Donald Says 138 Million People dead

in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.
We have, but your never ending defense of Trump makes it hard to remember.

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You mistake defense of Trump for attack on the Leftists.

If you are Independent, why only attack the lefties?

I attack Leftists and Alt Right equally on this board.

I guess I miss half of your post then.


If what you said is true then yes, really. Don’t recall it happening directed at the “alt-right”

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Here's what REALLY happened in Sri Lanka:

Easter Bomb Attacks on Sri Lanka Churches, Hotels Kill at Least 207
Bombings appeared to be a coordinated series of attacks on tourists and the minority Christian community
Updated April 21, 2019 8:11 a.m. ET

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka—A series of blasts tore through churches and international hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter morning, killing at least 207 people and wounding more than 450 ...."

Easter Bomb Attacks on Sri Lanka Churches, Hotels Kill at Least 207
IMPEACH ::: he's fucking non compos mentis.

Baker Act! Faster than impeachment.

you posting from the 57th state of libtardia?
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.

Translation...libtard starts a thread about Trump misstatement, libtards butthurt when we point out Obama did the same thing. :itsok:
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.

Translation...libtard starts a thread about Trump misstatement, libtards butthurt when we point out Obama did the same thing. :itsok:
Well that would make sense if we both didn’t already know that Trump has a very long list of things he has said that are incredibly stupid. The best you have on Obama is him misspeaking a number lol. A massive false equivalency and you know it.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.

Translation...libtard starts a thread about Trump misstatement, libtards butthurt when we point out Obama did the same thing. :itsok:
Well that would make sense if we both didn’t already know that Trump has a very long list of things he has said that are incredibly stupid. The best you have on Obama is him misspeaking a number lol. A massive false equivalency and you know it.
You mistake defense of Trump for attack on the Leftists.

If you are Independent, why only attack the lefties?

I attack Leftists and Alt Right equally on this board.

I guess I miss half of your post then.


If what you said is true then yes, really. Don’t recall it happening directed at the “alt-right”

Sent from my iPhone using

There are several on these boards who are openly alt right and we have gone at it. Generally you’re not in those threads. Odium, impuretrash and Vastator are two of them. I also attack the antisemites like Tinmore, Coyote, JoeB and Penelope but you’re not in those threads either. Oddly.
Last edited:
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.

Translation...libtard starts a thread about Trump misstatement, libtards butthurt when we point out Obama did the same thing. :itsok:
Well that would make sense if we both didn’t already know that Trump has a very long list of things he has said that are incredibly stupid. The best you have on Obama is him misspeaking a number lol. A massive false equivalency and you know it.
Take your little Obama and shove him up your ass....
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.

Translation...libtard starts a thread about Trump misstatement, libtards butthurt when we point out Obama did the same thing. :itsok:
Well that would make sense if we both didn’t already know that Trump has a very long list of things he has said that are incredibly stupid. The best you have on Obama is him misspeaking a number lol. A massive false equivalency and you know it.
Take your little Obama and shove him up your ass....

This video is just pitiful lol. Okay so one is about Benghazi and Obama saying he wanted to save judgment until the incident was investigated. Another is Obama making a mistake with the queen by raising his glass too soon. Good lord. Do I even have to remind you how Trump behaved with the queen? Oh, and how about when Trump saluted an officer in a foreign army? My god if Obama had done that you people would not shut the fuck up about it lol. It would be mentioned on a daily basis on this board. Because Trump did it, you pretend it never happened I guess. Oh and remember when Trump curtsied? You pretend that never happened but Obama actually doing a gender appropriate bow was the worst! My god, the list goes on and on with how many times Trump has embarrassed himself or the nation. This was a President who actually boarded Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe lol. That’s straight out of an SNL sketch.
At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

You people are so incredibly lame. Trump says retarded things on mostly a daily basis but you pretend Obama saying “57” is somehow on par or worse. My god, this forum makes me feel dumber.

Translation...libtard starts a thread about Trump misstatement, libtards butthurt when we point out Obama did the same thing. :itsok:
Well that would make sense if we both didn’t already know that Trump has a very long list of things he has said that are incredibly stupid. The best you have on Obama is him misspeaking a number lol. A massive false equivalency and you know it.
Take your little Obama and shove him up your ass....

This video is just pitiful lol. Okay so one is about Benghazi and Obama saying he wanted to save judgment until the incident was investigated. Another is Obama making a mistake with the queen by raising his glass too soon. Good lord. Do I even have to remind you how Trump behaved with the queen? Oh, and how about when Trump saluted an officer in a foreign army? My god if Obama had done that you people would not shut the fuck up about it lol. It would be mentioned on a daily basis on this board. Because Trump did it, you pretend it never happened I guess. Oh and remember when Trump curtsied? You pretend that never happened but Obama actually doing a gender appropriate bow was the worst! My god, the list goes on and on with how many times Trump has embarrassed himself or the nation. This was a President who actually boarded Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe lol. That’s straight out of an SNL sketch.

You do realize there would be no trump if there was an Obama… Karma is a bitch
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least he had the 138 right, bonebrain. He probably had something else on his mind as he texted and the 'million' slipped in there without his realizing it until too late.

I'll take that any day over a president that doesn't even know the number of states in his own country and thinks the USA had SIXTY. That's not a slip of the tongue, that is pure STUPIDITY.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least he had the 138 right, bonebrain. He probably had something else on his mind as he texted and the 'million' slipped in there without his realizing it until too late.

I'll take that any day over a president that doesn't even know the number of states in his own country and thinks the USA had SIXTY. That's not a slip of the tongue, that is pure STUPIDITY.

It's also mythology.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.


But he does not know what country his own father was born in

--- even though the rest of us do.
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.
And we have 57 states too.

Yeah, I was waiting for this one.
You guys are so predictable.
Do you think Obama knows how to pronounce "origins"?
Do you think Obama knows the definition of "exonerated"?

I don't know.
However, I think it's pretty silly to pick at every single thing Trump says, does, or you imagine he says or does. Especially due to the fact that sometimes it appears that Trump's twitter account may be hacked. We certainly have discovered fake twitter accounts.

I've been reading the Mueller Report today.
They've put every fake media report and every false lead in it to make it look like Trump was up to something. They put so much extraneous information in it that it's difficult to ascertain what exactly they were investigating.
They also forgot to mention some key details.
One of them is that Rod Rosenstein recommended that Trump fire Comey....then used his firing as an excuse to assign a special council. They also forgot to mention the fact that most of their evidence in the DNC hacks were by testimony rather than actual evidence.......primarily because the DNC refused to hand over the evidence of these crimes. They simply took their word for it.
Also, they knew that their primary evidence of obstruction was tainted because instead of turning it over to authorities, Comey chose to leak it instead to the media. They claim Comey took detailed notes of a private discussion with Trump that Trump claims never happened. So they have to take the word of a fired former FBI director who broke the law.....and was not charged by the acting AG.
Just laughing at his "twitter account may be hacked." lol the DNC's servers could be so easily hacked, but Trump's Twitter account is impenetrable???
Twitter is the enemy of the Trump Administration. So is Facebook and every other social network.
It would be quite easy for them to hack his account if they wanted to because they have the passwords.
The poor aide that got woken with a phone call at 4 a.m. Easter morning saying "The President is tweeting. You've got a clean up in tweet #1." He shuffled grumbling to the secure computer still in his jammies and shot off a corrected tweet to security at Mar a Lago so they could run it by Lord Covfefe in his bedroom watching Fox in the middle of the fucking night. It must be fun having a discussion about his mistakes, since Trump does not admit mistakes. Fun times.

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