Donald Trump Can't Name A Single Verse From His Favorite Book - The Bible

1. The accusation that Trump CAN not name a verse from the Bible is both an un-substantiated assumption and an opinion. The man said he CHOSE not to do so because doing so is a very private thing to him.

2. THAT being said, I agree...I don't THINK he can either. The man is one of the greatest self-promoters and salesmen there is today. He is SAYING what people want to hear right now, but if you look at his record of ACTIONS he has been anything BUT Conservative...until extremely RECENTLY.

Me, pewrsonally, I am TIRED of TALK and am paying an extreme amount of attention to ACTIONS, both past and present.

2. Don't tell me anything, especially negative, about anyone else. If you can't sell me on why I should vote for YOU and on YOUR PLANS then you have no business getting my vote.

Really, you should think more about what you are posting. I'm not really talking about your comment on the whole (which is spot on). But really, Trump is NOT one of the "greatest" salesmen there is. He's really not even that good at it. To his credit, he made money in the 1980's in NY. It was pretty easy to do in real estate. What he does now is buy choice properties with his largess. Again, pretty easy to do. When he does try to develop something from the ground up, he often falls flat on his face; just like other developers.

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, The Zuck, Immelt, or any one of a hundred different CEOs could be just as visible if they put their money into publicity rather than actual charities or running a business.

He has much more than that
Donald Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trump has succeeded in marketing the Trump name on a large number of products, including Trump Financial (a mortgage firm), Trump Sales and Leasing (residential sales), Trump Restaurants (located in Trump Tower and consisting of Trump Buffet, Trump Catering, Trump Ice Cream Parlor, and Trump Bar), GoTrump (an online travel website), Donald J. Trump Signature Collection (a line of menswear, men's accessories, and watches), Donald Trump The Fragrance (2004), Trump magazine, Trump Golf, Trump Chocolate, Trump home (home furnishings), Trump Productions (a television production company), Trump Institute, Trump The Game (1989 board game), Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon (a business simulation game), Trump Books, Trump Model Management, Trump Shuttle, Trump Ice, Trump Mortgage, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks.
Then he has his entertainment businesses.

I would like to look at the federally required filings.

Can you supply any of his company's ticker symobls?
He says he goes to church on Sunday when he can and always on Christmas, Easter, and on special occasions. Apparently he's not concerned about the Christian vote.
This candidacy is so far out of the rule book that who the hell knows.

But this "Bible is my favorite book" stuff. Come on.

I didn't take him seriously when he said it But like everything else, if he had just played it off with a laugh and told whomever was questioning him today something like, "God really got screwed out of the royalties by Barnes and Noble" or simply said, "I was kidding.", all would be forgotten. But as long as he's taking his comments seriously, those who are looking at him have every right to as well.
1. The accusation that Trump CAN not name a verse from the Bible is both an un-substantiated assumption and an opinion. The man said he CHOSE not to do so because doing so is a very private thing to him.

2. THAT being said, I agree...I don't THINK he can either. The man is one of the greatest self-promoters and salesmen there is today. He is SAYING what people want to hear right now, but if you look at his record of ACTIONS he has been anything BUT Conservative...until extremely RECENTLY.

Me, pewrsonally, I am TIRED of TALK and am paying an extreme amount of attention to ACTIONS, both past and present.

2. Don't tell me anything, especially negative, about anyone else. If you can't sell me on why I should vote for YOU and on YOUR PLANS then you have no business getting my vote.

Really, you should think more about what you are posting. I'm not really talking about your comment on the whole (which is spot on). But really, Trump is NOT one of the "greatest" salesmen there is. He's really not even that good at it. To his credit, he made money in the 1980's in NY. It was pretty easy to do in real estate. What he does now is buy choice properties with his largess. Again, pretty easy to do. When he does try to develop something from the ground up, he often falls flat on his face; just like other developers.

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, The Zuck, Immelt, or any one of a hundred different CEOs could be just as visible if they put their money into publicity rather than actual charities or running a business.

