Donald Trump Can't Name A Single Verse From His Favorite Book - The Bible

i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

So McCain was wrong to not be seen with the Reed fool?

HONESTY is where YOU should be, which side IS pandering to the CONservative Christian side again? HINT IT'S BEEN THE GOP SINCE AT LEAST RONNIE

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative
If by some chance he get's nominated, I think we will see a lot of Republican congressmen distancing themselves from him in the general election.

By some chance? You do watch the polls, right? Uhm.. he's stomping the shit out of everybody else right now. Seems like you'd be saying "if by some chance he doesn't win the nomination."

I predict the exact OPPOSITE happens. You will see MANY congressmen have that "come to Jesus" moment and align with his message. Cruz is already holding joint rallies with him.

Tell that to Newt who was at the same place 4 years ago, a little higher in the polls actually
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

So McCain was wrong to not be seen with the Reed fool?

HONESTY is where YOU should be, which side IS pandering to the CONservative Christian side again? HINT IT'S BEEN THE GOP SINCE AT LEAST RONNIE

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative

Well you keep insisting the GOP is somehow pandering to the Christian right but the facts simply don't support that. In 2008, McCain refused to meet with Ralph Reed. In 2012 the GOP nominated a Mormon. So what is the basis for this? The GOP is pro-life? Favors traditional marriage? Is that what it is? Last I checked, the Democrats hardly put themselves up to be non-Christians. So we have to assume at least SOME Christians are okay with abortion and gay marriage.
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

So McCain was wrong to not be seen with the Reed fool?

HONESTY is where YOU should be, which side IS pandering to the CONservative Christian side again? HINT IT'S BEEN THE GOP SINCE AT LEAST RONNIE

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative

Well you keep insisting the GOP is somehow pandering to the Christian right but the facts simply don't support that. In 2008, McCain refused to meet with Ralph Reed. In 2012 the GOP nominated a Mormon. So what is the basis for this? The GOP is pro-life? Favors traditional marriage? Is that what it is? Last I checked, the Democrats hardly put themselves up to be non-Christians. So we have to assume at least SOME Christians are okay with abortion and gay marriage.

Like I said Bubs, HONESTY

Ralphie Reed? lol

March, 31st, 2015

GOP Presidential Contenders Kowtow To Religious Right, Support Discriminatory Indiana Law

Amid the political firestorm created by Indiana’s passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Republican presidential contenders are lining up to defend the law, and Indiana’s embattled Governor Mike Pence, who signed it.

On Monday, presumed Republican front-runner Jeb Bush told conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt:

I think Governor Pence has done the right thing.

Dismissing criticisms of the law as unfounded he continued, by saying:

I think once the facts are established, people aren’t going to see this as discriminatory at all.

A spokesperson for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker didn’t comment directly on the Indiana law, but she pointed out that Walker supports “religious freedom” as a matter of principle.

In addition to Bush and Walker, a number of other Republican presidential competitors weighed in, all expressing support for allowing discrimination if it is based on deeply held religious beliefs.

GOP Presidential Contenders Kowtow To Religious Right, Support Discriminatory Indiana Law

Dear GOP, Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Being Crazy Christian Zealots That Many Americans Despise
The public is growing impatient with the uterus investigators and gay-haters that make up the Christian right.

Dear GOP, Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Being Crazy Christian Zealots That Many Americans Despise

February 29, 2000

Senator John McCain, in a provocative and politically risky speech, sharply criticized leaders of the religious right on Monday as "agents of intolerance" allied to his rival, Governor George W. Bush, and denounced what he said were the tactics of "division and slander."

Specifically, Mr. McCain singled out the evangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as "corrupting influences on religion and politics" and said parts of the religious right were divisive and even un-American.

By launching the unsparing attack from Virginia — a stronghold of the religious right — the Arizona senator effectively ceded any chance of finding serious support from within a major Republican constituency.

