Donald Trump: "If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath

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At any other time, for any other person, this would be a pretty important comment. Today, with Trump, it's just another raindrop in the hurricane.

How are we supposed to take this latest threat, and exactly what is his motivation for saying such a thing?

“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it,” Trump said during a rally near Dayton, Ohio. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

You realize this was about the car industry right?

Snort some smelling salts and loosen your corset strings, Ruth, you're glitching again
“If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,” he warned,
I love the way reporting the LOTUS's actual words is a nefarious act.

But I'm sure he'll make many more 'perfect phone calls', he's got the mob boss speak down exactly.
What do you think trump meant by the bloodbath remark?

Put your fear into words
He's not far wrong.....The bloodbaths are already taking place in near all the blue-run cities and states.

Under continued leftist dem rule that will not change.....Hell, it's got so bad they have quit reporting their crime stats.

Win or lose I'll just watch your continued demise on TV out here in the Hinterlands and think.....Deserves has everything to do with it.

The big shit sandwich you have created.....It's all yours to enjoy.

Crime is down since Trump.
Is Trump talking about a bloodbath of people or cars?
And in the same "speech", by the way:

Mr. Trump also stoked fears about the influx of migrants coming into the United States at the southern border. As he did during his successful campaign in 2016, Mr. Trump used incendiary and dehumanizing language to cast many migrants as threats to American citizens.

He asserted, without evidence, that other countries were emptying their prisons of “young people” and sending them across the border. “I don’t know if you call them ‘people,’ in some cases,” he said. “They’re not people, in my opinion.” He later referred to them as “animals.”

His followers say the same kind of things here. He knows his base, that's for sure.

The idea of "context" always seems to escape the radical left. They have the uncanny ability to turn anything into whatever they deem necessary.
Why was he talking about cars and a bloodbath if he's not elected in the same sentence?
Why was he talking about cars and a bloodbath if he's not elected in the same sentence?

To give you something else to fret about, and an excuse for you to sully up internet discussion boards with more nonsense.
Let's all hope that Ms. Melania and Mr. Barron will have a gentle talk with their beloved father.

What he said only gave fuel to his enemies.

I believe there are people who would like to vote for him but are turned off by his rhetoric.
Why was he talking about cars and a bloodbath if he's not elected in the same sentence?
This is progress

Cars dont bleed, so the lib lie fails

But whats the harm you may ask?

You’re just having a little clean fun, right?

Telling lies is mere sport in lib la la land and you all are keeping in practice

But we value the truth more than you do
Let's all hope that Ms. Melania and Mr. Barron will have a gentle talk with their beloved father.

What he said only gave fuel to his enemies.

I believe there are people who would like to vote for him but are turned off by his rhetoric.
Or in this case turned off by lib lies about his rhetoric

The left has already reprised the Boy Who Cried Wolf story

With libs being the boy and trump as the wolf

Careful that they dont get eaten up someday
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Yeah, it might be, but not for the reasons he's talking about. Last time he lost his supporters stormed our Capitol and a few people lost their lives. Who's to say they won't do it all over again or worse, particularly with their sudden trust in polling?

More lies huh?

That the best you can do?

J6 is now KNOWN to be a federal operation, and the J6 committee is now PROVEN to have been corrupt.

And you still spew this crap?

WTF is wrong with yiu?
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