He has much more than that
Donald Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trump has succeeded in marketing the Trump name on a large number of products, including Trump Financial (a mortgage firm), Trump Sales and Leasing (residential sales), Trump Restaurants (located in Trump Tower and consisting of Trump Buffet, Trump Catering, Trump Ice Cream Parlor, and Trump Bar), GoTrump (an online travel website), Donald J. Trump Signature Collection (a line of menswear, men's accessories, and watches), Donald Trump The Fragrance (2004), Trump magazine, Trump Golf, Trump Chocolate, Trump home (home furnishings), Trump Productions (a television production company), Trump Institute, Trump The Game (1989 board game), Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon (a business simulation game), Trump Books, Trump Model Management, Trump Shuttle, Trump Ice, Trump Mortgage, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks.
Then he has his entertainment businesses.

I would like to look at the federally required filings.

Can you supply any of his company's ticker symobls?
Start with TRMP.
1. The accusation that Trump CAN not name a verse from the Bible is both an un-substantiated assumption and an opinion. The man said he CHOSE not to do so because doing so is a very private thing to him.

2. THAT being said, I agree...I don't THINK he can either. The man is one of the greatest self-promoters and salesmen there is today. He is SAYING what people want to hear right now, but if you look at his record of ACTIONS he has been anything BUT Conservative...until extremely RECENTLY.

Me, pewrsonally, I am TIRED of TALK and am paying an extreme amount of attention to ACTIONS, both past and present.

2. Don't tell me anything, especially negative, about anyone else. If you can't sell me on why I should vote for YOU and on YOUR PLANS then you have no business getting my vote.

Really, you should think more about what you are posting. I'm not really talking about your comment on the whole (which is spot on). But really, Trump is NOT one of the "greatest" salesmen there is. He's really not even that good at it. To his credit, he made money in the 1980's in NY. It was pretty easy to do in real estate. What he does now is buy choice properties with his largess. Again, pretty easy to do. When he does try to develop something from the ground up, he often falls flat on his face; just like other developers.

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, The Zuck, Immelt, or any one of a hundred different CEOs could be just as visible if they put their money into publicity rather than actual charities or running a business.

He has much more than that
Donald Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trump has succeeded in marketing the Trump name on a large number of products, including Trump Financial (a mortgage firm), Trump Sales and Leasing (residential sales), Trump Restaurants (located in Trump Tower and consisting of Trump Buffet, Trump Catering, Trump Ice Cream Parlor, and Trump Bar), GoTrump (an online travel website), Donald J. Trump Signature Collection (a line of menswear, men's accessories, and watches), Donald Trump The Fragrance (2004), Trump magazine, Trump Golf, Trump Chocolate, Trump home (home furnishings), Trump Productions (a television production company), Trump Institute, Trump The Game (1989 board game), Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon (a business simulation game), Trump Books, Trump Model Management, Trump Shuttle, Trump Ice, Trump Mortgage, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks.
Then he has his entertainment businesses.

I would like to look at the federally required filings.

Can you supply any of his company's ticker symobls?
Start with TRMP.

Uh huh it's been changed.
What's he wanting to hide or is it protection?
I think hiding. :)
CNN has reported Trump has been attending fund raising events where funds are collected to support his campaign. At least one in Colorado is tied to registered lobbyist.
1. The accusation that Trump CAN not name a verse from the Bible is both an un-substantiated assumption and an opinion. The man said he CHOSE not to do so because doing so is a very private thing to him.

2. THAT being said, I agree...I don't THINK he can either. The man is one of the greatest self-promoters and salesmen there is today. He is SAYING what people want to hear right now, but if you look at his record of ACTIONS he has been anything BUT Conservative...until extremely RECENTLY.

Me, pewrsonally, I am TIRED of TALK and am paying an extreme amount of attention to ACTIONS, both past and present.

2. Don't tell me anything, especially negative, about anyone else. If you can't sell me on why I should vote for YOU and on YOUR PLANS then you have no business getting my vote.

Really, you should think more about what you are posting. I'm not really talking about your comment on the whole (which is spot on). But really, Trump is NOT one of the "greatest" salesmen there is. He's really not even that good at it. To his credit, he made money in the 1980's in NY. It was pretty easy to do in real estate. What he does now is buy choice properties with his largess. Again, pretty easy to do. When he does try to develop something from the ground up, he often falls flat on his face; just like other developers.

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, The Zuck, Immelt, or any one of a hundred different CEOs could be just as visible if they put their money into publicity rather than actual charities or running a business.

