are not GOP.
There is much confusion over Donald Trump. I thought that perhaps if you see him through my eyes you may get another perspective on the man. I shall handle this in 3 parts: DJT, the man; DJT, the politician; and DJT, his future in politics. Letā€™s go.


I like Trump. He is a free-wheeling, whoowah banging playboy. Whatā€™s not to like? He clearly has quite a business acumen judging by his enormous success. Despite what the leftist creeps like to say about his business, DJT has never filed bankruptcy. The truth is that DJT has strategically utilize chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code to restructure debt and shed unnecessary obligations of a variety of sorts. In other words, he is a smart and shrewd business man. Remember, Trump is worth over a billion dollars, fucks smoking hot whoowahs, and makes deals. You, on the other hand, sit on the internet and whine about this and that, mainly out of envy of Trump and his success. ā€œOh, I hate Trump. He has millions and millions of dollars while I am broke and have an ugly slug of a wife. BOO HOO!!ā€™ It is sad and pathetic.

Trump is not perfect. But nobody expects him to be. We ALL knew what we were getting when we voted for him. After 8 fucking long years under the tyranny of the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama, we were tired of the bullshit. We wanted prosperity. We wanted manufacturing to come back. We wanted to see our energy sector flourish. We wanted a reinvigorated national defense. Trump promised these things and largely delivered. He could have done more if not for the chicken shit Democrats.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, the Politician:

I can pinpoint when things got fucked up. Early in Trumpā€™s presidency he had a deal essentially worked out with Pelosi and Schumer to get full funding for the border wall in return for amnesty for the illegals currently in our country. It was a done deal. They even had a little get together on the WH lawn to talk about it. Then, Trump went back into the WH and was subjected to a lot of bullshit from Steve Bannon about how amnesty will kill his support.

Now, to me this is a no-brainer to give them the amnesty

In exchange for taking a huge step to secure our southern border. You have to make compromises in our system. This was a good deal under the circumstances. All Trump has to do was go to the people and explain that even though he does not want to give amnesty to all these fucking illegal aliens, it beats leaving the border wide open. Going before the people and convincing them of a position is what leadership is about. In this instance Trump followed Bannon and chumped out in fear of alienating his supporters.

In addition to losing funding for the border wall, he fucked up his future credibility with Congress. He backed out of a deal, for fuckā€™s sake!! Those lowlifes Pelosi and Schumer were going to be total twats to deal with anyway. But pulling out of a deal that had pretty much been struck is bad. Trump could get very little done in Congress after that. It is not all Trumpā€™s fault. But he certainly did not help himself. Nor did he get a wall built along the entirety of the southern border.

See, I was kind of hoping that notwithstanding all the bravado with Trump that deep down inside he could be serious. He could Tweet all night, fuck with CNN, and say some funny shit. But when the doors to the Oval Office close it was all business. That was my hope.

I supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 primaries. However, I had no reservation about voting for Trump when he got the nomination because at some point Mr. Serious Trump would show up. I guess that to some degree serious Trump did, in fact, show up. Though, it was not quite what I expected. And in fairness to Trump, we have to remember that he and his administration were under CONSTANT ATTACK by the Democrats and media for all sorts of stupid and frivolous bullshit (e.g., the ā€œpee tapeā€).

Trumpā€™s first term was good, but it could have been much, much better. Who is to blame? Everyone. The aforementioned constant political attacks had a Lot to do with it. But Trumpā€™s unconventional leadership style kind of contributed.

Of course I voted for Trump again in 2020. I did so (1) because voting for a Democrat is never an option; and (2) I was hopeful that Trump could get the stuff done in his second term that he could not get done in his first term. This would be especially doing if the GOP would retake control in Congress in 2022.

It cannot be understated how harmful the constant attacks on Trump were to his presidency and our country. It involved everything from snarky journalists engaging in continuous hyperbolic word-gasms, to crooked deep state twats committing borderline sedition and treason. Yes, it was THAT bad.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, His Future in Politics:

The left finally got their way and voted Trump out of office, replacing him with a crooked, senile old pedophile. Way to go. Trump argues that the election was stolen. I have 2 points to make about this. First, the dubious practice of ballot harvesting is the closest thing to legalized electoral fraud we have. Does anyone, anywhere actually, believe that these ā€œballot harvestersā€ donā€™t fill in the ballots before they get the voters to sign? OK, all of them probably donā€™t do this. Many will follow the law. But letā€™s be real. They are ā€œharvestingā€ these ballots in low-income, ghettos in many instances. If you donā€™t think fraud is going on with this, then you are a fucking idiot. We just donā€™t know how much yet.

