Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Trump and his followers fail to understand that there is a difference between precise criticism of a reporter and saying as a group the press is the enemy of the people. If there is a story that hurts Trump's considerable yet fragile ego, he could do one of two the nags. He could deal with that specific reporter, his/her employer concentrating no on that specific story. Or, alternatively, he could act as an adult would act, respect the dignity of the office of the president of the United States and move on.

But painting journalism with a broad brush and saying journalists start wars and are dangerous begs unwarranted attacks on journalists.

Journalism can be and deserves to be criticized. But criticizing journalism as a group is wholly irresponsible.

There is ONE grossly glaring example of how MSM can be thoroughly criticized for it's BIASED reporting.

Look at this screenshot: 67,200 examples of how the BIASED MSM has gotten it so wrong and wholly responsible for this gigantic hoax!
Klobuchar warns GOP senator to condemn Trump's anti-immigrant "... CNN
Trump's anti-immigrant remarks..
Caravan of migrants tests Trump's anti-immigrant"..

How many of the people that believe Trump anti-immigrant" know that Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?

Do the know that over 90 million Americans like me are grossly offended as we are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives and we LOVE our LEGAL immigrants.


As a consequence this is WHY we don't believe the MSM.
They persist to favor law breaking immigrants over our legal immigrants. Since when are people who obey the law punished and the law breakers rewarded?

View attachment 208781
Why do I perceive Trump and his followers as anti-immigrant? Gee! It's a puzzle!

"They're sending drugs, they're rapists. They're murderers. And some, I assume, are good people,"

"Build that wall!"

"Donald Trump is calling for a complete ban of Muslims entering this country until our leaders figure out what the hell is going on!"

Zero tolerance means removing children from their parents. And it's the parent's fault! Besides, we're putting them in summer camps!

And you offer Melanie up as evidence of Trump's pro-immigrants stance?

So I take it YOU are in favor of NO borders. Let ANY criminal, rapist,etc. come into the USA? That's what you favor?
Or are you also in favor of putting children in jail with their parents when Dad or Mom rob a bank...kill a person... or let the people go?
As far as Muslims... are you in favor of the USA banning the legal system and adopting Sharia law? You are in favor of all those things is that right?

Oh and I'm offering up me and 90 million others like me that are really offended by idiots who encourage by "open borders" sorrowful pictures, and you never seemed
to comprehend the prices WE and 90 million others like me had to pay to become LEGAL immigrant/Citizens.

That is the offensive part is idiots like you excusing lazy, criminal behavior i.e. sneaking across the border, PAYING COYOTES 1,000s of dollars to come into the USA and
then since they committed a criminal act coming in illegally, they go on and commit further crimes!

YOU are forgetting 90 million of us!
Yeah. That' exactly how it works. One either supports, all things OR wants open borders, crime, mayhem and disaster.

This is not a zero sum game! This is not all 'my way or the highway'.

Where do you get the gall to think lie that?
Trump and his followers fail to understand that there is a difference between precise criticism of a reporter and saying as a group the press is the enemy of the people. If there is a story that hurts Trump's considerable yet fragile ego, he could do one of two the nags. He could deal with that specific reporter, his/her employer concentrating no on that specific story. Or, alternatively, he could act as an adult would act, respect the dignity of the office of the president of the United States and move on.

But painting journalism with a broad brush and saying journalists start wars and are dangerous begs unwarranted attacks on journalists.

Journalism can be and deserves to be criticized. But criticizing journalism as a group is wholly irresponsible.

There is ONE grossly glaring example of how MSM can be thoroughly criticized for it's BIASED reporting.

Look at this screenshot: 67,200 examples of how the BIASED MSM has gotten it so wrong and wholly responsible for this gigantic hoax!
Klobuchar warns GOP senator to condemn Trump's anti-immigrant "... CNN
Trump's anti-immigrant remarks..
Caravan of migrants tests Trump's anti-immigrant"..

How many of the people that believe Trump anti-immigrant" know that Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?

Do the know that over 90 million Americans like me are grossly offended as we are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives and we LOVE our LEGAL immigrants.


