Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Here is a perfect example of media bias from the AP. Several quotes in here frame the right wing groups negatively while casting a protagonist view of the left wing groups. It's extremely slanted.

Portland police were accused Sunday of being heavy-handed against people protesting a rally by extreme-right demonstrators, reportedly injuring some counter-protesters and prompting the city’s new police chief to order a review of officers’ use of force.

The groups they are referring to are Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Notice how they are characterized as "extreme" right, yet nowhere in here are the counter protesters, such as ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialists of America, characterized as extreme left and they most certainly are. This is a pattern I've noticed in a lot of journalism where right wing groups will be referred to as extremist, but they never characterize the left wing as the same.

Saturday’s clashes were the most recent of several this year in the city as right-wing militants converged, met by counter-protesters, including members of anti-fascist, or “antifa,” groups.

Again, referring to the right wing groups as militant despite the fact in most of these clashes it has been ANTIFA who has started the violence.

Saturday’s incidents started with demonstrators aligned with Patriot Prayer and an affiliated group, the Proud Boys, gathering in a riverfront park. The Proud Boys has been characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center's credibility has been criticized for some time now given their obvious left wing bias and the fact they were recently and successfully sued for slander by a group they wrongfully characterized as a hate group. The SPLC characterizes pretty much every organization they disagree with as a hate group. Why is there no counter characterization in this article by a rightwing watch dog regarding ANTIFA or the DSA?

Patriot Prayer also has held rallies in many other cities around the U.S. West, including Berkeley, California, that have drawn violent reactions.

As if it's their fault, right? The fact of the matter is these people have a right to exercise their First Amendment right, which they have attempted to do so peacefully, and the result of that has been violent attacks from intolerant leftists. Why is it not stated that way when it's a fact?

Gibson disputed the group’s classification as a hate group.

“We’re here to promote freedom and God. That’s it,” Gibson told Portland TV station KGW. “Our country is getting soft.”

And finally at the end you hear a quote in defense of the right. Multiple instances throughout the article criticizing these people as bigots, Nazis, etc. and just one mention at the very end in their defense.

This is not objective journalism, plain and simple, and yet this the way the media has been pushing their agenda on the public for sometime now. If you weren't familiar with Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys you would finish this article thinking these people were marching with pointed hoods over their heads and swastikas armbands because instead of just reporting the news fairly, that's what the author wants you to believe.

Like I said before, it's not Trump making the media into an enemy of the people, he's just calling them out on it louder than anyone else can. They've done it to themselves.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
dims who refuse to open their eyes to the violence being advocated and committed by their Fellow Travelers are just as bad as those committing the violence.


Hypocritical Democrats are advocating for violence in United States

The Democrats don't really care, they just will do or say anything to recover power. It was the Democrats that repeatedly assaulted the Trump supporters during the 2016 election.

It's the Democrats since George H W Bush that have called every Republican presidential candidate a Nazi.

Even though the Democrats, with their anti-Semitism, their violent tactics and their willingness to call groups of people untermensch (non-person), are much closer to the Nazi policies. It's the fascist left that don black clothes and black masks and carry baseball bats to assault anyone who doesn't think like them. It is that same left that shouts down any ideas that are different than their own.

It was the last Democrat vice-president that said that Republicans would put blacks back in chains, but doesn't support the Republican policies that made black unemployment the smallest in decades.

It was that last Democrat president that enlisted the power of the government - the EPA, the IRS and the FBI, to defeat his political opponents. It worked in 2012, it didn't work in 2016.

It's the Democrats in Hollywood who build themselves up among their peers by using coarse language against the president and his administration. It was a Democrat that shot at Republicans while they were playing softball. It is the Democrats who after losing the last election came up with the colluding-with-Russia scheme to nullify the constitutionally-elected president.

It is the Democrats with the help of the left wing media that is willing to tell any lie to defeat the Republican president. It is the Democrats who are encouraging the harassment of the families of the Republican administration.

Yes, our culture is getting more violent. But violence, intimidation and outrage are tactics of the leftist Democrats.

