Donald Trump is an unstoppable freight train.

It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The difference in the DOD budget from 2017 to 2018 was less than 20% of what the deficit was. you people parrot these talking points without ever even thinking about double checking them.

31% reduction in the EPA, 31% reduction in civil works, 12% reduction in Federal Education (mostly worthless community outreach programs), 16.4% reduction in HUD, 11% reduction in Energy Spending, massive cuts in Climate Research, the list goes on. Additionally, a massive increase in military spending and a wall. MAGA!

All that and his budget is still the biggest budget request in the history of the country.

but we all know how much you statist love your deficit spending and national debts.

He replaced worthless social spending with defense spending. MAGA!
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016
We get it... You’re an Obama fan boy

No, I am a truth fan boy
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016

That chart helps your argument how?

It stops the bullshit argument that Obama underfunded the military, every year he gave them more than Bush II did in any year. Nobody was whining about Bush II not spending enough on the military

our military is not underfunded, it is mismanaged and used as a political chess piece instead of defending this nation
Equipment was sitting idle broken down because the military did not have funds to repair them. Officers were resigning over back door gun control. Black jesus did this.

I am assuming you never spent a day in the military. Equipment is always sitting idle broken down. Our F-18 squadron had a "hanger queen" that was used to cannibalize for parts for other airplanes, and that was long before Obama. For close to a decade I did the SORTS (look it up) report for first an F-18 squadron, then a MAG and then the MAW. Equipment has always been broken with not enough funds to fix it all because the DOD waste more money than most departments have to start with.

My first unit in the Corps as a HAWK Missile battalion. The HAWK missile is a weapons system that was never once fired at an enemy before being replaced.

Our military is not underfunded, it is mismanaged and abused for political reasons. Pull the troops out of the Middle East and use that money to fix things.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016

Obama had total Defense spending down to 750 billion dollars by 2016 and the entire world was laughing at the puny US military. Trump budgeted 989 billion dollars in 2020. He will break 1 trillion dollars in 2021.

Why Military Spending Is More Than You Think It Is

Yeah moron, the entire world was laughing at us for only spending more than the next 8 countries instead of the next 12. He will break 1 trillion dollars in 2021 and he will bankrupt the country doing so.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The difference in the DOD budget from 2017 to 2018 was less than 20% of what the deficit was. you people parrot these talking points without ever even thinking about double checking them.

31% reduction in the EPA, 31% reduction in civil works, 12% reduction in Federal Education (mostly worthless community outreach programs), 16.4% reduction in HUD, 11% reduction in Energy Spending, massive cuts in Climate Research, the list goes on. Additionally, a massive increase in military spending and a wall. MAGA!

All that and his budget is still the biggest budget request in the history of the country.

but we all know how much you statist love your deficit spending and national debts.

He replaced worthless social spending with defense spending. MAGA!

as I said, we all know how much you statist love your deficit spending and national debts.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016

Obama had total Defense spending down to 750 billion dollars by 2016 and the entire world was laughing at the puny US military. Trump budgeted 989 billion dollars in 2020. He will break 1 trillion dollars in 2021.

Why Military Spending Is More Than You Think It Is

Yeah moron, the entire world was laughing at us for only spending more than the next 8 countries instead of the next 12. He will break 1 trillion dollars in 2021 and he will bankrupt the country doing so.

Every cent should go to security first. If it's not being spent efficiently then I agree. If it's being spent on some other dumb shit, I don't.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016

That chart helps your argument how?

It stops the bullshit argument that Obama underfunded the military, every year he gave them more than Bush II did in any year. Nobody was whining about Bush II not spending enough on the military

our military is not underfunded, it is mismanaged and used as a political chess piece instead of defending this nation
Equipment was sitting idle broken down because the military did not have funds to repair them. Officers were resigning over back door gun control. Black jesus did this.

How much equipment would this wasted money repaired?

Use-it or lose-it: DoD dropped $4.6 million on crab and lobster, and $9,000 on a chair in last-minute spending spree
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016

Obama had total Defense spending down to 750 billion dollars by 2016 and the entire world was laughing at the puny US military. Trump budgeted 989 billion dollars in 2020. He will break 1 trillion dollars in 2021.

Why Military Spending Is More Than You Think It Is

Yeah moron, the entire world was laughing at us for only spending more than the next 8 countries instead of the next 12. He will break 1 trillion dollars in 2021 and he will bankrupt the country doing so.

Every cent should go to security first. If it's not being spent efficiently then I agree. If it's being spent on some other dumb shit, I don't.