Republican Says Bush Panders To the 'Agents of Intolerance' : McCain Takes Aim At Religious Right

Stop pandering, Romney: The religious right may be anti-gay, but GOP voters aren’t

The resignation of Richard Grenell, the recently appointed and openly gay foreign policy spokesman for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, was as sudden as it was shocking. It was also yet another disturbing sign that the Romney campaign is still in pander mode when it comes to the anti-gay right.

When Grenell’s appointment was announced last month, most observers took it as a sign that Romney was starting to move to the center to win moderate and independent voters in November, a welcome change after a Republican primary process often dominated by religious-right candidates such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum.

But the shift to the middle, a smart and necessary political play for Romney, didn’t last long.

Stop pandering, Romney: The religious right may be anti-gay, but GOP voters aren’t
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

So McCain was wrong to not be seen with the Reed fool?

HONESTY is where YOU should be, which side IS pandering to the CONservative Christian side again? HINT IT'S BEEN THE GOP SINCE AT LEAST RONNIE

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative

Well you keep insisting the GOP is somehow pandering to the Christian right but the facts simply don't support that. In 2008, McCain refused to meet with Ralph Reed. In 2012 the GOP nominated a Mormon. So what is the basis for this? The GOP is pro-life? Favors traditional marriage? Is that what it is? Last I checked, the Democrats hardly put themselves up to be non-Christians. So we have to assume at least SOME Christians are okay with abortion and gay marriage.

Tea Party and the Right

The Christian Right Still Dominates the GOP -- Is There Any End in Sight?

The GOP is still kowtowing to the Christian Right. When will that change?

In a recent interview on Fox, Christian right writer James Robison went off on a rant about how Christian conservatives need to take over the government: “There are only 500 of you,” Robison said of Congress. “We can get rid of the whole bunch in one smooth swoop and we can really reroute the whole ship!”

He added that this takeover would cause "demons to shudder" and the "gates of hell to tremble," but what was really delusional about it was the idea that Congress is somehow devoid of Christians. In reality, 92% of Congress people identify as Christian. More to the point, nearly every Republican, regardless of their sincerity in saying so, aligns with conservative Christianity, whether Catholic or Protestant, an affiliation reflected in their policy preferences. (One solitary Republican is Jewish.) The Christian right might not own all 535 members of Congress, but with Republicans in the majority, the Christian right is also in the majority.

...That the evangelical right already controls the GOP shouldn’t really be in dispute. Not only do the Republicans do exactly as the Christian right tells them on every social issue, such as reproductive rights or gay rights, but Republicans also pay fealty to the Christian right by targeting Muslim countries with their hawkish posturing or using Christian language to rationalize slashing the social safety net. If you were trying to come up with a quick-and-dirty description of the Republican Party, “coalition of corporate and patriarchal religious interests” would be it.

And they eat it up! Like children chasing parade candy.
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

So McCain was wrong to not be seen with the Reed fool?

HONESTY is where YOU should be, which side IS pandering to the CONservative Christian side again? HINT IT'S BEEN THE GOP SINCE AT LEAST RONNIE

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative

Well you keep insisting the GOP is somehow pandering to the Christian right but the facts simply don't support that. In 2008, McCain refused to meet with Ralph Reed. In 2012 the GOP nominated a Mormon. So what is the basis for this? The GOP is pro-life? Favors traditional marriage? Is that what it is? Last I checked, the Democrats hardly put themselves up to be non-Christians. So we have to assume at least SOME Christians are okay with abortion and gay marriage.

Like I said Bubs, HONESTY

Ralphie Reed? lol

March, 31st, 2015

GOP Presidential Contenders Kowtow To Religious Right, Support Discriminatory Indiana Law

Amid the political firestorm created by Indiana’s passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Republican presidential contenders are lining up to defend the law, and Indiana’s embattled Governor Mike Pence, who signed it.

On Monday, presumed Republican front-runner Jeb Bush told conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt:

I think Governor Pence has done the right thing.

