Donald Trump Is Not Emmanuel Goldstein


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Government school grads, i.e., Democrat voters, don't read, so won't get the reference.
It's from Orwell's 1984.....a warning that has come to pass.

"Emmanuel Goldstein is introduced as the Enemy of the People during the Two Minutes Hate at the beginning of the novel."
SparkNotes: 1984: Emmanuel Goldstein

The difference between Goldstein and Trump is that Trump gets that treatment 24/7.

Soooo....Trump asked the Ukraine to help in a criminal investigation????

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title
  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President
  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

I'll get to Quid Pro Joe and the Democrats in a moment.....
quid pro quo
/ˌkwid ˌprō ˈkwō/
  1. a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.

Biden bragged he would cut $1 billlion if they didn't get rid of the prosecutor who was investigating his son's company.

Here it is again.

Biden's exact words at 1:20 of the vid, you dunce.

Straight from the horse's mouth.
Of course, we have proof that the Democrats did exactly what they claim was a crime when Trump does it…..

"Dear Editor:

In May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake.
Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

“… in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Democrats threatened the Ukraine should it fail to support their attack on their political enemy.

Sounds just like what they're claiming Trump did.

The letter from Menendez, Durbin and Leahy is here: of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

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