Donald Says 138 Million People dead

And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!
It’s standard on most phones
From search, it was originally reported at least 138 killed. It was good, for the million to show up on his tweet. Anyone claiming that mistakes don’t happen with today’s autocorrect, don’t use a cell phone to tweet.

At least 138 people were killed and hundreds more hospitalized from injuries in near simultaneous blasts that rocked three churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter, a security ...

I can type love you, and if not watching, it will show up as -let be you-because my finger grazed another letter. Looking at the keyboard, the k is just above the m. If you accidentally hit mil, million pops up. My theory is he hit mil, realized his mistake, back tracked forgot the mi, million popped up, when he then typed killed correctly, not noticing what happened.
Admit it, it happens to the best off us.
Considering the president's spelling, do you really think he uses auto correct? I'm not familiar with it, so I'm asking.

The question really isn't whether spellcheck catches a covfefe. The question is, what in the fuck is the President of the Untied States doing sitting up Twitting at 3:48 in the fucking morning??

I mean does Megyn Kelly know about this?
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.


Can't believe this actually has to be pointed out to the self-delusional but it was Rump's father's father who was born in Germany. They kicked him out for draft-dodging.

You think Rump thinks he's his own father now??
Perhaps there's a "State of New York" in Schelswig-Holstein. Yeah that's the ticket.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?

There are few things more dangerous, then leaders of powerful groups who are too thin-skinned to admit their mistakes.

One of those things is when the followers of that leader cannot admit he is capable of making mistakes

Yep. One of the glaring telltale signs of a Personality Cult.
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

News Flash toobfreak!!!

1) I said NOTHING about his mother.. I said his father ONLY - DUH.


Fred Trump - Wikipedia
See Pogo's EXCELLENT post above, about it:
Donald Says 138 Million People dead


So now let's see if you - unlike your Messiah - have the guts to admit it when you are proven wrong?
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And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).

Why don't you show us on a map where the "State of New York" exists in Germany, Doofus?

Holy SHIT :banghead: Read much?

Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born.

That he should << operative word. So why doesn't he?
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Doesn't change the fact that he was German, idiot. And Pogo's own record shows he was BORN in Germany. Makes you a double idiot.

Holy shit are you ignorant...probably stupid, as well.

Pogo showed a BIRTH CERTIFICATE...from New York....for Trump's father ('Certificate of record of Birth').

You dumb shit...that means he was BORN IN NEW YORK.

And Trump said his father was BORN in Germany...several times. Which was 100% wrong.


Got it now, dumbass?
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Wait! Wait! The news source you are always claiming unreliable is now the one you think knows better than Trump himself where his own parents were born???! :cuckoo:

Where exactly did I claim that wikipedia was unreliable? Especially about established facts?

The answer is never.

Here are other sources -

Trump, again, falsely says his father is from Germany. Fred Trump was born in New York
Trump keeps saying his father was born in Germany – he wasn't
Where was Donald Trump's father born? President's claims that Fred Trump was born in Germany are incorrect

You are making a COMPLETE fool of yourself.

You dumb ass moron...Trump's father was born in America.

Got it now?
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And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).

Why don't you show us on a map where the "State of New York" exists in Germany, Doofus?

Holy SHIT :banghead: Read much?

Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born.

That he should. So why doesn't he?

So your counting Wikipedia as the absolute arbiter of FACTS? Then everything they said about Hillary is true then too? Then tell me what the hell difference it makes where someone was born? Germans are some of the best people in the world!

BTW, where was Hillary's parents born? Obama's?

Just checking.

I thought so.

in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?

There are few things more dangerous, then leaders of powerful groups who are too thin-skinned to admit their mistakes.

One of those things is when the followers of that leader cannot admit he is capable of making mistakes

Yep. One of the glaring telltale signs of a Personality Cult.

Another one is this blind obeisance to an easily-debunked lie from Der Furrier. They'll stare right into a birth certificate and declare that it doesn't say what it says. Because "if Der Furrier wishes it, two and two make five!".

I've been to New York many a time; amazingly Germany never stamped my passport.
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).

Why don't you show us on a map where the "State of New York" exists in Germany, Doofus?

Holy SHIT :banghead: Read much?

Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born.

That he should. So why doesn't he?

So your counting Wikipedia as the absolute arbiter of FACTS? Then everything they said about Hillary is true then too? Then tell me what the hell difference it makes where someone was born?

Barack O'bama finds this question hilarious.

Beats the fuck outta me. Why don't you essplain how it is Der Furrier keeps insisting his father came from Germany when we all know he didn't? What can possibly be the point? Especially since Fred Trump's birthplace is already known?? WHY would you take a known meaningless factoid ----- and then twist it out of recognizable shape, when you KNOW anybody in the world could disprove you? And then do it AGAIN? And then, do it YET AGAIN??

Mental fucking illness, that's why.

What would your reaction have been if Barack O'bama had started saying in speeches that his father was born in Ireland?
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?

There are few things more dangerous, then leaders of powerful groups who are too thin-skinned to admit their mistakes.

One of those things is when the followers of that leader cannot admit he is capable of making mistakes

Yep. One of the glaring telltale signs of a Personality Cult.

Another one is this blind obeisance to an easily-debunked lie from Der Furrier. They'll stare right into a birth certificate and declare that it doesn't say what it says. Because "if Der Furrier wishes it, two and two make five!".

I've been to New York many a time; amazingly Germany never stamped my passport.

Toobfreak is amazing...amazingly inept.

The New York Birth Certificate (you impressively provided) says that Trump's father was born in New York.

And somehow - toobfreak reads that and says it shows his father is born in Germany.

How fucking stupid are these Trumpbots?

How the hell does a New York Birth Certificate mean someone was born in Germany?!?!?!?
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in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday
Too bad Mueller didn't have this breaking news story before he closed the books.
It was the smoking gun that everyone was looking for.

Can't you spell?

Smocking gun.


You know ---- when you have a gun, and you put a dress on it.

Oh wait, I'm wrong. It's a gun that shoots smocks.

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Will our president admit he made an honest mistake or have his people claim there really were 138 million killed?

There are few things more dangerous, then leaders of powerful groups who are too thin-skinned to admit their mistakes.

One of those things is when the followers of that leader cannot admit he is capable of making mistakes

Yep. One of the glaring telltale signs of a Personality Cult.

Another one is this blind obeisance to an easily-debunked lie from Der Furrier. They'll stare right into a birth certificate and declare that it doesn't say what it says. Because "if Der Furrier wishes it, two and two make five!".

I've been to New York many a time; amazingly Germany never stamped my passport.

Toobfreak is amazing...amazingly inept.

The New York Birth Certificate (you impressively provided) says where Trump's father was born in New York.

And somehow - toobfreak reads that and says it shows his father is born in Germany.

How fucking stupid are these Trumpbots?

How the hell does a New York Birth Certificate mean someone was born in Germany?!?!?!?

Wasn't so impressive --- just stating the obvious. Anyone could have Googled it. Even Rump himself.

Oddly, Rump claimed in a book that his father was "Swedish", also untrue. Perhaps Sweden is "a very wonderful place in Germany"? :dunno:

So that's not impressive ---- what's actually impressive is that Toothache STILL stares right at the evidence and denies it says what it plainly says. See post 168.

We could presumably go on laughing at his illiteracy all day but that would be mean.
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born

Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Cool story, which quant little city in Germany was Tramp's dad born in?

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