Dismissing criticisms of the law as unfounded he continued, by saying:

I think once the facts are established, people aren’t going to see this as discriminatory at all.

A spokesperson for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker didn’t comment directly on the Indiana law, but she pointed out that Walker supports “religious freedom” as a matter of principle.

In addition to Bush and Walker, a number of other Republican presidential competitors weighed in, all expressing support for allowing discrimination if it is based on deeply held religious beliefs.

GOP Presidential Contenders Kowtow To Religious Right, Support Discriminatory Indiana Law

Dear GOP, Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Being Crazy Christian Zealots That Many Americans Despise
The public is growing impatient with the uterus investigators and gay-haters that make up the Christian right.

Dear GOP, Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Being Crazy Christian Zealots That Many Americans Despise

February 29, 2000

Senator John McCain, in a provocative and politically risky speech, sharply criticized leaders of the religious right on Monday as "agents of intolerance" allied to his rival, Governor George W. Bush, and denounced what he said were the tactics of "division and slander."

Specifically, Mr. McCain singled out the evangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as "corrupting influences on religion and politics" and said parts of the religious right were divisive and even un-American.

By launching the unsparing attack from Virginia — a stronghold of the religious right — the Arizona senator effectively ceded any chance of finding serious support from within a major Republican constituency.

Republican Says Bush Panders To the 'Agents of Intolerance' : McCain Takes Aim At Religious Right

Stop pandering, Romney: The religious right may be anti-gay, but GOP voters aren’t

The resignation of Richard Grenell, the recently appointed and openly gay foreign policy spokesman for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, was as sudden as it was shocking. It was also yet another disturbing sign that the Romney campaign is still in pander mode when it comes to the anti-gay right.

When Grenell’s appointment was announced last month, most observers took it as a sign that Romney was starting to move to the center to win moderate and independent voters in November, a welcome change after a Republican primary process often dominated by religious-right candidates such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum.

But the shift to the middle, a smart and necessary political play for Romney, didn’t last long.

Stop pandering, Romney: The religious right may be anti-gay, but GOP voters aren’t

Hey, I think you got your propaganda cut-n-paste modules mixed up.... You were supposed to be proving the GOP panders to the Christian Coalition. All I see is where liberal whiny-pants are complaining about the Republicans supporting religious freedom and traditional marriage and John McCain taking them to task.
How many people in the gop are gay?

Enough that they have their own PAC.. Log Cabin Republicans.

But let's make sure we have something straight... no pun intended... Not ALL gay people support Gay Marriage!
You have a problem recognizing the difference.
They pander to the religious groups and the gun groups like water runs down hill.

Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

So McCain was wrong to not be seen with the Reed fool?

HONESTY is where YOU should be, which side IS pandering to the CONservative Christian side again? HINT IT'S BEEN THE GOP SINCE AT LEAST RONNIE

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative

Well you keep insisting the GOP is somehow pandering to the Christian right but the facts simply don't support that. In 2008, McCain refused to meet with Ralph Reed. In 2012 the GOP nominated a Mormon. So what is the basis for this? The GOP is pro-life? Favors traditional marriage? Is that what it is? Last I checked, the Democrats hardly put themselves up to be non-Christians. So we have to assume at least SOME Christians are okay with abortion and gay marriage.

Like I said Bubs, HONESTY

Ralphie Reed? lol

March, 31st, 2015

GOP Presidential Contenders Kowtow To Religious Right, Support Discriminatory Indiana Law

Amid the political firestorm created by Indiana’s passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Republican presidential contenders are lining up to defend the law, and Indiana’s embattled Governor Mike Pence, who signed it.

On Monday, presumed Republican front-runner Jeb Bush told conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt:

I think Governor Pence has done the right thing.

Dismissing criticisms of the law as unfounded he continued, by saying:

I think once the facts are established, people aren’t going to see this as discriminatory at all.

A spokesperson for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker didn’t comment directly on the Indiana law, but she pointed out that Walker supports “religious freedom” as a matter of principle.

