Donald Says 138 Million People dead

in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?

There are few things more dangerous, then leaders of powerful groups who are too thin-skinned to admit their mistakes.

One of those things is when the followers of that leader cannot admit he is capable of making mistakes

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump looks at it as an admittance of weakness
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?
easy, he made a mistake........with one post I've admitted my president made a mistake, you still have never said Obama has done go play with a tranny and suck that shim off.
Easy for you to do

Will Crooked Donnie admit he goofed up?
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?
easy, he made a mistake........with one post I've admitted my president made a mistake, you still have never said Obama has done go play with a tranny and suck that shim off.
Easy for you to do

Will Crooked Donnie admit he goofed up?

It was not easy for him to do, which is why he never did it before.

There were people in this thread claiming his account got hacked vice admitting Trump could make a mistake

Sent from my iPhone using
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?
easy, he made a mistake........with one post I've admitted my president made a mistake, you still have never said Obama has done go play with a tranny and suck that shim off.
Easy for you to do

Will Crooked Donnie admit he goofed up?

Leave us not forget ---- "would" means "wouldn't".

Just as "138 million" means "138"....
"Very fine people" means "Nazis"....
"Seven-eleven" means "9/11"...
"Oranges" means "origins"...
"I have tremendous support from women" means "you can do anything"....
"Thousands and thousands dancing on roofops" means "five Israelis"
"Three million illegals" means "She got more votes"....
"The UK" means "England"...
"Mexico will pay for the wall" means "your tax dollars at play"...
"Eagles players were kneeling" means "I don't have a clue so I'll make it up"...
"It wasn't raining" means "my own wife had her umbrella wide open"...
"Button" and "Nipple" mean Bhutan and Nepal....
"The Bible is my favorite book" means "Two Corinthians walk into a bar..."....
"Tim Apple" means "Tim Cook"....
"Marilyn Hewson" is pronounced "Marilyn Lockheed"...
"The women's stories have been debunked" means "how much is $130k times 24, and where's the girls' dressing room?".....
"Blood coming out of her wherever" means "waaaaaaaaah"....
"The judge is Mexican" means "he's from Indiana"....
"I'll never settle this fraud case" means "where do I sign".....
"O'bama tappppppped my wires" means "I've been up all night listening to crank radio"....
"A very wonderful place in Germany" means "New York"....

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and most important of all ---- Ignorance is Strength.

Because what really matters is "media is Fake News".
Last edited: the DNC's servers could be so easily hacked, but Trump's Twitter account is impenetrable???
Twitter is the enemy of the Trump Administration. So is Facebook and every other social network.
It would be quite easy for them to hack his account if they wanted to because they have the passwords.
The poor aide that got woken with a phone call at 4 a.m. Easter morning saying "The President is tweeting. You've got a clean up in tweet #1." He shuffled grumbling to the secure computer still in his jammies and shot off a corrected tweet to security at Mar a Lago so they could run it by Lord Covfefe in his bedroom watching Fox in the middle of the fucking night. It must be fun having a discussion about his mistakes, since Trump does not admit mistakes. Fun times.
Yeah.....typos are impeachable offenses.

Matter of fact....misspellings in posts should be punishable by lethal injection.
What word did he mistype? Billion?
Facebook postings can be edited.
Not Twitter.
Once you post's can't correct it.
So failure to proofread is a felony.
Nobody is claiming it is a felony....we are just laughing at him

Actually we're not laughing at the error itself. That can happen to anybody who finds it necessary to Twit at 3am.

What we're laughing at is his eggshell-fragile ego that can't find the stones to man up and admit he goofed. EVER.
See his flailingly clumsy attempt to brush away "Tim Apple" for a recent one.

Rump be all like :dig:
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

---- ah, I should have warned you, you have to divide everything he says by one million. It's nothing he can help, you understand. But it does mean that when he says "138 million" it is in fact, 'sixty feet wide".
The poor aide that got woken with a phone call at 4 a.m. Easter morning saying "The President is tweeting. You've got a clean up in tweet #1." He shuffled grumbling to the secure computer still in his jammies and shot off a corrected tweet to security at Mar a Lago so they could run it by Lord Covfefe in his bedroom watching Fox in the middle of the fucking night. It must be fun having a discussion about his mistakes, since Trump does not admit mistakes. Fun times.
Yeah.....typos are impeachable offenses.

Matter of fact....misspellings in posts should be punishable by lethal injection.
What word did he mistype? Billion?
Facebook postings can be edited.
Not Twitter.
Once you post's can't correct it.
So failure to proofread is a felony.
Nobody is claiming it is a felony....we are just laughing at him

Actually we're not laughing at the error itself. That can happen to anybody who finds it necessary to Twit at 3am.