As long as people vote for Democrats, they are voting to increase the violence.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? .

No he isn't, and the "journalists" don't think so either.

What Media Personalities (not "journalists") like Jim Acosta are concerned about is being ridiculed and mocked and not taken seriously when they spout their Fake News. Before Trump came on the scene, no one was willing to stand up to them. That's the big change.

The President of the United States has the same freedom of speech everyone else has. Whether libs like it or not.

The other reason the media hates Trump is the fact that he goes over the heads and speaks DIRECTLY to the people by way of Twitter, instead of having his words, filtered and edited by the lame streamers.

I don't know what the Media hates worse, being mocked and ridiculed, or being cut out of the loop.

But they aren't concerned about violence from conservatives.
dimocraps are scum v. 2493

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

1) "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

2) “F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

3) “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow….I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” — Bill Maher

4) “I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

5) “F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouleyon the air.

6) “Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Well, we’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don’t have an intifada in this country? Because it seem to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream… giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that change fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada

7) "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

8) “..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

9) “Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” — The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places

10) “But the victim is also inaccurately being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man. Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hate-filled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death can’t change that. But in the U.S., we don’t die for speaking our minds. Or we’re not supposed to anyway. Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “Freaking Awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security.” — Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack

Get It Through Your Head That Progressives Hate You
Kurt Schlichter
11) “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

12) “If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

13) “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

14)Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” – Jos Whedon

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke

16) “But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” — Mike Malloy

17) "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." -- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence

18) “I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!”Dan Savage

19) “Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” — Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a fake news story

20)” Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything." -- Madonna
People have also called for the rape and murder of Melania and Ivanka. The media publishes horrific things about Trump supporters based on nothing but their bias and ignorance and then cries when people get fed up with their bullshit? If you were being honest with yourself you’d see the media bias against Trump. Just look at a day’s or week’s worth of headlines with “Trump” included and then tell me their not doing everything in their power to destroy him.

“But it’s Trump’s fault!” You say, but is it really? Sure he definitely deserves to be called out sometimes but these constant attacks on him and those who voted for him is going to continue to piss people off. It’s the media’s job to report the news, NOT to craft a certain narrative by selective reporting and scathing op-eds based on misinformation and talking points. Journalism is dead and if people knew the truth about the the forces behind the information they consume they’d be sickened by it. For example, did you know that Google’s algorithm has been tweaked to give authoritative outlets/mainstream media precedence over alternative news sites? If the MSM isn’t reporting it, it’s not considered newsworthy and therefore regular Google users will only see news from big-named outlets. To Google, a story is buried in the search results if the mainstream press isn’t reporting it, even if it’s brand new, legitimate information.

As Google Fights Fake News, Voices on the Margins Raise Alarm
dimocraps are scum v. 2493

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

1) "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

2) “F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

3) “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow….I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” — Bill Maher

4) “I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

5) “F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouleyon the air.

6) “Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Well, we’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don’t have an intifada in this country? Because it seem to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream… giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that change fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada

7) "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

8) “..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

9) “Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” — The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places

10) “But the victim is also inaccurately being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man. Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hate-filled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death can’t change that. But in the U.S., we don’t die for speaking our minds. Or we’re not supposed to anyway. Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “Freaking Awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security.” — Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack

Get It Through Your Head That Progressives Hate You
Kurt Schlichter
11) “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

12) “If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

13) “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

14)Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” – Jos Whedon

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke

16) “But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” — Mike Malloy

17) "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." -- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence

18) “I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!”Dan Savage

19) “Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” — Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a fake news story

20)” Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything." -- Madonna

Why Does the Far Right Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence?

This chilling NRA ad calls on its members to save America by fighting liberals

Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters

Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
Jones’s followers have already turned broadcaster words into violent action. Last year, Edgar Maddison Welch drove from North Carolina to Washington, D.C., to fire on a pizza restaurant Jones had been saying was a front for Democratic pedophiles and Satanists. Court records indicate he had been talking to his friends about Jones’s theories before he went on his mission. In 2014, a right-wing couple, self-described Infowars fans Jerad and Amanda Miller from Indiana, killed two police officers after posting screeds on Infowars. Jones later theorized that the shooting was a false flag intended to discredit the right.

