Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper

I just love it that cons support a guy who made disparaging remarks against Mexicans and all 54 million latinos in this country got pissed off at him. Somehow in the con world, losing 22 million latino votes is considered good politics.

Thank you Trump, I support you for being such a clown of the republican party. You help dems get the latino voter base.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

the leftist media will stop at no end
I just love it that cons support a guy who made disparaging remarks against Mexicans and all 54 million latinos in this country got pissed off at him. Somehow in the con world, losing 22 million latino votes is considered good politics.

Thank you Trump, I support you for being such a clown of the republican party. You help dems get the latino voter base.
Best friend the Dems have had this year, and considering the rulings of the SC that's saying somethin'...
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

the leftist media will stop at no end

There is no such thing as leftist media. I repeat: There is no such thing as leftist media. All non-FOX media is media. They don't lean left and they don't lean right.

CNN provides information and facts. Sometimes they make mistakes but they have no political bias. They hit hard Clinton (Bill) and they hit hard Palin and Trump and everyone else inbetween including Obama.

One more time: There is no such thing as leftist media. It's an illusion of the right.
CNN provides information and facts. Sometimes they make mistakes but they have no political bias. They hit hard Clinton (Bill) and they hit hard Palin and Trump and everyone else inbetween including Obama.

One more time: There is no such thing as leftist media. It's an illusion of the right.

Anderson is a devout ball licker.
What you don't seem to realize is that interviewers are not there to debate issues with their guest but rather to provoke them to reveal what they would not otherwise say. Insults, rants, walk offs, and personal attacks, are pure gold for the interviewer because for the interviewer, it's about ratings not winning arguments. Cooper will certainly make good use of clips of Trump rants when interviewing Trump's opposition.
A news channel should be reporting the news, not spinning it.

This goes for the whole rotten lot of 'em... Left, Right and Center.

CNN is getting as bad, as a Leftist Spin-Doctor, as Fox news has become, as a Rightist Spin Doctor.

Anderson, and his pal Cuomo, are Leftist partisan hacks of the very worst sort.

CNN loses credibility as an objective news reporting organization every time they open their mouths.
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Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

the leftist media will stop at no end

There is no such thing as leftist media. I repeat: There is no such thing as leftist media. All non-FOX media is media. They don't lean left and they don't lean right.

CNN provides information and facts. Sometimes they make mistakes but they have no political bias. They hit hard Clinton (Bill) and they hit hard Palin and Trump and everyone else inbetween including Obama.

One more time: There is no such thing as leftist media. It's an illusion of the right.
You are wrong.

Or deluded.

Same difference.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

the leftist media will stop at no end

There is no such thing as leftist media. I repeat: There is no such thing as leftist media. All non-FOX media is media. They don't lean left and they don't lean right.

CNN provides information and facts. Sometimes they make mistakes but they have no political bias. They hit hard Clinton (Bill) and they hit hard Palin and Trump and everyone else inbetween including Obama.

One more time: There is no such thing as leftist media. It's an illusion of the right.
You are wrong.

Or deluded.

Same difference.

well said
Anderson is a devout ball licker.
What you don't seem to realize is that interviewers are not there to debate issues with their guest but rather to provoke them to reveal what they would not otherwise say. Insults, rants, walk offs, and personal attacks, are pure gold for the interviewer because for the interviewer, it's about ratings not winning arguments. Cooper will certainly make good use of clips of Trump rants when interviewing Trump's opposition.
A news channel should be reporting the news, not spinning it.

This goes for the whole rotten lot of 'em... Left, Right and Center.

CNN is getting as bad, as a Leftist Spin-Doctor, as Fox news has become, as a Rightist Spin Doctor.

Anderson, and his pal Cuomo, are Leftist partisan hacks of the very worst sort.