What we're laughing at is his eggshell-fragile ego that can't find the stones to man up and admit he goofed. EVER.
See his flailingly clumsy attempt to brush away "Tim Apple" for a recent one.

Rump be all like :dig:
The most endearing quality of Bush the Second was his humble ability to laugh at himself.
Yeah.....typos are impeachable offenses.

Matter of fact....misspellings in posts should be punishable by lethal injection.
What word did he mistype? Billion?
Facebook postings can be edited.
Not Twitter.
Once you post's can't correct it.
So failure to proofread is a felony.
Nobody is claiming it is a felony....we are just laughing at him

Actually we're not laughing at the error itself. That can happen to anybody who finds it necessary to Twit at 3am.

What we're laughing at is his eggshell-fragile ego that can't find the stones to man up and admit he goofed. EVER.
See his flailingly clumsy attempt to brush away "Tim Apple" for a recent one.

Rump be all like :dig:
The most endearing quality of Bush the Second was his humble ability to laugh at himself.

That's why the White House Correspondents' Dinner has always been comic relief, in the true sense of relief, for any side.

Until now that is.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?

There are few things more dangerous, then leaders of powerful groups who are too thin-skinned to admit their mistakes.

One of those things is when the followers of that leader cannot admit he is capable of making mistakes

Sent from my iPhone using

Agreed...because they allow this supreme arrogance to manifest and grow.

We saw that when Trump did a 180 on the government shutdown just because a few big shots in the extremist, con movement got on his case.

If there is one thing that has been made abundantly clear to me since Trump took office - it's that he is a VERY, weak man.
He generally won't fire people face-to-face and he does not like direct confrontation (especially in private).
He is a wimp.
Last edited:
The fake news is covering up the 138 million who were killed
From search, it was originally reported at least 138 killed. It was good, for the million to show up on his tweet. Anyone claiming that mistakes don’t happen with today’s autocorrect, don’t use a cell phone to tweet.

At least 138 people were killed and hundreds more hospitalized from injuries in near simultaneous blasts that rocked three churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter, a security ...

I can type love you, and if not watching, it will show up as -let be you-because my finger grazed another letter. Looking at the keyboard, the k is just above the m. If you accidentally hit mil, million pops up. My theory is he hit mil, realized his mistake, back tracked forgot the mi, million popped up, when he then typed killed correctly, not noticing what happened.
Admit it, it happens to the best off us.
From search, it was originally reported at least 138 killed. It was good, for the million to show up on his tweet. Anyone claiming that mistakes don’t happen with today’s autocorrect, don’t use a cell phone to tweet.

At least 138 people were killed and hundreds more hospitalized from injuries in near simultaneous blasts that rocked three churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter, a security ...

I can type love you, and if not watching, it will show up as -let be you-because my finger grazed another letter. Looking at the keyboard, the k is just above the m. If you accidentally hit mil, million pops up. My theory is he hit mil, realized his mistake, back tracked forgot the mi, million popped up, when he then typed killed correctly, not noticing what happened.
Admit it, it happens to the best off us.
Considering the president's spelling, do you really think he uses auto correct? I'm not familiar with it, so I'm asking.
From search, it was originally reported at least 138 killed. It was good, for the million to show up on his tweet. Anyone claiming that mistakes don’t happen with today’s autocorrect, don’t use a cell phone to tweet.

At least 138 people were killed and hundreds more hospitalized from injuries in near simultaneous blasts that rocked three churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter, a security ...

I can type love you, and if not watching, it will show up as -let be you-because my finger grazed another letter. Looking at the keyboard, the k is just above the m. If you accidentally hit mil, million pops up. My theory is he hit mil, realized his mistake, back tracked forgot the mi, million popped up, when he then typed killed correctly, not noticing what happened.
Admit it, it happens to the best off us.

Did you just type that your theory is that Rump realized his mistake?? :eek:

This is unpresidented!
Funniest Gaffes by a President
How many presidential gaffes have been made in the education realm? Let us count the ways!

  1. FDR serves up hot dogs. We’re all for a president who keeps it real, but this one even caught us off-guard. What did FDR decide to put on the menu for a visit from the King and Queen of England? Hot dogs! This shocked much of the nation, including FDR’s own mother who understood that serving low grade “meat” to the royal family was unacceptable to most. The meal was topped off with Cokes and strawberry cake, but we’re guessing the royal couple took back the memory of being served a low key barbecue meal and were not fond of it.