This seems to be a bipartisan problem don’t you think?
Here is a perfect example of media bias from the AP. Several quotes in here frame the right wing groups negatively while casting a protagonist view of the left wing groups. It's extremely slanted.

Portland police were accused Sunday of being heavy-handed against people protesting a rally by extreme-right demonstrators, reportedly injuring some counter-protesters and prompting the city’s new police chief to order a review of officers’ use of force.

The groups they are referring to are Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Notice how they are characterized as "extreme" right, yet nowhere in here are the counter protesters, such as ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialists of America, characterized as extreme left and they most certainly are. This is a pattern I've noticed in a lot of journalism where right wing groups will be referred to as extremist, but they never characterize the left wing as the same.

Saturday’s clashes were the most recent of several this year in the city as right-wing militants converged, met by counter-protesters, including members of anti-fascist, or “antifa,” groups.

Again, referring to the right wing groups as militant despite the fact in most of these clashes it has been ANTIFA who has started the violence.

Saturday’s incidents started with demonstrators aligned with Patriot Prayer and an affiliated group, the Proud Boys, gathering in a riverfront park. The Proud Boys has been characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center's credibility has been criticized for some time now given their obvious left wing bias and the fact they were recently and successfully sued for slander by a group they wrongfully characterized as a hate group. The SPLC characterizes pretty much every organization they disagree with as a hate group. Why is there no counter characterization in this article by a rightwing watch dog regarding ANTIFA or the DSA?

Patriot Prayer also has held rallies in many other cities around the U.S. West, including Berkeley, California, that have drawn violent reactions.

As if it's their fault, right? The fact of the matter is these people have a right to exercise their First Amendment right, which they have attempted to do so peacefully, and the result of that has been violent attacks from intolerant leftists. Why is it not stated that way when it's a fact?

Gibson disputed the group’s classification as a hate group.

“We’re here to promote freedom and God. That’s it,” Gibson told Portland TV station KGW. “Our country is getting soft.”

And finally at the end you hear a quote in defense of the right. Multiple instances throughout the article criticizing these people as bigots, Nazis, etc. and just one mention at the very end in their defense.

This is not objective journalism, plain and simple, and yet this the way the media has been pushing their agenda on the public for sometime now. If you weren't familiar with Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys you would finish this article thinking these people were marching with pointed hoods over their heads and swastikas armbands because instead of just reporting the news fairly, that's what the author wants you to believe.

Like I said before, it's not Trump making the media into an enemy of the people, he's just calling them out on it louder than anyone else can. They've done it to themselves.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
Or the NRA.
More journalists get killed then kill people. They are getting killed and jailed in record numbers around the world. They hold government and power accountable, often at great personal risk. Dictators and authoritarians HATE independent media. Something to think about. We should be very concerned about these attacks on media.

2018 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism threatens democracies

The 2018 World Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), reflects growing animosity towards journalists. Hostility towards the media, openly encouraged by political leaders, and the efforts of authoritarian regimes to export their vision of journalism pose a threat to democracies.

The climate of hatred is steadily more visible in the Index, which evaluates the level of press freedom in 180 countries each year. Hostility towards the media from political leaders is no longer limited to authoritarian countries such as Turkey (down two at 157th) and Egypt (161st), where “media-phobia” is now so pronounced that journalists are routinely accused of terrorism and all those who don’t offer loyalty are arbitrarily imprisoned.

More and more democratically-elected leaders no longer see the media as part of democracy’s essential underpinning, but as an adversary to which they openly display their aversion. The United States, the country of the First Amendment, has fallen again in the Index under Donald Trump, this time two places to 45th. A media-bashing enthusiast, Trump has referred to reporters “enemies of the people,” the term once used by Joseph Stalin.

The line separating verbal violence from physical violence is dissolving. In the Philippines (down six at 133rd), President Rodrigo Duterte not only constantly insults reporters but has also warned them that they “are not exempted from assassination.” In India (down two at 138th), hate speech targeting journalists is shared and amplified on social networks, often by troll armies in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pay. In each of these countries, at least four journalists were gunned down in cold blood in the space of a year.

