Donald tried to screw his own siblings before Fred's death

Fact is, without Daddy ..Entitled little bastard Donnie Rich is just another slob
The funny thing is, that doesn't even remotely resemble a "fact". Without daddy, President Trump became one of the most popular entertainers in the world. And, without daddy, he became President of the United States.

Meanwhile, you sulk as you mooch off of government.

What is WRONG with that dude? :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :biggrin:
  • Fred Trump feared that his son would strip the estate to rescue his own failing empire, the report says.
Let's see....

Donald Trump enters the world of business, becomes a billionaire and one of the biggest names ever

He then enters the world of entertainment, and has one of the highest rated shows on tv

He then enters politics, and on his very first attempt ever in politics, is elected President of the United States

Man I would I could "fail" like President Trump does!
Dude was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a home run.

Hit a TRIPLE I think is correct, but either way works for the Malignant Turd that is Trump.
Some fun history:

“Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple” (a privileged person)

Texas politician Jim Hightower told the Democratic National Convention at Atlanta, Georgia, on July 19, 1988, about the Republican presidential candidate, George H. W. Bush:

“He is a man who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.”

The baseball idiom describes a person who was born into wealth and advantage, but who claims that he (or she) earned it. Hightower popularized the saying, but he didn’t coin it.

“A genius is one who seems a wonder because he was born on third base” is from 1934. “Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple” was said about an oil heir in 1983. Football coach Barry Switzer said in 1986, “Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.” In January 1988—about six months before Hightower’s speech—the saying was featured on a newspaper’s puzzle page.
Being victimized by my own sibling prior to my father's death in a similar manner, I get how this feels. There is NOBODY that Donald Trump won't attempt to hustle including his own damn family.

  • President Donald Trump sought to rewrite his father's will in 1990 to strengthen his position as the sole executor of his father's estate, according to a New York Times investigation published Tuesday.
  • Fred Trump saw the move as an attempt to go behind his back and removed his son from having sole control of the estate, The Times reported, citing depositions and other documents it obtained.
  • Fred Trump feared that his son would strip the estate to rescue his own failing empire, the report says.

Trump reportedly tried to rewrite his father's will, but his dad thwarted the effort, saying it 'doesn't pass the smell test'

He eats babies too ... I've seen it ...


He especially enjoys the little African babies
But for dessert? A nice kitten! :)


Even amazing, excellent humans are capable of producing rotten apples and devil spawn.
My mom and older sister are perfect examples of this very scenario.

God bless you and my mom and my niece and nephew always!!!


Thanks Holly - You're a sweetie. It can also be said that terrible fathers often produce terrible sons.
Fred was a racist, greedy huckster - And he was Donald's mentor.
If Fred had been my Dad, no WAY I get into business with him or considered him such.
I'd have become a longshoreman or something.
Being victimized by my own sibling prior to my father's death in a similar manner, I get how this feels. There is NOBODY that Donald Trump won't attempt to hustle including his own damn family.

  • President Donald Trump sought to rewrite his father's will in 1990 to strengthen his position as the sole executor of his father's estate, according to a New York Times investigation published Tuesday.
  • Fred Trump saw the move as an attempt to go behind his back and removed his son from having sole control of the estate, The Times reported, citing depositions and other documents it obtained.
  • Fred Trump feared that his son would strip the estate to rescue his own failing empire, the report says.

Trump reportedly tried to rewrite his father's will, but his dad thwarted the effort, saying it 'doesn't pass the smell test'

The Orange Virus is a rot on the body politic that needs immediate removal. Everybody sane already knows this. Trick is, what's to be done about it?

"A rot in the body politic" is an apt description. How to get rid of him:

1. VOTE - Get some oversight in the House and kick obstructionist assholes like Nunes, Meadows and Jordan to the curb
2. Wait for these pending court cases, southern district of NY and Mueller findings - IMHO the subpoenas and grand juries start flying shortly after the midterms
3. Make it clear to your Senators and Rep to the House know that they WILL be held accountable
4. Pray
Trump was gifted his business, did not start it;
So were many other people who went bankrupt. Instead, Trump took a small business and became a billionaire. And you hate him for it because you live off of the government, dead broke while he flies around in his own private 747.
Trump took a large business and a large inheritance, and grew it relatively little compared to what he started with. He would have lost it all if not for daddy and others bailing him out, like when his buddy George Soros bailed him out.

