Donald Trump Jr launches 2nd amendment task force to fight the left

You were given link after link showing exactly how the democrat party created and enacted policies that release, or keep from prosecuting the most violent gun criminals......after being shown the list, you complained about the list..........

And you were shown a fact check and you complain about the fact check.

The democrat party is responsible for the increase in gun crime....they started this in 2015 with the intent of hurting President Trump during the election

That's some serious top-shelf tinfoil hat stuff. Congrats.

, and because they actually believe that the violent, dangerous criminals they release are the victims of injustice...they are insane.....

SOMEONE is having difficulty with sanity right 'bout now.
And you were shown a fact check and you complain about the fact check.

That's some serious top-shelf tinfoil hat stuff. Congrats.

SOMEONE is having difficulty with sanity right 'bout now.

You don't have a fact have a leftist gaslighting the order to protect the democrat party and their brown shirts, the blm/antifa racists who burned, looted and murdered in black neighborhoods for 7 months...
Isn't it funny how EVERY fact checker on earth seems to question the points you hold dear?

That fact check? Is Bullshit...........they point out that democrats are controlling the very areas of the cities that have the worst violence....then refuse to look at the policies of the democrats that create that violence...the actual policy of attacking and undermining the police.....and the actual policy of releasing, over and over again, the tiny number of the most violent, dangerous criminals who are the ones shooting people......

From your link..

The first dodge....

We’re taking this claim to refer to the politics of the city as a whole, rather than the leadership, since the “majority” reference and the adaptation of the gun control phrase both seem to refer to a general group more than those in authority.

The democrats in authority are the ones attacking the police, making them stop doing their jobs for fear of being sued, loss of their jobs, pensions, and possible jail.......and the democrats in authority, the judges, prosecutors and politicians creating and implementing actual policies that release the most violent and dangerous criminals back into those neighborhoods where they go on to attack more and more law abiding citizens....

Dodge number two....

Elected leadership skews heavily Democratic in these cities as well. Among the 25 cities with the highest murder/manslaughter rate in 2018, three had Republican mayors, according to Ballotpedia and our research.

And again.........the leadership enacts the policies that attack the police and releasse violent criminals...

And then the lie.......

Connecting violence and party not reasonable

All of which brings us to the core question: Is it reasonable to connect the violence and partisanship?

In short, no.

This is why your "fact check," is lies....I stated two things that directly effect the crime rates in democrat party cities.........and they do their best tap dance to not focus on actual policies...

So again, this "fact check," is a lie...
That fact check? Is Bullshit...........they point out that democrats are controlling the very areas of the cities that have the worst violence....then refuse to look at the policies of the democrats that create that violence...the actual policy of attacking and undermining the police.....and the actual policy of releasing, over and over again, the tiny number of the most violent, dangerous criminals who are the ones shooting people......

From your link..

The first dodge....

We’re taking this claim to refer to the politics of the city as a whole, rather than the leadership, since the “majority” reference and the adaptation of the gun control phrase both seem to refer to a general group more than those in authority.

The democrats in authority are the ones attacking the police, making them stop doing their jobs for fear of being sued, loss of their jobs, pensions, and possible jail.......and the democrats in authority, the judges, prosecutors and politicians creating and implementing actual policies that release the most violent and dangerous criminals back into those neighborhoods where they go on to attack more and more law abiding citizens....

Dodge number two....

Elected leadership skews heavily Democratic in these cities as well. Among the 25 cities with the highest murder/manslaughter rate in 2018, three had Republican mayors, according to Ballotpedia and our research.

And again.........the leadership enacts the policies that attack the police and releasse violent criminals...

And then the lie.......

Connecting violence and party not reasonable

All of which brings us to the core question: Is it reasonable to connect the violence and partisanship?

In short, no.

This is why your "fact check," is lies....I stated two things that directly effect the crime rates in democrat party cities.........and they do their best tap dance to not focus on actual policies...

So again, this "fact check," is a lie...
Your posts have all been both ludicrous and off topic.

Democrats mostly believe common sense control to seek the illegal sale of guns, and the illegal guns (ghost guns for example) and background checks; making all LE agencies and courts on every sale to report crimes on findings of civil committments as a danger to themselves or others.

Your claim that cities run by Democrats have more crime is true, however, the Democrats are not the cause of gun violence or other crimes; the number of crimes are do to the numbers of population in major cities - rural, small towns are sure to know who commit crimes and thus all of your claims are worthless.
Rarely: knives, hands, hammers, poisons, etc. are not produced to kill.

Yet knives, hands, hammers kill more people than rifles do each they are more dangerous than rifles, even the AR-15....

Cars kill over 39,000 people every year, and the fact that cars are not designed to kill, but kill more people than guns do, makes them even more dangerous than doofus....
Your posts have all been both ludicrous and off topic.

Democrats mostly believe common sense control to seek the illegal sale of guns, and the illegal guns (ghost guns for example) and background checks; making all LE agencies and courts on every sale to report crimes on findings of civil committments as a danger to themselves or others.

Your claim that cities run by Democrats have more crime is true, however, the Democrats are not the cause of gun violence or other crimes; the number of crimes are do to the numbers of population in major cities - rural, small towns are sure to know who commit crimes and thus all of your claims are worthless.

And we already have all those things.....

No.......the democrat party policies create more gun crime.....attacking the police to the point they can't, or stop doing their jobs, and then the democrat party policies releasing violent, dangerous criminals over and over again drive the gun murder rates in democrat party controlled cities.
That is incorrect. Murders happen just as often when other kinds of weapons are used.

Statistics show that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

knives, hands, hammers, poisons, etc. are not produced to kill.
Neither are many kinds of guns.

Self-defense guns are produced to protect.

Target-shooting guns are produced to strike non-living objects.

About the only types of guns that are produced to kill are hunting weapons, which are intended to kill game animals.
Yet knives, hands, hammers kill more people than rifles do each they are more dangerous than rifles, even the AR-15....

Cars kill over 39,000 people every year, and the fact that cars are not designed to kill, but kill more people than guns do, makes them even more dangerous than doofus....
Really, it's unfortunate your responses are a weak form of sophistry. Both are apocryphal and the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving the biddable fools, of which I am not a member.
That is incorrect. Murders happen just as often when other kinds of weapons are used.

Statistics show that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

Neither are many kinds of guns.

Self-defense guns are produced to protect.

Target-shooting guns are produced to strike non-living objects.

About the only types of guns that are produced to kill are hunting weapons, which are intended to kill game animals.
Another example of sophistry ^^^!

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