As a consequence this is WHY we don't believe the MSM.
They persist to favor law breaking immigrants over our legal immigrants. Since when are people who obey the law punished and the law breakers rewarded?

View attachment 208781
Why do I perceive Trump and his followers as anti-immigrant? Gee! It's a puzzle!

"They're sending drugs, they're rapists. They're murderers. And some, I assume, are good people,"

"Build that wall!"

"Donald Trump is calling for a complete ban of Muslims entering this country until our leaders figure out what the hell is going on!"

Zero tolerance means removing children from their parents. And it's the parent's fault! Besides, we're putting them in summer camps!

And you offer Melanie up as evidence of Trump's pro-immigrants stance?

So I take it YOU are in favor of NO borders. Let ANY criminal, rapist,etc. come into the USA? That's what you favor?
Or are you also in favor of putting children in jail with their parents when Dad or Mom rob a bank...kill a person... or let the people go?
As far as Muslims... are you in favor of the USA banning the legal system and adopting Sharia law? You are in favor of all those things is that right?

Oh and I'm offering up me and 90 million others like me that are really offended by idiots who encourage by "open borders" sorrowful pictures, and you never seemed
to comprehend the prices WE and 90 million others like me had to pay to become LEGAL immigrant/Citizens.

That is the offensive part is idiots like you excusing lazy, criminal behavior i.e. sneaking across the border, PAYING COYOTES 1,000s of dollars to come into the USA and
then since they committed a criminal act coming in illegally, they go on and commit further crimes!

YOU are forgetting 90 million of us!
Yeah. That' exactly how it works. One either supports, all things OR wants open borders, crime, mayhem and disaster.

This is not a zero sum game! This is not all 'my way or the highway'.

Where do you get the gall to think lie that?
Simple people with tiny/simple minds can only think in binary.
Trump and his followers fail to understand that there is a difference between precise criticism of a reporter and saying as a group the press is the enemy of the people. If there is a story that hurts Trump's considerable yet fragile ego, he could do one of two the nags. He could deal with that specific reporter, his/her employer concentrating no on that specific story. Or, alternatively, he could act as an adult would act, respect the dignity of the office of the president of the United States and move on.

But painting journalism with a broad brush and saying journalists start wars and are dangerous begs unwarranted attacks on journalists.

Journalism can be and deserves to be criticized. But criticizing journalism as a group is wholly irresponsible.

There is ONE grossly glaring example of how MSM can be thoroughly criticized for it's BIASED reporting.

Look at this screenshot: 67,200 examples of how the BIASED MSM has gotten it so wrong and wholly responsible for this gigantic hoax!
Klobuchar warns GOP senator to condemn Trump's anti-immigrant "... CNN
Trump's anti-immigrant remarks..
Caravan of migrants tests Trump's anti-immigrant"..

How many of the people that believe Trump anti-immigrant" know that Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?

Do the know that over 90 million Americans like me are grossly offended as we are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives and we LOVE our LEGAL immigrants.


As a consequence this is WHY we don't believe the MSM.
They persist to favor law breaking immigrants over our legal immigrants. Since when are people who obey the law punished and the law breakers rewarded?

View attachment 208781
Why do I perceive Trump and his followers as anti-immigrant? Gee! It's a puzzle!

"They're sending drugs, they're rapists. They're murderers. And some, I assume, are good people,"

"Build that wall!"

"Donald Trump is calling for a complete ban of Muslims entering this country until our leaders figure out what the hell is going on!"

Zero tolerance means removing children from their parents. And it's the parent's fault! Besides, we're putting them in summer camps!

And you offer Melanie up as evidence of Trump's pro-immigrants stance?

So I take it YOU are in favor of NO borders. Let ANY criminal, rapist,etc. come into the USA? That's what you favor?
Or are you also in favor of putting children in jail with their parents when Dad or Mom rob a bank...kill a person... or let the people go?
As far as Muslims... are you in favor of the USA banning the legal system and adopting Sharia law? You are in favor of all those things is that right?

Oh and I'm offering up me and 90 million others like me that are really offended by idiots who encourage by "open borders" sorrowful pictures, and you never seemed
to comprehend the prices WE and 90 million others like me had to pay to become LEGAL immigrant/Citizens.

