Donald Says 138 Million People dead

Obama is no longer POTUS - and I did not vote for who gives a shit?

Trump keeps saying his own father was born in Germany...when the entire, sane, western world knows that his father was born in America.

And you find it funny that the man running for President had no frigging clue what the nuclear triad was? Only THE, single, MOST important part of being President.

No doubt - being an apparent do find it 'funny'.

Pathetic, if you do.

What I find funny is the desperation of you snowflakes.

And the fact that Trump cannot remember basic and important facts.

So noted.

Have a nice day, Trumpbot.

Sorry. I sometimes forget how sensitive you people can be to any criticism of Obama.

Obama laughed at himself when he misspoke

Trump insists that he was right

Misspoke?? :laugh:

News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Trump's dad was born in NY. His grandfather was born in Germany and came here a decade before Trump's dad was born. why do you lie all the time?
Trump was born in Jamaica but he won’t admit it
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that.

That's funny, since that's exactly what I asked YOU. And now here you are going humma humma humma with word salads to try to make the question go away since you read birth certificates about as well as you read a hurricane map.

What could possibly be his point in lying about a known fact, and then doing it again, and then doing it AGAIN. Exactly. Wherever he thought he was taking this, it does demonstrate that he's so swimming in self-delusion that he actually LITERALLY thinks he can change historical realities simply by saying so,and that everybody will just have to change their history books on his word --- he's THAT full of himself. And that is insanity.

Go ahead and try to give us any other explanation.
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it

Maybe it's a competition thing with the black guy.

In his endless and mindless Birferism tirades Rump declared that if O'bama's birth certificate can be questioned, "then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics". The short-fingered Vulgarian wants to show that he can pull as big a boner as he attributes to the black guy.

Rump: "There's something in that birth certificate that he doesn't like".
What's not to like? Jamaica? Bronx? The United States of America?

Rump on CNN:
Wolf Blitzer: "If the state of Hawaii said this is official ... why do you deny that?"

Rump: "A lot of people did not think it was an authentic certificate..." (note that the state has a name while "a lot of people" do not)

Blitzer: "Donald, you're beginning to sound a little ridiculous"

Rump: "No I think you are Wolf"​

Everybody get that? Pointing out a state-certified document is "ridiculous" while "a lot of" unnamed unpresent imaginary-friend "people" is not.

And of course as soon as it was convenient for Numero Uno Rump did his usual 180 pirouette, gracefully landing with his foot in his own mouth, calling himself a liar.
And what was he thinking the THREE, separate times he said his father was born in Germany,
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.

Above you said Trump's father is from Germany. Then Pogo and others educated you.

So...let's try this again.

Was Trump's father born in America?

Yes or no, please?
Last edited:
News flash for you McRatchet---- Trump's parents ARE from Germany and Scotland! As to the rest of your fantasy made up BS and stooge doctors who issue medical opinions on people they've never met, I have no answer for people like you who believe such garbage!

Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it

He doesn't but YOU DO, right? :auiqs.jpg:
here you are going humma humma humma.

with word salads
Humma Humma?

to try to make the question go away since you read birth certificates about as well as you read a hurricane map..
Still with the hurricane crap from two years ago? Wow are you a bad loser. But then, you're a democrap. I didn't "read a hurricane map," dear, I followed an actual animation of the cyclonic center as it was tracked over Florida as it died going up towards Georgia and noted where its center of rotation actually was, not where any map drew it and reported where it actually was. I discussed this many places with lot smarter people than here and here is the only place where I drew any criticism for my results. Mind you, I merely went by where the satellite images right over Florida SHOWED the cyclonic centers!

What could possibly be his point in lying about a known fact, and then doing it again, and then doing it AGAIN. Exactly. Wherever he thought he was taking this, it does demonstrate that he's so swimming in self-delusion that he actually LITERALLY thinks he can change historical realities simply by saying so,and that everybody will just have to change their history books on his word --- he's THAT full of himself. And that is insanity.