Verbal violence from politicians against the media is also on the rise in Europe, although it is the region that respects press freedom most. In the Czech Republic (down 11 at 34th), President Milos Zeman turned up at a press conference with a fake Kalashnikov inscribed with the words “for journalists.” In Slovakia, (down 10 at 27th), then Prime Minister Robert Fico called journalists “filthy anti-Slovak prostitutes” and “idiotic hyenas.” A Slovak reporter, Ján Kuciak, was shot dead in his home in February 2018, just four months after another European journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, was killed by a targeted car-bombing in Malta (down 18 at 65th).

“The unleashing of hatred towards journalists is one of the worst threats to democracies,” RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “Political leaders who fuel loathing for reporters bear heavy responsibility because they undermine the concept of public debate based on facts instead of propaganda. To dispute the legitimacy of journalism today is to play with extremely dangerous political fire.”

Journalists are being targeted and killed.
Show us all the American Reporters getting killed by Trump Rhetoric............hmmm.

If the article is true then you should be able to show the dead..........waiting..........

Nice BS piece.........comparing him to typical.

What are you talking about? Are you denying journalists are being killed? Trump's rhetoric doesn't help.

I didn't compare him to Stalin. TRUMP USED STALIN'S WORDS. Don't you get it?
Article played the Stalin posted it.............

And the American reporters who are dying because of Trump..........I don't see it.

Well they’re not dying YET... just like the “concentration camps” he’s putting children into aren’t killing/torturing/starving kids YET.

That’s their excuse—it’s not happening YET.
Here is a perfect example of media bias from the AP. Several quotes in here frame the right wing groups negatively while casting a protagonist view of the left wing groups. It's extremely slanted.

Portland police were accused Sunday of being heavy-handed against people protesting a rally by extreme-right demonstrators, reportedly injuring some counter-protesters and prompting the city’s new police chief to order a review of officers’ use of force.

The groups they are referring to are Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Notice how they are characterized as "extreme" right, yet nowhere in here are the counter protesters, such as ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialists of America, characterized as extreme left and they most certainly are. This is a pattern I've noticed in a lot of journalism where right wing groups will be referred to as extremist, but they never characterize the left wing as the same.

Saturday’s clashes were the most recent of several this year in the city as right-wing militants converged, met by counter-protesters, including members of anti-fascist, or “antifa,” groups.

Again, referring to the right wing groups as militant despite the fact in most of these clashes it has been ANTIFA who has started the violence.

Saturday’s incidents started with demonstrators aligned with Patriot Prayer and an affiliated group, the Proud Boys, gathering in a riverfront park. The Proud Boys has been characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center's credibility has been criticized for some time now given their obvious left wing bias and the fact they were recently and successfully sued for slander by a group they wrongfully characterized as a hate group. The SPLC characterizes pretty much every organization they disagree with as a hate group. Why is there no counter characterization in this article by a rightwing watch dog regarding ANTIFA or the DSA?

Patriot Prayer also has held rallies in many other cities around the U.S. West, including Berkeley, California, that have drawn violent reactions.

As if it's their fault, right? The fact of the matter is these people have a right to exercise their First Amendment right, which they have attempted to do so peacefully, and the result of that has been violent attacks from intolerant leftists. Why is it not stated that way when it's a fact?

Gibson disputed the group’s classification as a hate group.

“We’re here to promote freedom and God. That’s it,” Gibson told Portland TV station KGW. “Our country is getting soft.”

And finally at the end you hear a quote in defense of the right. Multiple instances throughout the article criticizing these people as bigots, Nazis, etc. and just one mention at the very end in their defense.

This is not objective journalism, plain and simple, and yet this the way the media has been pushing their agenda on the public for sometime now. If you weren't familiar with Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys you would finish this article thinking these people were marching with pointed hoods over their heads and swastikas armbands because instead of just reporting the news fairly, that's what the author wants you to believe.

