Donald Trump "I Am Willing to Go to Jail If That's What It Takes For Our Country To Win and Become A DEMOCRACY Again"

I didn't threaten anyone... she the judge has.... she threatened a former president of the United States.... her bench ruling will be overturned.... even liberal lawyers are saying it on MSNBC..... One went so far to say what is she thinking....
Get real. He can’t harass judicial personnel. You’d have your ass in jail. Trump is an a-hole. Only a criminal mind would support this ignoramus .
Get real. He can’t harass judicial personnel. You’d have your ass in jail. Trump is an a-hole. Only a criminal mind would support this ignoramus .
If he has harassed judicial personnel and it would have his ass in jail, why is his ass not in jail already?
Well they were right about him getting arrested and getting his mugshot, but it sort of backfired on them.

That's basically everybody's goal at this point hence the gag order. Which is extremely unconstitutional btw.

“I am willing to go to JAIL if that’s what it takes for our country to win and become a DEMOCRACY again.” — President Trump in Clive, Iowa

Could be his biggest LIE to date.

“I am willing to go to JAIL". LOLLOLLOLOLLOLL

Dear Lord the con man got you again.
Trump soon to hit "Send" on his newest sales pitch to the MAGA herd:

"I may have to go to jail if you don't send me more cash"!

The MAGA herd then pounces on "Donate".
I really don't think that he'll go to jail though. However, most other presidential candidates probably would have dropped out by now, but not Trump. That shows how dedicated he is to wanting to turn this country back around. DeSantis is just alright and Ramaswamy is too much of a peacemaker and we don't want peace with the democrats, we want to take back what they have stolen from us. That's why I'm sticking with Trump in the primaries because I don't see as much strength and dedication as I have seen from him.

Or shows just how egotistical he is.

He wants "democracy back".

Has he done his research into Presidential elections? Which one was "democratic" do you think?

The people have two choices. Sometimes three, like when Clinton won, and it's a simple matter of if there are two conservative parties running against each other, the liberal party will win.

I mean.... THERE'S NO DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION... what the fork is he talking about?
Trump is the Chosen One.
I Read that on the Internet.
Trump Saved America.
Please vote for Trump.
It's all a Witch Hunt.

O......wait,,,,,,I thought I was posting on my other profile, the CULT profile.

My Bad.
I'm probably the only person here who is able to appreciate just how honest Trump is being in saying that he is willing to go to jail, because I alone understand the depth of not only his passion and determination, but of his stubbornness and inflexibility not to change due to an external modulus.

He will literally allow himself to be chained to the wall in bare rags being whipped by Biden's justice department for refusing to comply until America and the world are forced to face the tyranny of fascism the deep state is willing to go to in order to try to retain its hold over the minds, bodies and wallets of its subjugate people, to expose the true fraud of our "honest and free" elections.

The only person here?

That would mean you have knowledge nobody else has. Care to share?
I'm probably the only person here who is able to appreciate just how honest Trump is being in saying that he is willing to go to jail, because I alone understand the depth of not only his passion and determination, but of his stubbornness and inflexibility not to change due to an external modulus.

He will literally allow himself to be chained to the wall in bare rags being whipped by Biden's justice department for refusing to comply until America and the world are forced to face the tyranny of fascism the deep state is willing to go to in order to try to retain its hold over the minds, bodies and wallets of its subjugate people, to expose the true fraud of our "honest and free" elections.
trump and honest.......LOLLOLLLLOLLOLLLLL
willing to go to jail..........LLOLLOOLLLLLOLLLOLL
because I alone.........STFU you shitstain......LOOLOLLL

He will literally allow himself to be chained to the wall in bare rags
>>oh NO. You have been conned.
It's SAD, you are really SAD.
I don't care if he's convicted. :dunno: I just wish he would go away, period.

Yeah well he won't. I wish I had a pet unicorn but that's not happening either.

No dog in the fight. I prefer to stay out of political discussions,

Umm with all due respect bro, who forced you to post in this thread then?

Hate him, Dems. Hate him with a burning passion. Encourage your media to fan the flames of hatred.

But remember this . . . he would not be the current frontrunner for president in 2024, if he were not way - way - smarter than those who hate him.

Any Ivy League liberal intellectual, faced with the full weight of:

a) The Democrats and their intensely loyal followers
b) The media, which may not always love Democrats, but hate Donald Trump even more viscerally than the Democrats
c) The Department of Justice and some state level prosecutors who have given up all pretense of being apoloitical in their drive to GET TRUMP at all costs

would have long since been ground into dust.

Didn't read the whole thread, but I'm sure several have pointed out that Trump's taunts make it even less likely that they will ever have the nerve to put him in jail. Another example of his genius.

Democrats aren't dumb, just their followers. Democrats are smart, just not nearly enough to ever outwit Trump, as the last eight years have shown.

Dems are a genius. They would have to be to pull off the election fraud back in 2020 and are still getting away with it to this day despite the loads of evidence.
I really don't think that he'll go to jail though. However, most other presidential candidates probably would have dropped out by now, but not Trump. That shows how dedicated he is to wanting to turn this country back around. DeSantis is just alright and Ramaswamy is too much of a peacemaker and we don't want peace with the democrats, we want to take back what they have stolen from us. That's why I'm sticking with Trump in the primaries because I don't see as much strength and dedication as I have seen from him.

A sociopathic Orange Baboon-God with a messiah complex? I don't think so. He's going to JAIL for YOUR sins... :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
Nah.... The moment he dropped out all the court cases would go away.
I doubt it. He will get some convictions, even if he dropped out tomorrow, turned a new leaf and started apologizing like hell. I am pretty sure, some of the charges are too solid and he has denied and fought to long to be allowed to just walk away, else it would encourage others of big money to play the same games.
Yes. I don't think it would be an existential danger.

And we can't let our country be held hostage by them, right? "His supporters might get grumpy" is not a good reason to let someone escape account for crimes, especially trump's crimes. I think that might be the worse reason of all to let him skate. Think of the message that is sent.

It's a reckoning for our country. Let he who shouts loudest, win? Or should we follow rules and laws and count votes?
Good question. Speaking for myself, I lost faith in the political system of this country decades ago.

So we shall see what happens in 2024.
At this point, who knows what will happen.
Umm with all due respect bro, who forced you to post in this thread then?
With all due respect,
No one "forced me" to post in it at all, but if I'm not mistaken, I responded to a different poster.

So let's keep the thread intact without derailing.

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"With all due respect",

No one "forced me"to post in it, but the last time that I checked, there were no restrictions in doing so....unless you know something that that I don't.

No you're fine, I was just wondering why you were posting in a political discussion if you typically avoid them.

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