Donald Trump Can't Name A Single Verse From His Favorite Book - The Bible

Not to worry about Trump and the Bible, his writers are already at work writing some Bible verses for Donald to show the world that Trump knows his Bible.

Who are his writers? Just curious.
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
If somehow Trump got elected, his support within his party in congress is likely to be lip service only and open hostility from Democrats. Trump represents exactly what congress hates, a neophyte, an outsider, there to upset the apple cart which has been congress's bread butter. You can bet that they aren't about to let that happen.

Well they can try to fight it but we can start voting butts out of office too. I think most of them are going to realize the people have spoken and they best start listening. Those who are hard headed will be marginalized. Your analysis is based on speculation which is based on the tone in DC today.. not when Trump wins, possibly with a mandate. The tone will change, wait and see.
win with a mandate? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
To win the presidency, he is far to offensive to women, Hispanics, an Blacks. The general public has an unfavorable view of Trump by a 3 to 1 margin.
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
If somehow Trump got elected, his support within his party in congress is likely to be lip service only and open hostility from Democrats. Trump represents exactly what congress hates, a neophyte, an outsider, there to upset the apple cart which has been congress's bread butter. You can bet that they aren't about to let that happen.

Well they can try to fight it but we can start voting butts out of office too. I think most of them are going to realize the people have spoken and they best start listening. Those who are hard headed will be marginalized. Your analysis is based on speculation which is based on the tone in DC today.. not when Trump wins, possibly with a mandate. The tone will change, wait and see.
win with a mandate? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
To win the presidency, he is far to offensive to women, Hispanics, an Blacks. The general public has an unfavorable view of Trump by a 3 to 1 margin.

Well you keep claiming this but he is leading in all the polls by a good margin and I'm pretty sure there are lots of women, Hispanics and blacks being polled. From what I have seen, he is only offensive to women who have attacked him personally. Do you have any other examples?

I should think that someone who OWNS Miss Universe and Miss USA is not someone who "hates women" ...that doesn't even make rational sense. He has women as well as blacks and Hispanics working at high-level executive jobs all throughout his corporation. They seem to have nothing but good things to say about him.

Now I don't know about LIBERAL women... they probably hate Trump, but they also hate Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Fiorino... see the point here? The GOP is likely not going to nominate someone liberal women like.
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
If somehow Trump got elected, his support within his party in congress is likely to be lip service only and open hostility from Democrats. Trump represents exactly what congress hates, a neophyte, an outsider, there to upset the apple cart which has been congress's bread butter. You can bet that they aren't about to let that happen.

Well they can try to fight it but we can start voting butts out of office too. I think most of them are going to realize the people have spoken and they best start listening. Those who are hard headed will be marginalized. Your analysis is based on speculation which is based on the tone in DC today.. not when Trump wins, possibly with a mandate. The tone will change, wait and see.
win with a mandate? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
To win the presidency, he is far to offensive to women, Hispanics, an Blacks. The general public has an unfavorable view of Trump by a 3 to 1 margin.

Well you keep claiming this but he is leading in all the polls by a good margin and I'm pretty sure there are lots of women, Hispanics and blacks being polled. From what I have seen, he is only offensive to women who have attacked him personally. Do you have any other examples?

I should think that someone who OWNS Miss Universe and Miss USA is not someone who "hates women" ...that doesn't even make rational sense. He has women as well as blacks and Hispanics working at high-level executive jobs all throughout his corporation. They seem to have nothing but good things to say about him.

Now I don't know about LIBERAL women... they probably hate Trump, but they also hate Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Fiorino... see the point here? The GOP is likely not going to nominate someone liberal women like.

LOL, Sure Bubs sure, Failin Palin will be his VP too *shaking head*

I don't get how you low informed types from the fringe, we used to call you Birchers, have taken over the GOP primaries, but you have. But PLEASE let The Trumpster win the GOP primary, PRETTY PLEASE? Not only the funniest general since Andy Jackson, but since it's a modern election, we will have audio and video to laugh at for generations to come, lol
As president, Trump would find dealing with Congress far different than making business deals. How could someone with such a dictatorial bent as Trump possibly work with Congress?

Well first of all, he has been negotiating deals with politicians all of his career. He does it by knowing how to persuade them, knowing what motivates them, knowing their weaknesses, knowing how to use leverage to his advantage.

You think whenever Trump builds these massive skyscrapers and hotels he just stomps his feet and the government bureaucracy just goes along with him? Nope... he has to convince them his plans are good for them. Political leaders in New York aren't much different than political leaders in Washington. They may actually be more difficult to deal with.
If somehow Trump got elected, his support within his party in congress is likely to be lip service only and open hostility from Democrats. Trump represents exactly what congress hates, a neophyte, an outsider, there to upset the apple cart which has been congress's bread butter. You can bet that they aren't about to let that happen.

Well they can try to fight it but we can start voting butts out of office too. I think most of them are going to realize the people have spoken and they best start listening. Those who are hard headed will be marginalized. Your analysis is based on speculation which is based on the tone in DC today.. not when Trump wins, possibly with a mandate. The tone will change, wait and see.
win with a mandate? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
To win the presidency, he is far to offensive to women, Hispanics, an Blacks. The general public has an unfavorable view of Trump by a 3 to 1 margin.

Well you keep claiming this but he is leading in all the polls by a good margin and I'm pretty sure there are lots of women, Hispanics and blacks being polled. From what I have seen, he is only offensive to women who have attacked him personally. Do you have any other examples?

I should think that someone who OWNS Miss Universe and Miss USA is not someone who "hates women" ...that doesn't even make rational sense. He has women as well as blacks and Hispanics working at high-level executive jobs all throughout his corporation. They seem to have nothing but good things to say about him.

Now I don't know about LIBERAL women... they probably hate Trump, but they also hate Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Fiorino... see the point here? The GOP is likely not going to nominate someone liberal women like.
Take a look at those polls. Currently Trump's average poll number is 27.2% which means 72% prefer a different Republican candidate. Also those polls do not include Democrats nor most independents voters.

Since those polls are primarily Republican voters, I doubt very seriously they include many blacks or Hispanics. The women are probably the ones that help make the 72% that prefer a different candidate.

Trump has consistently insulted, belittled, sexualized, and stereotyped women. He has also taken the time to personally insult individual notable women like Sarah Jessica Parker, Rosie O'Donnel, Cher, Bette Midler, etc,ect..

You don't have to be a liberal women to be insulted by such quotes as:

"You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

"When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass — a good one! — there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left."

"If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?"
"Yeah, verily, I say unto thee, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a LibTard to tell the truth." - StillHasBalls, 3:12
Take a look at those polls. Currently Trump's average poll number is 27.2% which means 72% prefer a different Republican candidate.

Yes, I think someone has pointed this out. Flapper, I am not here to stump for Trump. My candidate is Ted Cruz. I know you might find this difficult to believe but I want Ted Cruz to win, not Donald Trump. So... I am part of that 72% who prefer another candidate.
Take a look at those polls. Currently Trump's average poll number is 27.2% which means 72% prefer a different Republican candidate.

Yes, I think someone has pointed this out. Flapper, I am not here to stump for Trump. My candidate is Ted Cruz. I know you might find this difficult to believe but I want Ted Cruz to win, not Donald Trump. So... I am part of that 72% who prefer another candidate.

I have to admit, although a losertarian, Cruz is a better candidate than the Tumpster, who would cost the GOP MANY, MANY votes (staying home), IMHO

But neither has a grasp of reality, like you!

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