Donald Trump is giving the over-educated geeks who run the world a sharp lesson in reality

I just happened across a statement by Trump where he said he could pay off the national debt, 18 trillion dollars,

in 8 years.

How educated do you have to be to know that's lunacy?
Trump thinks he can do a "strategic bankruptcy" with the US National debt[ as he has done to his debtors to stiff them ] and ask US Bond holders [Think China] to "take a trimming" accept being paid less on the bonds than agreed....of Course this would cause a Financial Armageddon so Trump's handler had to come out and walk back the Insanity that Trump spewed .... Guess what Donny you cannot do that with the "Full Faith and Credit" of the US Government...

AKA lunacy.
BTW, Trump is supposedly one of those over educated geeks.
He has his own University ..or had...Trump University...he will soon be testifying about Trump U Fraud......

Interestingly, Trump's pitch to be president sounds just like the kind of hucksters you hear selling get rich quick real estate scams, which is exactly what Trump U was.
Y'know, there's nothing inherently wrong with being educated. There's nothing inherently wrong with being articulate or respectful or decent or dignified.

I would think such qualities and behaviors are positives, and that political ideology is an entirely separate thing.

Am I wrong on that?

not a thing wrong with that. but when it's used to bludgeon the average citizen into submission, that's the problem with these OVER educated snob/bullies which you see on this board from the left all the time
Y'know, there's nothing inherently wrong with being educated. There's nothing inherently wrong with being articulate or respectful or decent or dignified.

I would think such qualities and behaviors are positives, and that political ideology is an entirely separate thing.

Am I wrong on that?

not a thing wrong with that. but when it's used to bludgeon the average citizen into submission, that's the problem with these OVER educated ideologues
explain what education has to do with it?
Not understanding Donald Trump is the establishment and has been a tool of the establishment is like not seeing the forest for the trees.
Y'know, there's nothing inherently wrong with being educated. There's nothing inherently wrong with being articulate or respectful or decent or dignified.

I would think such qualities and behaviors are positives, and that political ideology is an entirely separate thing.

Am I wrong on that?

not a thing wrong with that. but when it's used to bludgeon the average citizen into submission, that's the problem with these OVER educated snob/bullies which you see on this board from the left all the time
I understand that. Where I have a disconnect is when people like Trump are applauded and congratulated, seemingly for being inarticulate, disrespectful, undignified.

Then, in effect, what his supporters are doing is opening themselves up for criticism, for being anti- the positive qualities I listed.
this was a comment with the article from the site.

Couldn't have stated it all any better! Watching as the folks we elected and sent to DC succumbed to the Acela regime, hearing Obama and his cartel laughing as they mandated whatever they wanted, presidency, constitution be damned, watching as the corrupt media worked to shut down any and all opposing opinions, out last hope was the Supremes and shutting down Obamacare.

With a conservative or at least a right-leaning majority, we had high hopes. Then Roberts dropped the anvil on our heads. You better believe that decision struck a nerve. As you stated...Why bother with the Constitution? Even when you’re right, you lose.

We also misread the importance of the constitution to our "dear leaders." So we needed to find our own snake in the grass, a cut-throat, switchblade who could give it right back to them - constitution, conservatism, the United States be damned. Obama said he would fundamentally transform this country and he did, and we wrapped the demise of the Republican party up for him for the cherry on top.

How John Roberts Begat Donald Trump
Y'know, there's nothing inherently wrong with being educated. There's nothing inherently wrong with being articulate or respectful or decent or dignified.

I would think such qualities and behaviors are positives, and that political ideology is an entirely separate thing.

Am I wrong on that?
I have two undergraduate degrees.
I spent a LOT of time listening to the constant barrage from LIB professors doing whatever to took to brainwash kids just out of high school. It was literally sickening!
You either parroted what these professors were spewing in your work product or they failed you. Period!
I saw LOTs of so called 'educated' people who are fucking pigs!
"Respectful"? Not to those they look down their noses at.
"Articulate"? What a joke! Many of them can't string ten words together grammatically correct let alone 'articulating' a point. You just have to read some of the posts on the forum to see the proof.
"Dignified"? Go onto a college campus today and see how "dignified" the little brats are behaving.
Attending a college/university because you are 'privileged' doesn't make anyone 'smarter than someone who for whatever reasons choose not to or was unable to attend.
The man who works on my maserati is one of the smartest, wisest, most dignified ,articulate, respectful person I've ever met.
Way too much generalizing.
Excellent post. Yes....OVER educated assholes. Many think having these college degrees puts them on a pedastal over all the peasants. It doesnt. It means you got brainwashed by a select group of professors while also reading about some shit that we can all access online now.