The man has gone bankrupt 4 times and was able to 'sell' people on the idea that he was still a safe bet to succeed...He has a socialist progressive action track record but he has 40% of the 'vote' right now, has Conservatives clamouring for him, and even has Conservatives angry at / hating Fox News.... I would consider that being one of the best 'salesmen' around right now.

Bill Gates and all those others COULD be just as persuassive (maybe)...but they are not. Trump just has that 'it' factor going right now... Besides, this is just my opinion. It is still okay to disagree in this country, and I understand and am ok with you not agreeing with me.

I'm trying to find examples of his "selling people that he was still a safe bet" far as I can tell, he has no businesses that operate as corporations. I could be wrong. That isn't the only set-up to where you have partners but I would bet that there are very few partnerships as well.

Nothing wrong with that or unusual about that. You take 100% of the risks, you get 100% of the profits....good on him. But it's a different matter when you have to convince 217 house members and 51 Senators to see things your way. If you're skill set is to go it alone and make all of the decisions; it's a far cry from having to get 268 ego maniacs to agree with you.
... and I like Trump, he might be wrong, but at least he is HONEST about how he FEELS! He might lie (like everyone else) but he's not a phoney baloney... pretentious plastic person.......
He's nothing but.
He'll go to Utah and claim the book of Mormon is his other favorite book.

I love the Mormons!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to find examples of his "selling people that he was still a safe bet"
If his business entities had no obligations they couldn't meet he did not need to declare bankruptcy. Four times.

Bankruptcy means creditors are left swinging in the wind as far as I know.
After proclaiming many times on the campaign trail that The Bible is his favorite book, Donald Trump was at a loss to cite one favorite verse, saying it was "too personal" to share.

The Randy Report: Donald Trump Can't Name A Single Verse From His Favorite Book - The Bible

Wow, that seems odd.

I wonder if he's aware how likely a rich man is to enter the kingdom?

Matthew 19:

23And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." 25When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, "Then who can be saved?"…
The best part of the Trump spectacle is that the more liberals have a laugh at his expense,

the more the RWnuts feel obligated to defend him.
I don't understand why a secular Leftwinger who worships Big Government, such as the OP, thinks candidates for President should be subjected to a Bible Quote Litmus test.
The best part of the Trump spectacle is that the more liberals have a laugh at his expense,

the more the RWnuts feel obligated to defend him.

That's funny... he continues to make you look like the amateur hour as he climbs in the polls with each of these little blips and you perceive that as having a laugh at his expense?

Oh, and Trump doesn't need anyone defending him, he does quite well all on his own.
He says he goes to church on Sunday when he can and always on Christmas, Easter, and on special occasions. Apparently he's not concerned about the Christian vote.
This candidacy is so far out of the rule book that who the hell knows.

But this "Bible is my favorite book" stuff. Come on.
He's a Christian who has praised the Bible over and over, his favorite book, an incredible book, that he is so personal that he can't quote a single verse that has inspired him or that is the foundation of Christian faith. Sounds like..


Trump has said many times on the campaign trail the Bible is his favorite book.

Heilemann asked, “You mentioned the Bible and talked about how it was your favorite book and you said, I think last night on in Iowa, some people are surprised you say that. I am wondering what one or two of your most favorite Bible verses are and why?”

Trump answered, “I wouldn’t want to get into it because to me that’s very personal. You know when I talk about the Bible it’s very personal.I don’t want to get into it.”

Heilemann asked, “There no verse that means a lot to you that you think about about or cite?”

Trump continued, “The Bible means a lot to me but I don’t want to get into specifics.”

Heilemann said, “Even to cite a verse that you like?”

Mark Halperin chimed in, “Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy?”

Trump said, “Probably equal — I think it’s just incredible– the whole Bible is incredible. I joke when they hold up ‘The Art of The Deal,’ that is my second favorite book of all time. I think the Bible is something very special.”

Trump on His Favorite Bible Verse: ‘That’s Personal’ - Breitbart
The best part of the Trump spectacle is that the more liberals have a laugh at his expense,

the more the RWnuts feel obligated to defend him.
The gift that keeps on giving...
I think what of lot Republicans don't realize, is that when they support and defend Trump they are allowing Trump to characterize the party. If by some chance he get's nominated, I think we will see a lot of Republican congressmen distancing themselves from him in the general election.

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