CNN loses credibility as an objective news reporting organization every time they open their mouths.
What you don't seem to be considering is that CNN just like Fox is both factual News and Commentary. Of Course Anderson Cooper is on the left just as Fox's Sean Hannity is on the right. According to Pew Research, CNN programming is 54% factual reporting and Fox is 45%. To no one's surprise MSNBC leads in commentary with only 15% of it's broadcast factual reporting. However, MSNBC like Conservative Talk Radio makes no bones about their lopsided reporting.
The Changing TV News Landscape State of the Media
So what you detractors are saying that not only should Trump interview and check status of employees of everyone his company does business with - but go beyond that and even if they have legal status - because they look Mexican, make sure they never were illegal.
Yeah makes perfect sense.
And even if he did do that - you all would be calling him a racist profiler.
The media made Dump Truck aware that his contractor was currently using illegals and Trump did not fire the contractor because a compliant contractor would cost him more money. So Trump can't play the dumb card, he knows illegals are building his DC hotel.
Or because there is no contractor that can fill that job that does not have illegals working at it.
As Trump pointed out – with MILLIONS of illegal workers and construction being one of the most commo0n jobs for illegals there is ZERO chance for him to get business done without illegal immigrants being hired. It is beyond idiotic to be upset at this FACT when the legal framework necessitates it. Leave it to the liberal to create the situation and then get upset ate someone else because of it. Fucking stupid.
Further, in ANY major construction project there are contractual agreements. IOW, he cannot fire shit because he has signed a contract for the work.
So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads to believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.
I doubt you ever hire anyone for anything considering how ignorant you actaulloy are in the process. One wonders what CoF you are talking about:
Certificate of Fitness The City of Portland Oregon
Certificate of Fitness
Libertyville IL - Official Site - Certificate of Fitness Registration

Or maybe this one that actually does include citizenship:

Of course that works with singular contractors that might come over to your hose but has nothing to do with commercial contracting. Not everyone would need to be licensed or have the CoF (you have stockers, demo, cleanup crew etc.) on a commercial job site.

No matter what one you were referring to, the entire statement was ignorant.

Of course that works with singular contractors that might come over to your hose but has nothing to do with commercial contracting.

Isn't 'hose' Canadian for house? How many of you fuckers are there? Cruz hiring from his 'home team?'

A 'Certificate of Fitness' is REQUIRED by my insurance company. I'm self-insured for the first $3 million, so I'd not be doing due diligence if I didn't.
Links. Many were provided and you ignored them all - likely because they show you are being an idiot.
Yes, the COF proves that your building is up to standard as far as fire safety is concerned. The insurance company requires it because it wants to reduce the likelihood that your building will burn down. It has nothing whatsoever to do with illegal aliens.

Just admit you're an ignorant hosebag.

AGAIN, this isn't Canada!

You're getting Certificate of Fitness confused with Certificate of Occupancy.
No, he is not as I have already provided you with actual links to CoF in various localities in the states. Links you ignored.
Anderson is a devout ball licker.
What you don't seem to realize is that interviewers are not there to debate issues with their guest but rather to provoke them to reveal what they would not otherwise say. Insults, rants, walk offs, and personal attacks, are pure gold for the interviewer because for the interviewer, it's about ratings not winning arguments. Cooper will certainly make good use of clips of Trump rants when interviewing Trump's opposition.
A news channel should be reporting the news, not spinning it.

This goes for the whole rotten lot of 'em... Left, Right and Center.

CNN is getting as bad, as a Leftist Spin-Doctor, as Fox news has become, as a Rightist Spin Doctor.

Anderson, and his pal Cuomo, are Leftist partisan hacks of the very worst sort.

CNN loses credibility as an objective news reporting organization every time they open their mouths.
What you don't seem to be considering is that CNN just like Fox is both factual News and Commentary. Of Course Anderson Cooper is on the left just as Fox's Sean Hannity is on the right. According to Pew Research, CNN programming is 54% factual reporting and Fox is 45%. To no one's surprise MSNBC leads in commentary with only 15% of it's broadcast factual reporting. However, MSNBC like Conservative Talk Radio makes no bones about their lopsided reporting.
The Changing TV News Landscape State of the Media
To no ones surprise?

I can name a LOT of people here that would be very surprised if they even acknowledged any news station receiving a lower mark than FOX.

The crux, however, is not how much commentary there is but how skewed even the non-commentary is these days. Even the 'news' portion of 'newscasts' no longer fit the actual definition anymore.
The fact that Fire Safety has nothing to do with anything in this thread tell us all the more so, you are a fraud. Congrats fraud.

Oh no, not another Canadian!

Fire Department inspectors sign-off and Certificates of Occupancy are issued by building departments.