  2. Clinton semi-fesses up to the Lewinsky affair. After lying to his teeth to the American public, President Clinton finally came clean (sort of) in August of 1998. After Lewinsky produced a dress with “memories” of her affair with the president, Clinton had no choice but to tell the truth. So how exactly did he phrase it? “I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong.” No wonder she fell for him. It’s obvious the man has a way with words.

  3. Nixon says nothing he does is illegal. By now we all now the story of David Frost and Richard Nixon. It’s no wonder that Nixon once said to Frost, “When the President does it, that means it’s not illegal.” This was in 1977, a few years after Nixon resigned, so we’re guessing statements like this is what helped the guy sleep at night.

  4. Carter admits to liking women. How the times have changed. Carter was at the center of a semi-scandal when he admitted to Playboy magazine that in his heart he “had lusted after women.” While there’s no crime against what goes down in someone’s mind, the media made Carter out to be a pervert and womanizer. When you look at the context in which the statement was made, there’s not much scandal to work with.

  5. Clinton gets a haircut. It wasn’t just any haircut. Remember, Clinton is a ladies man, so the $200 haircut he received from celebrity hairstylist, Christ of is just the icing on the cake. The haircut took place on Air Force One, causing LAX to close the runways for an entire hour and resulting in over $75,000 lost by airlines. While the media found the incident funny, much of the public just found it pretentious.

  6. Ford’s poise. Gerald Ford was known as an accident-prone man and his accidents became so common that it was a running bit on Saturday Night Live, with Chevy Chase playing the role of Ford. Ford once locked himself out of the White House when taking his dog out (a caretaker who usually performed the task was off-duty) and had to alert the Secret Service to let him back in. On top of that, Ford was known for falling often, most notably down the stairs of Air Force One when visiting Austria.

  7. Nixon does sketch comedy. When campaigning, Nixon was so desperate to reach out to the young voter that he said yes to an appearance on the popular Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In. While his role was limited, he got a huge laugh (though it was aimed at him, rather than with him) when he uttered the show’s catchphrase, “Sock it to me!”

  8. Obama says he’s fit for the Special Olympics. Obama might be a favorite of the media, but that didn’t prevent them from letting his comment on the Special Olympics go. On Jay Leno, Obama was asked about his bowling game and replied that it was like watching the Special Olympics because he was so bad. Was it tactless? Definitely, but in this case showed the President is like everyone else and sometimes speaks before he thinks.
Funniest Gaffes by a President
How many presidential gaffes have been made in the education realm? Let us count the ways!

  1. FDR serves up hot dogs. We’re all for a president who keeps it real, but this one even caught us off-guard. What did FDR decide to put on the menu for a visit from the King and Queen of England? Hot dogs! This shocked much of the nation, including FDR’s own mother who understood that serving low grade “meat” to the royal family was unacceptable to most. The meal was topped off with Cokes and strawberry cake, but we’re guessing the royal couple took back the memory of being served a low key barbecue meal and were not fond of it.

  2. Clinton semi-fesses up to the Lewinsky affair. After lying to his teeth to the American public, President Clinton finally came clean (sort of) in August of 1998. After Lewinsky produced a dress with “memories” of her affair with the president, Clinton had no choice but to tell the truth. So how exactly did he phrase it? “I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong.” No wonder she fell for him. It’s obvious the man has a way with words.

  3. Nixon says nothing he does is illegal. By now we all now the story of David Frost and Richard Nixon. It’s no wonder that Nixon once said to Frost, “When the President does it, that means it’s not illegal.” This was in 1977, a few years after Nixon resigned, so we’re guessing statements like this is what helped the guy sleep at night.

  4. Carter admits to liking women. How the times have changed. Carter was at the center of a semi-scandal when he admitted to Playboy magazine that in his heart he “had lusted after women.” While there’s no crime against what goes down in someone’s mind, the media made Carter out to be a pervert and womanizer. When you look at the context in which the statement was made, there’s not much scandal to work with.

  5. Clinton gets a haircut. It wasn’t just any haircut. Remember, Clinton is a ladies man, so the $200 haircut he received from celebrity hairstylist, Christ of is just the icing on the cake. The haircut took place on Air Force One, causing LAX to close the runways for an entire hour and resulting in over $75,000 lost by airlines. While the media found the incident funny, much of the public just found it pretentious.

  6. Ford’s poise. Gerald Ford was known as an accident-prone man and his accidents became so common that it was a running bit on Saturday Night Live, with Chevy Chase playing the role of Ford. Ford once locked himself out of the White House when taking his dog out (a caretaker who usually performed the task was off-duty) and had to alert the Secret Service to let him back in. On top of that, Ford was known for falling often, most notably down the stairs of Air Force One when visiting Austria.