Second, the fatal flaw in the stolen election thing is that Trump and his people underestimated how much people hate him. The ONLY person in American history to ever get more votes than Trumpā€™s 70-plus million is ā€¦ Biden, in 2020. With the media, colleges, and online bullshit, combined with all the dumb kids out there, yeah, I can see Biden getting more votes, even though Biden spent most of the campaign sitting in his basement trying to figure out how to play Solitaire on his computer. All 80-plus million of Bidenā€™s votes were not votes for him at all. They were voted against Trump.

Was the election stolen from Trump? The fact is, nobody knows. All we know is that we lack evidence of it, which does not necessarily mean it did not happen. And with the shady practice of ballot harvestingā€¦ who know for sure?

Here is what I would like to see. I would like to see Trump drop out and stay silent until there is a nominee, at which time he rallies his supporters to get out and vote for the nominee. He can throw his weight around and make demands for things in order to get his support and the support of his voters. Thatā€™s politics.

Trump does not need this bullshit. Thank God for him and what he has done for our nation. But for fuckā€™s sake, he is nearly 80 years old and the left is trying to put him in prison. Does he really want to go through all this? Moreover, do we, the public, want to go through all this?

I love Trump. I went to 2 of his MAGA rallies in 2020. But there are younger and better conservative leaders out there. Trump can do the best for the nation by leveraging his 70 million voters to get certain concessions out of candidates trying to win the nomination.

Can Trump beat Biden a second time around. I think the answer is a resounding YES. I base this on the fact that, unlike 2020, Biden now has a disastrous record as president. People now know what it looks like to have an incontinent zombie in the WH. It is not pretty.

If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him. But I would really like to see him step aside. He may not win re-election, but another GOP candidate can. Trump can hold the nominee accountable my making them make certain concessions and policy commitments in exchange for getting the support of his voters. I think that is a much better use of Trumpā€™s power than having a geriatric rematch of 2020.
Amnesty was given to 3 million illegals for a promise to secure the border in 1988.

Border still not secure. I'd bet Joe Biden was in that Congress. No more amnesty deals.
There is much confusion over Donald Trump. I thought that perhaps if you see him through my eyes you may get another perspective on the man. I shall handle this in 3 parts: DJT, the man; DJT, the politician; and DJT, his future in politics. Letā€™s go.


I like Trump. He is a free-wheeling, whoowah banging playboy. Whatā€™s not to like? He clearly has quite a business acumen judging by his enormous success. Despite what the leftist creeps like to say about his business, DJT has never filed bankruptcy. The truth is that DJT has strategically utilize chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code to restructure debt and shed unnecessary obligations of a variety of sorts. In other words, he is a smart and shrewd business man. Remember, Trump is worth over a billion dollars, fucks smoking hot whoowahs, and makes deals. You, on the other hand, sit on the internet and whine about this and that, mainly out of envy of Trump and his success. ā€œOh, I hate Trump. He has millions and millions of dollars while I am broke and have an ugly slug of a wife. BOO HOO!!ā€™ It is sad and pathetic.

Trump is not perfect. But nobody expects him to be. We ALL knew what we were getting when we voted for him. After 8 fucking long years under the tyranny of the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama, we were tired of the bullshit. We wanted prosperity. We wanted manufacturing to come back. We wanted to see our energy sector flourish. We wanted a reinvigorated national defense. Trump promised these things and largely delivered. He could have done more if not for the chicken shit Democrats.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, the Politician:

I can pinpoint when things got fucked up. Early in Trumpā€™s presidency he had a deal essentially worked out with Pelosi and Schumer to get full funding for the border wall in return for amnesty for the illegals currently in our country. It was a done deal. They even had a little get together on the WH lawn to talk about it. Then, Trump went back into the WH and was subjected to a lot of bullshit from Steve Bannon about how amnesty will kill his support.

Now, to me this is a no-brainer to give them the amnesty

In exchange for taking a huge step to secure our southern border. You have to make compromises in our system. This was a good deal under the circumstances. All Trump has to do was go to the people and explain that even though he does not want to give amnesty to all these fucking illegal aliens, it beats leaving the border wide open. Going before the people and convincing them of a position is what leadership is about. In this instance Trump followed Bannon and chumped out in fear of alienating his supporters.

In addition to losing funding for the border wall, he fucked up his future credibility with Congress. He backed out of a deal, for fuckā€™s sake!! Those lowlifes Pelosi and Schumer were going to be total twats to deal with anyway. But pulling out of a deal that had pretty much been struck is bad. Trump could get very little done in Congress after that. It is not all Trumpā€™s fault. But he certainly did not help himself. Nor did he get a wall built along the entirety of the southern border.

See, I was kind of hoping that notwithstanding all the bravado with Trump that deep down inside he could be serious. He could Tweet all night, fuck with CNN, and say some funny shit. But when the doors to the Oval Office close it was all business. That was my hope.

I supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 primaries. However, I had no reservation about voting for Trump when he got the nomination because at some point Mr. Serious Trump would show up. I guess that to some degree serious Trump did, in fact, show up. Though, it was not quite what I expected. And in fairness to Trump, we have to remember that he and his administration were under CONSTANT ATTACK by the Democrats and media for all sorts of stupid and frivolous bullshit (e.g., the ā€œpee tapeā€).

Trumpā€™s first term was good, but it could have been much, much better. Who is to blame? Everyone. The aforementioned constant political attacks had a Lot to do with it. But Trumpā€™s unconventional leadership style kind of contributed.

Of course I voted for Trump again in 2020. I did so (1) because voting for a Democrat is never an option; and (2) I was hopeful that Trump could get the stuff done in his second term that he could not get done in his first term. This would be especially doing if the GOP would retake control in Congress in 2022.

It cannot be understated how harmful the constant attacks on Trump were to his presidency and our country. It involved everything from snarky journalists engaging in continuous hyperbolic word-gasms, to crooked deep state twats committing borderline sedition and treason. Yes, it was THAT bad.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, His Future in Politics:

The left finally got their way and voted Trump out of office, replacing him with a crooked, senile old pedophile. Way to go. Trump argues that the election was stolen. I have 2 points to make about this. First, the dubious practice of ballot harvesting is the closest thing to legalized electoral fraud we have. Does anyone, anywhere actually, believe that these ā€œballot harvestersā€ donā€™t fill in the ballots before they get the voters to sign? OK, all of them probably donā€™t do this. Many will follow the law. But letā€™s be real. They are ā€œharvestingā€ these ballots in low-income, ghettos in many instances. If you donā€™t think fraud is going on with this, then you are a fucking idiot. We just donā€™t know how much yet.

Second, the fatal flaw in the stolen election thing is that Trump and his people underestimated how much people hate him. The ONLY person in American history to ever get more votes than Trumpā€™s 70-plus million is ā€¦ Biden, in 2020. With the media, colleges, and online bullshit, combined with all the dumb kids out there, yeah, I can see Biden getting more votes, even though Biden spent most of the campaign sitting in his basement trying to figure out how to play Solitaire on his computer. All 80-plus million of Bidenā€™s votes were not votes for him at all. They were voted against Trump.

Was the election stolen from Trump? The fact is, nobody knows. All we know is that we lack evidence of it, which does not necessarily mean it did not happen. And with the shady practice of ballot harvestingā€¦ who know for sure?

Here is what I would like to see. I would like to see Trump drop out and stay silent until there is a nominee, at which time he rallies his supporters to get out and vote for the nominee. He can throw his weight around and make demands for things in order to get his support and the support of his voters. Thatā€™s politics.

Trump does not need this bullshit. Thank God for him and what he has done for our nation. But for fuckā€™s sake, he is nearly 80 years old and the left is trying to put him in prison. Does he really want to go through all this? Moreover, do we, the public, want to go through all this?

I love Trump. I went to 2 of his MAGA rallies in 2020. But there are younger and better conservative leaders out there. Trump can do the best for the nation by leveraging his 70 million voters to get certain concessions out of candidates trying to win the nomination.

Can Trump beat Biden a second time around. I think the answer is a resounding YES. I base this on the fact that, unlike 2020, Biden now has a disastrous record as president. People now know what it looks like to have an incontinent zombie in the WH. It is not pretty.

If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him. But I would really like to see him step aside. He may not win re-election, but another GOP candidate can. Trump can hold the nominee accountable my making them make certain concessions and policy commitments in exchange for getting the support of his voters. I think that is a much better use of Trumpā€™s power than having a geriatric rematch of 2020.

Trump has had six bankruptcies.
Trump has had six bankruptcies.
Wrong. His companies filed bankruptcies, usually reorganizations under chapter 11, you ignorant putz.

Donā€™t fucking bother me again with stupid horse shit.
Trump's six bankruptcies:

  1. Trump Taj Mahal.
  2. Trump Castle Hotel & Casino
  3. Trump Plaza Casino
  4. Trump Plaza Hotel
  5. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts
  6. Trump Entertainment Resorts
Numbers 2 and 3 were in the same year!

Other Trump failures:

Trump Steaks

Trump Vodka

Trumped! radio program

Trump Network nutritional supplements

Go Trump travel web site

Tour de Trump bicycle race

Trump Airlines

The New Jersey Generals

Trump Mortgage

Trump: The Game

Trump Magazine

Trump Ice bottled water

Trump University

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ā€˜Shocking Pattern of Illegalityā€™

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'


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