Donald Trump "I Am Willing to Go to Jail If That's What It Takes For Our Country To Win and Become A DEMOCRACY Again"

The "charges" against him are nothing but Stalinist Marxist Leninist BULLSHIT!!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have gone too far!
Crooked Donald went too far....he pushed his crimes in to the faces of Americans daily.... and pushed it, and pushed it, until L.E. had no choice, because eventually, there were too too too many of his crimes to ignore. Trump thought he was above the law.....billionaire criminals don't go to prison mentality, ex presidents don't go to prison mentality....they are privileged!

His arrogance drove him to court, and this will likely lead him to being Locked he wanted to do to Hillary without even giving her a trial....

You reap what you sow.
The chickens have come home to roost.
Karma, is a bitch.
I really don't think that he'll go to jail though. However, most other presidential candidates probably would have dropped out by now, but not Trump. That shows how dedicated he is to wanting to turn this country back around. DeSantis is just alright and Ramaswamy is too much of a peacemaker and we don't want peace with the democrats, we want to take back what they have stolen from us. That's why I'm sticking with Trump in the primaries because I don't see as much strength and dedication as I have seen from him.

I’m glad we’re in agreement about where he should go and we can get this national nightmare behind us. :cool-45:
Crooked Donald went too far....he pushed his crimes in to the faces of Americans daily.... and pushed it, and pushed it, until L.E. had no choice, because eventually, there were too too too many of his crimes to ignore. Trump thought he was above the law.....billionaire criminals don't go to prison mentality, ex presidents don't go to prison mentality....they are privileged!

His arrogance drove him to court, and this will likely lead him to being Locked he wanted to do to Hillary without even giving her a trial....

You reap what you sow.
The chickens have come home to roost.
Karma, is a bitch.
WHAT FUCKING CRIMES????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I really don't think that he'll go to jail though. However, most other presidential candidates probably would have dropped out by now, but not Trump. That shows how dedicated he is to wanting to turn this country back around.
Your gullible belief in Trump's concern for the country is belied by the singular concern for himself he constantly the country's detriment.
Your gullible belief in Trump's concern for the country is belied by the singular concern for himself he constantly the country's detriment.
That's just you PROJECTING your skewed OPINION on the man.
The CRAP you portray is your own EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!!
You're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLE too stupid to resist the brainwashing you received from your Marxist masters.
In closing, I'd suggest that you kindly go FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!
WHAT FUCKING CRIMES????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
91 of them. Even if only half end up sticking, that's 45 felonies, kiddo!
91 of them. Even if only half end up sticking, that's 45 felonies, kiddo!
More Soviet cheerleading from princess pretzel stick arms.
91 charges of Stalinist BULLSHIT!!!!!
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."
You're a fucking DISGRACE!!!!!
That's just you PROJECTING your skewed OPINION on the man.
The CRAP you portray is your own EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!!
You're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLE too stupid to resist the brainwashing you received from your Marxist masters.
In closing, I'd suggest that you kindly go FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!
WHAT FUCKING CRIMES????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
You thought he was getting off?!?! :laughing0301:
It is amazing how the corrupt FBI controlled leftists keep harping about Trump being a Dictator, he is killing the Republic when Deep State Joe is doing the exact thing for real and these juvenile idiots refuse to acknowledge the fact. Millions of illegal invaders are being shipped by Biden to cities that cannot deal with the extra burden and are on the verge of bankruptcy, yet the left cheers the axxhole in the whitehouse on.

Blacks are waking up FAST to the DemonRats while Brain dead whites will never catch on.

There will be no Student Loan forgiveness and no Universal Basic Income even if Berrnie gets in.
Well, aside from personal business dealings my uncle had with Trump in the 70s and 80s he related to me, I'm a scientific handwriting expert, and Trump's handwriting speaks volumes about Trump's depth of emotion, will, and inflexibility.

But thanks for asking, I didn't think anyone here would ever dare ask, just fluff it away as just more bloviation as they do day in and day out despite the fact that I've spoken to this issue several times before over the years.

I really mean it when I say that Trump has an iron will stronger that the bow of a Viking battleship that will not be denied nor broken. With Trump, it is full steam ahead and if he is locked behind iron bars, he will be in there still campaigning and running and he'll have the entire prison staff and compliment in there rooting for him.

Only way the corrupt deep state can stop him and keep him out of the WH is to either shoot him dead (the CIA could set up a Palestinian scapegoat) or steal the election from him again.

I didn't know that handwriting could be scientifically linked to personality. When, how and who made this discovery? Is there a white paper published I can read?
Really?... find the law that says he can't.... we are innocent until PROVEN guilty in America and an innocent man can't be silenced by anyone even a judge.... she fucked up and hasn't even written and submitted her ruling... so Trump can say whatever he wants.....

Gag orders are relatively common.
Not one that was a former president and currently the front-runner for a major party's nomination to run for president.

Whatever happens, if a conviction is forth-coming (which I doubt given the lack of balls ever-present in dims) But if there is a conviction, it will go to SCOTUS and they will strike it down so hard, it will bounce when it hits the ground.

And the Judges involved may well, almost certainly, be sitting as Traffic Court Judges. Permanently. Because no major case they sit on will ever be safe from a call of prejudice.
Trump has repeatedly said that every judge he's faced, has been prejudiced against him. That he loses case after case, not because his arguments had no merit, or that the law was against him, but because the judge was against him.
Gag orders are relatively common.
The more high profile the case, the more public interest in it. Hence the need for a gag order, so as to preserve the integrity of the jury pool, the integrity of the witnesses, and the integrity of the trial.

You can't sequester witnesses like the way you sequester a jury,
The more high profile the case, the more public interest in it. Hence the need 5thfor a gag order, so as to preserve the integrity of the jury pool, the integrity of the witnesses, and the integrity of the trial.

You can't sequester witnesses like the way you sequester a jury,
There is absolutely NO INTEGRITY AT ALL in any of this Stalinist MESS!!!!!
People who claim the cases have no integrity, haven't read the court filings in the various cases. They're all supported by very strong statute, precedent and case law. They're often in unchartered territory, because we've never had a captain try to sail the ship of state over Niagra Falls before.

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