A Certificate of Fitness is required by my insurance when I hire a sub-contractor.
At this point I would be surprised if you have hired anyone for anything. You are still refusing to actually back op from where this imaginary CoF is that covers illegal hires.
Anderson is a devout ball licker.
What you don't seem to realize is that interviewers are not there to debate issues with their guest but rather to provoke them to reveal what they would not otherwise say. Insults, rants, walk offs, and personal attacks, are pure gold for the interviewer because for the interviewer, it's about ratings not winning arguments. Cooper will certainly make good use of clips of Trump rants when interviewing Trump's opposition.
A news channel should be reporting the news, not spinning it.

This goes for the whole rotten lot of 'em... Left, Right and Center.

CNN is getting as bad, as a Leftist Spin-Doctor, as Fox news has become, as a Rightist Spin Doctor.

Anderson, and his pal Cuomo, are Leftist partisan hacks of the very worst sort.

CNN loses credibility as an objective news reporting organization every time they open their mouths.
What you don't seem to be considering is that CNN just like Fox is both factual News and Commentary. Of Course Anderson Cooper is on the left just as Fox's Sean Hannity is on the right. According to Pew Research, CNN programming is 54% factual reporting and Fox is 45%. To no one's surprise MSNBC leads in commentary with only 15% of it's broadcast factual reporting. However, MSNBC like Conservative Talk Radio makes no bones about their lopsided reporting.
The Changing TV News Landscape State of the Media
To no ones surprise?

I can name a LOT of people here that would be very surprised if they even acknowledged any news station receiving a lower mark than FOX.

The crux, however, is not how much commentary there is but how skewed even the non-commentary is these days. Even the 'news' portion of 'newscasts' no longer fit the actual definition anymore.
Well, how skewed a news broadcast is depends on where you stand politically. However, I agree newscasts today are certainly not as factual as they once were.

Twenty or Thirdly years ago, there was no network news “business.” The Big Three broadcast television networks—ABC, CBS and NBC—all covered news, but none generally made money doing so. Nor did they expect to turn a profit from news programming. They presented news programming for the prestige it would bring to their network, to satisfy the public-service requirements of Congress and the Federal Communications Commission, and more broadly so that they would be seen as good corporate citizens.

Today it's totally different, the big three networks face completion from dozens channels and management demand all segments including the news decision to turns a profit. CNN was the first to see the profit potential in a news network followed by Fox and others.

In order to compete in this environment, news organizations had to supply what viewers wanted. They may have said they wanted factual news but polling showed that really was not the case. They wanted "news" that supported their political beliefs. So the news networks provided news commentary. At first CNN and Fox tried balance commentary but that didn't last long. Fox commentary went right and CNN went left. Unfortunately, their leanings bled over into their newscasts.

MSNBC was an unabashed attempt to offer liberal viewers the equivalent of Conservative Talk Radio, neither of which has any relation to factual news.
Trump could have worded his statements on illegals less offensively but he knows if he doesn't sound the alarm, no one will.

Such as; Republicans like illegals because they keep wages lower?
You are outed as a liar. You failed the fitness test! :lmao:

Then why are Republicans pissed-off after Obama gives work permits to illegals?

Answer: Because they now have to pay them at least minimum wage.
Trump could have worded his statements on illegals less offensively but he knows if he doesn't sound the alarm, no one will.

Such as; Republicans like illegals because they keep wages lower?
You are outed as a liar. You failed the fitness test! :lmao:

Then why are Republicans pissed-off after Obama gives work permits to illegals?

Answer: Because they now have to pay them at least minimum wage.

It's because they're taking American jobs, you fucking dumbass.

Let them earn minimum wage in their own country.
Trump could have worded his statements on illegals less offensively but he knows if he doesn't sound the alarm, no one will.

Such as; Republicans like illegals because they keep wages lower?
You are outed as a liar. You failed the fitness test! :lmao:

Then why are Republicans pissed-off after Obama gives work permits to illegals?

Answer: Because they now have to pay them at least minimum wage.
You do not understand the economics of labor.

Those wages are suppressed weather or not they have work visas, are illegal or citizens.

Full citizens are actually more likely to suppress wages across multiple sectors as they are more able to compete for a position.

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