Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
"They do good things that aren't having to do with abortion."

WASHINGTON -- While many Republican presidential candidates continue to bash Planned Parenthood for controversial videos revealing its work on aborted fetal tissue research, frontrunner Donald Trump has decided zig where his rivals have zagged.

In an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, Trump mounted a defense of the women's health provider, noting "they do good things that aren't having to do with abortion."

"Let's say there is two Planned Parenthoods in a way," Trump said. "You have it as an abortion clinic. Now that's actually a fairly small part of what they do, but it's a brutal part and I'm totally against it and I wouldn't do that."

Earlier Tuesday, Trump backed off his demand that Republicans shut down the government rather than give federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Republican leaders in and out of Congress support shutting down Planned Parenthood entirely and shifting funds to community women's health providers.

Trump reiterated on Fox that he opposes abortion, but thinks Planned Parenthood's other services ought to be given a second look.

Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood

Trump was for it before he was against it before he was for it.
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Well at least he is talking about it, most on the right of the panel say that they are pro-life just to say it . I hope they are not stupid enough to run on the " no birth control for women crap again"
omg STOP the world. breaking breaking

maybe you libs can also let us Know when he takes his next dump

so because of that , you who votes democrat normally will surly now Vote for Trump...
he supports the baby killing industry just like all of you

He'll be happy happy happy
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liberals cant make up thier day trump day trump is the man...fucking idiots.
Any candidate who restricts abortion to life of the mother will lose.
Which of course will do nothing to stop the haters from screeching that he's an anti-abortion extremist, merely because he's running as a Republican. Real life needn't bother knocking on their door.
liberals cant make up thier day trump day trump is the man...fucking idiots.

It seems a lot them, don't know the meaning of Standing on their principle's....look at this week with Fox news.... It's not petty to watch and scary that they vote for our lives.
omg STOP the world. breaking breaking

maybe you libs can also let us Know when he takes his next dump

so because of that , you who votes democrat normally will surly now Vote for Trump...
he supports the baby killing industry just like all of you

He'll be happy happy happy

Trump just took another dumped!! Is he constipated? News at 11pm!!

We understand pro-lifers are against abortion and PP provides abortions. We don't know if you would leave PP alone if PP did not provide abortions.

I guess that is the gist of this thread.
liberals cant make up thier day trump day trump is the man...fucking idiots.

Hyprocrites ~ You all throw your canidates out to be eaten alive by the wolves, and when your done with them you discredit and trash them.

wtf? Nobody OWNS Trump. Just because you Democrat voters march in total lockstep with a POLITICAL party doesn't mean Republicans act the same way.
If you Leftwingers even questioned YOUR candidates or cared about their character as a Person...........we wouldn't be heading to a third world country
liberals cant make up thier day trump day trump is the man...fucking idiots.

It seems a lot them, don't know the meaning of Standing on their principle's....look at this week with Fox news.... It's not petty to watch and scary that they vote for our lives.

Just curious if you watch other news along with Fox ~ Its so important to see all views and then make up your own princibles and not vote for a party because it is the party you have always voted for.

Your comments sound to me like the .....
"Do what I say, not what I do "
Well at least he is talking about it, most on the right of the panel say that they are pro-life just to say it . I hope they are not stupid enough to run on the " no birth control for women crap again"

just wow. back to your same ole fear mongering .... Now they are calling for: NO BIRTH CONTROL FOR THEM womeeeeen folk in this country. which is a: pathetic lie but what else is new from you on the left
Any candidate who restricts abortion to life of the mother will lose.

Why is it that all these woman that get pregnant are going to die unless they have an abortion? When did getting pregnant lead to automatic peril for the mother?

In the 1960's after my father was killed by a drunk driver my mother almost killed herself by trying not to have a 5th baby. The rich had the means to kill their babies so they tried to make it safer for other's. The thing is they went too far and many have abused the system as they are now with planned parenthood. It needs to be looked into as I feel people now use it for their own benefit to make money or us it for birth control. I do not believe Cicile Richard's who claims how honest they are , she makes way too much money as a CEO of planned parenthood , she would turn herself into a monkey in order to keep that annual salary.
In other words - Trump is "for anything" that will get him to the White House.

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