Donald Trump Jr launches 2nd amendment task force to fight the left

As to the RED HERRING:

The “red herring” fallacy comes from a 19th-century story about using the smell of a herring to distract dogs from chasing a rabbit; thus in all of your posts to protect the 2nd Amendment you have used irrelevant comments which only biddable fools chase the scent and not the rabbit. I will keep chasing the rabbit and sooner or later the 2nd A. will eliminate these four words: "shall not be infringed".

Better for you to admit this phase and allow a little gun control to save lives and a little less freedom to enjoy your enjoyment with your guns.
Wrong...what the laws do is allow us to lock up the criminals.....we state the law, they break it, we can isolate them from society. The problem is the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians releasing the most violent, dangerous criminals over and over again.

It is clear you didn't follow the conversation.
They are equal, but my Right to own and carry a gun which I do not use in an illegal manner cannot be taken because a tiny number of people break the Right to speech is not taken from you because some people use computers for child doofus.

They are equal, but my Right to own and carry a gun which I do not use in an illegal manner cannot be taken because a tiny number of people break the Right to speech is not taken from you because some people use computers for child doofus.

Go play with your guns, soon enough a Congress will piss off the wedge issue and pass legislation of common sense. Something you lack.
These four words, "shall not be infringed" is an absurdity.
Not really.

Arms are nunchucks, gravity knives, fragmentation grenades, anti tank bazookas, claymore mines, fully automatic long guns, surface to air missiles, etc. etc.
Keep in mind that the Constitution specifies the federal role of the militia as: enforcing the law, suppressing insurrection, and repelling invasion. Weapons that are too destructive for such duties can be excluded from the Second Amendment. So there is no need to worry about nuclear-tipped ICBMs.

It is also possible to regard the right to keep and bear arms as referring only to the sorts of weapons that are carried and operated by individual soldiers.

This still leaves us with the right to have fragmentation grenades, unguided anti tank bazookas, claymore mines, and fully automatic long guns, but not heavier military weapons.

Shoulder-fired missiles that are guided are actually crew served weapons, so only unguided bazookas would fall under the Second Amendment if is limited to individually-operated weapons.

Thus the logic is clear, "shall not be infringed" is negotiable on all lethal weapons. That includes small arms too!
The Heller ruling protects our right to have weapons that are suitable for self defense, as well as weapons that there is no justification for restricting.

Now, control does not take away all firearms in the control of millions of us. Gun Control is common sense:
Every time I hear some variation of the term "common sense", whatever is being proposed is invariably a violation of our civil liberties.

Due to the number of murders; The number of mass killings of innocents people going on way on days when they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, such as schools, movie theaters, concerts, parks, restaurants, and driving home on highways; Suicides and Accidents.
The costs of these four words, "shall not be infringed" is not only an absurdity, it costs the nation an enormous amount of treasure and blood.
No such cost exists. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.
Not really.

Keep in mind that the Constitution specifies the federal role of the militia as: enforcing the law, suppressing insurrection, and repelling invasion. Weapons that are too destructive for such duties can be excluded from the Second Amendment. So there is no need to worry about nuclear-tipped ICBMs.

It is also possible to regard the right to keep and bear arms as referring only to the sorts of weapons that are carried and operated by individual soldiers.

This still leaves us with the right to have fragmentation grenades, unguided anti tank bazookas, claymore mines, and fully automatic long guns, but not heavier military weapons.

Shoulder-fired missiles that are guided are actually crew served weapons, so only unguided bazookas would fall under the Second Amendment if is limited to individually-operated weapons.

The Heller ruling protects our right to have weapons that are suitable for self defense, as well as weapons that there is no justification for restricting.

Every time I hear some variation of the term "common sense", whatever is being proposed is invariably a violation of our civil liberties.

No such cost exists. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

What caused the record number of gun murders?