Use-it or lose-it: DoD dropped $4.6 million on crab and lobster, and $9,000 on a chair in last-minute spending spree

The military does this each and every year. When I wrote the flight schedule I would get in trouble if we had TAD money left over. Starting in Aug we sent our pilots all over the place on overnight training flights to use up all the money, whether we needed it or not. NAS Key West exist basically for just such a purpose.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016

That chart helps your argument how?

It stops the bullshit argument that Obama underfunded the military, every year he gave them more than Bush II did in any year. Nobody was whining about Bush II not spending enough on the military

our military is not underfunded, it is mismanaged and used as a political chess piece instead of defending this nation
Equipment was sitting idle broken down because the military did not have funds to repair them. Officers were resigning over back door gun control. Black jesus did this.

How much equipment would this wasted money repaired?

Use-it or lose-it: DoD dropped $4.6 million on crab and lobster, and $9,000 on a chair in last-minute spending spree

That's the government mindset unfortunately. If you don't spend it your budget gets cut. Although I don't think overall gov't has ever gotten cut has it? I remember back in the Clinton years it was a cut in deficit spending but not actually a cut. Seems like government is immune to cuts unlike every other sector.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.

1. Who writes the FY2020 Budget?
2. Who wrote the dumbest immigration laws in the world?

i.e. not Trump's fault, it's Congress'

Nothing is ever Trump's fault, but everything that happened from Hurricane Katrina on forward is Obama's fault, including the Great Recession.

Who wrote the 2019 Budget, with the biggest deficit in American history? The Republican Congress, and the Republican Senate. And Donald Trump signed it into law. He didn't veto that big spending budget. He did demand huge tax cuts though, and those tax cuts lead directly to that huge deficit.

Who skirted the Constitution to impose the tariffs, by declaring them a "security issue". Who pulled out of all of the trade deals, and cancelled participation in the TPP, and then started trade wars with 7 jurisidictions. It wasn't Congress.

You don't have the 'dumbest immigration laws in the world". You have little to no enforcement of existing laws against employers, and a long history of refusing to prosecute American employers who hire illegal immigrants. You don't require employers to verify that an applicant is legally eligible to work in the USA before they're hired, and if an employer hires an illegal immigrant, you arrest the employee, but not the employer. Employers are entrepreneurs - job creators, contributors to the GDP, and they are protected by the Republican Party which has steadfastly refused to either enact stricter laws punishing employers who hire illegals, or to enforce the laws currently on the books.

When Trump took office, the Obama Administration was prosecuting 4 large corporations for hiring illegal immigrants. Since taking office more than 2 years ago, and despite his "get tough on illegals" rhetoric, the Trump Administration doubled the number of raids on companies employing illegal immigrants, but has yet to file a single charge against any employers at all. DHS was said to be still "going through the employment records" of the companies raided before filing charges. Two years. No charges.

In Canada, an employer is required to verify the employee's identification and Social Insurance Number, prior to hiring, and the employer is required to make a copy of your SIN Card - from the original card, and keep it in file. The fine for failure to do so, is $10,000 per employee. When withholding is submitted by the employer, Revenue Canada verifies that the SIN is valid, the card holder still living, and the name of the employee matches the name on the SIN. Any discrepancies are reported to the employer who has to explain.

Canada doesn't have a big illegal immigrant problem because it's really fucking hard to find anyone who will hire you without a valid SIN number. And it's stupid to work for cash under the table, because if you don't have a valid SIN card, you can't get a health care card. You cannot access any post-secondary education, government program or benefit, including unemployment insurance, new business start-up assistance, health care, tuition loans, child tax benefits, welfare, Old Age Security, Trillium Benefits, HST Rebates, child care subsidies, or other government benefits paid to working Canadians, without a valid SIN card.

American employers hire illegals because they're cheap, they don't complain to the authorities if they're badly treated or the conditions are unsafe. All those businesses that Trump raided, could re-open within days with a new crop of illegals, because as long as they can find jobs, the illegals will keep coming.

If Donald Trump really wanted to stop the caravans of asylum seekers from coming to the border, he wouldn't be cutting off aid to their home countries. That aid is being used to stop the gang violence which is driving people from their homes to the safety of the American border. Instead, every policy undertaken by Trump, has only served to drive more and more people to try to get to the border now, before he does shut it down.

Trump is frightening people into fleeing their countries. Making them believe there is no hope for their situation to improve at home, and that they must get to the US before it really is "closed". He's doing it on purpose so he can get himself re-elected. By slowing the entry of aslum seekers, he's making them more desperate to set foot on American soil, to save their families. They attempting ever more dangerous desert crossings BECAUSE Trump restricted how many people can come in in a day.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.

1. Who writes the FY2020 Budget?
2. Who wrote the dumbest immigration laws in the world?

i.e. not Trump's fault, it's Congress'

Nothing is ever Trump's fault, but everything that happened from Hurricane Katrina on forward is Obama's fault, including the Great Recession.