That is the offensive part is idiots like you excusing lazy, criminal behavior i.e. sneaking across the border, PAYING COYOTES 1,000s of dollars to come into the USA and
then since they committed a criminal act coming in illegally, they go on and commit further crimes!

YOU are forgetting 90 million of us!
Yeah. That' exactly how it works. One either supports, all things OR wants open borders, crime, mayhem and disaster.

This is not a zero sum game! This is not all 'my way or the highway'.

Where do you get the gall to think lie that?
Simple people with tiny/simple minds can only think in binary.

Well my point was about the MSM bias as illustrated by their lack of using the simple adjective "Illegal" shows they are thinking only in black and white or binary!
They consistently use the term "anti-immigrant" and that is so wrong!

What is the problem with using the adjective "anti-illegal immigrant" as that is what Trump is describing.
But being the binary mindset that ANYTHING Trump does is wrong describes the MSM.

Trump has NEVER EVER said he was anti-immigrant. The MSM in their hatred of Trump and deplorables like me and millions like us continue to speak with disdain.
As I've said several times here.
I personally don't like Trump's boisterous,obnoxious, boastful characteristics. And my experiences with people like him though they are successful.

And I know he is getting more done than any president in modern history.
He is getting things done.
Cutting regulations.
Cutting taxes.
It has been nearly 50 years since the economy has seen job creations like we have now where there are more jobs than people to fill them! Hence Trump wants
qualified immigrants!

And like most bosses I've known they are NOT personable people...but they get things done.

So to with Trump. Remember Trump's a selfish person like me and everyone else. Why he became president was he wants his children/grandchildren to have a better life.
That simple. And when we have presidents' more concerned about public image, the MSM's opinion, and NOT getting America on a better track... we needed truly a change.
Here is a perfect example of media bias from the AP. Several quotes in here frame the right wing groups negatively while casting a protagonist view of the left wing groups. It's extremely slanted.

Portland police were accused Sunday of being heavy-handed against people protesting a rally by extreme-right demonstrators, reportedly injuring some counter-protesters and prompting the city’s new police chief to order a review of officers’ use of force.

The groups they are referring to are Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Notice how they are characterized as "extreme" right, yet nowhere in here are the counter protesters, such as ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialists of America, characterized as extreme left and they most certainly are. This is a pattern I've noticed in a lot of journalism where right wing groups will be referred to as extremist, but they never characterize the left wing as the same.

Saturday’s clashes were the most recent of several this year in the city as right-wing militants converged, met by counter-protesters, including members of anti-fascist, or “antifa,” groups.

Again, referring to the right wing groups as militant despite the fact in most of these clashes it has been ANTIFA who has started the violence.

Saturday’s incidents started with demonstrators aligned with Patriot Prayer and an affiliated group, the Proud Boys, gathering in a riverfront park. The Proud Boys has been characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center's credibility has been criticized for some time now given their obvious left wing bias and the fact they were recently and successfully sued for slander by a group they wrongfully characterized as a hate group. The SPLC characterizes pretty much every organization they disagree with as a hate group. Why is there no counter characterization in this article by a rightwing watch dog regarding ANTIFA or the DSA?

Patriot Prayer also has held rallies in many other cities around the U.S. West, including Berkeley, California, that have drawn violent reactions.

As if it's their fault, right? The fact of the matter is these people have a right to exercise their First Amendment right, which they have attempted to do so peacefully, and the result of that has been violent attacks from intolerant leftists. Why is it not stated that way when it's a fact?

Gibson disputed the group’s classification as a hate group.

“We’re here to promote freedom and God. That’s it,” Gibson told Portland TV station KGW. “Our country is getting soft.”

And finally at the end you hear a quote in defense of the right. Multiple instances throughout the article criticizing these people as bigots, Nazis, etc. and just one mention at the very end in their defense.

This is not objective journalism, plain and simple, and yet this the way the media has been pushing their agenda on the public for sometime now. If you weren't familiar with Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys you would finish this article thinking these people were marching with pointed hoods over their heads and swastikas armbands because instead of just reporting the news fairly, that's what the author wants you to believe.