Like I said before, it's not Trump making the media into an enemy of the people, he's just calling them out on it louder than anyone else can. They've done it to themselves.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
Or the NRA.

The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

In large part -- no Founding Father watching the political sewage that passes for journalism today would agree with you using their quotes. In the early days of the Republic, the press dug for nasty dirt. It was usually true and EVERYONE agreed the nasty acts were bad.

Those "journalists" complaining about the heat they pour gas on everyday need to check themselves. Mostly, their organizations are now "political advocacy groups" and should be subject to the rules for such advocacy. THEY have already gotten people shot and threatened and nearly wiped out the GOP softball team.

If THEY want to create a "war zone" in America -- they better buckle up the flak jackets. Because they are not "innocent principled bystanders"...

Totally wrong, as I also posted their logic. Once you start picking and choosing those who you THINK is not reporting the truth, it becomes subjective and the foundation behind the freedom of the press is no longer valid.

It's been posted in this thread now, but a Trump supporter (Yes he admitted it on the phone) called into C-Span to say if he saw Brian Stelter or Don Lemon he would shoot them.

Now let me give a little information that some on this forum may not not. In court cases there are different standards to convict. In a murder case for example, the jury must find that the person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That means they must be 100% positive they are guilty with no possible questions of doubt in their mind. In a civil case the level of guilt is MUCH lower. It generally is just a preponderance of evidence, which just means the plaintiff gave enough evidence to make it more than likely the defendant is liable.

So if some psycho Trump supporter kills a journalist, and says they did it because Trump told them the media is an enemy of the state, Trump can be held liable in a civil suit, because he incited someone to commit a crime. If it happens now, after journalist have warned Trump about death threats, and Trump continues with his current narrative, it is more likely than ever he would be held liable in a civil suit. He needs to get out in front of this and tell his supporters to stop, and do it now before someone gets hurt.

I agree Trump shouldn’t be calling the media “the enemy of the people,” but at the same time I think the more prominent anti-Trump journalists would be surprised to see how much respect and legitimacy they’ve lost due to their insistence on taking a public political stance. They are not doing a favor to the people by promoting a certain narrative, they’re doing a disservice.

The most disgusting thing I’ve seen a so-called “journalist” do is on the night Trump won the presidency, Rachel Maddow advised her audience that they weren’t having a nightmare and they hadn’t died and gone to hell. Pathetic and I fear for the mental and emotional well-being of those who give that atrocious woman the time of day.
When reporters are in such a hurry that they do not check sources, check spelling, check grammar then they need to slow down and look at their work. When they spin headlines for the biggest impact with little to no regard for the truth, they may want to look at their work. When they run a story on the front page or at the top of every half hour then bury the retraction on a short, quick second in the middle of the night or on the page under help wanted, they might want to look at their work. When you refuse to cover news that might reflect well on the president or put it with something that may detract from that news, they might want to look at their work. When they spend hours and acres of column comparing the president to Hitler, Stalin and others they may want to look at their work. When they applaud someone being fired for a tweet yet hire or defend someone for the same type of tweet they may want to look at their work.

The left always points out that this or that person on the right did something wrong yet defends or laughs off when someone points out the left.

I totally agree with your first paragraph.

But how come you never notice when someone on the right does this - you only point out the left? How did Fox cover Obama for example? How did they treat Clinton?
Would you care to point to any congress man or woman that told their constituents to hound 44 or Clinton, harass them in public? Can you show me where any reputable publication called either one Hitler, Stalin?
Care to point me to a link where a congress person or ex CIA, exFBI compared any of their policies to the KristalKnacht or the Hollicost?

There are so many...where do we start?

Mark Pothier: Taking note of Republican candidates who compare Obama to Hitler - The Boston Globe

Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler

My Favorite Examples of Republicans Comparing Obama to Hitler

Do you need more? Or can we just agree that this extreme silliness has gone on for a long time and no side is immune?

As far as harassment in public, I believe only Maxine has done that, but she is one person, and was roundly condemned by her colleagues wasn’t she?