Aside from the liberal brainwashing......there is little in college a person can't learn online with the exception of the medical/biology stuff where you need physical specimens.

In fact....the military stuff and the college athletes get the best education due to discipline, time management, accountability, perseverance, etc, that they are taught. Shit you can't get online and WON'T get in any classroom.
College helps develop critical thinking skills , college isn't a trade school, Thank you for admitting you are uneducated
If you think attending a trade school for four years to learn how to repair heavy equipment worth in the millions of dollars doesn't develop critical thinking skills you're a fucking idiot.
But we already know that.
Y'know, there's nothing inherently wrong with being educated. There's nothing inherently wrong with being articulate or respectful or decent or dignified.

I would think such qualities and behaviors are positives, and that political ideology is an entirely separate thing.

Am I wrong on that?
I have two undergraduate degrees.
I spent a LOT of time listening to the constant barrage from LIB professors doing whatever to took to brainwash kids just out of high school. It was literally sickening!
You either parroted what these professors were spewing in your work product or they failed you. Period!
I saw LOTs of so called 'educated' people who are fucking pigs!
"Respectful"? Not to those they look down their noses at.
"Articulate"? What a joke! Many of them can't string ten words together grammatically correct let alone 'articulating' a point. You just have to read some of the posts on the forum to see the proof.
"Dignified"? Go onto a college campus today and see how "dignified" the little brats are behaving.
Attending a college/university because you are 'privileged' doesn't make anyone 'smarter than someone who for whatever reasons choose not to or was unable to attend.
The man who works on my maserati is one of the smartest, wisest, most dignified ,articulate, respectful person I've ever met.
Way too much generalizing.
So it appears that you're willing to lower your standards by comparing the behaviors of college kids to those of the adult nominee of a major political party, is that correct?
Y'know, there's nothing inherently wrong with being educated. There's nothing inherently wrong with being articulate or respectful or decent or dignified.

I would think such qualities and behaviors are positives, and that political ideology is an entirely separate thing.

Am I wrong on that?
I have two undergraduate degrees.
I spent a LOT of time listening to the constant barrage from LIB professors doing whatever to took to brainwash kids just out of high school. It was literally sickening!
You either parroted what these professors were spewing in your work product or they failed you. Period!
I saw LOTs of so called 'educated' people who are fucking pigs!
"Respectful"? Not to those they look down their noses at.
"Articulate"? What a joke! Many of them can't string ten words together grammatically correct let alone 'articulating' a point. You just have to read some of the posts on the forum to see the proof.
"Dignified"? Go onto a college campus today and see how "dignified" the little brats are behaving.
Attending a college/university because you are 'privileged' doesn't make anyone 'smarter than someone who for whatever reasons choose not to or was unable to attend.
The man who works on my maserati is one of the smartest, wisest, most dignified ,articulate, respectful person I've ever met.
Way too much generalizing.
So it appears that you're willing to lower your standards by comparing the behaviors of college kids to those of the adult nominee of a major political party, is that correct?
A: This thread is about "Geeks". Please stick to the thread.
B: I get it. You don't like Trumps 'style'. May I ask you to consider the behaviour of BOTH nominees please.
Hillary's past/present behaviour is hardly one that is worthy of being the President.
Consider Trump's success in business to what Hillary has accomplished in her life. There is none.
Compare and contrast'.
The country is literally about to collapse economically and by extension socially.
Thanks but I'd prefer a hard nose, take no prisoners, businessman, even with his NYC 'attitude' in the Oval Office over a fucking career grifter who put her own political future ahead of Bill's numerous victims of his sexual predation.
At least Trump can 'dial back' his 'on-stage' behavior. (Off the stage he is a mature, calm, man who loves his family and love him in return. There's very good reasons why).
There's nothing Hillary can do about her past that will make it go away.

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