Like I said before, it's not Trump making the media into an enemy of the people, he's just calling them out on it louder than anyone else can. They've done it to themselves.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
Or the NRA.

The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.

And the ACLU is still the ACLU, thank God for that.
When reporters are in such a hurry that they do not check sources, check spelling, check grammar then they need to slow down and look at their work. When they spin headlines for the biggest impact with little to no regard for the truth, they may want to look at their work. When they run a story on the front page or at the top of every half hour then bury the retraction on a short, quick second in the middle of the night or on the page under help wanted, they might want to look at their work. When you refuse to cover news that might reflect well on the president or put it with something that may detract from that news, they might want to look at their work. When they spend hours and acres of column comparing the president to Hitler, Stalin and others they may want to look at their work. When they applaud someone being fired for a tweet yet hire or defend someone for the same type of tweet they may want to look at their work.

The left always points out that this or that person on the right did something wrong yet defends or laughs off when someone points out the left.

I totally agree with your first paragraph.

But how come you never notice when someone on the right does this - you only point out the left? How did Fox cover Obama for example? How did they treat Clinton?
Would you care to point to any congress man or woman that told their constituents to hound 44 or Clinton, harass them in public? Can you show me where any reputable publication called either one Hitler, Stalin?
Care to point me to a link where a congress person or ex CIA, exFBI compared any of their policies to the KristalKnacht or the Hollicost?

There are so many...where do we start?

Mark Pothier: Taking note of Republican candidates who compare Obama to Hitler - The Boston Globe

Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler

My Favorite Examples of Republicans Comparing Obama to Hitler

Do you need more? Or can we just agree that this extreme silliness has gone on for a long time and no side is immune?

As far as harassment in public, I believe only Maxine has done that, but she is one person, and was roundly condemned by her colleagues wasn’t she?

Now here is a question. Has any Democrat president ever extorted his followers to rough people up? How about encouraging police to bang a suspects head in the car while putting him in? Let’s expand that - any president of any either party?
So your whole premise is that in an off hand way a few compared 44 to Hitler. Not to mention a few of your references were highly partisan. If you are trying to compare that to actually coming straight out and saying that he is Hitler, that he committed treason then you have a slightly off kilter idea of equal.

While I agreed with almost nothing 44 did he did not deserve to be vilified as some did. But to not see that it has been ramped up beyond believability as far as Trump goes is being particularly blind. Do you truthfully believe that the journalists would treat Trump the same as 44 was if something similar to Fast and Furious came out? Do you believe that it would be the same if something like using the IRS were to come out? I do not agree with everything Trump does but I feel that if any of the scandles similar to those I listed came out the media would be inciting everyone to grab a rope and a club then head to the White House.
When reporters are in such a hurry that they do not check sources, check spelling, check grammar then they need to slow down and look at their work. When they spin headlines for the biggest impact with little to no regard for the truth, they may want to look at their work. When they run a story on the front page or at the top of every half hour then bury the retraction on a short, quick second in the middle of the night or on the page under help wanted, they might want to look at their work. When you refuse to cover news that might reflect well on the president or put it with something that may detract from that news, they might want to look at their work. When they spend hours and acres of column comparing the president to Hitler, Stalin and others they may want to look at their work. When they applaud someone being fired for a tweet yet hire or defend someone for the same type of tweet they may want to look at their work.

The left always points out that this or that person on the right did something wrong yet defends or laughs off when someone points out the left.

I totally agree with your first paragraph.

But how come you never notice when someone on the right does this - you only point out the left? How did Fox cover Obama for example? How did they treat Clinton?
Would you care to point to any congress man or woman that told their constituents to hound 44 or Clinton, harass them in public? Can you show me where any reputable publication called either one Hitler, Stalin?
Care to point me to a link where a congress person or ex CIA, exFBI compared any of their policies to the KristalKnacht or the Hollicost?

There are so many...where do we start?

Mark Pothier: Taking note of Republican candidates who compare Obama to Hitler - The Boston Globe

Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler

My Favorite Examples of Republicans Comparing Obama to Hitler

Do you need more? Or can we just agree that this extreme silliness has gone on for a long time and no side is immune?