1) in 2015 the democrat party declared war on the police.....they attacked them relentlessly to the point police stopped pro-active policing in order to save themselves from lawsuits and jail cells for even the smallest mistake, or justified action that was turned into a criminals learned that the police would no longer actively go after them....they started carrying guns on their persons instead of leaving them at home or in their baby mommas purse.....

2) the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians began to actively release the most violent and dangerous criminals....the ones doing the shootings in the tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities that drive the gun murder numbers in this country.

3) the democrat party turned loose their brown shirts....blm/antifa to riot, burn, loot and kill in primarily black neighborhoods in order to hurt Trump before the aid the democrat party brown shirts, blm/antifa, the democrat party mayors of the cities under attack ordered the police to stand down and to not stop the blm/antifa brown shirts....

Those are the reasons we had an increase in gun had nothing to do with normal gun do we know this...?

27 years of experience prior to 2015....

Over 27 years, from 1993 to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019 (in 2020 that number is 21.52 million)...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

What changed in 2015?

The democrat party decided to attack the police to the point the police stopped doing their jobs....

The democrat party ramped up the release of repeat gun offenders, their judges, prosecutors and politicians keep releasing the most violent offenders no matter how many gun felonies they get...

The democrat party released their blm/antifa brown shirts to murder, loot, and burn for 7 months, in primarily black neighborhoods and told the police to stand down and allow it to happen...

We don't have gun murder because normal people have guns...we have a gun crime problem because the democrat party wants more crime...
Suicide & Accidental Discharge should not be factored into all of this

Guns actually make a suicide attempt more likely a successful suicide. They are also an easily-obtained piece of equipment that turns a moment of desperation into an action that cannot be undone.

The ONLY reason to not factor in suicide in all this is because even gun advocates know that these things are serious pieces of equipment that should be more highly controlled.
Guns actually make a suicide attempt more likely a successful suicide. They are also an easily-obtained piece of equipment that turns a moment of desperation into an action that cannot be undone.

The ONLY reason to not factor in suicide in all this is because even gun advocates know that these things are serious pieces of equipment that should be more highly controlled.
Uh no , 2A Purists say Shall not be infringed , Moderates like me think there are rare cases where there should be Prohibited Persons ( Illegals ) (Escaped Prisoners) ( Foreign Terrorists in the Country Illegally ) ( Mental Patients ) ...
Guns actually make a suicide attempt more likely a successful suicide. They are also an easily-obtained piece of equipment that turns a moment of desperation into an action that cannot be undone.

The ONLY reason to not factor in suicide in all this is because even gun advocates know that these things are serious pieces of equipment that should be more highly controlled.

Except when morons like you make that claim, you never answer the question about South Korea, Japan and China and their higher levels of suicide.....they have extreme gun control, criminals and cops have guns, normal people do not.....and then you guys just ignore it and go on with your stupid suicide claim......

You can't even explain how many European countries with their extreme gun control laws have higher suicide rates than we do.....

You just go quiet, and pretend you never saw the question....
Guns actually make a suicide attempt more likely a successful suicide. They are also an easily-obtained piece of equipment that turns a moment of desperation into an action that cannot be undone.

The ONLY reason to not factor in suicide in all this is because even gun advocates know that these things are serious pieces of equipment that should be more highly controlled.

They are highly controlled...our problem is the democrat party releasing the most violent, most dangerous criminals over and over again.....they are the ones committing the most shootings in the tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities....and you morons never want to address that fact.
They are highly controlled...our problem is the democrat party releasing the most violent, most dangerous criminals over and over again.....they are the ones committing the most shootings in the tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities....and you morons never want to address that fact.


You were given link after link showing exactly how the democrat party created and enacted policies that release, or keep from prosecuting the most violent gun criminals......after being shown the list, you complained about the list..........

The democrat party is responsible for the increase in gun crime....they started this in 2015 with the intent of hurting President Trump during the election, and because they actually believe that the violent, dangerous criminals they release are the victims of injustice...they are insane.....

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