Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video

Ha, i told you her campaign would make one. She ain't no lying piece of shit after all. So her bootlickers think anyway. ;)
If you can find a video where she actually claims ISIS produced a video of Trump as Trump claimed, post it or a link to it.

She stated he was being featured in recruitment videos. But in reality, it was her rapist husband who was being featured in recent ISIS videos. But i told everyone not to worry. I knew her campaign would make one at some point. Gotta try and convince enough dupes she's not a corrupt lying asshole. But good luck with that. Most know the truth.
She never said what you claim. If she did, show the video. Provide a link.

Trump already said he doesn't give a damn what Hitlery and ISIS say or think. They can both go to hell. GO TRUMP!
So a few weeks after Hillary falsely claimed terrorist were doing this they started doing it. So we have a possible CIC giving terrorist recuriting ideas yeah thats not a leadership concern.
They were using Trump's comments on social media. His comments were all of the major Arab and Muslim media, all over the world. Clinton never said they had made a video. That was the distorted lie Trump put out and even much of the media ran with it.
At the tird Democratic debate Clinton said ISIS is going to people showing them videos of Donald Trump the media checked her claim and found no evidence of that at the time she made it. So the lie was hers the media exposed it and Trump used it to his advantage.
The media reported they did not find ISIS video or more exact, ISIS produced videos. They did not check or report on news video shown by news media.
Intelligence experts had reported that the Trump comments were being used on social media and the news accounts from Arab and Muslim media were being used, hence, video. The main source for this data was the intelligence group named Site Intelligence Group. There was also an esteemed and well-known professor from Columbia University that tracks terror groups and their social networking.
Hillary did not claim at the debate ISIS was using social media to show his comments nor did she claim anything about the Muslim/Arab media she said ISIS was going to people showing them videos the implication being that they were ISIS produced videos.
Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video
by Judd Legum Jan 1, 2016 4:59 pm

Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video


CREDIT: Youtube Screenshot
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is featured in a new recruitment video from the terrorist group Al-Shabab, according to numerous experts. Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News and Chief R&D Officer for the private intelligence firm FlashPoint was one of the first to identify the new video:

Wow, is all I have to say but I don't think we want all of islam to be fighting against us.

Hillary was right. Go Hillary!!!!!

Find one that was done before Hillary made that statement, which is what she claimed.
Other wise she just gave them the idea afterwards.
Go, Donald, go! He would not get 38% of the national vote, if that.
Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video
by Judd Legum Jan 1, 2016 4:59 pm

Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video


CREDIT: Youtube Screenshot
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is featured in a new recruitment video from the terrorist group Al-Shabab, according to numerous experts. Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News and Chief R&D Officer for the private intelligence firm FlashPoint was one of the first to identify the new video:

Wow, is all I have to say but I don't think we want all of islam to be fighting against us.

Hillary was right. Go Hillary!!!!!

Find one that was done before Hillary made that statement, which is what she claimed.
Other wise she just gave them the idea afterwards.
Go, Donald, go! He would not get 38% of the national vote, if that.

Another far left drone showing they believe the far left drone blog sites without question or hesitation..

Then again Trump is a "progressive" acting like a "progressive"..
At least, you have conceded that Trump lied about Clinton's statement, just like some are lying in this thread.

The word "liar" is bandied about by individuals like you when you have no good arguments. I posted a video showing just how wrong you are.
You just posted the video that proves she did not say ISIS had a video of Trump in it. You even provided the exact quote to highlight the proof that Trump lied about her actual statement.

Hillary said:

"They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

I consider members of ISIS radical jihadists. Do you?
Only a Jihadi Don Trump idiot thinks ISIS are the only radical Trumpian Jihadists.
At least, you have conceded that Trump lied about Clinton's statement, just like some are lying in this thread.

The word "liar" is bandied about by individuals like you when you have no good arguments. I posted a video showing just how wrong you are.
You just posted the video that proves she did not say ISIS had a video of Trump in it. You even provided the exact quote to highlight the proof that Trump lied about her actual statement.

Hillary said:

"They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

I consider members of ISIS radical jihadists. Do you?
Only a Jihadi Don Trump idiot thinks ISIS are the only radical Trumpian Jihadists.
Can we get a pig Latin to English translation for this please
The Attorney General should investigate Trump's terrorist recruitment activities.
Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video
by Judd Legum Jan 1, 2016 4:59 pm

Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video


CREDIT: Youtube Screenshot
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is featured in a new recruitment video from the terrorist group Al-Shabab, according to numerous experts. Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News and Chief R&D Officer for the private intelligence firm FlashPoint was one of the first to identify the new video:

Wow, is all I have to say but I don't think we want all of islam to be fighting against us.
Video financed by the Clinton foundation...of course no like available...only on hillarys server.
From your link:
Welcome to the Mother Ship of amateur comedy writing!(Amateur means we don't pay you to do it.)

Yes this from someone that voted for "Hope and Change" and got worse than Bush!
Amazing how the Right knows everybody's vote in a secret ballot!
And the only president worse than Bush II was good old "Borrow and Spend" Reagan.

See how the far left drones prove that they voted for worse than Bush twice as they run their debunked religious narratives!
Dear Madam President, thank you for warning us about Jihadi Don.
So a few weeks after Hillary falsely claimed terrorist were doing this they started doing it. So we have a possible CIC giving terrorist recuriting ideas yeah thats not a leadership concern.
They were using Trump's comments on social media. His comments were all of the major Arab and Muslim media, all over the world. Clinton never said they had made a video. That was the distorted lie Trump put out and even much of the media ran with it.

The Muslims might...gulp...hate us. Wait, they already do. Nothing to see here.

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