As far as harassment in public, I believe only Maxine has done that, but she is one person, and was roundly condemned by her colleagues wasn’t she?

Now here is a question. Has any Democrat president ever extorted his followers to rough people up? How about encouraging police to bang a suspects head in the car while putting him in? Let’s expand that - any president of any either party?
So your whole premise is that in an off hand way a few compared 44 to Hitler. Not to mention a few of your references were highly partisan. If you are trying to compare that to actually coming straight out and saying that he is Hitler, that he committed treason then you have a slightly off kilter idea of equal.

While I agreed with almost nothing 44 did he did not deserve to be vilified as some did. But to not see that it has been ramped up beyond believability as far as Trump goes is being particularly blind. Do you truthfully believe that the journalists would treat Trump the same as 44 was if something similar to Fast and Furious came out? Do you believe that it would be the same if something like using the IRS were to come out? I do not agree with everything Trump does but I feel that if any of the scandles similar to those I listed came out the media would be inciting everyone to grab a rope and a club then head to the White House.

No, my premise is that the right is no different when it comes to crazy talk. And again, I'll point out - Fox is now MSM. It's "the Media". How did Fox treat Obama? Clinton? Could they do anything right? Come on. I agree the media is harsh on Trump (except for Fox who refuses to criticize him) but part of it is Trump's own antagonistic attitude towards them combined with blatent lying. The media don't know how to report on a president like that, and it's almost humorous to see them contorting themselves finding a way to report it without coming out and saying the president lies.

I don't think the media is inciting. I think most of the time they are reporting. I think Maxine Waters should shut up, and I think Trump should shut up - that's the incitement.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? .

No he isn't, and the "journalists" don't think so either.

What Media Personalities (not "journalists") like Jim Acosta are concerned about is being ridiculed and mocked and not taken seriously when they spout their Fake News. Before Trump came on the scene, no one was willing to stand up to them. That's the big change.

The President of the United States has the same freedom of speech everyone else has. Whether libs like it or not.

The other reason the media hates Trump is the fact that he goes over the heads and speaks DIRECTLY to the people by way of Twitter, instead of having his words, filtered and edited by the lame streamers.

I don't know what the Media hates worse, being mocked and ridiculed, or being cut out of the loop.

But they aren't concerned about violence from conservatives.

They don't? You don't watch the news much do you? Nor have you clicked the links in the OP.
Here is a perfect example of media bias from the AP. Several quotes in here frame the right wing groups negatively while casting a protagonist view of the left wing groups. It's extremely slanted.

Portland police were accused Sunday of being heavy-handed against people protesting a rally by extreme-right demonstrators, reportedly injuring some counter-protesters and prompting the city’s new police chief to order a review of officers’ use of force.

The groups they are referring to are Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Notice how they are characterized as "extreme" right, yet nowhere in here are the counter protesters, such as ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialists of America, characterized as extreme left and they most certainly are. This is a pattern I've noticed in a lot of journalism where right wing groups will be referred to as extremist, but they never characterize the left wing as the same.

Saturday’s clashes were the most recent of several this year in the city as right-wing militants converged, met by counter-protesters, including members of anti-fascist, or “antifa,” groups.

Again, referring to the right wing groups as militant despite the fact in most of these clashes it has been ANTIFA who has started the violence.

Saturday’s incidents started with demonstrators aligned with Patriot Prayer and an affiliated group, the Proud Boys, gathering in a riverfront park. The Proud Boys has been characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center's credibility has been criticized for some time now given their obvious left wing bias and the fact they were recently and successfully sued for slander by a group they wrongfully characterized as a hate group. The SPLC characterizes pretty much every organization they disagree with as a hate group. Why is there no counter characterization in this article by a rightwing watch dog regarding ANTIFA or the DSA?

Patriot Prayer also has held rallies in many other cities around the U.S. West, including Berkeley, California, that have drawn violent reactions.

As if it's their fault, right? The fact of the matter is these people have a right to exercise their First Amendment right, which they have attempted to do so peacefully, and the result of that has been violent attacks from intolerant leftists. Why is it not stated that way when it's a fact?

Gibson disputed the group’s classification as a hate group.

