Donald Trump is destroying Obamacare from within. And Michigan is a case study

Donald Trump is destroying the United States Executive from within also.
Yeah. That's the way politics works. This is why having government in charge of health care is such a bad idea.
Donald Trump Is Destroying Obamacare From Within

Michigan has been among the most successful ACA states, w/a thriving market. Trump doing everything he can to tear that down.

While I'll agree he's destroying ACA I absolutely agree to get rid of these navigators, enrollers are whatever you want to call them. Most have done more damage enrolling people by not being a licensed insurance agent, not knowing plan coverages or provider networks. Any licensed health insurance agent that is certified and willing can explain plans, how to use them to your advantage and networks and there are plenty of agents willing to do that. It was the dems who wanted to undermine the insurance agents. If you think an insurance agent is getting rich writing these plans you're sadly mistaken, commissions were cut for many 75% or more and some make a one time flat fee of under $50.00. You never needed to spend the billions on these navigators each insurance company and direct and redirect link to

While I'm ranting here about navigators and enrollers they were poorly trained and if you call one most could care less what your problem may be with your plan.
Donald Trump is destroying the United States Executive from within also.
And you are an idiot, it was the 1/2 white community agitator who destroyed the image of the President by being a worthless clown. Now it is taking a Man to bring the proud image of the Presidency back.
Yeah. That's the way politics works. This is why having government in charge of health care is such a bad idea.

I know because having insurance companies in charge has worked so well for decades. WRONG.
Donald Trump is destroying the United States Executive from within also.
And you are an idiot, it was the 1/2 white community agitator who destroyed the image of the President by being a worthless clown. Now it is taking a Man to bring the proud image of the Presidency back.

No one Is more an embarrassment to the US than Trump. Also I doubt Mi went for Trump, hanky panky going on.

I remember when he was in Eaton Rapids, (all white racist suburb of Lansing) and he talking like he was talking to blacks, there were no blacks there save maybe one or two token ones.

He is an embarrassment.
Yeah. That's the way politics works. This is why having government in charge of health care is such a bad idea.

I know because having insurance companies in charge has worked so well for decades. WRONG.

Insurance companies aren't in charge - or at least weren't before you dingbats started passing laws on their behalf. They have no power to force you to buy their product.
Donald Trump is destroying the United States Executive from within also.
And you are an idiot, it was the 1/2 white community agitator who destroyed the image of the President by being a worthless clown. Now it is taking a Man to bring the proud image of the Presidency back.

No one Is more an embarrassment to the US than Trump. Also I doubt Mi went for Trump, hanky panky going on.

I remember when he was in Eaton Rapids, (all white racist suburb of Lansing) and he talking like he was talking to blacks, there were no blacks there save maybe one or two token ones.

He is an embarrassment.

And now he's in a position to completely undermine our health care. Who coulda seen that coming?
Donald Trump Is Destroying Obamacare From Within

Michigan has been among the most successful ACA states, w/a thriving market. Trump doing everything he can to tear that down.

ObabbleCare is imploding all on its own with no assist from Trump:

In preparing its analysis, eHealth reviewed the lowest-price 2017 plan available for families of three comprised of two adults age 35 and one child. The same family model was analyzed using data from in 40 cities, data from in 9 cities not utilizing, and data from the New York state exchange for New York City.

After applying a relatively modest annual rate increase of 10% to 2017 rates to project 2018 rates, eHealth discovered the following:
  • In 47 of 50 cities surveyed, the lowest-priced plan would be officially unaffordable under Obamacare affordability standards for families earning 401% of the federal poverty level (about $82,000 per year in the contiguous US, making them ineligible for Obamacare subsidies).
  • Among these, the average three-person household would need to earn an additional $28,939 per year before the lowest-cost plan becomes affordable according to Obamacare rules.
To put eHealth's findings in perspective, a family of 3 in Charlotte, NC, with an annual income of $81,884, would have to spend 18% of their gross income in 2018 just to purchase the cheapest Obamacare plan for their family. On a post-tax basis, that expenditure would be well over 20%. Moreover, as eHealth points out, that family of 3 would have to find a way to make an extra $102,245 per year to meet the "affordability" test included in the Obamacare legislation....

Even The Cheapest Obamacare Plans Are "Unaffordable" In 94% Of American Cities, New Study Finds
Why don't all those who want government health care sign up for the VA. The hospitals are already there, and the number of veterans is decreasing. VA health care is lousy but it is "free".
Donald Trump Is Destroying Obamacare From Within

Michigan has been among the most successful ACA states, w/a thriving market. Trump doing everything he can to tear that down.

ObabbleCare is imploding all on its own with no assist from Trump:

In preparing its analysis, eHealth reviewed the lowest-price 2017 plan available for families of three comprised of two adults age 35 and one child. The same family model was analyzed using data from in 40 cities, data from in 9 cities not utilizing, and data from the New York state exchange for New York City.

After applying a relatively modest annual rate increase of 10% to 2017 rates to project 2018 rates, eHealth discovered the following:

    • In 47 of 50 cities surveyed, the lowest-priced plan would be officially unaffordable under Obamacare affordability standards for families earning 401% of the federal poverty level (about $82,000 per year in the contiguous US, making them ineligible for Obamacare subsidies).

    • Among these, the average three-person household would need to earn an additional $28,939 per year before the lowest-cost plan becomes affordable according to Obamacare rules.
To put eHealth's findings in perspective, a family of 3 in Charlotte, NC, with an annual income of $81,884, would have to spend 18% of their gross income in 2018 just to purchase the cheapest Obamacare plan for their family. On a post-tax basis, that expenditure would be well over 20%. Moreover, as eHealth points out, that family of 3 would have to find a way to make an extra $102,245 per year to meet the "affordability" test included in the Obamacare legislation....

Even The Cheapest Obamacare Plans Are "Unaffordable" In 94% Of American Cities, New Study Finds
Obamacare was doom from the beginning ,a system that the middle class must pay subsidies for all the leeches who refuse to work.
Why don't all those who want government health care sign up for the VA. The hospitals are already there, and the number of veterans is decreasing. VA health care is lousy but it is "free".

Have you ever been inside a VA hospital or clinic? My guess is you are one more echo on an issue which you have no personal knowledge.
Yeah. That's the way politics works. This is why having government in charge of health care is such a bad idea.

You're kidding, aren't you?

About what? This is exactly what I was screaming about when the idiots were pushing for ACA in the first place. When you put government in charge of something, especially when there isn't a broad consensus on the matter, it becomes a political football. Now that government has a 'foot in the door', health care will be in jeopardy with every regime change. So much for 'security'.
Donald Trump is destroying the United States Executive from within also.
Yea right ,Obama did more damage to this Country that we may never recover from, he has polluted it with millions of illegals ,and job killing regulations, why not just get on board ,put down your cardboard sign and get a job .

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