The only insanity here is this discussion. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying crap if Trump says his dad is from Belarus! I'd be a lot more concerned if he said we had 60 states like Obama did. Let's get a few things straight:
  1. I didn't hear Trump say anything about his dad, YOU apparently did. I don't have time to worry about such unimportant stuff, YOU DO. I've yet to see any of you people POST actual video of him saying these things! I take your word about as far as I can throw it.
  2. I've seen a picture posted of Fred T's birth certificate. Want me to Photoshop it to say Timbuktu? Without providing a credible link to an official site where other people can go to independently verify your claim, your pictures mean nothing.
  3. HERE'S THE BIG ONE. Let's say Trump really said Germany and you PROVE Trump is wrong. SO WHAT? Delusional? Insanity? More likely he knows how you idiots run around tracking every french fry he eats (he probably eats them just so you can have THAT to talk about, then stuffs his shirt so you can talk about that), and pulls this shit just to yank your chains. The guy has played you idiots like a Stradivarius since day one, and he probably howls till his belly is sore reading how you clowns race around with your next "trump scandal." After four years, you'd think you'd wise up, but then, YOU ARE DEMOCRAPS.

Last edited:
Nope, wrongo.

So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it

He doesn't but YOU DO, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Is Trump lying or just stupid?

There are no other options
here you are going humma humma humma.

with word salads
Humma Humma?

to try to make the question go away since you read birth certificates about as well as you read a hurricane map..
Still with the hurricane crap from two years ago? Wow are you a bad loser. But then, you're a democrap. I didn't "read a hurricane map," dear, I followed an actual animation of the cyclonic center as it was tracked over Florida as it died going up towards Georgia and noted where its center of rotation actually was, not where any map drew it and reported where it actually was. I discussed this many places with lot smarter people than here and here is the only place where I drew any criticism for my results. Mind you, I merely went by where the satellite images right over Florida SHOWED the cyclonic centers!

What could possibly be his point in lying about a known fact, and then doing it again, and then doing it AGAIN. Exactly. Wherever he thought he was taking this, it does demonstrate that he's so swimming in self-delusion that he actually LITERALLY thinks he can change historical realities simply by saying so,and that everybody will just have to change their history books on his word --- he's THAT full of himself. And that is insanity.

The only insanity here is this discussion. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying crap if Trump says his dad is from Belarus! I'd be a lot more concerned if he said we had 60 states like Obama did. Let's get a few things straight:
  1. I didn't hear Trump say anything about his dad, YOU apparently did. I don't have time to worry about such unimportant stuff, YOU DO. I've yet to see any of you people POST actual video of him saying these things! I take your word about as far as I can throw it.
  2. I've seen a picture posted of Fred T's birth certificate. Want me to Photoshop it to say Timbuktu? Without providing a credible link to an official site where other people can go to independently verify your claim, your pictures mean nothing.
  3. HERE'S THE BIG ONE. Let's say Trump really said Germany and you PROVE Trump is wrong. SO WHAT? Delusional? Insanity? More likely he knows how you idiots run around tracking every french fry he eats (he probably eats them just so you can have THAT to talk about, then stuffs his shirt so you can talk about that), and pulls this shit just to yank your chains. The guy has played you idiots like a Stradivarius since day one, and he probably howls till his belly is sore reading how you clowns race around with your next "trump scandal." After four years, you'd think you'd wise up, but then, YOU ARE DEMOCRAPS.

Amazing. He's still staring right at the motherfucker and trying to claim it doesn't exist.

The power of self-delusion never ceases to stupefy.

ALL of this bullshit just to try to weasel out of saying he was wrong. Sad.
So, Derp, THEN TRUMP WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! His father WAS born in Germany! What's your stupid point?! I looked up on Wikipedia and THEY said his mother was Scottish, so either THEY were wrong or the hospital records are wrong, either way, Trump should know better than a jackass like you where his own parents were born. Thanks for helping put your own foot in your mouth (course, based on past experience, never thought it would be hard).
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it
He doesn't but YOU DO, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Is Trump lying or just stupid?

There are no other options

Sure there are. He's smarter than a fox. And obviously a lot smarter than you.
here you are going humma humma humma.

with word salads
Humma Humma?

to try to make the question go away since you read birth certificates about as well as you read a hurricane map..
Still with the hurricane crap from two years ago? Wow are you a bad loser. But then, you're a democrap. I didn't "read a hurricane map," dear, I followed an actual animation of the cyclonic center as it was tracked over Florida as it died going up towards Georgia and noted where its center of rotation actually was, not where any map drew it and reported where it actually was. I discussed this many places with lot smarter people than here and here is the only place where I drew any criticism for my results. Mind you, I merely went by where the satellite images right over Florida SHOWED the cyclonic centers!

