Donald Trump did not cause COVID-19 to invade the US.

Donald Trump did not cause COVID-19 to invade the US.
View attachment 471152

He also shut down the fucking border to contain or limit COVID’s US impact. The current leadership would have left it open and we would have 2.5x as many deaths. Trump also called out China and the WHO for their corruptness and misinformation campaign. The current leadership cannot call China out or its accomplices because current leadership is bought and paid for by China.
Trump does personal business with China. He is bought and paid for, not Biden.

And Trump didn't shut down the border because of covid. Trump lied to us about covid on multiple occasions. Those two actions are not synonymous.

Trump does personal business in China, the Bidens did business with the government that benefitted them personally. The fact you ignore any influence of China over Biden is disturbing. Further, prove Trump did not shut down the border over COVID when every other goddamn country was doing it? You are blinded.
You have no factual information on Biden and Chinas influence over him. You are lying. Try again.

The proof that Trump did not shut down the border because of covid, was the fact that no flights were canceled from Europe in time, and Trump called covid a hoax.

The Biden’s did business with the Chinese government while they were private citizens after 8 years in the White House with eyes on more. You people impeached Trump the first time over a fucking phone call. On Trump and your theory on the borders, you have no proof. You are correlating disjointed facts. Europe canceled US.
Fact-checking Trump's claims about coronavirus You just can't get past your own fucking lies there chief.
Donald Trump did not cause COVID-19 to invade the US.
View attachment 471152

He also shut down the fucking border to contain or limit COVID’s US impact. The current leadership would have left it open and we would have 2.5x as many deaths. Trump also called out China and the WHO for their corruptness and misinformation campaign. The current leadership cannot call China out or its accomplices because current leadership is bought and paid for by China.
Trump does personal business with China. He is bought and paid for, not Biden.

And Trump didn't shut down the border because of covid. Trump lied to us about covid on multiple occasions. Those two actions are not synonymous.

Trump does personal business in China, the Bidens did business with the government that benefitted them personally. The fact you ignore any influence of China over Biden is disturbing. Further, prove Trump did not shut down the border over COVID when every other goddamn country was doing it? You are blinded.
You have no factual information on Biden and Chinas influence over him. You are lying. Try again.

The proof that Trump did not shut down the border because of covid, was the fact that no flights were canceled from Europe in time, and Trump called covid a hoax.

The Biden’s did business with the Chinese government while they were private citizens after 8 years in the White House with eyes on more. You people impeached Trump the first time over a fucking phone call. On Trump and your theory on the borders, you have no proof. You are correlating disjointed facts. Europe canceled US.
Fact-checking Trump's claims about coronavirus You just can't get past your own fucking lies there chief.

Fact checks backed by the NBC News Editorial Board? These are opinions based on loose facts; little empirical and third party validated data.
You have no factual information on Biden and Chinas influence over him. You are lying. Try again.

Hunter Biden’s Family Name Aided Deals With Foreign Tycoons

Hunter Biden tax inquiry focused on Chinese business dealings

Need more? Look stuff up yourself ... and ... YOU LIE, try again, but try not to lie, mmmky???

The proof that Trump did not shut down the border because of covid, was the fact that no flights were canceled from Europe in time,

What does 'in time' mean?

Trump Defends Closing Borders to Travelers to Fight Coronavirus (Published 2020)

Trump: US Has 'Shut Down' Coronavirus Coming in From China

and Trump called covid a hoax.

You should post entire facts, not half assed ones.

Feb. 28, 2020
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, adding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.”

Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'
If President Trump handled COVID better he would likely have won re-election.

“Downplaying“ it blew up in his face...

Yes, Trump should have allowed US citizens to cave to mass hysteria.

Trump was following the science that Dr. Faucci reported to him.

Donald Trump did not cause COVID-19 to invade the US.
View attachment 471152

Pull your head out of the mudd. In the beginning, medical professionals downplayed the virus. No president really makes these decisions on their own, They are listening to medical professionals and scientists. As did Trump. Your being a HUGE hypocrite because Democratic leaders did the same things as in your stupid meme.Democrats early on urged people to go out and have a good time. And Faucci, yes that guy even told people at one point not to wear masks.
Hey Trump had empty navy vessels sitting in harbor, set up as hospital ships but your dimwit Cuomo refused to use them to put sick people in. Yet he had no problem sending elderly into convalescent homes. You know, he just didn't want Trump to get a political boost out of anything. No doubt that is why he didn't use the ships, just as he admittedly downplayed the death numbers for that very reason.
Trump knew it was bad early on because he told Bob Woodward it was five times worse than the flu. You're a liar.

Do you have documentation and evidence for that?
Donald Trump did not cause COVID-19 to invade the US.
View attachment 471152

Pull your head out of the mudd. In the beginning, medical professionals downplayed the virus. No president really makes these decisions on their own, They are listening to medical professionals and scientists. As did Trump. Your being a HUGE hypocrite because Democratic leaders did the same things as in your stupid meme.Democrats early on urged people to go out and have a good time. And Faucci, yes that guy even told people at one point not to wear masks.
Hey Trump had empty navy vessels sitting in harbor, set up as hospital ships but your dimwit Cuomo refused to use them to put sick people in. Yet he had no problem sending elderly into convalescent homes. You know, he just didn't want Trump to get a political boost out of anything. No doubt that is why he didn't use the ships, just as he admittedly downplayed the death numbers for that very reason.
Trump knew it was bad early on because he told Bob Woodward it was five times worse than the flu. You're a liar.

I'm a liar? your a jerk. You know damn well, Democrats have done nothing but play politics with this whole thing all the way through and have been hypocrites. Early on the only thing on their mind was still impeaching Trump, they were more busy calling him a xenophobe for Chinese flight restrictions.
If hunter is a bad guy arrest him put him in jail sue him what ever you want, using some one's child to throw mud on the parent is nasty business.

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