Who wrote the 2019 Budget, with the biggest deficit in American history? The Republican Congress, and the Republican Senate. And Donald Trump signed it into law. He didn't veto that big spending budget. He did demand huge tax cuts though, and those tax cuts lead directly to that huge deficit.

Who skirted the Constitution to impose the tariffs, by declaring them a "security issue". Who pulled out of all of the trade deals, and cancelled participation in the TPP, and then started trade wars with 7 jurisidictions. It wasn't Congress.

You don't have the 'dumbest immigration laws in the world". You have little to no enforcement of existing laws against employers, and a long history of refusing to prosecute American employers who hire illegal immigrants. You don't require employers to verify that an applicant is legally eligible to work in the USA before they're hired, and if an employer hires an illegal immigrant, you arrest the employee, but not the employer. Employers are entrepreneurs - job creators, contributors to the GDP, and they are protected by the Republican Party which has steadfastly refused to either enact stricter laws punishing employers who hire illegals, or to enforce the laws currently on the books.

When Trump took office, the Obama Administration was prosecuting 4 large corporations for hiring illegal immigrants. Since taking office more than 2 years ago, and despite his "get tough on illegals" rhetoric, the Trump Administration doubled the number of raids on companies employing illegal immigrants, but has yet to file a single charge against any employers at all. DHS was said to be still "going through the employment records" of the companies raided before filing charges. Two years. No charges.

In Canada, an employer is required to verify the employee's identification and Social Insurance Number, prior to hiring, and the employer is required to make a copy of your SIN Card - from the original card, and keep it in file. The fine for failure to do so, is $10,000 per employee. When withholding is submitted by the employer, Revenue Canada verifies that the SIN is valid, the card holder still living, and the name of the employee matches the name on the SIN. Any discrepancies are reported to the employer who has to explain.

Canada doesn't have a big illegal immigrant problem because it's really fucking hard to find anyone who will hire you without a valid SIN number. And it's stupid to work for cash under the table, because if you don't have a valid SIN card, you can't get a health care card. You cannot access any post-secondary education, government program or benefit, including unemployment insurance, new business start-up assistance, health care, tuition loans, child tax benefits, welfare, Old Age Security, Trillium Benefits, HST Rebates, child care subsidies, or other government benefits paid to working Canadians, without a valid SIN card.

American employers hire illegals because they're cheap, they don't complain to the authorities if they're badly treated or the conditions are unsafe. All those businesses that Trump raided, could re-open within days with a new crop of illegals, because as long as they can find jobs, the illegals will keep coming.

If Donald Trump really wanted to stop the caravans of asylum seekers from coming to the border, he wouldn't be cutting off aid to their home countries. That aid is being used to stop the gang violence which is driving people from their homes to the safety of the American border. Instead, every policy undertaken by Trump, has only served to drive more and more people to try to get to the border now, before he does shut it down.

Trump is frightening people into fleeing their countries. Making them believe there is no hope for their situation to improve at home, and that they must get to the US before it really is "closed". He's doing it on purpose so he can get himself re-elected. By slowing the entry of aslum seekers, he's making them more desperate to set foot on American soil, to save their families. They attempting ever more dangerous desert crossings BECAUSE Trump restricted how many people can come in in a day.
Obama forced Obamacare on millions of people that wanted nothing to do with it, and absolutely could not benefit from it nor afford it..
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?

By 2016, the whole world was laughing at our military. Trump has remedied that. Trump will likely break 1 trillion dollars in total defense budget next year.

"Estimated U.S. military spending is $989 billion. It covers the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020."

Why Military Spending Is More Than You Think It Is

He will be first to hit 400,000 barrels of oil a day for a month, the old record was barely over 300,000 under Nixon. Then, he will be the first President to break 1 trillion dollars in defense spending in 1 year. Obama never would have accomplished either of those goals if we had given him another term.
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?
The military’s morale was in the shitter under Obama… Fact
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!

The demise of the US military under Obama is just one more fake news myth...

View attachment 255016
Numbers dont say anything about readiness....
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?
The military’s morale was in the shitter under Obama… Fact
It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?
The military’s morale was in the shitter under Obama… Fact

It’s looking like Trump will be the biggest spending President in American history, and is going to have a record number of illegals entering the country.
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?
The military’s morale was in the shitter under Obama… Fact


Just like the bone spurs
The majority of his spending was done to fix our military. That begs the question of how Obama doubled our deficit, $10trillion, while depleting the most important function of our federal government!
Do you really believe that our military was depleted?
The military’s morale was in the shitter under Obama… Fact


Just like the bone spurs

The military always cast way more votes for conservatives over progressive candidates… Every presidential election

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