What could possibly be his point in lying about a known fact, and then doing it again, and then doing it AGAIN. Exactly. Wherever he thought he was taking this, it does demonstrate that he's so swimming in self-delusion that he actually LITERALLY thinks he can change historical realities simply by saying so,and that everybody will just have to change their history books on his word --- he's THAT full of himself. And that is insanity.

The only insanity here is this discussion. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying crap if Trump says his dad is from Belarus! I'd be a lot more concerned if he said we had 60 states like Obama did. Let's get a few things straight:
  1. I didn't hear Trump say anything about his dad, YOU apparently did. I don't have time to worry about such unimportant stuff, YOU DO. I've yet to see any of you people POST actual video of him saying these things! I take your word about as far as I can throw it.
  2. I've seen a picture posted of Fred T's birth certificate. Want me to Photoshop it to say Timbuktu? Without providing a credible link to an official site where other people can go to independently verify your claim, your pictures mean nothing.
  3. HERE'S THE BIG ONE. Let's say Trump really said Germany and you PROVE Trump is wrong. SO WHAT? Delusional? Insanity? More likely he knows how you idiots run around tracking every french fry he eats (he probably eats them just so you can have THAT to talk about, then stuffs his shirt so you can talk about that), and pulls this shit just to yank your chains. The guy has played you idiots like a Stradivarius since day one, and he probably howls till his belly is sore reading how you clowns race around with your next "trump scandal." After four years, you'd think you'd wise up, but then, YOU ARE DEMOCRAPS.

Amazing. He's still staring right at the motherfucker and trying to claim it doesn't exist.

The power of self-delusion never ceases to stupefy.

ALL of this bullshit just to try to weasel out of saying he was wrong. Sad.

Amazing Derps. Thinks a guy can be "wrong" or "delusional" about where his own father was born when the guy obviously has a plan, a motive, a reason, and still reels you bait-fish in time after time even after four years! :laughing0301:

"Look, Fred! Caught Trump in another lie! Quick! Post it to our social media.... spin it that the guy is going off the edge, cracking under pressure, a danger to the nation and say you have 37 world-famous psychiatrists ready to SWEAR to it!!!!" :mm:
in Sri Lanka.

He posted this tweet at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.
And we have 57 states too.

Yeah, I was waiting for this one.
You guys are so predictable.
Do you think Obama knows how to pronounce "origins"?
Do you think Obama knows the definition of "exonerated"?


Dear WaitingFor2020
I think it was WORSE for Trump to publicly declare slanderous false statements about Ted Cruz and his father
because he KNEW these were "fake news." Making a mistake in misstating numbers is nothing in comparison to that.

As for Obama, worse consequences happened because he didn't know:
* that LGBT beliefs constitute a faith based creed that govt is neither supposed to establish nor prohibit at the expense of other creeds
* it's unconstitutional to pass and enforce ACA mandates and corporate handouts by
(a) bypassing Constitutional Amendments so this change in govt duty was never ratified by States
or voted on to represent the people b before being taxed or penalized
(b) passing ACA through Congress as a public health bill NOT a tax, which would have failed,
but ruling it constitutional through Courts as a TAX BILL, so that the
judiciary unlawfully exercised "legislative authority" to CHANGE the bill
(c) denying equal protection of citizens from "discrimination by creed" by forcing compliance under penalty against their Constitutional beliefs that were violated, as made publicly known through express objections both individually and collectively
(d) further violating First Amendment limits against establishing or regulating on the basis of religion by only approving
* treating the belief in "right to health care" differently from the belief in "right to life" (by imposing one through govt while denying the other) constitutes "discrimination by creed"
* that a whole party of members and supporters abusing govt to impose political beliefs on others so as to "discriminate by creed"
constitutes "conspiracy to violate civil rights" and is thus a felony (and failing to report this amounts to "misprision of a felony")

Trump may cause executive overreach with his
* policy on tariffs
* pushing for building walls
but as long as the taxpayers supporting those policies agree to pay for them and their consequences,
opponents who believe otherwise are equally free to fund the alternatives they believe in.