If Donald had taken Daddy's half a billion plus his share of inheritance, put it into index funds and gone on to whack his pee pee or play horseshoes for the past 40 years, he would be infinitely richer.

Daddy gave him a half billion?

How much would that be in todays $$
Daddy lent him a million. Donald paid it back. Then daddy died. JACKPOT!

I believe you mean that Daddy GAVE him 413 million and then bailed him out of countless FUBARS.

Fact is, without Daddy ..Entitled little bastard Donnie Rich is just another slob
The funny thing is, that doesn't even remotely resemble a "fact". Without daddy, President Trump became one of the most popular entertainers in the world. And, without daddy, he became President of the United States.

Meanwhile, you sulk as you mooch off of government.

You're so full of crap. You think without the thin veneer of MONEY and SUCCESS Trump would have hosted a reality TeeVee show or become President of the United States of America? :3:
Since you liberals are both Freudian projectionists and pathological liars, this thread instantly proves that YOU are the scammer who fucked over your own family and you're accusing Trump of it to hide your own crimes. That's the REAL reason your family won't speak to a scamming crook like you and your relatives are damn lucky not to have the likes of you in their lives.

Come on, Dr. Lovey-Dovey, I can read you liberal criminals like a book. Given whatever you've done to your own family, you should have been behind bars years ago.

That's some excellent fiction right there FunnyMunny! Reality however is a tad different.
My sibling is shunned by most of my other family members and relatives for the assholery.
Tip of the Day: NEVER allow a sister, brother, sister in law or brother in law become sole executor of your Mom or Dad's will.
You're welcome
Even amazing, excellent humans are capable of producing rotten apples and devil spawn.
My mom and older sister are perfect examples of this very scenario.

God bless you and my mom and my niece and nephew always!!!


Thanks Holly - You're a sweetie. It can also be said that terrible fathers often produce terrible sons.
Fred was a racist, greedy huckster - And he was Donald's mentor.
If Fred had been my Dad, no WAY I get into business with him or considered him such.
I'd have become a longshoreman or something.
You're welcome and I know exactly what you are saying about having a bad parental example in front of you. Its been almost 15 years since I last saw my dad voluntarily. Sadly the word that best describes him I don't think has been invented yet.

God bless you always!!!

Even amazing, excellent humans are capable of producing rotten apples and devil spawn.
My mom and older sister are perfect examples of this very scenario.

God bless you and my mom and my niece and nephew always!!!


Thanks Holly - You're a sweetie. It can also be said that terrible fathers often produce terrible sons.
Fred was a racist, greedy huckster - And he was Donald's mentor.
If Fred had been my Dad, no WAY I get into business with him or considered him such.
I'd have become a longshoreman or something.
You're welcome and I know exactly what you are saying about having a bad parental example in front of you. Its been almost 15 years since I last saw my dad voluntarily. Sadly the word that best describes him I don't think has been invented yet.

God bless you always!!!


Yeah, that has to suck. It's one thing to toss one of your siblings to the curb.
But being raised by a horrid parent would be quite an obstacle.
Sounds like you turned out just fine :wink:
^^^ I thank the Lord for blessing me with good common sense. With me having the parents that I have, I have been shown how not to be.

God bless you always!!!

You're so full of crap. You think without the thin veneer of MONEY and SUCCESS Trump would have hosted a reality TeeVee show or become President of the United States of America? :3:
My bad, Nostradamus. I completely forgot about your world renowned ability to see what would have happened to people under different circumstances.

What’s really funny is that you said earlier in this thread that Trump has an incredible talent for self-promotion (the perfect tool for a reality tv show and for winning elections).
You're so full of crap. You think without the thin veneer of MONEY and SUCCESS Trump would have hosted a reality TeeVee show or become President of the United States of America? :3:
My bad, Nostradamus. I completely forgot about your world renowned ability to see what would have happened to people under different circumstances.

What’s really funny is that you said earlier in this thread that Trump has an incredible talent for self-promotion (the perfect tool for a reality tv show and for winning elections).

Without money one cannot self-promote at the level he did thanks to Daddy Dearest.
It’s amazing the degree to which the left not only feels perpetually sorry for themselves, but also hates those who have something they don’t. I cannot imagine wallowing in a self-perceived misery (that doesn’t even exist) like progressives do.

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