“We’re here to promote freedom and God. That’s it,” Gibson told Portland TV station KGW. “Our country is getting soft.”

And finally at the end you hear a quote in defense of the right. Multiple instances throughout the article criticizing these people as bigots, Nazis, etc. and just one mention at the very end in their defense.

This is not objective journalism, plain and simple, and yet this the way the media has been pushing their agenda on the public for sometime now. If you weren't familiar with Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys you would finish this article thinking these people were marching with pointed hoods over their heads and swastikas armbands because instead of just reporting the news fairly, that's what the author wants you to believe.

Like I said before, it's not Trump making the media into an enemy of the people, he's just calling them out on it louder than anyone else can. They've done it to themselves.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
Or the NRA.

The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.

And the ACLU is still the ACLU, thank God for that.

Not even close.

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech
Here is a perfect example of media bias from the AP. Several quotes in here frame the right wing groups negatively while casting a protagonist view of the left wing groups. It's extremely slanted.

The groups they are referring to are Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Notice how they are characterized as "extreme" right, yet nowhere in here are the counter protesters, such as ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialists of America, characterized as extreme left and they most certainly are. This is a pattern I've noticed in a lot of journalism where right wing groups will be referred to as extremist, but they never characterize the left wing as the same.

Again, referring to the right wing groups as militant despite the fact in most of these clashes it has been ANTIFA who has started the violence.

The Southern Poverty Law Center's credibility has been criticized for some time now given their obvious left wing bias and the fact they were recently and successfully sued for slander by a group they wrongfully characterized as a hate group. The SPLC characterizes pretty much every organization they disagree with as a hate group. Why is there no counter characterization in this article by a rightwing watch dog regarding ANTIFA or the DSA?

As if it's their fault, right? The fact of the matter is these people have a right to exercise their First Amendment right, which they have attempted to do so peacefully, and the result of that has been violent attacks from intolerant leftists. Why is it not stated that way when it's a fact?

And finally at the end you hear a quote in defense of the right. Multiple instances throughout the article criticizing these people as bigots, Nazis, etc. and just one mention at the very end in their defense.

This is not objective journalism, plain and simple, and yet this the way the media has been pushing their agenda on the public for sometime now. If you weren't familiar with Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys you would finish this article thinking these people were marching with pointed hoods over their heads and swastikas armbands because instead of just reporting the news fairly, that's what the author wants you to believe.

Like I said before, it's not Trump making the media into an enemy of the people, he's just calling them out on it louder than anyone else can. They've done it to themselves.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
Or the NRA.

The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.

And the ACLU is still the ACLU, thank God for that.

Not even close.

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

And the NRA is in bed with the Russians.

The SPLC has been riding its previous good name for about a decade now. Next we will see the ACLU follow the same path.
Or the NRA.

The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.

And the ACLU is still the ACLU, thank God for that.

Not even close.

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

And the NRA is in bed with the Russians.



You used to be better than this.

The NRA is the NRA. it's only concern is the ability of law abiding citizens to own firearms in a usable fashion.

The ACLU used to be all about free speech, even detestable speech. Now they seem to be veering away from it.
Or the NRA.

The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.

And the ACLU is still the ACLU, thank God for that.

Not even close.

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

And the NRA is in bed with the Russians.



You used to be better than this.

The NRA is the NRA. it's only concern is the ability of law abiding citizens to own firearms in a usable fashion.

The ACLU used to be all about free speech, even detestable speech. Now they seem to be veering away from it.

The NRA has gotten much more radical, witness their scare tactic videos.

The ACLU has been about a number of rights including religious rights and free speech. They still are.
The NRA is still the NRA, the difference is gun control advocates have gone from regulating guns to trying to ban them without actually banning them.

And the ACLU is still the ACLU, thank God for that.

Not even close.

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

And the NRA is in bed with the Russians.



You used to be better than this.

The NRA is the NRA. it's only concern is the ability of law abiding citizens to own firearms in a usable fashion.

The ACLU used to be all about free speech, even detestable speech. Now they seem to be veering away from it.

The NRA has gotten much more radical, witness their scare tactic videos.