In addition to Bush and Walker, a number of other Republican presidential competitors weighed in, all expressing support for allowing discrimination if it is based on deeply held religious beliefs.

GOP Presidential Contenders Kowtow To Religious Right, Support Discriminatory Indiana Law

Dear GOP, Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Being Crazy Christian Zealots That Many Americans Despise
The public is growing impatient with the uterus investigators and gay-haters that make up the Christian right.

Dear GOP, Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Being Crazy Christian Zealots That Many Americans Despise

February 29, 2000

Senator John McCain, in a provocative and politically risky speech, sharply criticized leaders of the religious right on Monday as "agents of intolerance" allied to his rival, Governor George W. Bush, and denounced what he said were the tactics of "division and slander."

Specifically, Mr. McCain singled out the evangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as "corrupting influences on religion and politics" and said parts of the religious right were divisive and even un-American.

By launching the unsparing attack from Virginia — a stronghold of the religious right — the Arizona senator effectively ceded any chance of finding serious support from within a major Republican constituency.

Republican Says Bush Panders To the 'Agents of Intolerance' : McCain Takes Aim At Religious Right

Stop pandering, Romney: The religious right may be anti-gay, but GOP voters aren’t

The resignation of Richard Grenell, the recently appointed and openly gay foreign policy spokesman for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, was as sudden as it was shocking. It was also yet another disturbing sign that the Romney campaign is still in pander mode when it comes to the anti-gay right.

When Grenell’s appointment was announced last month, most observers took it as a sign that Romney was starting to move to the center to win moderate and independent voters in November, a welcome change after a Republican primary process often dominated by religious-right candidates such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum.

But the shift to the middle, a smart and necessary political play for Romney, didn’t last long.

Stop pandering, Romney: The religious right may be anti-gay, but GOP voters aren’t

Hey, I think you got your propaganda cut-n-paste modules mixed up.... You were supposed to be proving the GOP panders to the Christian Coalition. All I see is where liberal whiny-pants are complaining about the Republicans supporting religious freedom and traditional marriage and John McCain taking them to task.
That's funny... he continues to make you look like the amateur hour as he climbs in the polls with each of these little blips and you perceive that as having a laugh at his expense?

Oh, and Trump doesn't need anyone defending him, he does quite well all on his own.
Nothing will be funnier than Trump continuing to top the Republican polls.
I doubt you would find it so funny, if he got elected. When disaffected voters discover a power that they did not realize they had, highly unanticipated consequences may follow. He could actually be elected. With Clinton faltering and an aging Biden, it could happen if Trump is able to appeal to independents.

As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress? He would convince the electorate that only stupid people get elected to Congress. He would declare the Constitution a stupid document authored by stupid people. Only he, Donald Trump, knows what is really best. Eventually Trump would come around and become what his supporters hate, "a professional politician", if he didn't get impeached first.

You have a problem recognizing the difference.
They pander to the religious groups and the gun groups like water runs down hill.

Pander? You mean by saying they believe in God and respect our 2nd amendment rights?
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
If somehow Trump got elected, his support within his party in congress is likely to be lip service only and open hostility from Democrats. Trump represents exactly what congress hates, a neophyte, an outsider, there to upset the apple cart which has been congress's bread butter. You can bet that they aren't about to let that happen.
Not to worry about Trump and the Bible, his writers are already at work writing some Bible verses for Donald to show the world that Trump knows his Bible.
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
If somehow Trump got elected, his support within his party in congress is likely to be lip service only and open hostility from Democrats. Trump represents exactly what congress hates, a neophyte, an outsider, there to upset the apple cart which has been congress's bread butter. You can bet that they aren't about to let that happen.

Well they can try to fight it but we can start voting butts out of office too. I think most of them are going to realize the people have spoken and they best start listening. Those who are hard headed will be marginalized. Your analysis is based on speculation which is based on the tone in DC today.. not when Trump wins, possibly with a mandate. The tone will change, wait and see.

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