Now here is a question. Has any Democrat president ever extorted his followers to rough people up? How about encouraging police to bang a suspects head in the car while putting him in? Let’s expand that - any president of any either party?
So your whole premise is that in an off hand way a few compared 44 to Hitler. Not to mention a few of your references were highly partisan. If you are trying to compare that to actually coming straight out and saying that he is Hitler, that he committed treason then you have a slightly off kilter idea of equal.

While I agreed with almost nothing 44 did he did not deserve to be vilified as some did. But to not see that it has been ramped up beyond believability as far as Trump goes is being particularly blind. Do you truthfully believe that the journalists would treat Trump the same as 44 was if something similar to Fast and Furious came out? Do you believe that it would be the same if something like using the IRS were to come out? I do not agree with everything Trump does but I feel that if any of the scandles similar to those I listed came out the media would be inciting everyone to grab a rope and a club then head to the White House.
When reporters are in such a hurry that they do not check sources, check spelling, check grammar then they need to slow down and look at their work. When they spin headlines for the biggest impact with little to no regard for the truth, they may want to look at their work. When they run a story on the front page or at the top of every half hour then bury the retraction on a short, quick second in the middle of the night or on the page under help wanted, they might want to look at their work. When you refuse to cover news that might reflect well on the president or put it with something that may detract from that news, they might want to look at their work. When they spend hours and acres of column comparing the president to Hitler, Stalin and others they may want to look at their work. When they applaud someone being fired for a tweet yet hire or defend someone for the same type of tweet they may want to look at their work.

The left always points out that this or that person on the right did something wrong yet defends or laughs off when someone points out the left.

I totally agree with your first paragraph.

But how come you never notice when someone on the right does this - you only point out the left? How did Fox cover Obama for example? How did they treat Clinton?
Be VERY SPECIFIC and link to a story by Fox that called Obama or Hillary Hitler Stalin or pol pot? Link to a story by fox that called for mobs to follow and attack members of Obama's government?

Here’s one instance.

Fox News Radio's Tom Sullivan aired "side-by-side comparison" of speeches by Hitler and Obama
By the way...there was no magical period where journalists dug for dirt and it was mostly true - ever read the history of yellow journalism? It's pretty interesting.

Yellow Journalism: The “Fake News” of the 19th Century

The journalistic standards we take for granted are a relatively modern invention. But regardless - there are many good journalists trying to expose really bad things, or just keep us informed. And that includes what Trump Inc. are doing.
I repeat name once you called out any of the democrats calling for violence and hate against Trump and company?
Who called for violence? Maxine Waters came closest, and though inappropriate, was not violence. That was called out and roundly condemned.

I'll wait to see when you've ever called out your side or your orange Messiah.

I hope that little bitch Tim Kaine really takes the fight to the street as he has called for. I'll knock that old fucker right the hell out.
Trump and his followers fail to understand that there is a difference between precise criticism of a reporter and saying as a group the press is the enemy of the people. If there is a story that hurts Trump's considerable yet fragile ego, he could do one of two the nags. He could deal with that specific reporter, his/her employer concentrating no on that specific story. Or, alternatively, he could act as an adult would act, respect the dignity of the office of the president of the United States and move on.

But painting journalism with a broad brush and saying journalists start wars and are dangerous begs unwarranted attacks on journalists.

Journalism can be and deserves to be criticized. But criticizing journalism as a group is wholly irresponsible.

There is ONE grossly glaring example of how MSM can be thoroughly criticized for it's BIASED reporting.

Look at this screenshot: 67,200 examples of how the BIASED MSM has gotten it so wrong and wholly responsible for this gigantic hoax!
Klobuchar warns GOP senator to condemn Trump's anti-immigrant "... CNN
Trump's anti-immigrant remarks..
Caravan of migrants tests Trump's anti-immigrant"..

How many of the people that believe Trump anti-immigrant" know that Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?

Do the know that over 90 million Americans like me are grossly offended as we are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives and we LOVE our LEGAL immigrants.


As a consequence this is WHY we don't believe the MSM.
They persist to favor law breaking immigrants over our legal immigrants. Since when are people who obey the law punished and the law breakers rewarded?

Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at 11.31.47 AM.png
When reporters are in such a hurry that they do not check sources, check spelling, check grammar then they need to slow down and look at their work. When they spin headlines for the biggest impact with little to no regard for the truth, they may want to look at their work. When they run a story on the front page or at the top of every half hour then bury the retraction on a short, quick second in the middle of the night or on the page under help wanted, they might want to look at their work. When you refuse to cover news that might reflect well on the president or put it with something that may detract from that news, they might want to look at their work. When they spend hours and acres of column comparing the president to Hitler, Stalin and others they may want to look at their work. When they applaud someone being fired for a tweet yet hire or defend someone for the same type of tweet they may want to look at their work.

The left always points out that this or that person on the right did something wrong yet defends or laughs off when someone points out the left.

I totally agree with your first paragraph.

But how come you never notice when someone on the right does this - you only point out the left? How did Fox cover Obama for example? How did they treat Clinton?
Be VERY SPECIFIC and link to a story by Fox that called Obama or Hillary Hitler Stalin or pol pot? Link to a story by fox that called for mobs to follow and attack members of Obama's government?

Playing the Nazi Card

Fox News Radio’s Tom Sullivan played a side-by-side comparison of a Hitler speech and an Obama speech (2/11/08), and Clear Channel’s Bill Cunningham, who has made similar comparisons (10/28/08), declared on his Cincinnati-based radio show (10/30/08) that “Jews [were] for McCain because Obama wants to gas the Jews, like the PLO wants to gas the Jews, like the Nazis gassed the Jews.” (The website of the group Media Matters, which extensively monitors right-wing electronic media, documents many of these examples.) Ann Coulter, as a guest on Hannity and Colmes (4/3/08), called Obama’s autobiography a “dime store Mein Kampf.” When Alan Colmes asked her if Obama was a “two-bit Hitler,” Coulter agreed. Colmes then asked: “We should be as wary of Obama as they should have been of Hitler in Nazi Germany?” Coulter admonished, “If only people had read Mein Kampf.”

The host of ABC Network’s Mark Levin Show (12/16/09) called the healthcare plan “Hitleresque.” Nothing new for Levin, who has been comparing Obama to Hitler since the campaign (10/29/08): “[Obama’s] really into these big German-like events that he creates in this country.”

You do realize that Tom Sullivan is about as middle of the road as you can get. If you have never listened to his show I suggest you do. As far as the obummer hitler comparison, they were eerily alike. That is a fact. I don't remember why he did the comparison, but I remember the show.
No. It is not a fact. No more then comparing Trump to Hitler. That is the problem here, we are so divided we can’t remotely see how silly are own side is being.

Does the media get it wrong? Sure, some times they do. As another poster pointed out, basic fact checking has gotten sloppy, and the 24 hour news cycle has pushed non news and speculation into the realm of news.

Does there seem to be an emphasis on scandal? Yes. But that is nothing new. If it bleeds it reads.

A big problem, and benefit, is the www wealth of independent news purveyors. Everyone can curl up in their niche and never have to view a contrary view if they so choose. The downside is that we don’t choose...

The other downside is there is no professional code and no standards in some of these sources. Professional journalists are required to, even if they don’t always do it. They can be sued. We can hold them accountable. It is a real mixed bag these days.

The POTUS using Stalin’s own term “enemy of the state” is beyond the pale and should be roundly condemned. Every president has struggled with how to relate to the media but they have recognized the important role a free and independent media plays in preserving our democracy. Trump’s attacks have taken it further, as he has attacked the very need for an independent media. Who else has gone after the media like that? Authoritarians. No Trump is not an authoritarian, but only because he is constrained by the Constitution. Remember, this is a man who admires Kim because when he talks people sit up and listen.

Russia has been successful at its goals, sowing distrust in our institutions and the role of the media. Congratulations.

I was talking about the speeches Coyote, I am in no way comparing obama to hitler, he's more of a Lenin type!
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.
The left is going to get conservatives killed because they always say they are Nazis.

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