The ACLU has been about a number of rights including religious rights and free speech. They still are.

The NRA has gotten more radical because the opposition has gotten more radical. When you defend a right that is under attack the like 2nd amendment is, someone has to go to the mattresses.

The ACLU is moving further away from protecting rights of people due to government misbehavior into punishing people for exercising their rights when it makes some lefty group butt hurt.

The ACLU started out being anti-religious, now it is continuing that.
I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.
Who the hell cares............I'm glad we pulled from the Paris Accord...........I don't agree with the sky is falling BS coming from it.............Creating places like California making laws that you must have solar panels to build a house there.............

Stupidity in motion.................We are not required to agree with you BUTTERCUP.

Exactly! You don't care if he lies, but you think the press is ruining America with their lies. What a brilliant bit of logic!

I think the GENERAL expectation is that EVERY politician lies or distorts or spins. But the MEDIA is not supposed to.. Have we crossed that bridge where the Media can politicize and similarly lie and distort now?

What's Chucky Schumer's WashPo "fact checker" score lately? Is is a thorough accounting of HIS every public speech?

And the NRA is in bed with the Russians.



You used to be better than this.

The NRA is the NRA. it's only concern is the ability of law abiding citizens to own firearms in a usable fashion.

The ACLU used to be all about free speech, even detestable speech. Now they seem to be veering away from it.

The NRA has gotten much more radical, witness their scare tactic videos.

The ACLU has been about a number of rights including religious rights and free speech. They still are.

The NRA has gotten more radical because the opposition has gotten more radical. When you defend a right that is under attack the like 2nd amendment is, someone has to go to the mattresses.

The ACLU is moving further away from protecting rights of people due to government misbehavior into punishing people for exercising their rights when it makes some lefty group butt hurt.

The ACLU started out being anti-religious, now it is continuing that.

You should check their cases. They are continuing to protect the rights of people imo. The right doesn't like that much and in fact has always hated the ACLU. The complaints about religion are funny because they've supported religious rights in a good many cases, including Christian cases. They've also supported freedom FROM religion.


You used to be better than this.

The NRA is the NRA. it's only concern is the ability of law abiding citizens to own firearms in a usable fashion.

The ACLU used to be all about free speech, even detestable speech. Now they seem to be veering away from it.

The NRA has gotten much more radical, witness their scare tactic videos.

The ACLU has been about a number of rights including religious rights and free speech. They still are.

The NRA has gotten more radical because the opposition has gotten more radical. When you defend a right that is under attack the like 2nd amendment is, someone has to go to the mattresses.

The ACLU is moving further away from protecting rights of people due to government misbehavior into punishing people for exercising their rights when it makes some lefty group butt hurt.

The ACLU started out being anti-religious, now it is continuing that.

You should check their cases. They are continuing to protect the rights of people imo. The right doesn't like that much and in fact has always hated the ACLU. The complaints about religion are funny because they've supported religious rights in a good many cases, including Christian cases. They've also supported freedom FROM religion.

Freedom "from" religion? Where is that in the Constitution?
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.

Actually LewDog -- the media has mangled and distorted Climate Change science just as badly as they are fucking up our political system. Not just my opinion. It's the opinion of the CC specialists in a VERY scientific poll. (posted below). The SPREAD THE FEAR, and didn't take the time to give background. They pushed this phony "science is settled' / "consensus" BS instead of facts and probabilities. There AGAIN -- they put political agenda ahead of disciplined, objective reporting. It got SO DISTORTED that CBS news put up a graphic of the Oceans boiling away with the Caption 212DegF over it. Because ONE activist in a labcoat gave them the cover to say that.

So -- same thing as the OP. The newly born "reporters" are NOT taught ethics and objectivity. They are taught their mission "is to change the world". They are ACTIVISTS. And as a political advocacy that America does not need, we are obliged to PUSH BACK on them.



Source is Bray and von Storch 2015 comprehensive poll of Climate Scientists.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

That's your justification for liberals monopolizing the media the past 50 years or so?

Whining? Become a reporter then.

They'd toss me out of journalism school for NOT being an activist wanting to change the world.

I'll stick to writing policy papers for people who care.

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