Not so with Obama who pushed and enforced laws that penalized people for funding other alternatives
besides INSURANCE as "the only way to pay or provide for health care" thus violating free choice, free
exercise and equal protection of beliefs, and civil liberty without due process of law to represent and defend citizens.
A man who is a stable genius should know where his parents are born
Evidently, Trumo does not or is outright lying

It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it
He doesn't but YOU DO, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Is Trump lying or just stupid?

There are no other options

Sure there are. He's smarter than a fox. And obviously a lot smarter than you.
He is no way smarter than me
I have a big brain and a yuge IQ
I have the best words.....some I even make up
Covfefe, herberger
in Sri Lanka.

He posted this tweet at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.
And we have 57 states too.
Yeah, I was waiting for this one.
You guys are so predictable.
Do you think Obama knows how to pronounce "origins"?
Do you think Obama knows the definition of "exonerated"?
You said, "You guys are so predictable. Do you think Obama knows how to pronounce "origins"? Do you think Obama knows the definition of 'exonerated'?"
No, dear, but when Obama learned about the framers of the Constitution at Harvard, between joints, that is, he decided that he, too would frame somebody, and since it just happened to be his Boss Hillary who was running against the Donald, and thought Trump would be the perfect person to frame. And so he and Hillary got together, cooked up a banans republic schema to frame candidate Donald Trump as a Russian sympathizer, playing on voters' recollection days of Russia who shot people for trying to escape their Berlin-walled universe as the lynchpin of their cold war against their former Axis buds.
lol And you lefties paint President Trump as a stupid person. I think that if justice is served to the contemporary frame freaks, President Trump will come out smelling like a rose, and not the stench in San Francisco that giving to the ungrateful produced in a way nobody can miss it unless they have advanced TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome in its advanced phase). :rolleyes:
Last edited:
It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it
He doesn't but YOU DO, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Is Trump lying or just stupid?

There are no other options

Sure there are. He's smarter than a fox. And obviously a lot smarter than you.
He is no way smarter than me
I have a big brain and a yuge IQ
I have the best words.....some I even make up
Covfefe, herberger
And that's why he's President and you're not, right? :laughing0301:
It doesn't take a genius to know where your own parents were born and what possible gain could anyone have lying about it? Of course, none of you peons ever have any believable answer for any of that. No one here has shown any proof otherwise that cannot be dismissed as fraudulent and perhaps more telling is that any of you Derps even worry about, then supposedly research, then come out with unvetted claims and "proof" that Trump is an "unstable psychopath." Did you do all of that for every claim and statement Obumma made 24/7? Of course not. Isn't it always amazing how you Derps somehow manage to manufacture, er, find, the very proof you always seek to support the most ridiculous claims that no one but you Derps would possibly care about anyway in the first place.

But hey, whatever it takes to get you idiots through the 8 long lean years of Trump.
The stable genius with the big brain does not even know his father was born in NY

Actually, he just lies about it
He doesn't but YOU DO, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Is Trump lying or just stupid?

There are no other options

Sure there are. He's smarter than a fox. And obviously a lot smarter than you.
He is no way smarter than me
I have a big brain and a yuge IQ
I have the best words.....some I even make up
Covfefe, herberger
Yep......your brain is Yuge.

BTW, what are you doing when you aren't here?

I just asked, cuz you always seem to be here.
lol And you lefties paint President Trump as a stupid person.

Quick tip:

When the entire world, history, Wikipedia, biographies and the official birth certificate of the State of New York all say that Fred Trump was born in the Bronx, and Rump starts saying (and keeps saying) he was born in "Germany" ----- that is not anyone else painting Rump as a stupid person. 'Tis Rump himself.

Imagine if you will, Barack Obama suddenly declaring his father was born in Ireland. And then repeating it. And then repeating it again.

Some things, they just ain't no way out of.
lol And you lefties paint President Trump as a stupid person.

Quick tip:

When the entire world, history, Wikipedia, biographies and the official birth certificate of the State of New York all say that Fred Trump was born in the Bronx, and Rump starts saying (and keeps saying) he was born in "Germany" ----- that is not anyone else painting Rump as a stupid person. 'Tis Rump himself.

Imagine if you will, Barack Obama suddenly declaring his father was born in Ireland. And then repeating it. And then repeating it again.

Some things, they just ain't no way out of.
Says someone who trusts career politicians

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