  7. Nixon does sketch comedy. When campaigning, Nixon was so desperate to reach out to the young voter that he said yes to an appearance on the popular Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In. While his role was limited, he got a huge laugh (though it was aimed at him, rather than with him) when he uttered the show’s catchphrase, “Sock it to me!”

  8. Obama says he’s fit for the Special Olympics. Obama might be a favorite of the media, but that didn’t prevent them from letting his comment on the Special Olympics go. On Jay Leno, Obama was asked about his bowling game and replied that it was like watching the Special Olympics because he was so bad. Was it tactless? Definitely, but in this case showed the President is like everyone else and sometimes speaks before he thinks.
FDR serving hotdogs to royals had a purpose

It was right before the war and FDR was trying to show they were regular people to the American public

It was a good PR move and it worked. They did have to ask how to eat them
It’s standard on most phones
From search, it was originally reported at least 138 killed. It was good, for the million to show up on his tweet. Anyone claiming that mistakes don’t happen with today’s autocorrect, don’t use a cell phone to tweet.

At least 138 people were killed and hundreds more hospitalized from injuries in near simultaneous blasts that rocked three churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter, a security ...

I can type love you, and if not watching, it will show up as -let be you-because my finger grazed another letter. Looking at the keyboard, the k is just above the m. If you accidentally hit mil, million pops up. My theory is he hit mil, realized his mistake, back tracked forgot the mi, million popped up, when he then typed killed correctly, not noticing what happened.
Admit it, it happens to the best off us.
Considering the president's spelling, do you really think he uses auto correct? I'm not familiar with it, so I'm asking.
Funniest Gaffes by a President
How many presidential gaffes have been made in the education realm? Let us count the ways!

  1. FDR serves up hot dogs. We’re all for a president who keeps it real, but this one even caught us off-guard. What did FDR decide to put on the menu for a visit from the King and Queen of England? Hot dogs! This shocked much of the nation, including FDR’s own mother who understood that serving low grade “meat” to the royal family was unacceptable to most. The meal was topped off with Cokes and strawberry cake, but we’re guessing the royal couple took back the memory of being served a low key barbecue meal and were not fond of it.

  2. Clinton semi-fesses up to the Lewinsky affair. After lying to his teeth to the American public, President Clinton finally came clean (sort of) in August of 1998. After Lewinsky produced a dress with “memories” of her affair with the president, Clinton had no choice but to tell the truth. So how exactly did he phrase it? “I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong.” No wonder she fell for him. It’s obvious the man has a way with words.

  3. Nixon says nothing he does is illegal. By now we all now the story of David Frost and Richard Nixon. It’s no wonder that Nixon once said to Frost, “When the President does it, that means it’s not illegal.” This was in 1977, a few years after Nixon resigned, so we’re guessing statements like this is what helped the guy sleep at night.

  4. Carter admits to liking women. How the times have changed. Carter was at the center of a semi-scandal when he admitted to Playboy magazine that in his heart he “had lusted after women.” While there’s no crime against what goes down in someone’s mind, the media made Carter out to be a pervert and womanizer. When you look at the context in which the statement was made, there’s not much scandal to work with.

  5. Clinton gets a haircut. It wasn’t just any haircut. Remember, Clinton is a ladies man, so the $200 haircut he received from celebrity hairstylist, Christ of is just the icing on the cake. The haircut took place on Air Force One, causing LAX to close the runways for an entire hour and resulting in over $75,000 lost by airlines. While the media found the incident funny, much of the public just found it pretentious.

  6. Ford’s poise. Gerald Ford was known as an accident-prone man and his accidents became so common that it was a running bit on Saturday Night Live, with Chevy Chase playing the role of Ford. Ford once locked himself out of the White House when taking his dog out (a caretaker who usually performed the task was off-duty) and had to alert the Secret Service to let him back in. On top of that, Ford was known for falling often, most notably down the stairs of Air Force One when visiting Austria.

  7. Nixon does sketch comedy. When campaigning, Nixon was so desperate to reach out to the young voter that he said yes to an appearance on the popular Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In. While his role was limited, he got a huge laugh (though it was aimed at him, rather than with him) when he uttered the show’s catchphrase, “Sock it to me!”

  8. Obama says he’s fit for the Special Olympics. Obama might be a favorite of the media, but that didn’t prevent them from letting his comment on the Special Olympics go. On Jay Leno, Obama was asked about his bowling game and replied that it was like watching the Special Olympics because he was so bad. Was it tactless? Definitely, but in this case showed the President is like everyone else and sometimes speaks before he thinks.

lol I forgot about Jimmy's lust.

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